integrations/v1 library
Application Integration API - v1
For more information, see
Create an instance of IntegrationsApi to access these resources:
- CallbackResource
- ConnectorPlatformRegionsResource
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAppsScriptProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAuthConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCertificatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsClientsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCloudFunctionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIntegrationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsIntegrationsExecutionsSuspensionsResource - ProjectsLocationsProductsIntegrationsVersionsResource - ProjectsLocationsProductsSfdcInstancesResource - ProjectsLocationsProductsSfdcInstancesSfdcChannelsResource
- CallbackResource
- ConnectorPlatformRegionsResource
- CrmlogErrorCode
- Registered ids for errors, as "oneof" enums.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoAddress
- Email address along with optional name and tokens.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoAttributes
- Attributes are additional options that can be associated with each event property.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigErrorEnumList
- List of error enums for alerts.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBaseAlertConfigThresholdValue
- The threshold value of the metric, above or below which the alert should be triggered.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBuganizerNotification
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoCloudLoggingDetails
- Cloud Logging details, selected by the user for the integration version (workflow).
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoCombinedCondition
- This message recursively combines constituent conditions using logical AND.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoCondition
Condition that uses
to evaluate the key against the value. - EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoConditionalFailurePolicies
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoConditionResult
- Contains the combined condition calculation results.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoCoordinate
- Represents two-dimensional positions.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoCustomSuspensionRequest
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoErrorDetail
- An error, warning, or information message associated with a workflow.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoEventBusProperties
- LINT.IfChange This message is used for storing key value pair properties for each Event / Task in the EventBus.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoEventExecutionDetails
- Contains the details of the execution info of this event: this includes the tasks execution details plus the event execution statistics.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoEventExecutionDetailsEventAttemptStats
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoEventExecutionSnapshot
- Contains the snapshot of the event execution for a given checkpoint.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoEventExecutionSnapshotEventExecutionSnapshotMetadata
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoEventParameters
- LINT.IfChange This message is used for processing and persisting (when applicable) key value pair parameters for each event in the event bus.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoExecutionTraceInfo
- Message that helps aggregate all sub-executions triggered by one execution and keeps track of child-parent relationships.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoFailurePolicy
- Policy that defines the task retry logic and failure type.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoLogSettings
- The LogSettings define the logging attributes for an event property.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoNextTask
- The task that is next in line to be executed, if the condition specified evaluated to true.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoNextTeardownTask
- The teardown task that is next in line to be executed.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoNodeIdentifier
- Represents a node identifier (type + id).
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoNotification
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParameterEntry
- Key-value pair of EventBus parameters.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParameterValueType
- LINT.IfChange To support various types of parameter values.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParamSpecEntryConfig
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParamSpecEntryProtoDefinition
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParamSpecEntryValidationRule
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParamSpecEntryValidationRuleDoubleRange
- Range used to validate doubles and floats.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParamSpecEntryValidationRuleIntRange
- Range used to validate longs and ints.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoParamSpecEntryValidationRuleStringRegex
- Rule used to validate strings.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoPropertyEntry
- Key-value pair of EventBus property.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoStringArray
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoSuccessPolicy
- Policy that dictates the behavior for the task after it completes successfully.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoSuspensionAuthPermissions
- LINT.IfChange
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoSuspensionAuthPermissionsGaiaIdentity
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoSuspensionConfig
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoSuspensionExpiration
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskAlertConfig
- Message to be used to configure alerting in the {@code TaskConfig} protos for tasks in an event.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskExecutionDetails
- Contains the details of the execution of this task.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskExecutionDetailsTaskAttemptStats
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskMetadata
- TaskMetadata are attributes that are associated to every common Task we have.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskMetadataAdmin
- Admins are owners of a Task, and have all permissions on a particular task identified by the task name.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskUiConfig
- Task authors would use this type to configure the UI for a particular task by specifying what UI config modules should be included to compose the UI.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTaskUiModuleConfig
- Task author would use this type to configure a config module.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTeardown
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTeardownTaskConfig
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoTriggerCriteria
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoValueType
- Used for define type for values.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoWorkflowAlertConfig
- Message to be used to configure custom alerting in the {@code EventConfig} protos for an event.
