AccountsResource class
authinfo({String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsAuthInfoResponse>
Returns information about the authenticated user.
claimwebsite(String merchantId, String accountId, {bool? overwrite, String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsClaimWebsiteResponse>
Claims the website of a Merchant Center sub-account.
custombatch(AccountsCustomBatchRequest request, {String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsCustomBatchResponse>
Retrieves, inserts, updates, and deletes multiple Merchant Center
(sub-)accounts in a single request.
delete(String merchantId, String accountId, {bool? force, String? $fields})
→ Future<void>
Deletes a Merchant Center sub-account.
get(String merchantId, String accountId, {String? view, String? $fields})
→ Future<Account>
Retrieves a Merchant Center account.
insert(Account request, String merchantId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<Account>
Creates a Merchant Center sub-account.
link(AccountsLinkRequest request, String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsLinkResponse>
Performs an action on a link between two Merchant Center accounts, namely
accountId and linkedAccountId.
list(String merchantId, {String? label, int? maxResults, String? name, String? pageToken, String? view, String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsListResponse>
Lists the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account.
listlinks(String merchantId, String accountId, {int? maxResults, String? pageToken, String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsListLinksResponse>
Returns the list of accounts linked to your Merchant Center account.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
requestphoneverification(RequestPhoneVerificationRequest request, String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<RequestPhoneVerificationResponse>
Request verification code to start phone verification.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
update(Account request, String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<Account>
Updates a Merchant Center account.
updatelabels(AccountsUpdateLabelsRequest request, String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<AccountsUpdateLabelsResponse>
Updates labels that are assigned to the Merchant Center account by CSS
verifyphonenumber(VerifyPhoneNumberRequest request, String merchantId, String accountId, {String? $fields})
→ Future<VerifyPhoneNumberResponse>
Validates verification code to verify phone number for the account.