migrationcenter/v1 library
Migration Center API - v1
A unified platform that helps you accelerate your end-to-end cloud journey from your current on-premises or cloud environments to Google Cloud.
For more information, see cloud.google.com/migration-center
Create an instance of MigrationCenterApi to access these resources:
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAssetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDiscoveryClientsResource
- ProjectsLocationsGroupsResource
- ProjectsLocationsImportJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPreferenceSetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsRelationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsReportConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- AddAssetsToGroupRequest
- A request to add assets to a group.
- AggregateAssetsValuesRequest
- A request to aggregate one or more values.
- AggregateAssetsValuesResponse
- A response to a request to aggregated assets values.
- Aggregation
- Message describing an aggregation.
- AggregationHistogram
- Histogram of bucketed assets counts by field value.
- AggregationResult
- Message describing a result of an aggregation.
- AggregationResultCount
- The result of a count aggregation.
- AggregationResultFrequency
- The result of a frequency distribution aggregation.
- AggregationResultHistogram
- The result of a bucketed histogram aggregation.
- AggregationResultHistogramBucket
- A histogram bucket with a lower and upper bound, and a count of items with a field value between those bounds.
- AggregationResultSum
- The result of a sum aggregation.
- Asset
- An asset represents a resource in your environment.
- AssetFrame
- Contains data reported from an inventory source on an asset.
- AssetList
- Lists the asset IDs of all assets.
- AssetPerformanceData
- Performance data for an asset.
- AwsEc2PlatformDetails
- AWS EC2 specific details.
- AzureVmPlatformDetails
- Azure VM specific details.
- BatchDeleteAssetsRequest
- A request to delete a list of asset.
- BatchUpdateAssetsRequest
- A request to update a list of assets.
- BatchUpdateAssetsResponse
- Response for updating a list of assets.
- BiosDetails
- Details about the BIOS.
- ComputeEngineMigrationTarget
- Compute engine migration target.
- ComputeEnginePreferences
- The user preferences relating to Compute Engine target platform.
- ComputeEngineShapeDescriptor
- Compute Engine target shape descriptor.
- ComputeStorageDescriptor
- Compute Engine storage option descriptor.
- CpuUsageSample
- CPU usage sample.
- DailyResourceUsageAggregation
- Usage data aggregation for a single day.
- DailyResourceUsageAggregationCPU
- Statistical aggregation of CPU usage.
- DailyResourceUsageAggregationDisk
- Statistical aggregation of disk usage.
- DailyResourceUsageAggregationMemory
- Statistical aggregation of memory usage.
- DailyResourceUsageAggregationNetwork
- Statistical aggregation of network usage.
- DailyResourceUsageAggregationStats
- Statistical aggregation of samples for a single resource usage.
- DatabaseDeploymentDetails
- The details of a database deployment asset.
- DatabaseDeploymentDetailsAggregatedStats
- Aggregated stats for the database deployment.
- DatabaseDeploymentTopology
- Details of database deployment's topology.
- DatabaseDetails
- Details of a logical database.
- DatabaseDetailsParentDatabaseDeployment
- The identifiers of the parent database deployment.
- DatabaseInstance
- Details of a database instance.
- DatabaseInstanceNetwork
- Network details of a database instance.
- DatabaseObjects
- Details of a group of database objects.
- DatabaseSchema
- Details of a database schema.
- DiscoveryClient
- Represents an installed Migration Center Discovery Client instance.
- DiskEntry
- Single disk entry.
- DiskEntryList
- VM disks.
- DiskPartition
- Disk Partition details.
- DiskPartitionDetails
- Disk partition details.
- DiskPartitionList
- Disk partition list.
- DiskUsageSample
- Disk usage sample.
- ErrorFrame
- Message representing a frame which failed to be processed due to an error.
- ExecutionReport
- A resource that reports result of the import job execution.
- FileValidationReport
- A resource that aggregates the validation errors found in an import job file.
- FitDescriptor
- Describes the fit level of an asset for migration to a specific target.
- Frames
- Collection of frame data.
- FrameViolationEntry
A resource that contains a single violation of a reported
resource. - FstabEntry
- Single fstab entry.
- FstabEntryList
- Fstab content.
- GenericInsight
- A generic insight about an asset.
