state property

String? state
getter/setter pair

An output-only field that indicates the state of the Event Hubs ingestion source.

Output only. Possible string values are:

  • "STATE_UNSPECIFIED" : Default value. This value is unused.
  • "ACTIVE" : Ingestion is active.
  • "EVENT_HUBS_PERMISSION_DENIED" : Permission denied encountered while consuming data from Event Hubs. This can happen when client_id, or tenant_id are invalid. Or the right permissions haven't been granted.
  • "PUBLISH_PERMISSION_DENIED" : Permission denied encountered while publishing to the topic.
  • "NAMESPACE_NOT_FOUND" : The provided Event Hubs namespace couldn't be found.
  • "EVENT_HUB_NOT_FOUND" : The provided Event Hub couldn't be found.
  • "SUBSCRIPTION_NOT_FOUND" : The provided Event Hubs subscription couldn't be found.
  • "RESOURCE_GROUP_NOT_FOUND" : The provided Event Hubs resource group couldn't be found.


core.String? state;