dlp/v2 library
Sensitive Data Protection (DLP) - v2
Discover and protect your sensitive data. A fully managed service designed to help you discover, classify, and protect your valuable data assets with ease.
For more information, see cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/
Create an instance of DLPApi to access these resources:
- InfoTypesResource
- LocationsResource
- OrganizationsResource
- OrganizationsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsInspectTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsColumnDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsConnectionsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsDiscoveryConfigsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsDlpJobsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsFileStoreDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsInspectTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsJobTriggersResource
- OrganizationsLocationsProjectDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsStoredInfoTypesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsTableDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsStoredInfoTypesResource
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsContentResource
- ProjectsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- ProjectsDlpJobsResource
- ProjectsImageResource
- ProjectsInspectTemplatesResource
- ProjectsJobTriggersResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsColumnDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsContentResource
- ProjectsLocationsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsDiscoveryConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDlpJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFileStoreDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsImageResource
- ProjectsLocationsInspectTemplatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsJobTriggersResource
- ProjectsLocationsProjectDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsStoredInfoTypesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTableDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsStoredInfoTypesResource
- DLPApi
- Discover and protect your sensitive data.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Action
- A task to execute on the completion of a job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ActionDetails
- The results of an Action.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AmazonS3Bucket
- Amazon S3 bucket.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AmazonS3BucketConditions
- Amazon S3 bucket conditions.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AmazonS3BucketRegex
- Amazon S3 bucket regex.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AnalyzeDataSourceRiskDetails
- Result of a risk analysis operation request.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AuxiliaryTable
- An auxiliary table contains statistical information on the relative frequency of different quasi-identifiers values.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AwsAccount
- AWS account.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AwsAccountRegex
- AWS account regex.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AwsDiscoveryStartingLocation
- The AWS starting location for discovery.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryDiscoveryTarget
- Target used to match against for discovery with BigQuery tables
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryField
- Message defining a field of a BigQuery table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryKey
- Row key for identifying a record in BigQuery table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryOptions
- Options defining BigQuery table and row identifiers.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryRegex
- A pattern to match against one or more tables, datasets, or projects that contain BigQuery tables.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryRegexes
- A collection of regular expressions to determine what tables to match against.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryTable
- Message defining the location of a BigQuery table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryTableCollection
- Specifies a collection of BigQuery tables.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BigQueryTableTypes
- The types of BigQuery tables supported by Cloud DLP.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BoundingBox
- Bounding box encompassing detected text within an image.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Bucket
- Bucket is represented as a range, along with replacement values.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2BucketingConfig
- Generalization function that buckets values based on ranges.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ByteContentItem
- Container for bytes to inspect or redact.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsConfig
- Compute numerical stats over an individual column, including number of distinct values and value count distribution.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsHistogramBucket
- Histogram of value frequencies in the column.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CategoricalStatsResult
- Result of the categorical stats computation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CharacterMaskConfig
- Partially mask a string by replacing a given number of characters with a fixed character.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CharsToIgnore
- Characters to skip when doing deidentification of a value.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudSqlDiscoveryTarget
- Target used to match against for discovery with Cloud SQL tables.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudSqlProperties
- Cloud SQL connection properties.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStorageDiscoveryTarget
- Target used to match against for discovery with Cloud Storage buckets.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStorageFileSet
- Message representing a set of files in Cloud Storage.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStorageOptions
- Options defining a file or a set of files within a Cloud Storage bucket.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStoragePath
- Message representing a single file or path in Cloud Storage.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStorageRegex
- A pattern to match against one or more file stores.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStorageRegexFileSet
- Message representing a set of files in a Cloud Storage bucket.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudStorageResourceReference
- Identifies a single Cloud Storage bucket.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Color
- Represents a color in the RGB color space.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ColumnDataProfile
- The profile for a scanned column within a table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Condition
The field type of
do not need to match to be considered equal, but not all comparisons are possible. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2Conditions
- A collection of conditions.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Connection
- A data connection to allow the DLP API to profile data in locations that require additional configuration.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Container
- Represents a container that may contain DLP findings.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ContentItem
- Type of content to inspect.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ContentLocation
- Precise location of the finding within a document, record, image, or metadata container.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateConnectionRequest
- Request message for CreateConnection.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateDeidentifyTemplateRequest
- Request message for CreateDeidentifyTemplate.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateDiscoveryConfigRequest
- Request message for CreateDiscoveryConfig.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateDlpJobRequest
- Request message for CreateDlpJobRequest.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateInspectTemplateRequest
- Request message for CreateInspectTemplate.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateJobTriggerRequest
- Request message for CreateJobTrigger.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CreateStoredInfoTypeRequest
- Request message for CreateStoredInfoType.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CryptoDeterministicConfig
- Pseudonymization method that generates deterministic encryption for the given input.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CryptoHashConfig
- Pseudonymization method that generates surrogates via cryptographic hashing.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CryptoKey
- This is a data encryption key (DEK) (as opposed to a key encryption key (KEK) stored by Cloud Key Management Service (Cloud KMS).