- GenericPlatformDetails
- Generic platform details.
- Group
- A resource that represents an asset group.
- GuestConfigDetails
- Guest OS config information.
- GuestInstalledApplication
- Guest installed application information.
- GuestInstalledApplicationList
- Guest installed application list.
- GuestOsDetails
- Information from Guest-level collections.
- GuestRuntimeDetails
- Guest OS runtime information.
- HostsEntry
- Single /etc/hosts entry.
- HostsEntryList
- Hosts content.
- ImportDataFile
- A resource that represents a payload file in an import job.
- ImportError
- A resource that reports the errors encountered while processing an import job.
- ImportJob
- A resource that represents the background job that imports asset frames.
- ImportRowError
- A resource that reports the import job errors at row level.
- ImportRowErrorArchiveErrorDetails
- Error details for an archive file.
- ImportRowErrorCsvErrorDetails
- Error details for a CSV file.
- ImportRowErrorXlsxErrorDetails
- Error details for an XLSX file.
- Insight
- An insight about an asset.
- InsightList
- Message containing insights list.
- ListAssetsResponse
- Response message for listing assets.
- ListDiscoveryClientsResponse
- Response message for listing discovery clients.
- ListErrorFramesResponse
- A response for listing error frames.
- ListGroupsResponse
- A response for listing groups.
- ListImportDataFilesResponse
- Response for listing payload files of an import job.
- ListImportJobsResponse
- A response for listing import jobs.
- ListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- ListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- ListPreferenceSetsResponse
- Response message for listing preference sets.
- ListRelationsResponse
- Response message for listing relations.
- ListReportConfigsResponse
- Response message for listing report configs.
- ListReportsResponse
- Response message for listing Reports.
- ListSourcesResponse
- Response message for listing sources.
- MachineArchitectureDetails
- Details of the machine architecture.
- MachineDetails
- Details of a machine.
- MachineDiskDetails
- Details of machine disks.
- MachineNetworkDetails
- Details of network adapters and settings.
- MachinePreferences
- The type of machines to consider when calculating virtual machine migration insights and recommendations.
- MachineSeries
- A machine series, for a target product (e.g. Compute Engine, Google Cloud VMware Engine).
- MemoryUsageSample
- Memory usage sample.
- MigrationCenterApi
- A unified platform that helps you accelerate your end-to-end cloud journey from your current on-premises or cloud environments to Google Cloud.
- MigrationInsight
- An insight about potential migrations for an asset.
- MysqlDatabaseDeployment
- Specific details for a Mysql database deployment.
- MySqlPlugin
- MySql plugin.
- MySqlSchemaDetails
- Specific details for a Mysql database.
- MySqlStorageEngineDetails
- Mysql storage engine tables.
- MySqlVariable
- MySql variable.
- NetworkAdapterDetails
- Details of network adapter.
- NetworkAdapterList
- List of network adapters.
- NetworkAddress
- Details of network address.
- NetworkAddressList
- List of allocated/assigned network addresses.
- NetworkConnection
- NetworkConnectionList
- Network connection list.
- NetworkUsageSample
- Network usage sample.
- NfsExport
- NFS export.
- NfsExportList
- NFS exports.
- OpenFileDetails
- Open file Information.
- OpenFileList
- Open file list.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- PerformanceSample
- Performance data sample.
- PhysicalPlatformDetails
- Platform specific details for Physical Machines.
- PlatformDetails
- Information about the platform.
- PostgreSqlDatabaseDeployment
- Specific details for a PostgreSQL database deployment.
- PostgreSqlExtension
- PostgreSql extension.
- PostgreSqlSchemaDetails
- Specific details for a PostgreSql schema.
- PostgreSqlSetting
- PostgreSql setting.
- PreferenceSet
- The preferences that apply to all assets in a given context.
- ProjectsLocationsAssetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDiscoveryClientsResource
- ProjectsLocationsGroupsResource
- ProjectsLocationsImportJobsImportDataFilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsImportJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPreferenceSetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsRelationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsReportConfigsReportsResource
- ProjectsLocationsReportConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesErrorFramesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSourcesResource
- ProjectsResource
- RegionPreferences
- The user preferences relating to target regions.
- Relation
- Message representing a relation between 2 resource.
