playintegrity/v1 library
Google Play Integrity API - v1
The Play Integrity API helps you check that you're interacting with your genuine app on a genuine Android device powered by Google Play services. The Play Integrity API has replaced SafetyNet Attestation and Android Device Verification.
For more information, see
Create an instance of PlayIntegrityApi to access these resources:
- AccountActivity
- (Restricted Access) Contains a signal helping apps differentiating between likely genuine and likely non-genuine user traffic.
- AccountDetails
- Contains the account information such as the licensing status for the user in the scope.
- AppAccessRiskVerdict
- Contains signals about others apps on the device which could be used to access or control the requesting app.
- AppIntegrity
- Contains the application integrity information.
- DecodeIntegrityTokenRequest
- Request to decode the integrity token.
- DecodeIntegrityTokenResponse
- Response containing the decoded integrity payload.
- DeviceAttributes
- Contains information about the device for which the integrity token was generated, e.g. Android SDK version.
- DeviceIntegrity
- Contains the device attestation information.
- DeviceRecall
- Contains the recall bits per device set by the developer.
- DeviceRecallResource
- EnvironmentDetails
- Contains information about the environment Play Integrity API runs in, e.g. Play Protect verdict.
- PlayIntegrityApi
- The Play Integrity API helps you check that you're interacting with your genuine app on a genuine Android device powered by Google Play services.
- RecentDeviceActivity
- Recent device activity can help developers identify devices that have exhibited hyperactive attestation activity, which could be a sign of an attack or token farming.
- RequestDetails
- Contains the integrity request information.
- TestingDetails
- Contains additional information generated for testing responses.
- TokenPayloadExternal
- Contains basic app information and integrity signals like device attestation and licensing details.
- V1Resource
- Values
- Contains the recall bits values.
- WriteDates
- Contains the recall bits write dates.
- WriteDeviceRecallRequest
- Request to write device recall bits.
- WriteDeviceRecallResponse = $Empty
- Response for the Write Device Recall action.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.