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusStats
- Stats for the requested dimensions: QPS, duration, and error/warning rate
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusStatsDimensions
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoEventExecutionDetails
- Contains the details of the execution info of this event: this includes the tasks execution details plus the event execution statistics.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoEventExecutionInfo
- Contains all the execution details for a workflow instance.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoEventExecutionInfoReplayInfo
- Contains the details of the execution info: this includes the replay reason and replay tree connecting executions in a parent-child relationship
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoEventExecutionSnapshot
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoEventParameters
- LINT.IfChange This message is used for processing and persisting (when applicable) key value pair parameters for each event in the event bus.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoParameterEntry
- Key-value pair of EventBus parameters.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoParameterValueType
- To support various types of parameter values.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoParamSpecEntry
- Key-value pair of EventBus task parameters.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoParamSpecsMessage
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoRollbackStrategy
- Next available id: 4
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoTaskConfig
- The task configuration details.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoTaskEntity
- Contains a task's metadata and associated information.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoTriggerConfig
- Configuration detail of a trigger.
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoWorkflowParameterEntry
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoWorkflowParameters
- LINT.IfChange This is the frontend version of WorkflowParameters.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfig
- AuthConfig defines details of a authentication type.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigOauth2AuthCodeFlow
- Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigOauth2ClientCredentials
- Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Client Credentials Grant Authentication.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigOauth2JwtBearer
- Parameters to support JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for Oauth 2.0 Authorization Grant based authentication.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigSshPublicKey
- Parameters to support Ssh public key Authentication.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigUserPassword
- Parameters to support Username and Password Authentication.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1ConfigVariable
- ConfigVariable represents a configuration variable present in a Connection.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1Connection
- Connection represents an instance of connector.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1ConnectorVersionInfraConfig
- This cofiguration provides infra configs like rate limit threshold which need to be configurable for every connector version
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1DestinationConfig
- Define the Connectors target endpoint.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EventingConfig
- Eventing Configuration of a connection
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EventingRuntimeData
- Eventing runtime data has the details related to eventing managed by the system.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EventingRuntimeDataWebhookData
- WebhookData has details of webhook configuration.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EventingRuntimeDataWebhookSubscriptions
- WebhookSubscriptions has details of webhook subscriptions.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1SslConfig
- SSL Configuration of a connection
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaAccessToken
- The access token represents the authorization of a specific application to access specific parts of a user’s data.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaApiTriggerResource
- List of API triggerID and their workflow resource name.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaAssertion
- An assertion which will check for a condition over task execution status or an expression for task output variables
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaAssertionResult
- The result of an assertion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaAttemptStats
- Status for the execution attempt.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaAuthConfig
- The AuthConfig resource use to hold channels and connection config data.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaAuthToken
- The credentials to authenticate a user agent with a server that is put in HTTP Authorization request header.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaBooleanParameterArray
- This message only contains a field of boolean array.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCancelExecutionRequest
- Request for cancelling an execution.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCancelExecutionResponse
- Response for cancelling an execution.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCertificate
- The certificate definition
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaClientCertificate
- Contains client certificate information
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaClientConfig
- The configuration information for the Client
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCloudKmsConfig
- Configuration information for Client's Cloud KMS information
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCloudLoggingDetails
- Cloud Logging details for execution info
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaConditionalFailurePolicies
- Conditional task failur retry strategies
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaConnectionSchemaMetadata
- Metadata of runtime connection schema.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCoordinate
- Configuration detail of coordinate, it used for UI
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCreateAppsScriptProjectRequest
- Request for CreateAppsScriptProject rpc call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCreateAppsScriptProjectResponse
- Response for CreateAppsScriptProject rpc call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCreateCloudFunctionRequest
- Request for Creating Cloud Function rpc call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCreateCloudFunctionResponse
- Response for Creating Cloud Function rpc call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCredential
- Defines parameters for a single, canonical credential.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDoubleParameterArray
- This message only contains a field of double number array.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDownloadExecutionResponse
- Response for downloading an execution.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDownloadIntegrationVersionResponse
- Response for DownloadIntegrationVersion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDownloadJsonPackageResponse
- Response for DownloadJsonPackage.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDownloadTemplateResponse
- Response for DownloadTemplate.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDownloadTestCaseResponse
- Response for DownloadTestCase.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaEnumerateConnectorPlatformRegionsResponse
- Response containing all provisioned regions for Connector Platform.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaErrorCatcherConfig
- Configuration detail of a error catch task
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaEventParameter
- This message is used for processing and persisting (when applicable) key value pair parameters for each event in the event bus.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteEventResponse