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CryptoReplaceFfxFpeConfig
Replaces an identifier with a surrogate using Format Preserving Encryption
(FPE) with the FFX mode of operation; however when used in the
API method, it serves the opposite function by reversing the surrogate back into the original identifier. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2CustomInfoType
- Custom information type provided by the user.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DatabaseResourceCollection
- Match database resources using regex filters.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DatabaseResourceReference
- Identifies a single database resource, like a table within a database.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DatabaseResourceRegex
- A pattern to match against one or more database resources.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DatabaseResourceRegexes
- A collection of regular expressions to determine what database resources to match against.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataProfileAction
- A task to execute when a data profile has been generated.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataProfileConfigSnapshot
- Snapshot of the configurations used to generate the profile.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataProfileJobConfig
- Configuration for setting up a job to scan resources for profile generation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataProfileLocation
- The data that will be profiled.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataProfilePubSubCondition
- A condition for determining whether a Pub/Sub should be triggered.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataRiskLevel
- Score is a summary of all elements in the data profile.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DataSourceType
- Message used to identify the type of resource being profiled.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DatastoreKey
- Record key for a finding in Cloud Datastore.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DatastoreOptions
- Options defining a data set within Google Cloud Datastore.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DateShiftConfig
- Shifts dates by random number of days, with option to be consistent for the same context.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DateTime
- Message for a date time object.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Deidentify
- Create a de-identified copy of the requested table or files.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeidentifyConfig
- The configuration that controls how the data will change.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeidentifyContentRequest
- Request to de-identify a ContentItem.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeidentifyContentResponse
- Results of de-identifying a ContentItem.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeidentifyDataSourceDetails
- The results of a Deidentify action from an inspect job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeidentifyDataSourceStats
- Summary of what was modified during a transformation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeidentifyTemplate
- DeidentifyTemplates contains instructions on how to de-identify content.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeltaPresenceEstimationConfig
- δ-presence metric, used to estimate how likely it is for an attacker to figure out that one given individual appears in a de-identified dataset.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeltaPresenceEstimationHistogramBucket
- A DeltaPresenceEstimationHistogramBucket message with the following values: min_probability: 0.1 max_probability: 0.2 frequency: 42 means that there are 42 records for which δ is in [0.1, 0.2).
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeltaPresenceEstimationQuasiIdValues
- A tuple of values for the quasi-identifier columns.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DeltaPresenceEstimationResult
- Result of the δ-presence computation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DetectionRule
Deprecated; use
instead. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2Dictionary
- Custom information type based on a dictionary of words or phrases.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryBigQueryConditions
- Requirements that must be true before a table is scanned in discovery for the first time.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryBigQueryFilter
- Determines what tables will have profiles generated within an organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryCloudSqlConditions
- Requirements that must be true before a table is profiled for the first time.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryCloudSqlFilter
- Determines what tables will have profiles generated within an organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryCloudSqlGenerationCadence
- How often existing tables should have their profiles refreshed.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryCloudStorageConditions
- Requirements that must be true before a Cloud Storage bucket or object is scanned in discovery for the first time.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryCloudStorageFilter
- Determines which buckets will have profiles generated within an organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryCloudStorageGenerationCadence
- How often existing buckets should have their profiles refreshed.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryConfig
- Configuration for discovery to scan resources for profile generation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryFileStoreConditions
- Requirements that must be true before a file store is scanned in discovery for the first time.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryGenerationCadence
- What must take place for a profile to be updated and how frequently it should occur.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryInspectTemplateModifiedCadence
The cadence at which to update data profiles when the inspection rules
defined by the
change. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryOtherCloudConditions
- Requirements that must be true before a resource is profiled for the first time.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryOtherCloudFilter
- Determines which resources from the other cloud will have profiles generated.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryOtherCloudGenerationCadence
- How often existing resources should have their profiles refreshed.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoverySchemaModifiedCadence
- The cadence at which to update data profiles when a schema is modified.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryStartingLocation
- The location to begin a discovery scan.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryTableModifiedCadence
- The cadence at which to update data profiles when a table is modified.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryTarget
- Target used to match against for Discovery.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryVertexDatasetConditions
- Requirements that must be true before a dataset is profiled for the first time.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryVertexDatasetFilter
- Determines what datasets will have profiles generated within an organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DiscoveryVertexDatasetGenerationCadence
- How often existing datasets should have their profiles refreshed.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DlpJob
- Combines all of the information about a DLP job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2DocumentLocation
- Location of a finding within a document.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2EntityId
