TrainingOptions class
Options used in model training.
-{String? activationFn, bool? adjustStepChanges, bool? approxGlobalFeatureContrib, bool? autoArima, String? autoArimaMaxOrder, String? autoArimaMinOrder, bool? autoClassWeights, String? batchSize, String? boosterType, double? budgetHours, bool? calculatePValues, String? categoryEncodingMethod, bool? cleanSpikesAndDips, String? colorSpace, double? colsampleBylevel, double? colsampleBynode, double? colsampleBytree, String? contributionMetric, String? dartNormalizeType, String? dataFrequency, String? dataSplitColumn, double? dataSplitEvalFraction, String? dataSplitMethod, bool? decomposeTimeSeries, List<
String> ? dimensionIdColumns, String? distanceType, double? dropout, bool? earlyStop, bool? enableGlobalExplain, String? feedbackType, bool? fitIntercept, double? forecastLimitLowerBound, double? forecastLimitUpperBound, String? holidayRegion, List<String> ? holidayRegions, String? horizon, List<String> ? hparamTuningObjectives, bool? includeDrift, double? initialLearnRate, List<String> ? inputLabelColumns, String? instanceWeightColumn, String? integratedGradientsNumSteps, String? isTestColumn, String? itemColumn, String? kmeansInitializationColumn, String? kmeansInitializationMethod, double? l1RegActivation, double? l1Regularization, double? l2Regularization, Map<String, double> ? labelClassWeights, double? learnRate, String? learnRateStrategy, String? lossType, String? maxIterations, String? maxParallelTrials, String? maxTimeSeriesLength, String? maxTreeDepth, double? minAprioriSupport, double? minRelativeProgress, double? minSplitLoss, String? minTimeSeriesLength, String? minTreeChildWeight, String? modelRegistry, String? modelUri, ArimaOrder? nonSeasonalOrder, String? numClusters, String? numFactors, String? numParallelTree, String? numPrincipalComponents, String? numTrials, String? optimizationStrategy, String? optimizer, double? pcaExplainedVarianceRatio, String? pcaSolver, String? sampledShapleyNumPaths, bool? scaleFeatures, bool? standardizeFeatures, double? subsample, String? tfVersion, String? timeSeriesDataColumn, String? timeSeriesIdColumn, List<String> ? timeSeriesIdColumns, double? timeSeriesLengthFraction, String? timeSeriesTimestampColumn, String? treeMethod, String? trendSmoothingWindowSize, String? userColumn, List<String> ? vertexAiModelVersionAliases, double? walsAlpha, bool? warmStart, String? xgboostVersion}) - TrainingOptions.fromJson(Map json_)
- activationFn ↔ String?
Activation function of the neural nets.
getter/setter pair
- adjustStepChanges ↔ bool?
If true, detect step changes and make data adjustment in the input time
getter/setter pair
- approxGlobalFeatureContrib ↔ bool?
Whether to use approximate feature contribution method in XGBoost model
explanation for global explain.
getter/setter pair
- autoArima ↔ bool?
Whether to enable auto ARIMA or not.
getter/setter pair
- autoArimaMaxOrder ↔ String?
The max value of the sum of non-seasonal p and q.
getter/setter pair
- autoArimaMinOrder ↔ String?
The min value of the sum of non-seasonal p and q.
getter/setter pair
- autoClassWeights ↔ bool?
Whether to calculate class weights automatically based on the popularity
of each label.
getter/setter pair
- batchSize ↔ String?
Batch size for dnn models.
getter/setter pair
- boosterType ↔ String?
Booster type for boosted tree models.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- budgetHours ↔ double?
Budget in hours for AutoML training.
getter/setter pair
- calculatePValues ↔ bool?
Whether or not p-value test should be computed for this model.
getter/setter pair
- categoryEncodingMethod ↔ String?
Categorical feature encoding method.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- cleanSpikesAndDips ↔ bool?
If true, clean spikes and dips in the input time series.
getter/setter pair
- colorSpace ↔ String?
