paymentsresellersubscription/v1 library
Payments Reseller Subscription API - v1
For more information, see
Create an instance of PaymentsResellerSubscriptionApi to access these resources:
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Amount
- Describes the amount unit including the currency code.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1CancelSubscriptionRequest
- Request to cancel a subscription.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1CancelSubscriptionResponse
- Response that contains the cancelled subscription resource.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1CreateSubscriptionIntent
- Intent message for creating a Subscription resource.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Duration
- Describes the length of a period of a time.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1EntitleSubscriptionIntent
- Intent for entitling the previously provisioned subscription to an end user.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1EntitleSubscriptionRequest
- Partner request for entitling the previously provisioned subscription to an end user.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1EntitleSubscriptionRequestLineItemEntitlementDetails
- The details of the line item to be entitled.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1EntitleSubscriptionResponse
- Response that contains the entitled subscription resource.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ExtendSubscriptionRequest
- Request message for extending a Subscription resource.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ExtendSubscriptionResponse
- Response that contains the timestamps after the extension.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Extension
- Describes the details of an extension request.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1FindEligiblePromotionsRequest
- Request to find eligible promotions for the current user.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1FindEligiblePromotionsResponse
- Response containing the found promotions for the current user.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1FiniteBillingCycleDetails
- Details for a subscriptiin line item with finite billing cycles.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1GenerateUserSessionRequest
- [Preview only] Request to generate a user session.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1GenerateUserSessionResponse
- [Preview only] Response that contains the details for generated user session.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1GoogleHomePayload
- Payload specific for Google Home products.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1GoogleOnePayload
- Payload specific to Google One products.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1IntentPayload
- The payload that describes the user intent.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ListProductsResponse
- Response that contains the products.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ListPromotionsResponse
- Response that contains the promotions.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Location
- Describes a location of an end user.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Product
- A Product resource that defines a subscription service that can be resold.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ProductBundleDetailsBundleElement
- The individual product that is included in the bundle.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ProductPayload
- Specifies product specific payload.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ProductPriceConfig
- Configs the prices in an available region.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Promotion
- A Promotion resource that defines a promotion for a subscription that can be resold.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1PromotionIntroductoryPricingDetails
- The details of a introductory pricing promotion.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1PromotionIntroductoryPricingDetailsIntroductoryPricingSpec
- The duration of an introductory pricing promotion.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1ServicePeriod
- A description of what time period or moment in time the product or service is being delivered over.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1Subscription
- A subscription serves as a central billing entity between an external partner and Google.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionCancellationDetails
- Describes the details of a cancelled or cancelling subscription.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionLineItem
- Individual line item definition of a subscription.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionLineItemBundleDetailsBundleElementDetails
- The details for an element in the hard bundle.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionLineItemOneTimeRecurrenceDetails
- Details for a ONE_TIME recurrence line item.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionMigrationDetails
- Describes the details of the migrated subscription.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionPromotionSpec
- Describes the spec for one promotion.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1SubscriptionUpgradeDowngradeDetails
- Details about the previous subscription that this new subscription upgrades/downgrades from.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1UndoCancelSubscriptionResponse
- Response that contains the updated subscription resource.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1UserSession
- A user session contains a short-lived token that includes information required to interact with Google Payments Reseller Platform using the following web endpoints.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1YoutubePayload
- Payload specific to Youtube products.
- PartnersProductsResource
- PartnersPromotionsResource
- PartnersResource
- PartnersSubscriptionsResource
- PartnersUserSessionsResource
- PaymentsResellerSubscriptionApi
- ProductBundleDetails
- Details for a bundle product.
- SubscriptionLineItemBundleDetails
- The bundle details for a line item corresponding to a hard bundle.
- GoogleCloudPaymentsResellerSubscriptionV1UndoCancelSubscriptionRequest = $Empty
- Request to revoke a cancellation request.
- GoogleTypeLocalizedText = $GoogleTypeLocalizedText
- Localized variant of a text in a particular language.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.