- An entity in a dataset is a field or set of fields that correspond to a single person.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Error
- Details information about an error encountered during job execution or the results of an unsuccessful activation of the JobTrigger.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ExcludeByHotword
- The rule to exclude findings based on a hotword.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ExcludeInfoTypes
- List of excluded infoTypes.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ExclusionRule
The rule that specifies conditions when findings of infoTypes specified in
are removed from results. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2Export
- If set, the detailed data profiles will be persisted to the location of your choice whenever updated.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Expressions
- An expression, consisting of an operator and conditions.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FieldId
- General identifier of a data field in a storage service.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FieldTransformation
- The transformation to apply to the field.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileClusterSummary
- The file cluster summary.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileClusterType
- Message used to identify file cluster type being profiled.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileExtensionInfo
- Information regarding the discovered file extension.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileSet
- Set of files to scan.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileStoreCollection
- Match file stores (e.g. buckets) using regex filters.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileStoreDataProfile
- The profile for a file store.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileStoreInfoTypeSummary
- Information regarding the discovered InfoType.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileStoreRegex
- A pattern to match against one or more file stores.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FileStoreRegexes
- A collection of regular expressions to determine what file store to match against.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Finding
- Represents a piece of potentially sensitive content.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FindingLimits
- Configuration to control the number of findings returned for inspection.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FixedSizeBucketingConfig
- Buckets values based on fixed size ranges.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HotwordRule
- The rule that adjusts the likelihood of findings within a certain proximity of hotwords.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridContentItem
- An individual hybrid item to inspect.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridFindingDetails
- Populate to associate additional data with each finding.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridInspectDlpJobRequest
- Request to search for potentially sensitive info in a custom location.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridInspectJobTriggerRequest
- Request to search for potentially sensitive info in a custom location.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridInspectStatistics
- Statistics related to processing hybrid inspect requests.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridOptions
- Configuration to control jobs where the content being inspected is outside of Google Cloud Platform.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ImageFallbackLocation
- Configure image processing to fall back to the configured processing option below if unavailable in the request location.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ImageLocation
- Location of the finding within an image.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ImageRedactionConfig
- Configuration for determining how redaction of images should occur.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ImageTransformation
- Configuration for determining how redaction of images should occur.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ImageTransformations
- A type of transformation that is applied over images.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoType
- Type of information detected by the API.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeCategory
- Classification of infoTypes to organize them according to geographic location, industry, and data type.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeDescription
- InfoType description.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeLikelihood
- Configuration for setting a minimum likelihood per infotype.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeLimit
- Max findings configuration per infoType, per content item or long running DlpJob.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeStats
- Statistics regarding a specific InfoType.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeSummary
- The infoType details for this column.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeTransformation
- A transformation to apply to text that is identified as a specific info_type.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InfoTypeTransformations
A type of transformation that will scan unstructured text and apply various
s to each finding, where the transformation is applied to only values that were identified as a specific info_type. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectConfig
- Configuration description of the scanning process.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectContentRequest
- Request to search for potentially sensitive info in a ContentItem.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectContentResponse
- Results of inspecting an item.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectDataSourceDetails
- The results of an inspect DataSource job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectionRule
A single inspection rule to be applied to infoTypes, specified in
. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectionRuleSet
- Rule set for modifying a set of infoTypes to alter behavior under certain circumstances, depending on the specific details of the rules within the set.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectJobConfig
- Controls what and how to inspect for findings.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectResult
- All the findings for a single scanned item.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2InspectTemplate
- The inspectTemplate contains a configuration (set of types of sensitive data to be detected) to be used anywhere you otherwise would normally specify InspectConfig.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2JobTrigger
- Contains a configuration to make API calls on a repeating basis.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KAnonymityConfig
- k-anonymity metric, used for analysis of reidentification risk.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KAnonymityEquivalenceClass
- The set of columns' values that share the same ldiversity value
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KAnonymityHistogramBucket
- Histogram of k-anonymity equivalence classes.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KAnonymityResult
- Result of the k-anonymity computation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Key
- A unique identifier for a Datastore entity.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KMapEstimationConfig
- Reidentifiability metric.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KMapEstimationHistogramBucket
- A KMapEstimationHistogramBucket message with the following values: min_anonymity: 3 max_anonymity: 5 frequency: 42 means that there are 42 records whose quasi-identifier values correspond to 3, 4 or 5 people in the overlying population.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KMapEstimationQuasiIdValues
