docs/v1 library
Google Docs API - v1
Reads and writes Google Docs documents.
For more information, see
Create an instance of DocsApi to access these resources:
- AutoText
- A ParagraphElement representing a spot in the text that's dynamically replaced with content that can change over time, like a page number.
- Background
- Represents the background of a document.
- BackgroundSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Background have been changed in this suggestion.
- BatchUpdateDocumentRequest
- Request message for BatchUpdateDocument.
- BatchUpdateDocumentResponse
- Response message from a BatchUpdateDocument request.
- Body
- The document body.
- BookmarkLink
- A reference to a bookmark in this document.
- Bullet
- Describes the bullet of a paragraph.
- BulletSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Bullet have been changed in this suggestion.
- Color
- A solid color.
- ColumnBreak
- A ParagraphElement representing a column break.
- Creates a Footer.
- The result of creating a footer.
- CreateFootnoteRequest
- Creates a Footnote segment and inserts a new FootnoteReference to it at the given location.
- CreateFootnoteResponse
- The result of creating a footnote.
- CreateHeaderRequest
- Creates a Header.
- CreateHeaderResponse
- The result of creating a header.
- CreateNamedRangeRequest
- Creates a NamedRange referencing the given range.
- CreateNamedRangeResponse
- The result of creating a named range.
- CreateParagraphBulletsRequest
- Creates bullets for all of the paragraphs that overlap with the given range.
- CropProperties
- The crop properties of an image.
- CropPropertiesSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base CropProperties have been changed in this suggestion.
- DeleteContentRangeRequest
- Deletes content from the document.
- Deletes a Footer from the document.
- DeleteHeaderRequest
- Deletes a Header from the document.
- DeleteNamedRangeRequest
- Deletes a NamedRange.
- DeleteParagraphBulletsRequest
- Deletes bullets from all of the paragraphs that overlap with the given range.
- DeletePositionedObjectRequest
- Deletes a PositionedObject from the document.
- DeleteTableColumnRequest
- Deletes a column from a table.
- DeleteTableRowRequest
- Deletes a row from a table.
- Dimension
- A magnitude in a single direction in the specified units.
- DocsApi
- Reads and writes Google Docs documents.
- Document
- A Google Docs document.
- DocumentsResource
- DocumentStyle
- The style of the document.
- DocumentStyleSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base DocumentStyle have been changed in this suggestion.
- DocumentTab
- A tab with document contents.
- EmbeddedObject
- An embedded object in the document.
- EmbeddedObjectBorder
- A border around an EmbeddedObject.
- EmbeddedObjectBorderSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedObjectBorder have been changed in this suggestion.
- EmbeddedObjectSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedObject have been changed in this suggestion.
- EndOfSegmentLocation
- Location at the end of a body, header, footer or footnote.
- Equation
- A ParagraphElement representing an equation.
- A document footer.
- Footnote
- A document footnote.
- FootnoteReference
- A ParagraphElement representing a footnote reference.
- Header
- A document header.
- HeadingLink
- A reference to a heading in this document.
- HorizontalRule
- A ParagraphElement representing a horizontal line.
- ImageProperties
- The properties of an image.
- ImagePropertiesSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ImageProperties have been changed in this suggestion.
- InlineObject
- An object that appears inline with text.
- InlineObjectElement
- A ParagraphElement that contains an InlineObject.
- InlineObjectProperties
- Properties of an InlineObject.
- InlineObjectPropertiesSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base InlineObjectProperties have been changed in this suggestion.
- InsertInlineImageRequest
- Inserts an InlineObject containing an image at the given location.
- InsertInlineImageResponse
- The result of inserting an inline image.
- InsertInlineSheetsChartResponse
- The result of inserting an embedded Google Sheets chart.
- InsertPageBreakRequest
- Inserts a page break followed by a newline at the specified location.
- InsertSectionBreakRequest
- Inserts a section break at the given location.
- InsertTableColumnRequest
- Inserts an empty column into a table.
- InsertTableRequest
- Inserts a table at the specified location.
- InsertTableRowRequest
- Inserts an empty row into a table.
- InsertTextRequest
- Inserts text at the specified location.
- Link
- A reference to another portion of a document or an external URL resource.
- LinkedContentReference
- A reference to the external linked source content.
- LinkedContentReferenceSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base LinkedContentReference have been changed in this suggestion.
- List
- A List represents the list attributes for a group of paragraphs that all belong to the same list.
- ListProperties
- The properties of a list that describe the look and feel of bullets belonging to paragraphs associated with a list.
- ListPropertiesSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ListProperties have been changed in this suggestion.
- Location
- A particular location in the document.
- MergeTableCellsRequest
- Merges cells in a Table.
- NamedRange
- A collection of Ranges with the same named range ID.
- NamedRanges
- A collection of all the NamedRanges in the document that share a given name.
- NamedStyle
- A named style.
- NamedStyles
- The named styles.
- NamedStylesSuggestionState
- The suggestion state of a NamedStyles message.
- NamedStyleSuggestionState
- A suggestion state of a NamedStyle message.
- NestingLevel
- Contains properties describing the look and feel of a list bullet at a given level of nesting.
- NestingLevelSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base NestingLevel have been changed in this suggestion.
- ObjectReferences
- A collection of object IDs.
- OptionalColor
- A color that can either be fully opaque or fully transparent.
