youtube/v3 library
YouTube Data API v3 - v3
The YouTube Data API v3 is an API that provides access to YouTube data, such as videos, playlists, and channels.
For more information, see
Create an instance of YouTubeApi to access these resources:
- AbuseReportsResource
- ActivitiesResource
- CaptionsResource
- ChannelBannersResource
- ChannelSectionsResource
- ChannelsResource
- CommentThreadsResource
- CommentsResource
- I18nLanguagesResource
- I18nRegionsResource
- LiveBroadcastsResource
- LiveChatBansResource
- LiveChatMessagesResource
- LiveChatModeratorsResource
- LiveStreamsResource
- MembersResource
- MembershipsLevelsResource
- PlaylistImagesResource
- PlaylistItemsResource
- PlaylistsResource
- SearchResource
- SubscriptionsResource
- SuperChatEventsResource
- TestsResource
- ThirdPartyLinksResource
- ThumbnailsResource
- VideoAbuseReportReasonsResource
- VideoCategoriesResource
- VideoTrainabilityResource
- VideosResource
- WatermarksResource
- YoutubeResource
- AbuseReport
- AbuseReportsResource
- AccessPolicy
- Rights management policy for YouTube resources.
- ActivitiesResource
- Activity
- An activity resource contains information about an action that a particular channel, or user, has taken on YouTube.The actions reported in activity feeds include rating a video, sharing a video, marking a video as a favorite, commenting on a video, uploading a video, and so forth.
- ActivityContentDetails
- Details about the content of an activity: the video that was shared, the channel that was subscribed to, etc.
- ActivityContentDetailsBulletin
- Details about a channel bulletin post.
- ActivityContentDetailsChannelItem
- Details about a resource which was added to a channel.
- ActivityContentDetailsComment
- Information about a resource that received a comment.
- ActivityContentDetailsFavorite
- Information about a video that was marked as a favorite video.
- ActivityContentDetailsLike
- Information about a resource that received a positive (like) rating.
- ActivityContentDetailsPlaylistItem
- Information about a new playlist item.
- ActivityContentDetailsPromotedItem
- Details about a resource which is being promoted.
- ActivityContentDetailsRecommendation
- Information that identifies the recommended resource.
- ActivityContentDetailsSocial
- Details about a social network post.
- ActivityContentDetailsSubscription
- Information about a channel that a user subscribed to.
- ActivityContentDetailsUpload
- Information about the uploaded video.
- ActivityListResponse
- ActivitySnippet
- Basic details about an activity, including title, description, thumbnails, activity type and group.
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- Caption
- A caption resource represents a YouTube caption track.
- CaptionListResponse
- CaptionSnippet
- Basic details about a caption track, such as its language and name.
- CaptionsResource
- CdnSettings
- Brief description of the live stream cdn settings.
- Channel
- A channel resource contains information about a YouTube channel.
- ChannelAuditDetails
- The auditDetails object encapsulates channel data that is relevant for YouTube Partners during the audit process.
- ChannelBannerResource
- A channel banner returned as the response to a channel_banner.insert call.
- ChannelBannersResource
- ChannelBrandingSettings
- Branding properties of a YouTube channel.
- ChannelContentDetails
- Details about the content of a channel.
- ChannelContentDetailsRelatedPlaylists
- ChannelContentOwnerDetails
- The contentOwnerDetails object encapsulates channel data that is relevant for YouTube Partners linked with the channel.
- ChannelConversionPing
- Pings that the app shall fire (authenticated by biscotti cookie).
- ChannelConversionPings
- The conversionPings object encapsulates information about conversion pings that need to be respected by the channel.
- ChannelListResponse
- ChannelLocalization
- Channel localization setting
- ChannelProfileDetails
- ChannelSection
- ChannelSectionContentDetails
- Details about a channelsection, including playlists and channels.
- ChannelSectionListResponse
- ChannelSectionLocalization
- ChannelSection localization setting
- ChannelSectionSnippet
- Basic details about a channel section, including title, style and position.
- ChannelSectionsResource
- ChannelSectionTargeting
- ChannelSection targeting setting.
- ChannelSettings
- Branding properties for the channel view.
- ChannelSnippet
- Basic details about a channel, including title, description and thumbnails.
- ChannelsResource
- ChannelStatistics
- Statistics about a channel: number of subscribers, number of videos in the channel, etc.
- ChannelStatus
- JSON template for the status part of a channel.
- ChannelTopicDetails
- Freebase topic information related to the channel.
- ChannelToStoreLinkDetails
- Information specific to a store on a merchandising platform linked to a YouTube channel.
- ChannelToStoreLinkDetailsBillingDetails
- Information specific to billing.
- ChannelToStoreLinkDetailsMerchantAffiliateProgramDetails
- Information specific to merchant affiliate program.
- Comment
- A comment represents a single YouTube comment.
- CommentListResponse
- CommentSnippet
- Basic details about a comment, such as its author and text.