- A tuple of values for the quasi-identifier columns.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KMapEstimationResult
- Result of the reidentifiability analysis.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KmsWrappedCryptoKey
- Include to use an existing data crypto key wrapped by KMS.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LargeCustomDictionaryConfig
- Configuration for a custom dictionary created from a data source of any size up to the maximum size defined in the limits page.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LargeCustomDictionaryStats
- Summary statistics of a custom dictionary.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LDiversityConfig
- l-diversity metric, used for analysis of reidentification risk.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LDiversityEquivalenceClass
- The set of columns' values that share the same ldiversity value.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LDiversityHistogramBucket
- Histogram of l-diversity equivalence class sensitive value frequencies.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LDiversityResult
- Result of the l-diversity computation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LikelihoodAdjustment
- Message for specifying an adjustment to the likelihood of a finding as part of a detection rule.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListColumnDataProfilesResponse
- List of profiles generated for a given organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListConnectionsResponse
- Response message for ListConnections.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListDeidentifyTemplatesResponse
- Response message for ListDeidentifyTemplates.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListDiscoveryConfigsResponse
- Response message for ListDiscoveryConfigs.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListDlpJobsResponse
- The response message for listing DLP jobs.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListFileStoreDataProfilesResponse
- List of file store data profiles generated for a given organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListInfoTypesResponse
- Response to the ListInfoTypes request.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListInspectTemplatesResponse
- Response message for ListInspectTemplates.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListJobTriggersResponse
- Response message for ListJobTriggers.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListProjectDataProfilesResponse
- List of profiles generated for a given organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListStoredInfoTypesResponse
- Response message for ListStoredInfoTypes.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ListTableDataProfilesResponse
- List of profiles generated for a given organization or project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Location
- Specifies the location of the finding.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2MetadataLocation
- Metadata Location
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2NumericalStatsConfig
- Compute numerical stats over an individual column, including min, max, and quantiles.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2NumericalStatsResult
- Result of the numerical stats computation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OrConditions
- There is an OR relationship between these attributes.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OrgConfig
- Project and scan location information.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherCloudDiscoveryStartingLocation
- The other cloud starting location for discovery.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherCloudDiscoveryTarget
- Target used to match against for discovery of resources from other clouds.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherCloudResourceCollection
- Match resources using regex filters.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherCloudResourceRegex
- A pattern to match against one or more resources.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherCloudResourceRegexes
- A collection of regular expressions to determine what resources to match against.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherCloudSingleResourceReference
- Identifies a single resource, like a single Amazon S3 bucket.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OtherInfoTypeSummary
- Infotype details for other infoTypes found within a column.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2OutputStorageConfig
- Cloud repository for storing output.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PartitionId
- Datastore partition ID.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PathElement
- A (kind, ID/name) pair used to construct a key path.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PrimitiveTransformation
- A rule for transforming a value.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PrivacyMetric
- Privacy metric to compute for reidentification risk analysis.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ProcessingLocation
- Configure processing location for discovery and inspection.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ProfileStatus
- Success or errors for the profile generation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ProjectDataProfile
- An aggregated profile for this project, based on the resources profiled within it.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Proximity
- Message for specifying a window around a finding to apply a detection rule.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PublishToPubSub
- Publish a message into a given Pub/Sub topic when DlpJob has completed.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PubSubCondition
- A condition consisting of a value.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PubSubExpressions
- An expression, consisting of an operator and conditions.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PubSubNotification
- Send a Pub/Sub message into the given Pub/Sub topic to connect other systems to data profile generation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2QuasiId
- A column with a semantic tag attached.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2QuasiIdentifierField
- A quasi-identifier column has a custom_tag, used to know which column in the data corresponds to which column in the statistical model.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2QuasiIdField
- A quasi-identifier column has a custom_tag, used to know which column in the data corresponds to which column in the statistical model.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2QuoteInfo
- Message for infoType-dependent details parsed from quote.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Range
- Generic half-open interval [start, end)
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RecordCondition
- A condition for determining whether a transformation should be applied to a field.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RecordKey
- Message for a unique key indicating a record that contains a finding.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RecordLocation
- Location of a finding within a row or record.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RecordSuppression
- Configuration to suppress records whose suppression conditions evaluate to true.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RecordTransformations
- A type of transformation that is applied over structured data such as a table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RedactImageRequest
- Request to search for potentially sensitive info in an image and redact it by covering it with a colored rectangle.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RedactImageResponse
