testing/v1 library
Cloud Testing API - v1
Allows developers to run automated tests for their mobile applications on Google infrastructure.
For more information, see firebase.google.com/docs/test-lab/
Create an instance of TestingApi to access these resources:
- Account
- Identifies an account and how to log into it.
- AndroidDevice
- A single Android device.
- AndroidDeviceCatalog
- The currently supported Android devices.
- AndroidDeviceList
- A list of Android device configurations in which the test is to be executed.
- AndroidInstrumentationTest
- A test of an Android application that can control an Android component independently of its normal lifecycle.
- AndroidMatrix
- A set of Android device configuration permutations is defined by the the cross-product of the given axes.
- AndroidModel
- A description of an Android device tests may be run on.
- AndroidRoboTest
- A test of an android application that explores the application on a virtual or physical Android Device, finding culprits and crashes as it goes.
- AndroidRuntimeConfiguration
- Android configuration that can be selected at the time a test is run.
- AndroidTestLoop
- A test of an Android Application with a Test Loop.
- AndroidVersion
- A version of the Android OS.
- Apk
- An Android package file to install.
- ApkDetail
- Android application details based on application manifest and archive contents.
- ApkManifest
- An Android app manifest.
- AppBundle
- An Android App Bundle file format, containing a BundleConfig.pb file, a base module directory, zero or more dynamic feature module directories.
- ApplicationDetailServiceResource
- CancelTestMatrixResponse
- Response containing the current state of the specified test matrix.
- ClientInfo
- Information about the client which invoked the test.
- ClientInfoDetail
- Key-value pair of detailed information about the client which invoked the test.
- DeviceFile
- A single device file description.
- DeviceIpBlock
- A single device IP block
- DeviceIpBlockCatalog
- List of IP blocks used by the Firebase Test Lab
- DeviceSession
- Protobuf message describing the device message, used from several RPCs.
- DirectAccessVersionInfo
- Denotes whether Direct Access is supported, and by which client versions.
- Distribution
- Data about the relative number of devices running a given configuration of the Android platform.
- Environment
- The environment in which the test is run.
- EnvironmentMatrix
- The matrix of environments in which the test is to be executed.
- EnvironmentVariable
- A key-value pair passed as an environment variable to the test.
- FileReference
- A reference to a file, used for user inputs.
- GetApkDetailsResponse
- Response containing the details of the specified Android application.
- GoogleCloudStorage
- A storage location within Google cloud storage (GCS).
- IntentFilter
- The section of an tag.
- IosDevice
- A single iOS device.
- IosDeviceCatalog
- The currently supported iOS devices.
- IosDeviceFile
- A file or directory to install on the device before the test starts.
- IosDeviceList
- A list of iOS device configurations in which the test is to be executed.
- IosModel
- A description of an iOS device tests may be run on.
- IosRoboTest
- A test that explores an iOS application on an iOS device.
- IosRuntimeConfiguration
- iOS configuration that can be selected at the time a test is run.
- IosTestLoop
- A test of an iOS application that implements one or more game loop scenarios.
- IosTestSetup
- A description of how to set up an iOS device prior to running the test.
- IosVersion
- An iOS version.
- IosXcTest
- A test of an iOS application that uses the XCTest framework.
- LabInfo
- Lab specific information for a device.
- ListDeviceSessionsResponse
- A list of device sessions.
- Locale
- A location/region designation for language.
- ManualSharding
- Shards test cases into the specified groups of packages, classes, and/or methods.
- MatrixErrorDetail
- Describes a single error or issue with a matrix.
- Metadata
- A tag within a manifest.
- NetworkConfiguration
- NetworkConfigurationCatalog
- ObbFile
- An opaque binary blob file to install on the device before the test starts.
- Orientation
- Screen orientation of the device.
- PerAndroidVersionInfo
- A version-specific information of an Android model.
- PerIosVersionInfo
- A version-specific information of an iOS model.
- ProjectsDeviceSessionsResource
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsTestMatricesResource
- ProvidedSoftwareCatalog
- The currently provided software environment on the devices under test.
- RegularFile
- A file or directory to install on the device before the test starts.
- ResultStorage
- Locations where the results of running the test are stored.
- RoboDirective
- Directs Robo to interact with a specific UI element if it is encountered during the crawl.
- RoboStartingIntent
- Message for specifying the start activities to crawl.
- Service
- The section of an tag.
- SessionStateEvent
- A message encapsulating a series of Session states and the time that the DeviceSession first entered those states.
- Shard
- Details about the shard.
- ShardingOption
- Options for enabling sharding.
- SmartSharding
- Shards test based on previous test case timing records.
- StartActivityIntent
- A starting intent specified by an action, uri, and categories.
- SystraceSetup
- TestDetails
- Additional details about the progress of the running test.
- TestEnvironmentCatalog
- A description of a test environment.
- TestEnvironmentCatalogResource
- TestExecution
- A single test executed in a single environment.
- TestingApi
- Allows developers to run automated tests for their mobile applications on Google infrastructure.
- TestMatrix
- TestMatrix captures all details about a test.
- TestSetup
- A description of how to set up the Android device prior to running the test.
- TestSpecification
- A description of how to run the test.
- TestTargetsForShard
- Test targets for a shard.
- ToolResultsExecution
- Represents a tool results execution resource.
- ToolResultsHistory
- Represents a tool results history resource.
- ToolResultsStep
- Represents a tool results step resource.
- TrafficRule
- Network emulation parameters.
- UniformSharding
- Uniformly shards test cases given a total number of shards.
- UsesFeature
- A tag within a manifest.
- UsesPermissionTag
- The tag within a manifest.
- XcodeVersion
- An Xcode version that an iOS version is compatible with.
- CancelDeviceSessionRequest = $Empty
- The request object for cancelling a Device Session.
- Date = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleAuto = $Empty
- Enables automatic Google account login.
- LauncherActivityIntent = $Empty
- Specifies an intent that starts the main launcher activity.
- NoActivityIntent = $Empty
- Skips the starting activity
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.