vmmigration/v1 library
VM Migration API - v1
Use the Migrate to Virtual Machines API to programmatically migrate workloads.
For more information, see cloud.google.com/migrate/virtual-machines
Create an instance of VMMigrationServiceApi to access these resources:
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsGroupsResource
- ProjectsLocationsImageImportsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTargetProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- AccessKeyCredentials
- Message describing AWS Credentials using access key id and secret.
- AddGroupMigrationRequest
- Request message for 'AddGroupMigration' request.
- ApplianceVersion
- Describes an appliance version.
- AppliedLicense
- AppliedLicense holds the license data returned by adaptation module report.
- AvailableUpdates
- Holds information about the available versions for upgrade.
- AwsDiskDetails
- The details of an AWS instance disk.
- AwsSecurityGroup
- AwsSecurityGroup describes a security group of an AWS VM.
- AwsSourceDetails
- AwsSourceDetails message describes a specific source details for the AWS source type.
- AwsSourceVmDetails
- Represent the source AWS VM details.
- AwsVmDetails
- AwsVmDetails describes a VM in AWS.
- AwsVmsDetails
- AWSVmsDetails describes VMs in AWS.
- AzureDiskDetails
- The details of an Azure VM disk.
- AzureSourceDetails
- AzureSourceDetails message describes a specific source details for the Azure source type.
- AzureSourceVmDetails
- Represent the source Azure VM details.
- AzureVmDetails
- AzureVmDetails describes a VM in Azure.
- AzureVmsDetails
- AzureVmsDetails describes VMs in Azure.
- BootDiskDefaults
- BootDiskDefaults hold information about the boot disk of a VM.
- ClientSecretCredentials
- Message describing Azure Credentials using tenant ID, client ID and secret.
- CloneJob
- CloneJob describes the process of creating a clone of a MigratingVM to the requested target based on the latest successful uploaded snapshots.
- CloneStep
- CloneStep holds information about the clone step progress.
- ComputeEngineDisksTargetDefaults
- ComputeEngineDisksTargetDefaults is a collection of details for creating Persistent Disks in a target Compute Engine project.
- ComputeEngineDisksTargetDetails
- ComputeEngineDisksTargetDetails is a collection of created Persistent Disks details.
- ComputeEngineTargetDefaults
- ComputeEngineTargetDefaults is a collection of details for creating a VM in a target Compute Engine project.
- ComputeEngineTargetDetails
- ComputeEngineTargetDetails is a collection of details for creating a VM in a target Compute Engine project.
- ComputeScheduling
- Scheduling information for VM on maintenance/restart behaviour and node allocation in sole tenant nodes.
- CutoverForecast
- CutoverForecast holds information about future CutoverJobs of a MigratingVm.
- CutoverJob
- CutoverJob message describes a cutover of a migrating VM.
- CutoverStep
- CutoverStep holds information about the cutover step progress.
- CycleStep
- CycleStep holds information about a step progress.
- DatacenterConnector
- DatacenterConnector message describes a connector between the Source and Google Cloud, which is installed on a vmware datacenter (an OVA vm installed by the user) to connect the Datacenter to Google Cloud and support vm migration data transfer.
- Disk
- A message describing a data disk.
- DiskImageDefaults
- Contains details about the image source used to create the disk.
- DiskImageTargetDetails
- The target details of the image resource that will be created by the import job.
- DisksMigrationVmTargetDefaults
- Details for creation of a VM that migrated data disks will be attached to.
- DisksMigrationVmTargetDetails
- Details for the VM created VM as part of disks migration.
- Encryption
- Encryption message describes the details of the applied encryption.
- FetchInventoryResponse
- Response message for fetchInventory.
- Group
- Describes message for 'Group' resource.
- ImageImport
- ImageImport describes the configuration of the image import to run.
- ImageImportJob
- ImageImportJob describes the progress and result of an image import.
- ImageImportOsAdaptationParameters
- Parameters affecting the OS adaptation process.
- ImageImportStep
- ImageImportStep holds information about the image import step progress.
- ListCloneJobsResponse
- Response message for 'ListCloneJobs' request.
- ListCutoverJobsResponse
- Response message for 'ListCutoverJobs' request.
- ListDatacenterConnectorsResponse
- Response message for 'ListDatacenterConnectors' request.
- ListGroupsResponse
- Response message for 'ListGroups' request.
- ListImageImportJobsResponse
- Response message for 'ListImageImportJobs' call.
- ListImageImportsResponse
- Response message for 'ListImageImports' call.
- ListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- ListMigratingVmsResponse
- Response message for 'ListMigratingVms' request.
- ListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- ListReplicationCyclesResponse
- Response message for 'ListReplicationCycles' request.
- ListSourcesResponse
- Response message for 'ListSources' request.
- ListTargetProjectsResponse
- Response message for 'ListTargetProjects' call.
