prerenderedContent property

String? prerenderedContent
getter/setter pair

Details of the issue as a pre-rendered HTML.

HTML elements contain CSS classes that can be used to customize the style of the content. Always sanitize the HTML before embedding it directly to your application. The sanitizer needs to allow basic HTML tags, such as: div, span, p, a, ul, li, table, tr, td. For example, you can use DOMPurify. CSS classes:

  • issue-detail - top level container for the detail of the issue * callout-banners - section of the issue-detail with callout banners * callout-banner - single callout banner, inside callout-banners * callout-banner-info - callout with important information (default) * callout-banner-warning - callout with a warning * callout-banner-error
  • callout informing about an error (most severe) * issue-content - section of the issue-detail, contains multiple content-element * content-element - content element such as a list, link or paragraph, inside issue-content * root-causes - unordered list with items describing root causes of the issue, inside issue-content * root-causes-intro - intro text before the root-causes list, inside issue-content * segment - section of the text, span inside paragraph
  • segment-attribute - section of the text that represents a product attribute, for example 'image_link' * segment-literal - section of the text that contains a special value, for example '0-1000 kg' * segment-bold - section of the text that should be rendered as bold * segment-italic - section of the text that should be rendered as italic * tooltip - used on paragraphs that should be rendered with a tooltip. A section of the text in such a paragraph will have a class tooltip-text and is intended to be shown in a mouse over dialog. If the style is not used, the tooltip-text section would be shown on a new line, after the main part of the text. * tooltip-text - marks a section of the text within a tooltip, that is intended to be shown in a mouse over dialog. * tooltip-icon - marks a section of the text within a tooltip, that can be replaced with a tooltip icon, for example '?' or 'i'. By default, this section contains a br tag, that is separating the main text and the tooltip text when the style is not used. * tooltip-style-question - the tooltip shows helpful information, can use the '?' as an icon. * tooltip-style-info - the tooltip adds additional information fitting to the context, can use the 'i' as an icon. * content-moderation - marks the paragraph that explains how the issue was identified. * new-element
  • Present for new elements added to the pre-rendered content in the future. To make sure that a new content element does not break your style, you can hide everything with this class.


core.String? prerenderedContent;