dpvFootnote property

String? dpvFootnote
getter/setter pair

The footnotes from delivery point validation.

Multiple footnotes may be strung together in the same string. * AA: Input address matched to the ZIP+4 file * A1: Input address was not matched to the ZIP+4 file * BB: Matched to DPV (all components) * CC: Secondary number not matched and not required * C1: Secondary number not matched but required * N1: High-rise address missing secondary number * M1: Primary number missing * M3: Primary number invalid * P1: Input address PO, RR or HC box number missing * P3: Input address PO, RR, or HC Box number invalid * F1: Input address matched to a military address

  • G1: Input address matched to a general delivery address * U1: Input address matched to a unique ZIP code * PB: Input address matched to PBSA record * RR: DPV confirmed address with PMB information * R1: DPV confirmed address without PMB information * R7: Carrier Route R777 or R779 record * IA: Informed Address identified * TA: Primary number matched by dropping a trailing alpha


core.String? dpvFootnote;