AddonsConfig class
Configuration for the addons that can be automatically spun up in the cluster, enabling additional functionality.
-{CloudRunConfig? cloudRunConfig, ConfigConnectorConfig? configConnectorConfig, DnsCacheConfig? dnsCacheConfig, GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig? gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig, GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig? gcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig, GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig? gcsFuseCsiDriverConfig, GkeBackupAgentConfig? gkeBackupAgentConfig, HorizontalPodAutoscaling? horizontalPodAutoscaling, HttpLoadBalancing? httpLoadBalancing, KubernetesDashboard? kubernetesDashboard, NetworkPolicyConfig? networkPolicyConfig, ParallelstoreCsiDriverConfig? parallelstoreCsiDriverConfig, RayOperatorConfig? rayOperatorConfig, StatefulHAConfig? statefulHaConfig})
- AddonsConfig.fromJson(Map json_)
- cloudRunConfig ↔ CloudRunConfig?
Configuration for the Cloud Run addon, which allows the user to use a
managed Knative service.
getter/setter pair
- configConnectorConfig ↔ ConfigConnectorConfig?
Configuration for the ConfigConnector add-on, a Kubernetes extension to
manage hosted GCP services through the Kubernetes API
getter/setter pair
- dnsCacheConfig ↔ DnsCacheConfig?
Configuration for NodeLocalDNS, a dns cache running on cluster nodes
getter/setter pair
- gcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig ↔ GcePersistentDiskCsiDriverConfig?
Configuration for the Compute Engine Persistent Disk CSI driver.
getter/setter pair
- gcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig ↔ GcpFilestoreCsiDriverConfig?
Configuration for the GCP Filestore CSI driver.
getter/setter pair
- gcsFuseCsiDriverConfig ↔ GcsFuseCsiDriverConfig?
Configuration for the Cloud Storage Fuse CSI driver.
getter/setter pair
- gkeBackupAgentConfig ↔ GkeBackupAgentConfig?
Configuration for the Backup for GKE agent addon.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- horizontalPodAutoscaling ↔ HorizontalPodAutoscaling?
Configuration for the horizontal pod autoscaling feature, which increases
or decreases the number of replica pods a replication controller has based
on the resource usage of the existing pods.
getter/setter pair
- httpLoadBalancing ↔ HttpLoadBalancing?
Configuration for the HTTP (L7) load balancing controller addon, which
makes it easy to set up HTTP load balancers for services in a cluster.
getter/setter pair
- kubernetesDashboard ↔ KubernetesDashboard?
Configuration for the Kubernetes Dashboard.
getter/setter pair
- networkPolicyConfig ↔ NetworkPolicyConfig?
Configuration for NetworkPolicy.
getter/setter pair
- parallelstoreCsiDriverConfig ↔ ParallelstoreCsiDriverConfig?
Configuration for the Cloud Storage Parallelstore CSI driver.
getter/setter pair
- rayOperatorConfig ↔ RayOperatorConfig?
Configuration for Ray Operator addon.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- statefulHaConfig ↔ StatefulHAConfig?
Configuration for the StatefulHA add-on.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.