walletobjects/v1 library
Google Wallet API - v1
API for issuers to save and manage Google Wallet Objects.
For more information, see developers.google.com/pay/passes
Create an instance of WalletobjectsApi to access these resources:
- EventticketclassResource
- EventticketobjectResource
- FlightclassResource
- FlightobjectResource
- GenericclassResource
- GenericobjectResource
- GiftcardclassResource
- GiftcardobjectResource
- IssuerResource
- JwtResource_1
- LoyaltyclassResource
- LoyaltyobjectResource
- MediaResource
- OfferclassResource
- OfferobjectResource
- PermissionsResource
- SmarttapResource
- TransitclassResource
- TransitobjectResource
- WalletobjectsResource
- ActivationOptions
- ActivationOptions for the class
- ActivationStatus
- The activation status of the object.
- AddMessageRequest
- Resource used when the AddMessage endpoints are called.
- AirportInfo
- AppLinkData
- AppLinkDataAppLinkInfo
- AppLinkDataAppLinkInfoAppTarget
- AuthenticationKey
- Barcode
- BarcodeSectionDetail
- BoardingAndSeatingInfo
- BoardingAndSeatingPolicy
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- CallbackOptions
- CardBarcodeSectionDetails
- CardRowOneItem
- CardRowTemplateInfo
- CardRowThreeItems
- CardRowTwoItems
- CardTemplateOverride
- ClassTemplateInfo
- CompositeMedia
- A sequence of media data references representing composite data.
- DateTime
- DetailsItemInfo
- DetailsTemplateOverride
- DeviceContext
- Device context associated with the object.
- DiffChecksumsResponse
- Backend response for a Diff get checksums response.
- DiffDownloadResponse
- Backend response for a Diff download response.
- DiffUploadRequest
- A Diff upload request.
- DiffUploadResponse
- Backend response for a Diff upload request.
- DiscoverableProgram
- Information about how a class may be discovered and instantiated from within the Google Wallet app.
- DiscoverableProgramMerchantSigninInfo
- Information about the merchant hosted signin flow for a program.
- DiscoverableProgramMerchantSignupInfo
- Information about the merchant hosted signup flow for a program.
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- EventDateTime
- EventReservationInfo
- EventSeat
- EventTicketClass
- EventTicketClassAddMessageResponse
- EventTicketClassListResponse
- EventticketclassResource
- EventTicketObject
- EventTicketObjectAddMessageResponse
- EventTicketObjectListResponse
- EventticketobjectResource
- EventVenue
- ExpiryNotification
- Indicates that the issuer would like Google Wallet to send expiry notifications 2 days prior to the card expiration.
- FieldReference
- Reference definition to use with field overrides.
- FieldSelector
- Custom field selector to use with field overrides.
- FirstRowOption
- FlightCarrier
- FlightClass
- FlightClassAddMessageResponse
- FlightClassListResponse
- FlightclassResource
- FlightHeader
- FlightObject
- FlightObjectAddMessageResponse
- FlightObjectListResponse
- FlightobjectResource
- FrequentFlyerInfo
- GenericClass
- Generic Class
- GenericClassAddMessageResponse
- Response to adding a new issuer message to the class.
- GenericClassListResponse
- List response which contains the list of all generic classes for a given issuer ID.
- GenericclassResource
- GenericObject
- Generic Object
- GenericObjectAddMessageResponse
- Response to adding a new issuer message to the object.
- GenericObjectListResponse
- List response which contains the list of all generic objects for a given issuer ID.
- GenericobjectResource
- GiftCardClass
- GiftCardClassAddMessageResponse
- GiftCardClassListResponse
- GiftcardclassResource
- GiftCardObject
- GiftCardObjectAddMessageResponse
- GiftCardObjectListResponse
- GiftcardobjectResource
- GroupingInfo
- Image
- Wrapping type for Google hosted images.