- RemoveAssetsFromGroupRequest
- A request to remove assets from a group.
- Report
- Report represents a point-in-time rendering of the ReportConfig results.
- ReportConfig
- The groups and associated preference sets on which we can generate reports.
- ReportConfigGroupPreferenceSetAssignment
- Represents a combination of a group with a preference set.
- ReportSummary
- Describes the Summary view of a Report, which contains aggregated values for all the groups and preference sets included in this Report.
- ReportSummaryAssetAggregateStats
- Aggregate statistics for a collection of assets.
- ReportSummaryChartData
- Describes a collection of data points rendered as a Chart.
- ReportSummaryChartDataDataPoint
- Describes a single data point in the Chart.
- ReportSummaryComputeEngineFinding
- A set of findings that applies to assets destined for Compute Engine.
- ReportSummaryGroupFinding
- Summary Findings for a specific Group.
- ReportSummaryGroupPreferenceSetFinding
- Summary Findings for a specific Group/PreferenceSet combination.
- ReportSummaryHistogramChartData
- A Histogram Chart shows a distribution of values into buckets, showing a count of values which fall into a bucket.
- ReportSummaryHistogramChartDataBucket
- A histogram bucket with a lower and upper bound, and a count of items with a field value between those bounds.
- ReportSummaryMachineSeriesAllocation
- Represents a data point tracking the count of assets allocated for a specific Machine Series.
- ReportSummarySoleTenantFinding
- A set of findings that applies to assets destined for Sole-Tenant nodes.
- ReportSummarySoleTenantNodeAllocation
- Represents the assets allocated to a specific Sole-Tenant node type.
- ReportSummaryUtilizationChartData
- Utilization Chart is a specific type of visualization which displays a metric classified into "Used" and "Free" buckets.
- ReportSummaryVmwareEngineFinding
- A set of findings that applies to assets destined for VMWare Engine.
- ReportSummaryVmwareNode
- A VMWare Engine Node
- ReportSummaryVmwareNodeAllocation
- Represents assets allocated to a specific VMWare Node type.
- RunningProcess
- Guest OS running process details.
- RunningProcessList
- List of running guest OS processes.
- RunningService
- Guest OS running service details.
- RunningServiceList
- List of running guest OS services.
- RuntimeNetworkInfo
- Runtime networking information.
- SendDiscoveryClientHeartbeatRequest
- A request to send a discovery client heartbeat.
- Settings
- Describes the Migration Center settings related to the project.
- SoleTenancyPreferences
- Preferences concerning Sole Tenancy nodes and VMs.
- SoleTenantNodeType
- A Sole Tenant node type.
- Source
- Source represents an object from which asset information is streamed to Migration Center.
- SqlServerDatabaseDeployment
- Specific details for a Microsoft SQL Server database deployment.
- SqlServerFeature
- SQL Server feature details.
- SqlServerSchemaDetails
- Specific details for a SqlServer database.
- SqlServerServerFlag
- SQL Server server flag details.
- SqlServerTraceFlag
- SQL Server trace flag details.
- UpdateAssetRequest
- A request to update an asset.
- UploadFileInfo
- A resource that contains a URI to which a data file can be uploaded.
- ValidationReport
- A resource that aggregates errors across import job files.
- VirtualMachinePreferences
- VirtualMachinePreferences enables you to create sets of assumptions, for example, a geographical location and pricing track, for your migrated virtual machines.
- VmwareDiskConfig
- VMware disk config details.
- VmwareEnginePreferences
- The user preferences relating to Google Cloud VMware Engine target platform.
- VmwarePlatformDetails
- VMware specific details.
- AggregationCount = $Empty
- Object count.
- AggregationFrequency = $Empty
- Frequency distribution of all field values.
- AggregationSum = $Empty
- Sum of field values.
- AwsRds = $Empty
- Specific details for an AWS RDS database deployment.
- CancelOperationRequest = $Empty
- The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
- Date = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- Location = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- Money = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- MySqlProperty = $SqlProperty
- MySql property.
- PostgreSqlProperty = $SqlProperty
- PostgreSql property.
- ReportAssetFramesResponse = $Empty
A response to a call to
. - RunImportJobRequest = $Request00
- A request to run an import job.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - ValidateImportJobRequest = $Request00
- A request to validate an import job.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.