documentai/v1 library
Cloud Document AI API - v1
Service to parse structured information from unstructured or semi-structured documents using state-of-the-art Google AI such as natural language, computer vision, translation, and AutoML.
For more information, see
Create an instance of DocumentApi to access these resources:
- DocumentApi
- Service to parse structured information from unstructured or semi-structured documents using state-of-the-art Google AI such as natural language, computer vision, translation, and AutoML.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1BatchDocumentsInputConfig
- The common config to specify a set of documents used as input.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1BatchProcessRequest
- Request message for BatchProcessDocuments.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1BoundingPoly
- A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Document
- Document represents the canonical document resource in Document AI.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocument
- Represents the chunks that the document is divided into.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunk
- Represents a chunk.
- Represents the page footer associated with the chunk.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunkChunkPageHeader
- Represents the page header associated with the chunk.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayout
- Represents the parsed layout of a document as a collection of blocks that the document is divided into.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlock
- Represents a block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutListBlock
- Represents a list type block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutListEntry
- Represents an entry in the list.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTableBlock
- Represents a table type block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTableCell
- Represents a cell in a table row.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTableRow
- Represents a row in a table.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTextBlock
- Represents a text type block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntity
- An entity that could be a phrase in the text or a property that belongs to the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntityNormalizedValue
- Parsed and normalized entity value.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentOutputConfig
- Config that controls the output of documents.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentOutputConfigGcsOutputConfig
- The configuration used when outputting documents.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentOutputConfigGcsOutputConfigShardingConfig
- The sharding config for the output document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPage
- A page in a Document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageAnchor
- Referencing the visual context of the entity in the Document.pages.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageAnchorPageRef
- Represents a weak reference to a page element within a document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageBlock
- A block has a set of lines (collected into paragraphs) that have a common line-spacing and orientation.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDetectedBarcode
- A detected barcode.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageFormField
- A form field detected on the page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImageQualityScores
- Image quality scores for the page image.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageLayout
- Visual element describing a layout unit on a page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageLine
- A collection of tokens that a human would perceive as a line.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageParagraph
- A collection of lines that a human would perceive as a paragraph.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageSymbol
- A detected symbol.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTable
- A table representation similar to HTML table structure.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTableTableCell
- A cell representation inside the table.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTableTableRow
- A row of table cells.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageToken
- A detected token.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTokenStyleInfo
- Font and other text style attributes.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageVisualElement
- Detected non-text visual elements e.g. checkbox, signature etc.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentProvenance
- Structure to identify provenance relationships between annotations in different revisions.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentRevision
- Contains past or forward revisions of this document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentSchema
- The schema defines the output of the processed document by a processor.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentSchemaEntityType
- EntityType is the wrapper of a label of the corresponding model with detailed attributes and limitations for entity-based processors.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentSchemaEntityTypeEnumValues
- Defines the a list of enum values.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentSchemaEntityTypeProperty
- Defines properties that can be part of the entity type.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentSchemaMetadata
- Metadata for global schema behavior.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentStyle
- Annotation for common text style attributes.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextAnchor
- Text reference indexing into the Document.text.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextChange
- This message is used for text changes aka.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EvaluateProcessorVersionRequest
- Evaluates the given ProcessorVersion against the supplied documents.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Evaluation
- An evaluation of a ProcessorVersion's performance.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EvaluationConfidenceLevelMetrics
- Evaluations metrics, at a specific confidence level.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EvaluationCounters
- Evaluation counters for the documents that were used.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EvaluationMetrics
- Evaluation metrics, either in aggregate or about a specific entity.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EvaluationMultiConfidenceMetrics
- Metrics across multiple confidence levels.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EvaluationReference
- Gives a short summary of an evaluation, and links to the evaluation itself.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1FetchProcessorTypesResponse
- Response message for the FetchProcessorTypes method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1GcsDocument
- Specifies a document stored on Cloud Storage.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1GcsDocuments
- Specifies a set of documents on Cloud Storage.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1GcsPrefix
- Specifies all documents on Cloud Storage with a common prefix.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1HumanReviewStatus
- The status of human review on a processed document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ListEvaluationsResponse
The response from
. - GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ListProcessorsResponse
- Response message for the ListProcessors method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ListProcessorTypesResponse
- Response message for the ListProcessorTypes method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ListProcessorVersionsResponse
