forms/v1 library
Google Forms API - v1
Reads and writes Google Forms and responses.
For more information, see
Create an instance of FormsApi to access these resources:
- Answer
- The submitted answer for a question.
- BatchUpdateFormRequest
- A batch of updates to perform on a form.
- BatchUpdateFormResponse
- Response to a BatchUpdateFormRequest.
- ChoiceQuestion
- A radio/checkbox/dropdown question.
- CloudPubsubTopic
- A Pub/Sub topic.
- CorrectAnswer
- A single correct answer for a question.
- CorrectAnswers
- The answer key for a question.
- CreateItemRequest
- Create an item in a form.
- CreateItemResponse
- The result of creating an item.
- CreateWatchRequest
- Create a new watch.
- DateQuestion
- A date question.
- DeleteItemRequest
- Delete an item in a form.
- ExtraMaterial
- Supplementary material to the feedback.
- Feedback
- Feedback for a respondent about their response to a question.
- FileUploadAnswer
- Info for a single file submitted to a file upload question.
- FileUploadAnswers
- All submitted files for a FileUpload question.
- FileUploadQuestion
- A file upload question.
- Form
- A Google Forms document.
- FormResponse
- A form response.
- FormsApi
- Reads and writes Google Forms and responses.
- FormSettings
- A form's settings.
- FormsResource
- FormsResponsesResource
- FormsWatchesResource
- Grade
- Grade information associated with a respondent's answer to a question.
- Grading
- Grading for a single question
- Grid
- A grid of choices (radio or check boxes) with each row constituting a separate question.
- Image
- Data representing an image.
- ImageItem
- An item containing an image.
- Info
- The general information for a form.
- Item
- A single item of the form.
- ListFormResponsesResponse
- Response to a ListFormResponsesRequest.
- ListWatchesResponse
- The response of a ListWatchesRequest.
- Location
- A specific location in a form.
- MediaProperties
- Properties of the media.
- MoveItemRequest
- Move an item in a form.
- Option
- An option for a Choice question.
- PublishSettings
- The publishing settings of a form.
- PublishState
- The publishing state of a form.
- Question
- Any question.
- QuestionGroupItem
- Defines a question that comprises multiple questions grouped together.
- QuestionItem
- A form item containing a single question.
- QuizSettings
- Settings related to quiz forms and grading.
- RatingQuestion
- A rating question.
- Request
- The kinds of update requests that can be made.
- Response
- A single response from an update.
- RowQuestion
- Configuration for a question that is part of a question group.
- ScaleQuestion
- A scale question.
- SetPublishSettingsRequest
- Updates the publish settings of a Form.
- SetPublishSettingsResponse
The response of a
request. - TextAnswer
- An answer to a question represented as text.
- TextAnswers
- A question's answers as text.
- TextLink
- Link for text.
- TextQuestion
- A text-based question.
- TimeQuestion
- A time question.
- UpdateFormInfoRequest
- Update Form's Info.
- UpdateItemRequest
- Update an item in a form.
- UpdateSettingsRequest
- Update Form's FormSettings.
- Video
- Data representing a video.
- VideoItem
- An item containing a video.
- VideoLink
- Link to a video.
- Watch
- A watch for events for a form.
- WatchTarget
- The target for notification delivery.
- WriteControl
- Provides control over how write requests are executed.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- PageBreakItem = $Empty
- A page break.
- RenewWatchRequest = $Empty
- Renew an existing Watch for seven days.
- TextItem = $Empty
- A text item.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.