- PageBreak
- A ParagraphElement representing a page break.
- Paragraph
- A StructuralElement representing a paragraph.
- ParagraphBorder
- A border around a paragraph.
- ParagraphElement
- A ParagraphElement describes content within a Paragraph.
- ParagraphStyle
- Styles that apply to a whole paragraph.
- ParagraphStyleSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base ParagraphStyle have been changed in this suggestion.
- Person
- A person or email address mentioned in a document.
- PersonProperties
- Properties specific to a linked Person.
- PinTableHeaderRowsRequest
- Updates the number of pinned table header rows in a table.
- PositionedObject
- An object that's tethered to a Paragraph and positioned relative to the beginning of the paragraph.
- PositionedObjectPositioning
- The positioning of a PositionedObject.
- PositionedObjectPositioningSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base PositionedObjectPositioning have been changed in this suggestion.
- PositionedObjectProperties
- Properties of a PositionedObject.
- PositionedObjectPropertiesSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base PositionedObjectProperties have been changed in this suggestion.
- Range
- Specifies a contiguous range of text.
- ReplaceAllTextRequest
- Replaces all instances of text matching a criteria with replace text.
- ReplaceImageRequest
- Replaces an existing image with a new image.
- ReplaceNamedRangeContentRequest
- Replaces the contents of the specified NamedRange or NamedRanges with the given replacement content.
- Request
- A single update to apply to a document.
- Response
- A single response from an update.
- RichLink
- A link to a Google resource (such as a file in Drive, a YouTube video, or a Calendar event).
- RichLinkProperties
- Properties specific to a RichLink.
- SectionBreak
- A StructuralElement representing a section break.
- SectionColumnProperties
- Properties that apply to a section's column.
- SectionStyle
- The styling that applies to a section.
- Shading
- The shading of a paragraph.
- ShadingSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Shading have been changed in this suggested change.
- SheetsChartReference
- A reference to a linked chart embedded from Google Sheets.
- SheetsChartReferenceSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base SheetsChartReference have been changed in this suggestion.
- Size
- A width and height.
- SizeSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base Size have been changed in this suggestion.
- StructuralElement
- A StructuralElement describes content that provides structure to the document.
- SubstringMatchCriteria
- A criteria that matches a specific string of text in the document.
- SuggestedBullet
- A suggested change to a Bullet.
- SuggestedDocumentStyle
- A suggested change to the DocumentStyle.
- SuggestedInlineObjectProperties
- A suggested change to InlineObjectProperties.
- SuggestedListProperties
- A suggested change to ListProperties.
- SuggestedNamedStyles
- A suggested change to the NamedStyles.
- SuggestedParagraphStyle
- A suggested change to a ParagraphStyle.
- SuggestedPositionedObjectProperties
- A suggested change to PositionedObjectProperties.
- SuggestedTableCellStyle
- A suggested change to a TableCellStyle.
- SuggestedTableRowStyle
- A suggested change to a TableRowStyle.
- SuggestedTextStyle
- A suggested change to a TextStyle.
- Tab
- A tab in a document.
- Table
- A StructuralElement representing a table.
- TableCell
- The contents and style of a cell in a Table.
- TableCellBorder
- A border around a table cell.
- TableCellLocation
- Location of a single cell within a table.
- TableCellStyle
- The style of a TableCell.
- TableCellStyleSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TableCellStyle have been changed in this suggestion.
- TableColumnProperties
- The properties of a column in a table.
- TableOfContents
- A StructuralElement representing a table of contents.
- TableRange
- A table range represents a reference to a subset of a table.
- TableRow
- The contents and style of a row in a Table.
- TableRowStyle
- Styles that apply to a table row.
- TableRowStyleSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TableRowStyle have been changed in this suggestion.
- TableStyle
- Styles that apply to a table.
- TabProperties
- Properties of a tab.
- TabsCriteria
- A criteria that specifies in which tabs a request executes.
- TabStop
- A tab stop within a paragraph.
- TextRun
- A ParagraphElement that represents a run of text that all has the same styling.
- TextStyle
- Represents the styling that can be applied to text.
- TextStyleSuggestionState
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base TextStyle have been changed in this suggestion.
- UnmergeTableCellsRequest
- Unmerges cells in a Table.
- UpdateDocumentStyleRequest
- Updates the DocumentStyle.
- UpdateParagraphStyleRequest
- Update the styling of all paragraphs that overlap with the given range.
- UpdateSectionStyleRequest
- Updates the SectionStyle.
- UpdateTableCellStyleRequest
- Updates the style of a range of table cells.
- UpdateTableColumnPropertiesRequest
- Updates the TableColumnProperties of columns in a table.
- UpdateTableRowStyleRequest
- Updates the TableRowStyle of rows in a table.
- UpdateTextStyleRequest
- Update the styling of text.
- WeightedFontFamily
- Represents a font family and weight of text.
- WriteControl
- Provides control over how write requests are executed.
- EmbeddedDrawingProperties = $Empty
- The properties of an embedded drawing and used to differentiate the object type.
- EmbeddedDrawingPropertiesSuggestionState = $Empty
- A mask that indicates which of the fields on the base EmbeddedDrawingProperties have been changed in this suggestion.
- ReplaceAllTextResponse = $ReplaceAllTextResponse
- The result of replacing text.
- RgbColor = $RgbColor
- An RGB color.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.