retail/v2 library
Vertex AI Search for commerce API - v2
Vertex AI Search for commerce API is made up of Retail Search, Browse and Recommendations. These discovery AI solutions help you implement personalized search, browse and recommendations, based on machine learning models, across your websites and mobile applications.
For more information, see
Create an instance of CloudRetailApi to access these resources:
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsAttributesConfigResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsBranchesResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsCompletionDataResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsControlsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsGenerativeQuestionResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsGenerativeQuestionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsModelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsPlacementsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsServingConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsUserEventsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsResource
- ProjectsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- CloudRetailApi
- Vertex AI Search for commerce API is made up of Retail Search, Browse and Recommendations.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2AddCatalogAttributeRequest
- Request for CatalogService.AddCatalogAttribute method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2AddControlRequest
- Request for AddControl method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2AddFulfillmentPlacesRequest
- Request message for ProductService.AddFulfillmentPlaces method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2AddLocalInventoriesRequest
- Request message for ProductService.AddLocalInventories method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2AttributesConfig
- Catalog level attribute config.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Audience
- An intended audience of the Product for whom it's sold.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2BatchUpdateGenerativeQuestionConfigsRequest
- Request for BatchUpdateGenerativeQuestionConfig method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2BatchUpdateGenerativeQuestionConfigsResponse
- Aggregated response for UpdateGenerativeQuestionConfig method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2BigQuerySource
- BigQuery source import data from.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Catalog
- The catalog configuration.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CatalogAttribute
- Catalog level attribute config for an attribute.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CatalogAttributeFacetConfig
- Possible options for the facet that corresponds to the current attribute config.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CatalogAttributeFacetConfigIgnoredFacetValues
- Facet values to ignore on facets during the specified time range for the given SearchResponse.Facet.key attribute.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CatalogAttributeFacetConfigMergedFacet
- The current facet key (i.e. attribute config) maps into the merged_facet_key.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CatalogAttributeFacetConfigMergedFacetValue
- Replaces a set of textual facet values by the same (possibly different) merged facet value.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CatalogAttributeFacetConfigRerankConfig
- Options to rerank based on facet values engaged by the user for the current key.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CollectUserEventRequest
- Request message for CollectUserEvent method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ColorInfo
- The color information of a Product.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompleteQueryResponse
- Response of the autocomplete query.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompleteQueryResponseAttributeResult
- Resource that represents attribute results.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompleteQueryResponseCompletionResult
- Resource that represents completion results.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompleteQueryResponseRecentSearchResult
- Deprecated: Recent search of this user.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompletionConfig
- Catalog level autocomplete config for customers to customize autocomplete feature's settings.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompletionDataInputConfig
- The input config source for completion data.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CompletionDetail
- Detailed completion information including completion attribution token and clicked completion info.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Condition
- Metadata that is used to define a condition that triggers an action.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ConditionQueryTerm
- Query terms that we want to match on.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ConditionTimeRange
- Used for time-dependent conditions.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Control
- Configures dynamic metadata that can be linked to a ServingConfig and affect search or recommendation results at serving time.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2CustomAttribute
- A custom attribute that is not explicitly modeled in Product.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ExperimentInfo
- Metadata for active A/B testing experiment.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ExperimentInfoServingConfigExperiment
- Metadata for active serving config A/B tests.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ExportAnalyticsMetricsRequest
Request message for the
method. - GoogleCloudRetailV2FulfillmentInfo
- Fulfillment information, such as the store IDs for in-store pickup or region IDs for different shipping methods.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2GcsSource
- Google Cloud Storage location for input content.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2GenerativeQuestionConfig
- Configuration for a single generated question.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2GenerativeQuestionsFeatureConfig
- Configuration for overall generative question feature state.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2GetDefaultBranchResponse
- Response message of CatalogService.GetDefaultBranch.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Image
- Product image.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ImportCompletionDataRequest
- Request message for ImportCompletionData methods.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ImportErrorsConfig
- Configuration of destination for Import related errors.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ImportProductsRequest
- Request message for Import methods.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ImportUserEventsRequest
- Request message for the ImportUserEvents request.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Interval
- A floating point interval.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ListCatalogsResponse
- Response for CatalogService.ListCatalogs method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ListControlsResponse
- Response for ListControls method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ListGenerativeQuestionConfigsResponse
- Response for ListQuestions method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ListModelsResponse
- Response to a ListModelRequest.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ListProductsResponse
- Response message for ProductService.ListProducts method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ListServingConfigsResponse
- Response for ListServingConfigs method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2LocalInventory
- The inventory information at a place (e.g. a store) identified by a place ID.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Model
- Metadata that describes the training and serving parameters of a Model.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ModelFrequentlyBoughtTogetherFeaturesConfig
- Additional configs for the frequently-bought-together model type.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ModelModelFeaturesConfig
- Additional model features config.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ModelServingConfigList
Represents an ordered combination of valid serving configs, which can be
used for
recommendations. - GoogleCloudRetailV2OutputConfig
- The output configuration setting.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2OutputConfigBigQueryDestination
- The BigQuery output destination configuration.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2OutputConfigGcsDestination
- The Google Cloud Storage output destination configuration.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PinControlMetadata
- Metadata for pinning to be returned in the response.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PinControlMetadataProductPins
- List of product ids which have associated pins.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PredictRequest
- Request message for Predict method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PredictResponse
- Response message for predict method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PredictResponsePredictionResult
- PredictionResult represents the recommendation prediction results.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PriceInfo
- The price information of a Product.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PriceInfoPriceRange
