Request class
A single update to apply to a document.
-{CreateFootnoteRequest? createFootnote, CreateHeaderRequest? createHeader, CreateNamedRangeRequest? createNamedRange, CreateParagraphBulletsRequest? createParagraphBullets, DeleteContentRangeRequest? deleteContentRange, DeleteHeaderRequest? deleteHeader, DeleteNamedRangeRequest? deleteNamedRange, DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest? deleteParagraphBullets, DeletePositionedObjectRequest? deletePositionedObject, DeleteTableColumnRequest? deleteTableColumn, DeleteTableRowRequest? deleteTableRow, InsertInlineImageRequest? insertInlineImage, InsertPageBreakRequest? insertPageBreak, InsertSectionBreakRequest? insertSectionBreak, InsertTableRequest? insertTable, InsertTableColumnRequest? insertTableColumn, InsertTableRowRequest? insertTableRow, InsertTextRequest? insertText, MergeTableCellsRequest? mergeTableCells, PinTableHeaderRowsRequest? pinTableHeaderRows, ReplaceAllTextRequest? replaceAllText, ReplaceImageRequest? replaceImage, ReplaceNamedRangeContentRequest? replaceNamedRangeContent, UnmergeTableCellsRequest? unmergeTableCells, UpdateDocumentStyleRequest? updateDocumentStyle, UpdateParagraphStyleRequest? updateParagraphStyle, UpdateSectionStyleRequest? updateSectionStyle, UpdateTableCellStyleRequest? updateTableCellStyle, UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest? updateTableColumnProperties, UpdateTableRowStyleRequest? updateTableRowStyle, UpdateTextStyleRequest? updateTextStyle})
- Request.fromJson(Map json_)
Creates a footer.
getter/setter pair
- createFootnote ↔ CreateFootnoteRequest?
Creates a footnote.
getter/setter pair
- createHeader ↔ CreateHeaderRequest?
Creates a header.
getter/setter pair
- createNamedRange ↔ CreateNamedRangeRequest?
Creates a named range.
getter/setter pair
- createParagraphBullets ↔ CreateParagraphBulletsRequest?
Creates bullets for paragraphs.
getter/setter pair
- deleteContentRange ↔ DeleteContentRangeRequest?
Deletes content from the document.
getter/setter pair
Deletes a footer from the document.
getter/setter pair
- deleteHeader ↔ DeleteHeaderRequest?
Deletes a header from the document.
getter/setter pair
- deleteNamedRange ↔ DeleteNamedRangeRequest?
Deletes a named range.
getter/setter pair
- deleteParagraphBullets ↔ DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest?
Deletes bullets from paragraphs.
getter/setter pair
- deletePositionedObject ↔ DeletePositionedObjectRequest?
Deletes a positioned object from the document.
getter/setter pair
- deleteTableColumn ↔ DeleteTableColumnRequest?
Deletes a column from a table.
getter/setter pair
- deleteTableRow ↔ DeleteTableRowRequest?
Deletes a row from a table.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- insertInlineImage ↔ InsertInlineImageRequest?
Inserts an inline image at the specified location.
getter/setter pair
- insertPageBreak ↔ InsertPageBreakRequest?
Inserts a page break at the specified location.
getter/setter pair
- insertSectionBreak ↔ InsertSectionBreakRequest?
Inserts a section break at the specified location.
getter/setter pair
- insertTable ↔ InsertTableRequest?
Inserts a table at the specified location.
getter/setter pair
- insertTableColumn ↔ InsertTableColumnRequest?
Inserts an empty column into a table.
getter/setter pair
- insertTableRow ↔ InsertTableRowRequest?
Inserts an empty row into a table.
getter/setter pair
- insertText ↔ InsertTextRequest?
Inserts text at the specified location.
getter/setter pair
- mergeTableCells ↔ MergeTableCellsRequest?
Merges cells in a table.
getter/setter pair
- pinTableHeaderRows ↔ PinTableHeaderRowsRequest?
Updates the number of pinned header rows in a table.
getter/setter pair
- replaceAllText ↔ ReplaceAllTextRequest?
Replaces all instances of the specified text.
getter/setter pair
- replaceImage ↔ ReplaceImageRequest?
Replaces an image in the document.
getter/setter pair
- replaceNamedRangeContent ↔ ReplaceNamedRangeContentRequest?
Replaces the content in a named range.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- unmergeTableCells ↔ UnmergeTableCellsRequest?
Unmerges cells in a table.
getter/setter pair
- updateDocumentStyle ↔ UpdateDocumentStyleRequest?
Updates the style of the document.
getter/setter pair
- updateParagraphStyle ↔ UpdateParagraphStyleRequest?
Updates the paragraph style at the specified range.
getter/setter pair
- updateSectionStyle ↔ UpdateSectionStyleRequest?
Updates the section style of the specified range.
getter/setter pair
- updateTableCellStyle ↔ UpdateTableCellStyleRequest?
Updates the style of table cells.
getter/setter pair
- updateTableColumnProperties ↔ UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest?
Updates the properties of columns in a table.
getter/setter pair
- updateTableRowStyle ↔ UpdateTableRowStyleRequest?
Updates the row style in a table.
getter/setter pair
- updateTextStyle ↔ UpdateTextStyleRequest?
Updates the text style at the specified range.
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.