- Results of redacting an image.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Regex
- Message defining a custom regular expression.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ReidentifyContentRequest
- Request to re-identify an item.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ReidentifyContentResponse
- Results of re-identifying an item.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RelatedResource
- A related resource.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ReplaceDictionaryConfig
- Replace each input value with a value randomly selected from the dictionary.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ReplaceValueConfig
Replace each input value with a given
. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2RequestedDeidentifyOptions
- De-identification options.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RequestedOptions
- Snapshot of the inspection configuration.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RequestedRiskAnalysisOptions
- Risk analysis options.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Result
- All result fields mentioned below are updated while the job is processing.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RiskAnalysisJobConfig
- Configuration for a risk analysis job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Row
- Values of the row.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SaveFindings
- If set, the detailed findings will be persisted to the specified OutputStorageConfig.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Schedule
- Schedule for inspect job triggers.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SchemaModifiedCadence
- How frequently to modify the profile when the table's schema is modified.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SearchConnectionsResponse
- Response message for SearchConnections.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SecretManagerCredential
- A credential consisting of a username and password, where the password is stored in a Secret Manager resource.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SelectedInfoTypes
- Apply transformation to the selected info_types.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SensitivityScore
- Score is calculated from of all elements in the data profile.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StatisticalTable
- An auxiliary table containing statistical information on the relative frequency of different quasi-identifiers values.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StorageConfig
- Shared message indicating Cloud storage type.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StorageMetadataLabel
- Storage metadata label to indicate which metadata entry contains findings.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StoredInfoType
- StoredInfoType resource message that contains information about the current version and any pending updates.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StoredInfoTypeConfig
- Configuration for stored infoTypes.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StoredInfoTypeStats
- Statistics for a StoredInfoType.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StoredInfoTypeVersion
- Version of a StoredInfoType, including the configuration used to build it, create timestamp, and current state.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2StoredType
- A reference to a StoredInfoType to use with scanning.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SummaryResult
A collection that informs the user the number of times a particular
and error details occurred. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2Table
- Structured content to inspect.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TableDataProfile
- The profile for a scanned table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TableLocation
- Location of a finding within a table.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TableOptions
- Instructions regarding the table content being inspected.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TableReference
- Message defining the location of a BigQuery table with the projectId inferred from the parent project.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TagCondition
- The tag to attach to profiles matching the condition.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TaggedField
- A column with a semantic tag attached.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TagResources
- If set, attaches the tags provided to profiled resources.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TagValue
- A value of a tag.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TimePartConfig
For use with
, andTimeOfDay
, extract or preserve a portion of the value. - GooglePrivacyDlpV2TimespanConfig
- Configuration of the timespan of the items to include in scanning.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TimeZone
- Time zone of the date time object.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TransformationConfig
- User specified templates and configs for how to deidentify structured, unstructures, and image files.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TransformationDetailsStorageConfig
- Config for storing transformation details.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TransformationErrorHandling
- How to handle transformation errors during de-identification.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TransformationOverview
- Overview of the modifications that occurred.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TransformationSummary
- Summary of a single transformation.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2TransientCryptoKey
- Use this to have a random data crypto key generated.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Trigger
- What event needs to occur for a new job to be started.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UnwrappedCryptoKey
- Using raw keys is prone to security risks due to accidentally leaking the key.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UpdateConnectionRequest
- Request message for UpdateConnection.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UpdateDeidentifyTemplateRequest
- Request message for UpdateDeidentifyTemplate.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UpdateDiscoveryConfigRequest
- Request message for UpdateDiscoveryConfig.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UpdateInspectTemplateRequest
- Request message for UpdateInspectTemplate.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UpdateJobTriggerRequest
- Request message for UpdateJobTrigger.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2UpdateStoredInfoTypeRequest
- Request message for UpdateStoredInfoType.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Value
- Set of primitive values supported by the system.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ValueFrequency
- A value of a field, including its frequency.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2VersionDescription
- Details about each available version for an infotype.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2VertexDatasetCollection
- Match dataset resources using regex filters.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2VertexDatasetDiscoveryTarget
- Target used to match against for discovery with Vertex AI datasets.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2VertexDatasetRegex
- A pattern to match against one or more dataset resources.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2VertexDatasetRegexes
- A collection of regular expressions to determine what datasets to match against.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2VertexDatasetResourceReference
- Identifies a single Vertex AI dataset.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2WordList
- Message defining a list of words or phrases to search for in the data.