- ListUtilizationReportsResponse
- Response message for 'ListUtilizationReports' request.
- MachineImageParametersOverrides
- Parameters overriding decisions based on the source machine image configurations.
- MachineImageTargetDetails
- The target details of the machine image resource that will be created by the image import job.
- MigratingVm
- MigratingVm describes the VM that will be migrated from a Source environment and its replication state.
- MigrationWarning
- Represents migration resource warning information that can be used with google.rpc.Status message.
- NetworkInterface
- NetworkInterface represents a NIC of a VM.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- OSDescription
- A message describing the VM's OS.
- OSDisk
- A message describing the OS disk.
- PersistentDisk
- Details of a created Persistent Disk.
- PersistentDiskDefaults
- Details for creation of a Persistent Disk.
- ProjectsLocationsGroupsResource
- ProjectsLocationsImageImportsImageImportJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsImageImportsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesDatacenterConnectorsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesMigratingVmsCloneJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesMigratingVmsCutoverJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesMigratingVmsReplicationCyclesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesMigratingVmsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesUtilizationReportsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTargetProjectsResource
- ProjectsResource
- RemoveGroupMigrationRequest
- Request message for 'RemoveMigration' request.
- ReplicatingStep
- ReplicatingStep contains specific step details.
- ReplicationCycle
- ReplicationCycle contains information about the current replication cycle status.
- ReplicationSync
- ReplicationSync contain information about the last replica sync to the cloud.
- SchedulePolicy
- A policy for scheduling replications.
- SchedulingNodeAffinity
- Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
- ServiceAccount
- Service account to assign to the instance created by the machine image.
- ShieldedInstanceConfig
- Shielded instance configuration.
- Source
- Source message describes a specific vm migration Source resource.
- Tag
- Tag is an AWS tag representation.
- TargetProject
- TargetProject message represents a target Compute Engine project for a migration or a clone.
- UpgradeApplianceRequest
- Request message for 'UpgradeAppliance' request.
- UpgradeStatus
- UpgradeStatus contains information about upgradeAppliance operation.
- UtilizationReport
- Utilization report details the utilization (CPU, memory, etc.) of selected source VMs.
- VmAttachmentDetails
- Details for attachment of the disk to a VM.
- VmCapabilities
- Migrating VM source information about the VM capabilities needed for some Compute Engine features.
- VMMigrationServiceApi
- Use the Migrate to Virtual Machines API to programmatically migrate workloads.
- VmUtilizationInfo
- Utilization information of a single VM.
- VmUtilizationMetrics
- Utilization metrics values for a single VM.
- VmwareDiskDetails
- The details of a Vmware VM disk.
- VmwareSourceDetails
- VmwareSourceDetails message describes a specific source details for the vmware source type.
- VmwareSourceVmDetails
- Represent the source Vmware VM details.
- VmwareVmDetails
- VmwareVmDetails describes a VM in vCenter.
- VmwareVmsDetails
- VmwareVmsDetails describes VMs in vCenter.
- AdaptingOSStep = $Empty
- AdaptingOSStep contains specific step details.
- CancelCloneJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'CancelCloneJob' request.
- CancelCutoverJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'CancelCutoverJob' request.
- CancelImageImportJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'CancelImageImportJob' request.
- CancelOperationRequest = $Empty
- The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
- CreatingImageStep = $Empty
- CreatingImageStep contains specific step details.
- DataDiskImageImport = $Empty
- Mentions that the image import is not using OS adaptation process.
- DisksMigrationDisksTargetDefaults = $Empty
- Details for a disk only migration.
- DisksMigrationDisksTargetDetails = $Empty
- Details for a disks-only migration.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- FinalizeMigrationRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'FinalizeMigration' request.
- InitializingImageImportStep = $Empty
- InitializingImageImportStep contains specific step details.
- InitializingReplicationStep = $Empty
- InitializingReplicationStep contains specific step details.
- InstantiatingMigratedVMStep = $Empty
- InstantiatingMigratedVMStep contains specific step details.
- Link = $Link
- Describes a URL link.
- LoadingImageSourceFilesStep = $Empty
- LoadingImageSourceFilesStep contains specific step details.
- LocalizedMessage = $LocalizedMessage
- Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
- Location = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- PauseMigrationRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'PauseMigration' request.
- PostProcessingStep = $Empty
- PostProcessingStep contains specific step details.
- PreparingVMDisksStep = $Empty
- PreparingVMDisksStep contains specific step details.
- ResumeMigrationRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'ResumeMigration' request.
- ShuttingDownSourceVMStep = $Empty
- ShuttingDownSourceVMStep contains specific step details.
- SkipOsAdaptation = $Empty
- Mentions that the machine image import is not using OS adaptation process.
- StartMigrationRequest = $Empty
- Request message for 'StartMigrationRequest' request.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.