- CommentsResource
- CommentThread
- A comment thread represents information that applies to a top level comment and all its replies.
- CommentThreadListResponse
- CommentThreadReplies
- Comments written in (direct or indirect) reply to the top level comment.
- CommentThreadSnippet
- Basic details about a comment thread.
- CommentThreadsResource
- ContentRating
- Ratings schemes.
- Cuepoint
- Note that there may be a 5-second end-point resolution issue.
- CuepointSchedule
- Schedule to insert cuepoints into a broadcast by ads automator.
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- Entity
- GeoPoint
- Geographical coordinates of a point, in WGS84.
- I18nLanguage
- An i18nLanguage resource identifies a UI language currently supported by YouTube.
- I18nLanguageListResponse
- I18nLanguageSnippet
- Basic details about an i18n language, such as language code and human-readable name.
- I18nLanguagesResource
- I18nRegion
- A i18nRegion resource identifies a region where YouTube is available.
- I18nRegionListResponse
- I18nRegionSnippet
- Basic details about an i18n region, such as region code and human-readable name.
- I18nRegionsResource
- ImageSettings
- Branding properties for images associated with the channel.
- IngestionInfo
- Describes information necessary for ingesting an RTMP, HTTP, or SRT stream.
- InvideoBranding
- Describes an invideo branding.
- InvideoPosition
- Describes the spatial position of a visual widget inside a video.
- InvideoTiming
- Describes a temporal position of a visual widget inside a video.
- LevelDetails
- LiveBroadcast
- A liveBroadcast resource represents an event that will be streamed, via live video, on YouTube.
- LiveBroadcastContentDetails
- Detailed settings of a broadcast.
- LiveBroadcastListResponse
- LiveBroadcastMonetizationDetails
- Monetization settings of a broadcast.
- LiveBroadcastSnippet
- Basic broadcast information.
- LiveBroadcastsResource
- LiveBroadcastStatistics
- Statistics about the live broadcast.
- LiveBroadcastStatus
- Live broadcast state.
- LiveChatBan
resource represents a ban for a YouTube live chat. - LiveChatBanSnippet
- LiveChatBansResource
- LiveChatFanFundingEventDetails
- LiveChatGiftMembershipReceivedDetails
- LiveChatMemberMilestoneChatDetails
- LiveChatMembershipGiftingDetails
- LiveChatMessage
- A liveChatMessage resource represents a chat message in a YouTube Live Chat.
- LiveChatMessageAuthorDetails
- LiveChatMessageDeletedDetails
- LiveChatMessageListResponse
- LiveChatMessageRetractedDetails
- LiveChatMessageSnippet
- Next ID: 34
- LiveChatMessagesResource
- LiveChatModerator
- A liveChatModerator resource represents a moderator for a YouTube live chat.
- LiveChatModeratorListResponse
- LiveChatModeratorSnippet
- LiveChatModeratorsResource
- LiveChatNewSponsorDetails
- LiveChatPollDetails
- LiveChatPollDetailsPollMetadata
- LiveChatPollDetailsPollMetadataPollOption
- LiveChatSuperChatDetails
- LiveChatSuperStickerDetails
- LiveChatTextMessageDetails
- LiveChatUserBannedMessageDetails
- LiveStream
- A live stream describes a live ingestion point.
- LiveStreamConfigurationIssue
- LiveStreamContentDetails
- Detailed settings of a stream.
- LiveStreamHealthStatus
- LiveStreamListResponse
- LiveStreamSnippet
- LiveStreamsResource
- LiveStreamStatus
- Brief description of the live stream status.
- LocalizedProperty
- LocalizedString
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- Member
- A member resource represents a member for a YouTube channel.
- MemberListResponse
- MembershipsDetails
- MembershipsDuration
- MembershipsDurationAtLevel
- MembershipsLevel
- A membershipsLevel resource represents an offer made by YouTube creators for their fans.
- MembershipsLevelListResponse
- MembershipsLevelSnippet
- MembershipsLevelsResource
- MemberSnippet
- MembersResource
- MonitorStreamInfo
- Settings and Info of the monitor stream
- PageInfo
- Paging details for lists of resources, including total number of items available and number of resources returned in a single page.
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- Playlist
- A playlist resource represents a YouTube playlist.
- PlaylistContentDetails
- PlaylistImage
- PlaylistImageListResponse
- PlaylistImageSnippet
- A playlistImage resource identifies another resource, such as a image, that is associated with a playlist.
- PlaylistImagesResource
- PlaylistItem
- A playlistItem resource identifies another resource, such as a video, that is included in a playlist.
- PlaylistItemContentDetails
- PlaylistItemListResponse
- PlaylistItemSnippet
- Basic details about a playlist, including title, description and thumbnails.
- PlaylistItemsResource
- PlaylistItemStatus
- Information about the playlist item's privacy status.
- PlaylistListResponse
- PlaylistLocalization
- Playlist localization setting
- PlaylistPlayer
- PlaylistSnippet
- Basic details about a playlist, including title, description and thumbnails.
