jobs/v3 library
Cloud Talent Solution API - v3
Cloud Talent Solution provides the capability to create, read, update, and delete job postings, as well as search jobs based on keywords and filters.
For more information, see
Create an instance of CloudTalentSolutionApi to access these resources:
- ApplicationInfo
- Application related details of a job posting.
- BatchDeleteJobsRequest
- Input only.
- BucketizedCount
- Represents count of jobs within one bucket.
- BucketRange
- Represents starting and ending value of a range in double.
- ClientEvent
- An event issued when an end user interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution.
- CloudTalentSolutionApi
- Cloud Talent Solution provides the capability to create, read, update, and delete job postings, as well as search jobs based on keywords and filters.
- CommuteFilter
- Input only.
- CommuteInfo
- Commute details related to this job.
- Company
- A Company resource represents a company in the service.
- CompanyDerivedInfo
- Derived details about the company.
- CompensationEntry
- A compensation entry that represents one component of compensation, such as base pay, bonus, or other compensation type.
- CompensationFilter
- Input only.
- CompensationHistogramRequest
- Input only.
- CompensationHistogramResult
- Compensation based histogram result.
- CompensationInfo
- Job compensation details.
- CompensationRange
- Compensation range.
- CompleteQueryResponse
- Response of auto-complete query.
- CompletionResult
- Resource that represents completion results.
- CreateClientEventRequest
- The report event request.
- CreateCompanyRequest
- Input only.
- CreateJobRequest
- Input only.
- CustomAttribute
- Custom attribute values that are either filterable or non-filterable.
- CustomAttributeHistogramRequest
- Custom attributes histogram request.
- CustomAttributeHistogramResult
- Custom attribute histogram result.
- DeviceInfo
- Device information collected from the job seeker, candidate, or other entity conducting the job search.
- HistogramFacets
- Input only.
- HistogramResult
- Result of a histogram call.
- HistogramResults
- Histogram results that match HistogramFacets specified in SearchJobsRequest.
- Job
- A Job resource represents a job posting (also referred to as a "job listing" or "job requisition").
- JobDerivedInfo
- Derived details about the job posting.
- JobEvent
- An event issued when a job seeker interacts with the application that implements Cloud Talent Solution.
- JobQuery
- Input only.
- ListCompaniesResponse
- The List companies response object.
- ListJobsResponse
- List jobs response.
- Location
- A resource that represents a location with full geographic information.
- LocationFilter
- Input only.
- MatchingJob
- Job entry with metadata inside SearchJobsResponse.
- NumericBucketingOption
- Input only.
- NumericBucketingResult
- Custom numeric bucketing result.
- ProcessingOptions
- Input only.
- ProjectsClientEventsResource
- ProjectsCompaniesResource
- ProjectsJobsResource
- ProjectsResource
- RequestMetadata
- Input only.
- SearchJobsRequest
- Input only.
- SearchJobsResponse
- Response for SearchJob method.
- SpellingCorrection
- Spell check result.
- TimestampRange
- Message representing a period of time between two timestamps.
- UpdateCompanyRequest
- Input only.
- UpdateJobRequest
- Input only.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- LatLng = $LatLng
- An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair.
- Money = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- PostalAddress = $PostalAddress
- Represents a postal address.
- ResponseMetadata = $ResponseMetadata
- Additional information returned to client, such as debugging information.
- TimeOfDay = $TimeOfDay
- Represents a time of day.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.