- InfoTypesResource
- LocationsInfoTypesResource
- LocationsResource
- OrganizationsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsInspectTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsColumnDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsConnectionsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsDiscoveryConfigsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsDlpJobsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsFileStoreDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsInspectTemplatesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsJobTriggersResource
- OrganizationsLocationsProjectDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsResource
- OrganizationsLocationsStoredInfoTypesResource
- OrganizationsLocationsTableDataProfilesResource
- OrganizationsResource
- OrganizationsStoredInfoTypesResource
- ProjectsContentResource
- ProjectsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- ProjectsDlpJobsResource
- ProjectsImageResource
- ProjectsInspectTemplatesResource
- ProjectsJobTriggersResource
- ProjectsLocationsColumnDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsContentResource
- ProjectsLocationsDeidentifyTemplatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsDiscoveryConfigsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDlpJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFileStoreDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsImageResource
- ProjectsLocationsInspectTemplatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsJobTriggersResource
- ProjectsLocationsProjectDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsStoredInfoTypesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTableDataProfilesResource
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsStoredInfoTypesResource
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ActivateJobTriggerRequest = $Empty
- Request message for ActivateJobTrigger.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AllInfoTypes = $Empty
- Apply transformation to all findings.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AllOtherBigQueryTables = $Empty
- Catch-all for all other tables not specified by other filters.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AllOtherDatabaseResources = $Empty
- Match database resources not covered by any other filter.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AllOtherResources = $Empty
- Match discovery resources not covered by any other filter.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2AllText = $Empty
- Apply to all text.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CancelDlpJobRequest = $Empty
- The request message for canceling a DLP job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2CloudSqlIamCredential = $Empty
- Use IAM authentication to connect.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Disabled = $Empty
- Do not profile the tables.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2FinishDlpJobRequest = $Empty
- The request message for finishing a DLP hybrid job.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2GlobalProcessing = $Empty
- Processing will happen in the global region.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2HybridInspectResponse = $Empty
- Quota exceeded errors will be thrown once quota has been met.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2JobNotificationEmails = $Empty
- Sends an email when the job completes.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2KindExpression = $KindExpression
- A representation of a Datastore kind.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2LeaveUntransformed = $Empty
- Skips the data without modifying it if the requested transformation would cause an error.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2Manual = $Empty
- Job trigger option for hybrid jobs.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2MultiRegionProcessing = $Empty
- Processing will happen in a multi-region that contains the current region if available.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PublishFindingsToCloudDataCatalog = $Empty
- Publish findings of a DlpJob to Data Catalog.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PublishSummaryToCscc = $Empty
- Publish the result summary of a DlpJob to Security Command Center.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PublishToChronicle = $Empty
- Message expressing intention to publish to Google Security Operations.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PublishToSecurityCommandCenter = $Empty
- If set, a summary finding will be created or updated in Security Command Center for each profile.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2PublishToStackdriver = $Empty
- Enable Stackdriver metric dlp.googleapis.com/finding_count.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2RedactConfig = $Empty
- Redact a given value.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2ReplaceWithInfoTypeConfig = $Empty
- Replace each matching finding with the name of the info_type.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SecretsDiscoveryTarget = $Empty
- Discovery target for credentials and secrets in cloud resource metadata.
- GooglePrivacyDlpV2SurrogateType = $Empty
Message for detecting output from deidentification transformations such as
](https://cloud.google.com/sensitive-data-protection/docs/reference/rest/v2/organizations.deidentifyTemplates#cryptoreplaceffxfpeconfig). - GooglePrivacyDlpV2ThrowError = $Empty
- Throw an error and fail the request when a transformation error occurs.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- GoogleTypeTimeOfDay = $TimeOfDay
- Represents a time of day.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.