Enums for color space, used for processing images in Object Table.
getter/setter pair
- colsampleBylevel ↔ double?
Subsample ratio of columns for each level for boosted tree models.
getter/setter pair
- colsampleBynode ↔ double?
Subsample ratio of columns for each node(split) for boosted tree models.
getter/setter pair
- colsampleBytree ↔ double?
Subsample ratio of columns when constructing each tree for boosted tree
getter/setter pair
- contributionMetric ↔ String?
The contribution metric.
getter/setter pair
- dartNormalizeType ↔ String?
Type of normalization algorithm for boosted tree models using dart
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- dataFrequency ↔ String?
The data frequency of a time series.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- dataSplitColumn ↔ String?
The column to split data with.
getter/setter pair
- dataSplitEvalFraction ↔ double?
The fraction of evaluation data over the whole input data.
getter/setter pair
- dataSplitMethod ↔ String?
The data split type for training and evaluation, e.g. RANDOM.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- decomposeTimeSeries ↔ bool?
If true, perform decompose time series and save the results.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
Names of the columns to slice on.
getter/setter pair
- distanceType ↔ String?
Distance type for clustering models.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- dropout ↔ double?
Dropout probability for dnn models.
getter/setter pair
- earlyStop ↔ bool?
Whether to stop early when the loss doesn't improve significantly any more
(compared to min_relative_progress).
getter/setter pair
- enableGlobalExplain ↔ bool?
If true, enable global explanation during training.
getter/setter pair
- feedbackType ↔ String?
Feedback type that specifies which algorithm to run for matrix
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- fitIntercept ↔ bool?
Whether the model should include intercept during model training.
getter/setter pair
- forecastLimitLowerBound ↔ double?
The forecast limit lower bound that was used during ARIMA model training
with limits.
getter/setter pair
- forecastLimitUpperBound ↔ double?
The forecast limit upper bound that was used during ARIMA model training
with limits.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
Hidden units for dnn models.
getter/setter pair
- holidayRegion ↔ String?
The geographical region based on which the holidays are considered in time
series modeling.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
A list of geographical regions that are used for time series modeling.
getter/setter pair
- horizon ↔ String?
The number of periods ahead that need to be forecasted.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
The target evaluation metrics to optimize the hyperparameters for.
getter/setter pair
- includeDrift ↔ bool?
Include drift when fitting an ARIMA model.
getter/setter pair
- initialLearnRate ↔ double?
Specifies the initial learning rate for the line search learn rate
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
Name of input label columns in training data.
getter/setter pair
- instanceWeightColumn ↔ String?
Name of the instance weight column for training data.
getter/setter pair
- integratedGradientsNumSteps ↔ String?
Number of integral steps for the integrated gradients explain method.
getter/setter pair
- isTestColumn ↔ String?
Name of the column used to determine the rows corresponding to control and
getter/setter pair
- itemColumn ↔ String?
Item column specified for matrix factorization models.
getter/setter pair
- kmeansInitializationColumn ↔ String?
The column used to provide the initial centroids for kmeans algorithm when
kmeans_initialization_method is CUSTOM.
getter/setter pair
- kmeansInitializationMethod ↔ String?
The method used to initialize the centroids for kmeans algorithm.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- l1RegActivation ↔ double?
L1 regularization coefficient to activations.
getter/setter pair
- l1Regularization ↔ double?
L1 regularization coefficient.
getter/setter pair
- l2Regularization ↔ double?
L2 regularization coefficient.
getter/setter pair
↔ Map<
String, double> ? -
Weights associated with each label class, for rebalancing the training
getter/setter pair
- learnRate ↔ double?
Learning rate in training.
getter/setter pair
- learnRateStrategy ↔ String?
The strategy to determine learn rate for the current iteration.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- lossType ↔ String?
Type of loss function used during training run.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- maxIterations ↔ String?
The maximum number of iterations in training.
getter/setter pair
- maxParallelTrials ↔ String?