- ImageModuleData
- ImageUri
- InfoModuleData
- Issuer
- IssuerContactInfo
- IssuerListResponse
- IssuerResource
- IssuerToUserInfo
- JwtInsertResponse
- JwtResource
- JwtResource_1
- LabelValue
- A pair of text strings to be displayed in the details view.
- LabelValueRow
- LatLongPoint
- LinksModuleData
- ListTemplateOverride
- LocalizedString
- LoyaltyClass
- LoyaltyClassAddMessageResponse
- LoyaltyClassListResponse
- LoyaltyclassResource
- LoyaltyObject
- LoyaltyObjectAddMessageResponse
- LoyaltyObjectListResponse
- LoyaltyobjectResource
- LoyaltyPoints
- LoyaltyPointsBalance
- Media
- A reference to data stored on the filesystem, on GFS or in blobstore.
- MediaRequestInfo
- Extra information added to operations that support Scotty media requests.
- MediaResource
- MerchantLocation
- Locations of interest for this class or object.
- Message
- A message that will be displayed with a Valuable
- ModifyLinkedOfferObjects
- ModifyLinkedOfferObjectsRequest
- ModuleViewConstraints
- Constraints that all must be met for the module to be shown.
- Money
- Notifications
- Indicates if the object needs to have notification enabled.
- OfferClass
- OfferClassAddMessageResponse
- OfferClassListResponse
- OfferclassResource
- OfferObject
- OfferObjectAddMessageResponse
- OfferObjectListResponse
- OfferobjectResource
- Pagination
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- PassConstraints
- Container for any constraints that may be placed on passes.
- Permission
- Permissions
- PermissionsResource
- PurchaseDetails
- ReservationInfo
- Resources
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- Review
- RotatingBarcode
- RotatingBarcodeTotpDetails
- Configuration for the time-based OTP substitutions.
- RotatingBarcodeTotpDetailsTotpParameters
- Configuration for the key and value length.
- RotatingBarcodeValues
- A payload containing many barcode values and start date/time.
- SaveRestrictions
- Defines restrictions on the object that will be verified during save.
- SecurityAnimation
- SetPassUpdateNoticeRequest
- Request to send a private pass update notice information to Google, so that devices can then fetch the notice prompting the user to update a pass.
- SignUpInfo
- SmartTap
- SmartTapMerchantData
- SmarttapResource
- TemplateItem
- TextModuleData
- Data for Text module.
- TicketCost
- TicketLeg
- TicketRestrictions
- TicketSeat
- TimeInterval
- TransitClass
- TransitClassAddMessageResponse
- TransitClassListResponse
- TransitclassResource
- TransitObject
- TransitObjectAddMessageResponse
- TransitObjectListResponse
- TransitobjectResource
- TransitObjectUploadRotatingBarcodeValuesRequest
- Request to upload rotating barcode values.
- TranslatedString
- UpcomingNotification
- Indicates that the issuer would like Google Wallet to send an upcoming card validity notification 1 day before card becomes valid/usable.
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- Uri
- ValueAddedModuleData
- Data for Value Added module.
- WalletobjectsApi
- API for issuers to save and manage Google Wallet Objects.
- WalletobjectsResource
- WalletobjectsV1PrivateContentResource
- WalletobjectsV1Resource
- Blobstore2Info = $Blobstore2Info
- Information to read/write to blobstore2.
- ContentTypeInfo = $ContentTypeInfo
- Detailed Content-Type information from Scotty.
- DiffVersionResponse = $DiffVersionResponse
- Backend response for a Diff get version response.
- DownloadParameters = $DownloadParameters
- Parameters specific to media downloads.
- ObjectId = $ObjectId
- This is a copy of the tech.blob.ObjectId proto, which could not be used directly here due to transitive closure issues with JavaScript support; see http://b/8801763.
- SetPassUpdateNoticeResponse = $Empty
- A response to a request to notify Google of an awaiting update to a private pass.
- TransitObjectUploadRotatingBarcodeValuesResponse = $Empty
- Response for uploading rotating barcode values.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.