- The response for executing an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteIntegrationsRequest
- The request for executing an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteIntegrationsResponse
- The response for executing an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteTestCaseRequest
- The request for executing a functional test.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteTestCaseResponse
- The response for executing a functional test.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteTestCasesResponse
- Response for ExecuteTestCases.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecution
- The Execution resource contains detailed information of an individual integration execution.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecutionDetails
- Contains the details of the execution info: this includes the tasks execution details plus the event execution statistics.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecutionReplayInfo
- Contains the details of the execution info: this includes the replay reason and replay tree connecting executions in a parent-child relationship
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecutionSnapshot
- Contains the snapshot of the execution for a given checkpoint.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecutionSnapshotExecutionSnapshotMetadata
- Metadata of the execution snapshot.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaFailurePolicy
- Policy that defines the task retry logic and failure type.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaFile
- To store Integration version related file i.e. Integration Version, Config variable etc.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaGenerateOpenApiSpecRequest
- Request for GenerateOpenApiSpec.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaGenerateOpenApiSpecResponse
- Response of the GenerateOpenApiSpec API.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaGenerateTokenResponse
- Returns success or error message
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaGetClientMetadataResponse
- Response for the GetClientMetadata rpc
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaGetClientResponse
- Response for the GetClient rpc
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaImportTemplateRequest
- Request to Import template
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaImportTemplateResponse
- Response for import template
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegration
- The integration definition.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegrationAlertConfig
- Message to be used to configure custom alerting in the {@code EventConfig} protos for an event.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegrationAlertConfigThresholdValue
- The threshold value of the metric, above or below which the alert should be triggered.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegrationConfigParameter
- Integration Config Parameter is defined in the integration config and are used to provide external configuration for integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegrationParameter
- Integration Parameter is defined in the integration config and are used to provide information about data types of the expected parameters and provide any default values if needed.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegrationVersion
- The integration version definition.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntegrationVersionTemplate
- Define the template of IntegrationVersion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaIntParameterArray
- This message only contains a field of integer array.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaJwt
- Represents JSON web token(JWT), which is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties, enabling the claims to be digitally signed or integrity protected.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaLiftSuspensionRequest
- Request for lift Suspension
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaLiftSuspensionResponse
- Response of lift Suspense
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaLinkAppsScriptProjectRequest
- Request for LinkAppsScriptProject rpc call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaLinkAppsScriptProjectResponse
- Response for LinkAppsScriptProject rpc call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListAuthConfigsResponse
- Response to list AuthConfigs.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListCertificatesResponse
- Response to list Certificates.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListConnectionsResponse
- Response containing Connections listed by region.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListExecutionsResponse
- Response for listing the integration execution data.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListIntegrationsResponse
- Response for ListIntegrations.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListIntegrationVersionsResponse
- Response for ListIntegrationVersions.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListRuntimeActionSchemasResponse
- Response for listing RuntimeActionSchemas for a specific Connection.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListRuntimeEntitySchemasResponse
- Response for listing RuntimeEntitySchemas for a specific Connection.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListSfdcChannelsResponse
- Response to list SfdcChannels.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListSfdcInstancesResponse
- Response to list SfdcInstances.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListSuspensionsResponse
- Response for Suspensions.ListSuspensions.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListTemplatesResponse
- Response for a request to list templates
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaListTestCasesResponse
- Response for ListTestCases
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaMockConfig
- The configuration for mocking of a task during test execution Next available id: 4
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaNextTask
- The task that is next in line to be executed, if the condition specified evaluated to true.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaOAuth2AuthorizationCode
- The OAuth Type where the client sends request with the client id and requested scopes to auth endpoint.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaOAuth2ClientCredentials
- For client credentials grant, the client sends a POST request with grant_type as 'client_credentials' to the authorization server.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaOAuth2ResourceOwnerCredentials
- For resource owner credentials grant, the client will ask the user for their authorization credentials (ususally a username and password) and send a POST request to the authorization server.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaOidcToken
- OIDC Token
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaParameterMap
- A generic multi-map that holds key value pairs.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaParameterMapEntry
- Entry is a pair of key and value.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaParameterMapField
- Field represents either the key or value in an entry.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaProjectProperties
- Metadata information for the given project
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaProvisionClientRequest
- Request for the Provision rpc
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaPublishIntegrationVersionRequest
- Request for PublishIntegrationVersion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaReplaceServiceAccountRequest
- Request for the ReplaceServiceAccount rpc
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaReplayExecutionRequest
- Request for replaying an execution.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaReplayExecutionResponse
- Response for replaying an execution.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaResolveSuspensionRequest
- Request for [Suspensions.ResolveSuspensions].
