type property

String? type
getter/setter pair

The type of a button.

If unset, button type defaults to OUTLINED. If the color field is set, the button type is forced to FILLED and any value set for this field is ignored.

Optional. Possible string values are:

  • "TYPE_UNSPECIFIED" : Don't use. Unspecified.
  • "OUTLINED" : Outlined buttons are medium-emphasis buttons. They usually contain actions that are important, but aren’t the primary action in a Chat app or an add-on.
  • "FILLED" : A filled button has a container with a solid color. It has the most visual impact and is recommended for the important and primary action in a Chat app or an add-on.
  • "FILLED_TONAL" : A filled tonal button is an alternative middle ground between filled and outlined buttons. They’re useful in contexts where a lower-priority button requires slightly more emphasis than an outline button would give.
  • "BORDERLESS" : A button does not have an invisible container in its default state. It is often used for the lowest priority actions, especially when presenting multiple options.


core.String? type;