- The price range of all variant Product having the same Product.primary_product_id.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Product
- Product captures all metadata information of items to be recommended or searched.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ProductAttributeInterval
- Product attribute name and numeric interval.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ProductAttributeValue
- Product attribute which structured by an attribute name and value.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ProductDetail
- Detailed product information associated with a user event.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ProductInlineSource
- The inline source for the input config for ImportProducts method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ProductInputConfig
- The input config source for products.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ProductLevelConfig
- Configures what level the product should be uploaded with regards to how users will be send events and how predictions will be made.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Promotion
- Promotion specification.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PurchaseTransaction
- A transaction represents the entire purchase transaction.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PurgeProductsRequest
- Request message for PurgeProducts method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PurgeUserEventsRequest
- Request message for PurgeUserEvents method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Rating
- The rating of a Product.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RejoinUserEventsRequest
- Request message for RejoinUserEvents method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RemoveCatalogAttributeRequest
- Request for CatalogService.RemoveCatalogAttribute method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RemoveControlRequest
- Request for RemoveControl method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RemoveFulfillmentPlacesRequest
- Request message for ProductService.RemoveFulfillmentPlaces method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RemoveLocalInventoriesRequest
- Request message for ProductService.RemoveLocalInventories method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ReplaceCatalogAttributeRequest
- Request for CatalogService.ReplaceCatalogAttribute method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Rule
- A rule is a condition-action pair * A condition defines when a rule is to be triggered.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleBoostAction
- A boost action to apply to results matching condition specified above.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleDoNotAssociateAction
from being associated with specified terms during search. - GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleFilterAction
- Rule Condition: - No Condition.query_terms provided is a global match.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleForceReturnFacetAction
- Force returns an attribute/facet in the request around a certain position or above.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleForceReturnFacetActionFacetPositionAdjustment
- Each facet position adjustment consists of a single attribute name (i.e. facet key) along with a specified position.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleIgnoreAction
- Prevents a term in the query from being used in search.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleOnewaySynonymsAction
- Maps a set of terms to a set of synonyms.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RulePinAction
- Pins one or more specified products to a specific position in the results.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleRedirectAction
- Redirects a shopper to a specific page.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleRemoveFacetAction
- Removes an attribute/facet in the request if is present.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleReplacementAction
- Replaces a term in the query.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2RuleTwowaySynonymsAction
- Creates a set of terms that will be treated as synonyms of each other.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequest
- Request message for SearchService.Search method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestBoostSpec
- Boost specification to boost certain items.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestBoostSpecConditionBoostSpec
- Boost applies to products which match a condition.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestConversationalSearchSpec
- This field specifies all conversational related parameters addition to traditional retail search.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestConversationalSearchSpecUserAnswer
- This field specifies the current user answer during the conversational search.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestConversationalSearchSpecUserAnswerSelectedAnswer
- This field specifies the selected answers during the conversational search.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestDynamicFacetSpec
- The specifications of dynamically generated facets.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestFacetSpec
- A facet specification to perform faceted search.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestFacetSpecFacetKey
- Specifies how a facet is computed.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestPersonalizationSpec
- The specification for personalization.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestQueryExpansionSpec
- Specification to determine under which conditions query expansion should occur.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchRequestSpellCorrectionSpec
- The specification for query spell correction.
- This field specifies tile navigation related parameters.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponse
- Response message for SearchService.Search method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseConversationalSearchResult
- This field specifies all related information that is needed on client side for UI rendering of conversational retail search.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseConversationalSearchResultAdditionalFilter
- Additional filter that client side need to apply.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseConversationalSearchResultSuggestedAnswer
- Suggested answers to the follow-up question.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseFacet
- A facet result.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseFacetFacetValue
- A facet value which contains value names and their count.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseQueryExpansionInfo
- Information describing query expansion including whether expansion has occurred.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SearchResponseSearchResult
- Represents the search results.
- This field specifies all related information for tile navigation that will be used in client side.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ServingConfig
- Configures metadata that is used to generate serving time results (e.g. search results or recommendation predictions).
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SetDefaultBranchRequest
- Request message to set a specified branch as new default_branch.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2SetInventoryRequest
- Request message for ProductService.SetInventory method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2Tile
- This field specifies the tile information including an attribute key, attribute value.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2UpdateGenerativeQuestionConfigRequest
- Request for UpdateGenerativeQuestionConfig method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2UserEvent
- UserEvent captures all metadata information Retail API needs to know about how end users interact with customers' website.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2UserEventInlineSource
- The inline source for the input config for ImportUserEvents method.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2UserEventInputConfig
- The input config source for user events.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2UserInfo
- Information of an end user.
- GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsAttributesConfigResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsBranchesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsBranchesProductsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsBranchesResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsCompletionDataResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsControlsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsGenerativeQuestionResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsGenerativeQuestionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsModelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsPlacementsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsServingConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCatalogsUserEventsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsOperationsResource
- ProjectsResource
- GoogleApiHttpBody = $HttpBody
- Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2PauseModelRequest = $Empty
- Request for pausing training of a model.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2ResumeModelRequest = $Empty
- Request for resuming training of a model.
- GoogleCloudRetailV2TuneModelRequest = $Empty
- Request to manually start a tuning process now (instead of waiting for the periodically scheduled tuning to happen).
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.