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaRuntimeActionSchema
- Metadata of an action, including schemas for its inputs and outputs.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaRuntimeEntitySchema
- Metadata of an entity, including a schema for its properties.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaScheduleIntegrationsRequest
- The request for scheduling an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaScheduleIntegrationsResponse
- The response for executing an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSearchTemplatesResponse
- Response for a request to search templates
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSerializedFile
- To store string representation of Integration file.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaServiceAccountCredentials
- Represents the service account which can be used to generate access token for authenticating the service call.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSfdcChannel
- The SfdcChannel that points to a CDC or Platform Event Channel.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSfdcInstance
- The SfdcInstance resource use to hold channels and connection config data.
- Request to Share template
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaStringParameterArray
- This message only contains a field of string array.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSuccessPolicy
- Policy that dictates the behavior for the task after it completes successfully.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSuspension
- A record representing a suspension.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSuspensionApprovalConfig
- Configurations for approving the Suspension.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSuspensionApprovalExpiration
- Expiration configs for the approval request.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSuspensionAudit
- Contains when and by whom the suspension was resolved.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSwitchEncryptionRequest
- Request for the SwitchEncryption rpc
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaSwitchVariableMaskingRequest
- Request to enable/disable variable masking for a provisioned client
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTakeoverEditLockResponse
- Response for TakeoverEditLock.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTaskConfig
- The task configuration details.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTaskExecutionDetails
- Contains the details of the execution of this task.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTemplate
- Defines the template for Application Integration
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTemplateBundle
- Define the bundle of the template.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTemplateComponent
- Define the components that are present in a template.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTestCase
- Defines the functional test case for Application Integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTestIntegrationsRequest
- The request for testing an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTestIntegrationsResponse
- The response for testing an integration.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTestTaskConfig
- The task mock configuration details and assertions for functional tests.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTriggerConfig
- Configuration detail of a trigger.
- Request to Unshare template
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUploadIntegrationVersionRequest
- Request for UploadIntegrationVersion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUploadIntegrationVersionResponse
- Response for UploadIntegrationVersion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUploadTemplateRequest
- Request for UploadTemplate.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUploadTemplateResponse
- Response for UploadTemplate.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUploadTestCaseRequest
- Request for UploadTestCase.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUploadTestCaseResponse
- Response for UploadTestCase.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUsernameAndPassword
- Username and password pair.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUseTemplateRequest
- Request to Use template
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUseTemplateRequestIntegrationDetails
- Sub Integration which would be created via templates.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUseTemplateResponse
- Response for use template
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaValueType
- The type of the parameter.
- GoogleInternalCloudCrmEventbusV3PostToQueueWithTriggerIdRequest
- LINT.IfChange Use this request to post all workflows associated with a given trigger id.