- PlaylistsResource
- PlaylistStatus
- PropertyValue
- A pair Property / Value.
- RelatedEntity
- ResourceId
- A resource id is a generic reference that points to another YouTube resource.
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- SearchListResponse
- SearchResource
- SearchResult
- A search result contains information about a YouTube video, channel, or playlist that matches the search parameters specified in an API request.
- SearchResultSnippet
- Basic details about a search result, including title, description and thumbnails of the item referenced by the search result.
- Subscription
- A subscription resource contains information about a YouTube user subscription.
- SubscriptionContentDetails
- Details about the content to witch a subscription refers.
- SubscriptionListResponse
- SubscriptionSnippet
- Basic details about a subscription, including title, description and thumbnails of the subscribed item.
- SubscriptionsResource
- SubscriptionSubscriberSnippet
- Basic details about a subscription's subscriber including title, description, channel ID and thumbnails.
- SuperChatEvent
resource represents a Super Chat purchase on a YouTube channel. - SuperChatEventListResponse
- SuperChatEventSnippet
- SuperChatEventsResource
- SuperStickerMetadata
- TestItem
- TestsResource
- ThirdPartyLink
- A third party account link resource represents a link between a YouTube account or a channel and an account on a third-party service.
- ThirdPartyLinkListResponse
- ThirdPartyLinkSnippet
- Basic information about a third party account link, including its type and type-specific information.
- ThirdPartyLinksResource
- ThirdPartyLinkStatus
- The third-party link status object contains information about the status of the link.
- Thumbnail
- A thumbnail is an image representing a YouTube resource.
- ThumbnailDetails
- Internal representation of thumbnails for a YouTube resource.
- ThumbnailSetResponse
- ThumbnailsResource
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- Video
- A video resource represents a YouTube video.
- VideoAbuseReport
- VideoAbuseReportReason
resource identifies a reason that a video could be reported as abusive. - VideoAbuseReportReasonListResponse
- VideoAbuseReportReasonSnippet
- Basic details about a video category, such as its localized title.
- VideoAbuseReportReasonsResource
- VideoAbuseReportSecondaryReason
- VideoAgeGating
- VideoCategoriesResource
- VideoCategory
- A videoCategory resource identifies a category that has been or could be associated with uploaded videos.
- VideoCategoryListResponse
- VideoCategorySnippet
- Basic details about a video category, such as its localized title.
- VideoContentDetails
- Details about the content of a YouTube Video.
- VideoContentDetailsRegionRestriction
- DEPRECATED Region restriction of the video.
- VideoFileDetails
- Describes original video file properties, including technical details about audio and video streams, but also metadata information like content length, digitization time, or geotagging information.
- VideoFileDetailsAudioStream
- Information about an audio stream.
- VideoFileDetailsVideoStream
- Information about a video stream.
- VideoGetRatingResponse
- VideoListResponse
- VideoLiveStreamingDetails
- Details about the live streaming metadata.
- VideoLocalization
- Localized versions of certain video properties (e.g. title).
- VideoMonetizationDetails
- Details about monetization of a YouTube Video.
- VideoPaidProductPlacementDetails
- Details about paid content, such as paid product placement, sponsorships or endorsement, contained in a YouTube video and a method to inform viewers of paid promotion.
- VideoPlayer
- Player to be used for a video playback.
- VideoProcessingDetails
- Describes processing status and progress and availability of some other Video resource parts.
- VideoProcessingDetailsProcessingProgress
- Video processing progress and completion time estimate.
- VideoRating
- Basic details about rating of a video.
- VideoRecordingDetails
- Recording information associated with the video.
- VideoSnippet
- Basic details about a video, including title, description, uploader, thumbnails and category.
- VideosResource
- VideoStatistics
- Statistics about the video, such as the number of times the video was viewed or liked.
- VideoStatus
- Basic details about a video category, such as its localized title.
- VideoSuggestions
- Specifies suggestions on how to improve video content, including encoding hints, tag suggestions, and editor suggestions.
- VideoSuggestionsTagSuggestion
- A single tag suggestion with its relevance information.
- VideoTopicDetails
- Freebase topic information related to the video.
- VideoTrainability
- Specifies who is allowed to train on the video.
- VideoTrainabilityResource
- WatchSettings
- Branding properties for the watch.
- WatermarksResource
- YouTubeApi
- The YouTube Data API v3 is an API that provides access to YouTube data, such as videos, playlists, and channels.
- YoutubeResource
- YoutubeV3Resource
- AbuseType = $Shared00
- CommentSnippetAuthorChannelId = $Shared17
- The id of the author's YouTube channel, if any.
- LanguageTag = $Shared17
- TestItemTestItemSnippet = $Empty
- TokenPagination = $Empty
- Stub token pagination template to suppress results.
- VideoProjectDetails = $Empty
- b/157517979: This part was never populated after it was added.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.