dimension property

String? dimension
getter/setter pair

Sort by the specified dimension. Possible string values are:

  • "DIMENSION_UNSPECIFIED" : Default value for an unset field. Do not use.
  • "DATE" : A date in the YYYYMMDD format (for example, "20210701"). Requests can specify at most one time dimension.
  • "MONTH" : A month in the YYYYMM format (for example, "202107"). Requests can specify at most one time dimension.
  • "WEEK" : The date of the first day of a week in the YYYYMMDD format (for example, "20210701"). Requests can specify at most one time dimension.
  • "AD_UNIT" : The unique ID of the ad unit (for example, "ca-app-pub-1234/1234"). If AD_UNIT dimension is specified, then APP is included automatically.
  • "APP" : The unique ID of the mobile application (for example, "ca-app-pub-1234~1234").
  • "AD_TYPE" : Type of the ad (for example, "text" or "image"), an ad delivery dimension. Warning: The dimension is incompatible with [AD_REQUESTS](#Metric.ENUM_VALUES.AD_REQUESTS), [MATCH_RATE](#Metric.ENUM_VALUES.MATCH_RATE) and [IMPRESSION_RPM](#Metric.ENUM_VALUES.IMPRESSION_RPM) metrics.
  • "COUNTRY" : CLDR country code of the place where the ad views/clicks occur (for example, "US" or "FR"). This is a geography dimension.
  • "FORMAT" : Format of the ad unit (for example, "banner", "native"), an ad delivery dimension.
  • "PLATFORM" : Mobile OS platform of the app (for example, "Android" or "iOS").
  • "MOBILE_OS_VERSION" : Mobile operating system version, e.g. "iOS 13.5.1".
  • "GMA_SDK_VERSION" : GMA SDK version, e.g. "iOS 7.62.0".
  • "APP_VERSION_NAME" : For Android, the app version name can be found in versionName in PackageInfo. For iOS, the app version name can be found in CFBundleShortVersionString.
  • "SERVING_RESTRICTION" : Restriction mode for ads serving (e.g. "Non-personalized ads").


core.String? dimension;