- IntegrationsApi
- ProjectsLocationsAppsScriptProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsAuthConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCertificatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsClientsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCloudFunctionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsRuntimeActionSchemasResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsRuntimeEntitySchemasResource
- ProjectsLocationsIntegrationsExecutionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIntegrationsExecutionsSuspensionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIntegrationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIntegrationsVersionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIntegrationsVersionsTestCasesResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsAuthConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsCertificatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsCloudFunctionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsIntegrationsExecutionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsIntegrationsExecutionsSuspensionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsIntegrationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsIntegrationsVersionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsSfdcInstancesResource
- ProjectsLocationsProductsSfdcInstancesSfdcChannelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSfdcInstancesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSfdcInstancesSfdcChannelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTemplatesResource
- ProjectsResource
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoBooleanParameterArray = $EventbusProtoBooleanParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoCloudSchedulerConfig = $CloudSchedulerConfig
- Cloud Scheduler Trigger configuration
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoDoubleArray = $Shared07
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoDoubleParameterArray = $EventbusProtoDoubleParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoIntArray = $Shared08
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoIntParameterArray = $EventbusProtoIntParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoProtoParameterArray = $EventbusProtoProtoParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoSerializedObjectParameter = $EventbusProtoSerializedObjectParameter
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoStringParameterArray = $EventbusProtoStringParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmEventbusProtoToken = $Shared06
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoBooleanParameterArray = $EventbusProtoBooleanParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoDoubleParameterArray = $EventbusProtoDoubleParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoIntParameterArray = $EventbusProtoIntParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoProtoParameterArray = $EventbusProtoProtoParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoSerializedObjectParameter = $EventbusProtoSerializedObjectParameter
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoStringParameterArray = $EventbusProtoStringParameterArray
- EnterpriseCrmFrontendsEventbusProtoTriggerConfigVariables = $TriggerConfigVariables
- Variables names mapped to api trigger.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigOauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged = $Oauth2AuthCodeFlowGoogleManaged
- Parameters to support Oauth 2.0 Auth Code Grant Authentication using Google Provided OAuth Client.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1AuthConfigOauth2JwtBearerJwtClaims = $JwtClaims
- JWT claims used for the jwt-bearer authorization grant.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1BillingConfig = $BillingConfig
- Billing config for the connection.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1ConnectionStatus = $ConnectionStatus
- ConnectionStatus indicates the state of the connection.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1Destination = $Destination
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EncryptionKey = $EncryptionKey
- Encryption Key value.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EnrichmentConfig = $EnrichmentConfig
- Data enrichment configuration.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EventingConfigDeadLetterConfig = $DeadLetterConfig
- Dead Letter configuration details provided by the user.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1EventingStatus = $EventingStatus
- EventingStatus indicates the state of eventing.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1HPAConfig = $HPAConfig
- Autoscaling config for connector deployment system metrics.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1LockConfig = $LockConfig
- Determines whether or no a connection is locked.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1LogConfig = $LogConfig
- Log configuration for the connection.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1NodeConfig = $NodeConfig
- Node configuration for the connection.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1ResourceLimits = $ResourceLimits
- Resource limits defined for connection pods of a given connector type.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1ResourceRequests = $ResourceRequests
- Resource requests defined for connection pods of a given connector type.
- GoogleCloudConnectorsV1Secret = $Secret
- Secret provides a reference to entries in Secret Manager.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaCloudSchedulerConfig = $CloudSchedulerConfig
- Cloud Scheduler Trigger configuration
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaDeprovisionClientRequest = $Empty
- Request for the Deprovision rpc
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaExecuteTestCasesRequest = $Empty
- Request for ExecuteTestCases.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaPublishIntegrationVersionResponse = $Empty
- Response for PublishIntegrationVersion.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaResolveSuspensionResponse = $Empty
- Response for Suspensions.ResolveSuspensions.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTakeoverEditLockRequest = $Empty
- Request for TakeoverEditLock.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTakeoverTestCaseEditLockRequest = $Empty
- Request for TakeoverTestCaseEditLock.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaTriggerConfigVariables = $TriggerConfigVariables
- Variables names mapped to api trigger.
- GoogleCloudIntegrationsV1alphaUnpublishIntegrationVersionRequest = $Empty
- Request for UnpublishIntegrationVersion.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.