Maximum number of trials to run in parallel.
getter/setter pair
- maxTimeSeriesLength ↔ String?
The maximum number of time points in a time series that can be used in
modeling the trend component of the time series.
getter/setter pair
- maxTreeDepth ↔ String?
Maximum depth of a tree for boosted tree models.
getter/setter pair
- minAprioriSupport ↔ double?
The apriori support minimum.
getter/setter pair
- minRelativeProgress ↔ double?
When early_stop is true, stops training when accuracy improvement is less
than 'min_relative_progress'.
getter/setter pair
- minSplitLoss ↔ double?
Minimum split loss for boosted tree models.
getter/setter pair
- minTimeSeriesLength ↔ String?
The minimum number of time points in a time series that are used in
modeling the trend component of the time series.
getter/setter pair
- minTreeChildWeight ↔ String?
Minimum sum of instance weight needed in a child for boosted tree models.
getter/setter pair
- modelRegistry ↔ String?
The model registry.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- modelUri ↔ String?
Google Cloud Storage URI from which the model was imported.
getter/setter pair
- nonSeasonalOrder ↔ ArimaOrder?
A specification of the non-seasonal part of the ARIMA model: the three
components (p, d, q) are the AR order, the degree of differencing, and the
MA order.
getter/setter pair
- numClusters ↔ String?
Number of clusters for clustering models.
getter/setter pair
- numFactors ↔ String?
Num factors specified for matrix factorization models.
getter/setter pair
- numParallelTree ↔ String?
Number of parallel trees constructed during each iteration for boosted
tree models.
getter/setter pair
- numPrincipalComponents ↔ String?
Number of principal components to keep in the PCA model.
getter/setter pair
- numTrials ↔ String?
Number of trials to run this hyperparameter tuning job.
getter/setter pair
- optimizationStrategy ↔ String?
Optimization strategy for training linear regression models.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- optimizer ↔ String?
Optimizer used for training the neural nets.
getter/setter pair
- pcaExplainedVarianceRatio ↔ double?
The minimum ratio of cumulative explained variance that needs to be given
by the PCA model.
getter/setter pair
- pcaSolver ↔ String?
The solver for PCA.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- sampledShapleyNumPaths ↔ String?
Number of paths for the sampled Shapley explain method.
getter/setter pair
- scaleFeatures ↔ bool?
If true, scale the feature values by dividing the feature standard
getter/setter pair
- standardizeFeatures ↔ bool?
Whether to standardize numerical features.
getter/setter pair
- subsample ↔ double?
Subsample fraction of the training data to grow tree to prevent
overfitting for boosted tree models.
getter/setter pair
- tfVersion ↔ String?
Based on the selected TF version, the corresponding docker image is used
to train external models.
getter/setter pair
- timeSeriesDataColumn ↔ String?
Column to be designated as time series data for ARIMA model.
getter/setter pair
- timeSeriesIdColumn ↔ String?
The time series id column that was used during ARIMA model training.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
The time series id columns that were used during ARIMA model training.
getter/setter pair
- timeSeriesLengthFraction ↔ double?
The fraction of the interpolated length of the time series that's used to
model the time series trend component.
getter/setter pair
- timeSeriesTimestampColumn ↔ String?
Column to be designated as time series timestamp for ARIMA model.
getter/setter pair
- treeMethod ↔ String?
Tree construction algorithm for boosted tree models.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- trendSmoothingWindowSize ↔ String?
Smoothing window size for the trend component.
getter/setter pair
- userColumn ↔ String?
User column specified for matrix factorization models.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
The version aliases to apply in Vertex AI model registry.
getter/setter pair
- walsAlpha ↔ double?
Hyperparameter for matrix factoration when implicit feedback type is
getter/setter pair
- warmStart ↔ bool?
Whether to train a model from the last checkpoint.
getter/setter pair
- xgboostVersion ↔ String?
User-selected XGBoost versions for training of XGBoost models.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.