WasteReduction class
Waste reduction practices implemented at the hotel.
- WasteReduction.new({bool? compostableFoodContainersAndCutlery, String? compostableFoodContainersAndCutleryException, bool? compostsExcessFood, String? compostsExcessFoodException, bool? donatesExcessFood, String? donatesExcessFoodException, bool? foodWasteReductionProgram, String? foodWasteReductionProgramException, bool? noSingleUsePlasticStraws, String? noSingleUsePlasticStrawsException, bool? noSingleUsePlasticWaterBottles, String? noSingleUsePlasticWaterBottlesException, bool? noStyrofoamFoodContainers, String? noStyrofoamFoodContainersException, bool? recyclingProgram, String? recyclingProgramException, bool? refillableToiletryContainers, String? refillableToiletryContainersException, bool? safelyDisposesBatteries, String? safelyDisposesBatteriesException, bool? safelyDisposesElectronics, String? safelyDisposesElectronicsException, bool? safelyDisposesLightbulbs, String? safelyDisposesLightbulbsException, bool? safelyHandlesHazardousSubstances, String? safelyHandlesHazardousSubstancesException, bool? soapDonationProgram, String? soapDonationProgramException, bool? toiletryDonationProgram, String? toiletryDonationProgramException, bool? waterBottleFillingStations, String? waterBottleFillingStationsException})
- WasteReduction.fromJson(Map json_)
- compostableFoodContainersAndCutlery ↔ bool?
Compostable food containers and cutlery.
getter/setter pair
- compostableFoodContainersAndCutleryException ↔ String?
Compostable food containers and cutlery exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- compostsExcessFood ↔ bool?
Composts excess food.
getter/setter pair
- compostsExcessFoodException ↔ String?
Composts excess food exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- donatesExcessFood ↔ bool?
Donates excess food.
getter/setter pair
- donatesExcessFoodException ↔ String?
Donates excess food exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- foodWasteReductionProgram ↔ bool?
Food waste reduction program.
getter/setter pair
- foodWasteReductionProgramException ↔ String?
Food waste reduction program exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- noSingleUsePlasticStraws ↔ bool?
No single use plastic straws.
getter/setter pair
- noSingleUsePlasticStrawsException ↔ String?
No single use plastic straws exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- noSingleUsePlasticWaterBottles ↔ bool?
No single use plastic water bottles.
getter/setter pair
- noSingleUsePlasticWaterBottlesException ↔ String?
No single use plastic water bottles exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- noStyrofoamFoodContainers ↔ bool?
No styrofoam food containers.
getter/setter pair
- noStyrofoamFoodContainersException ↔ String?
No styrofoam food containers exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- recyclingProgram ↔ bool?
Recycling program.
getter/setter pair
- recyclingProgramException ↔ String?
Recycling program exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- refillableToiletryContainers ↔ bool?
Refillable toiletry containers.
getter/setter pair
- refillableToiletryContainersException ↔ String?
Refillable toiletry containers exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- safelyDisposesBatteries ↔ bool?
Safely disposes batteries.
getter/setter pair
- safelyDisposesBatteriesException ↔ String?
Safely disposes batteries exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- safelyDisposesElectronics ↔ bool?
Safely disposes electronics.
getter/setter pair
- safelyDisposesElectronicsException ↔ String?
Safely disposes electronics exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- safelyDisposesLightbulbs ↔ bool?
Safely disposes lightbulbs.
getter/setter pair
- safelyDisposesLightbulbsException ↔ String?
Safely disposes lightbulbs exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- safelyHandlesHazardousSubstances ↔ bool?
Safely handles hazardous substances.
getter/setter pair
- safelyHandlesHazardousSubstancesException ↔ String?
Safely handles hazardous substances exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- soapDonationProgram ↔ bool?
Soap donation program.
getter/setter pair
- soapDonationProgramException ↔ String?
Soap donation program exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- toiletryDonationProgram ↔ bool?
Toiletry donation program.
getter/setter pair
- toiletryDonationProgramException ↔ String?
Toiletry donation program exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
- waterBottleFillingStations ↔ bool?
Water bottle filling stations.
getter/setter pair
- waterBottleFillingStationsException ↔ String?
Water bottle filling stations exception.
Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.