- Response message for the ListProcessorVersions method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1OcrConfig
- Config for Document OCR.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1OcrConfigHints
- Hints for OCR Engine
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1OcrConfigPremiumFeatures
- Configurations for premium OCR features.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessOptions
- Options for Process API
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessOptionsIndividualPageSelector
- A list of individual page numbers.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessOptionsLayoutConfig
- Serving config for layout parser processor.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessOptionsLayoutConfigChunkingConfig
- Serving config for chunking.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Processor
- The first-class citizen for Document AI.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorType
- A processor type is responsible for performing a certain document understanding task on a certain type of document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorTypeLocationInfo
- The location information about where the processor is available.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorVersion
- A processor version is an implementation of a processor.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorVersionAlias
- Contains the alias and the aliased resource name of processor version.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorVersionDeprecationInfo
- Information about the upcoming deprecation of this processor version.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorVersionGenAiModelInfo
- Information about Generative AI model-based processor versions.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorVersionGenAiModelInfoCustomGenAiModelInfo
- Information for a custom Generative AI model created by the user.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessorVersionGenAiModelInfoFoundationGenAiModelInfo
- Information for a pretrained Google-managed foundation model.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessRequest
- Request message for the ProcessDocument method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ProcessResponse
- Response message for the ProcessDocument method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1RawDocument
- Payload message of raw document content (bytes).
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1ReviewDocumentRequest
- Request message for the ReviewDocument method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1SetDefaultProcessorVersionRequest
- Request message for the SetDefaultProcessorVersion method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1TrainProcessorVersionRequest
- Request message for the TrainProcessorVersion method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1TrainProcessorVersionRequestCustomDocumentExtractionOptions
- Options to control the training of the Custom Document Extraction (CDE) Processor.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1TrainProcessorVersionRequestFoundationModelTuningOptions
- Options to control foundation model tuning of the processor.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1TrainProcessorVersionRequestInputData
- The input data used to train a new ProcessorVersion.
- GoogleCloudLocationListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- GoogleTypeDateTime
- Represents civil time (or occasionally physical time).
- OperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProcessorsHumanReviewConfigResource
- ProjectsLocationsProcessorsProcessorVersionsEvaluationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProcessorsProcessorVersionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProcessorsResource
- ProjectsLocationsProcessorTypesResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsOperationsResource
- ProjectsResource
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Barcode = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Barcode
- Encodes the detailed information of a barcode.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DeployProcessorVersionRequest = $Empty
- Request message for the DeployProcessorVersion method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DisableProcessorRequest = $Empty
- Request message for the DisableProcessor method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunkChunkPageSpan = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunkChunkPageSpan
- Represents where the chunk starts and ends in the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutPageSpan = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutPageSpan
- Represents where the block starts and ends in the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntityRelation = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntityRelation
- Relationship between Entities.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDetectedLanguage = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDetectedLanguage
- Detected language for a structural component.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDimension = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDimension
- Dimension for the page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImage = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImage
- Rendered image contents for this page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImageQualityScoresDetectedDefect = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImageQualityScoresDetectedDefect
- Image Quality Defects
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageMatrix = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageMatrix
- Representation for transformation matrix, intended to be compatible and used with OpenCV format for image manipulation.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTokenDetectedBreak = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTokenDetectedBreak
- Detected break at the end of a Token.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentProvenanceParent = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentProvenanceParent
- The parent element the current element is based on.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentRevisionHumanReview = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentRevisionHumanReview
- Human Review information of the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentShardInfo = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentShardInfo
- For a large document, sharding may be performed to produce several document shards.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentStyleFontSize = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentStyleFontSize
- Font size with unit.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextAnchorTextSegment = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextAnchorTextSegment
- A text segment in the Document.text.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1EnableProcessorRequest = $Empty
- Request message for the EnableProcessor method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1NormalizedVertex = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1NormalizedVertex
- A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1UndeployProcessorVersionRequest = $Empty
- Request message for the UndeployProcessorVersion method.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Vertex = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Vertex
- A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.
- GoogleCloudLocationLocation = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeColor = $Color
- Represents a color in the RGBA color space.
- GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- GoogleTypeMoney = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- GoogleTypePostalAddress = $PostalAddress
- Represents a postal address.
- GoogleTypeTimeZone = $TimeZone
- Represents a time zone from the IANA Time Zone Database.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.