microphoneAccess property

String? microphoneAccess
getter/setter pair

Controls the use of the microphone and whether the user has access to the microphone access toggle.

This applies only on fully managed devices. Possible string values are:

  • "MICROPHONE_ACCESS_UNSPECIFIED" : If unmute_microphone_disabled is true, this is equivalent to MICROPHONE_ACCESS_DISABLED. Otherwise, this is equivalent to MICROPHONE_ACCESS_USER_CHOICE.
  • "MICROPHONE_ACCESS_USER_CHOICE" : The field unmute_microphone_disabled is ignored. This is the default device behaviour: the microphone on the device is available. On Android 12 and above, the user can use the microphone access toggle.
  • "MICROPHONE_ACCESS_DISABLED" : The field unmute_microphone_disabled is ignored. The microphone on the device is disabled (for fully managed devices, this applies device-wide).The microphone access toggle has no effect as the microphone is disabled.
  • "MICROPHONE_ACCESS_ENFORCED" : The field unmute_microphone_disabled is ignored. The microphone on the device is available. On devices running Android 12 and above, the user is unable to use the microphone access toggle. On devices which run Android 11 or below, this is equivalent to MICROPHONE_ACCESS_USER_CHOICE.


core.String? microphoneAccess;