AccountsCustomersResource class
create(GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer request, String parent, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer>
Creates a new Customer resource under the reseller or distributor account.
delete(String name, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleProtobufEmpty>
Deletes the given Customer permanently.
get(String name, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer>
Returns the requested Customer resource.
import(GoogleCloudChannelV1ImportCustomerRequest request, String parent, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer>
Imports a Customer from the Cloud Identity associated with the provided
Cloud Identity ID or domain before a TransferEntitlements call.
list(String parent, {String? filter, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1ListCustomersResponse>
List Customers.
listPurchasableOffers(String customer, {String? changeOfferPurchase_billingAccount, String? changeOfferPurchase_entitlement, String? changeOfferPurchase_newSku, String? createEntitlementPurchase_billingAccount, String? createEntitlementPurchase_sku, String? languageCode, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1ListPurchasableOffersResponse>
Lists the following: * Offers that you can purchase for a customer.
listPurchasableSkus(String customer, {String? changeOfferPurchase_changeType, String? changeOfferPurchase_entitlement, String? createEntitlementPurchase_product, String? languageCode, int? pageSize, String? pageToken, String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1ListPurchasableSkusResponse>
Lists the following: * SKUs that you can purchase for a customer * SKUs
that you can upgrade or downgrade for an entitlement.
noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation)
→ dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
patch(GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer request, String name, {String? updateMask, String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer>
Updates an existing Customer resource for the reseller or distributor.
provisionCloudIdentity(GoogleCloudChannelV1ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest request, String customer, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleLongrunningOperation>
Creates a Cloud Identity for the given customer using the customer's
information, or the information provided here.
queryEligibleBillingAccounts(String customer, {List<String>? skus, String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleCloudChannelV1QueryEligibleBillingAccountsResponse>
Lists the billing accounts that are eligible to purchase particular SKUs
for a given customer.
→ String
A string representation of this object.
transferEntitlements(GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferEntitlementsRequest request, String parent, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleLongrunningOperation>
Transfers customer entitlements to new reseller.
transferEntitlementsToGoogle(GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferEntitlementsToGoogleRequest request, String parent, {String? $fields})
→ Future<GoogleLongrunningOperation>
Transfers customer entitlements from their current reseller to Google.