dfareporting/v4 library
Campaign Manager 360 API - v4
Build applications to efficiently manage large or complex trafficking, reporting, and attribution workflows for Campaign Manager 360.
For more information, see developers.google.com/doubleclick-advertisers/
Create an instance of DfareportingApi to access these resources:
- AccountActiveAdSummariesResource
- AccountPermissionGroupsResource
- AccountPermissionsResource
- AccountUserProfilesResource
- AccountsResource
- AdsResource
- AdvertiserGroupsResource
- AdvertiserInvoicesResource
- AdvertiserLandingPagesResource
- AdvertisersResource
- BillingAssignmentsResource
- BillingProfilesResource
- BillingRatesResource
- BrowsersResource
- CampaignCreativeAssociationsResource
- CampaignsResource
- ChangeLogsResource
- CitiesResource
- ConnectionTypesResource
- ContentCategoriesResource
- ConversionsResource
- CountriesResource
- CreativeAssetsResource
- CreativeFieldValuesResource
- CreativeFieldsResource
- CreativeGroupsResource
- CreativesResource
- DimensionValuesResource
- DirectorySitesResource
- DynamicTargetingKeysResource
- EventTagsResource
- FilesResource
- FloodlightActivitiesResource
- FloodlightActivityGroupsResource
- FloodlightConfigurationsResource
- InventoryItemsResource
- LanguagesResource
- MetrosResource
- MobileAppsResource
- MobileCarriersResource
- OperatingSystemVersionsResource
- OperatingSystemsResource
- OrdersResource
- PlacementGroupsResource
- PlacementStrategiesResource
- PlacementsResource
- PlatformTypesResource
- PostalCodesResource
- ProjectsResource
- RegionsResource
- RemarketingListSharesResource
- RemarketingListsResource
- ReportsResource
- SitesResource
- SizesResource
- SubaccountsResource
- TargetableRemarketingListsResource
- TargetingTemplatesResource
- TvCampaignDetailsResource
- TvCampaignSummariesResource
- UserProfilesResource
- UserRolePermissionGroupsResource
- UserRolePermissionsResource
- UserRolesResource
- VideoFormatsResource
- Account
- Contains properties of a Campaign Manager account.
- AccountActiveAdSummariesResource
- AccountActiveAdSummary
- Gets a summary of active ads in an account.
- AccountPermission
- AccountPermissions contains information about a particular account permission.
- AccountPermissionGroup
- AccountPermissionGroups contains a mapping of permission group IDs to names.
- AccountPermissionGroupsListResponse
- Account Permission Group List Response
- AccountPermissionGroupsResource
- AccountPermissionsListResponse
- Account Permission List Response
- AccountPermissionsResource
- AccountsListResponse
- Account List Response
- AccountsResource
- AccountUserProfile
- AccountUserProfiles contains properties of a Campaign Manager user profile.
- AccountUserProfilesListResponse
- Account User Profile List Response
- AccountUserProfilesResource
- Activities
- Represents an activity group.
- Ad
- Contains properties of a Campaign Manager ad.
- AdBlockingConfiguration
- Campaign ad blocking settings.
- AdsListResponse
- Ad List Response
- AdSlot
- Ad Slot
- AdsResource
- Advertiser
- Contains properties of a Campaign Manager advertiser.
- AdvertiserGroup
- Groups advertisers together so that reports can be generated for the entire group at once.
- AdvertiserGroupsListResponse
- Advertiser Group List Response
- AdvertiserGroupsResource
- AdvertiserInvoicesListResponse
- Invoice List Response
- AdvertiserInvoicesResource
- AdvertiserLandingPagesListResponse
- Landing Page List Response
- AdvertiserLandingPagesResource
- AdvertisersListResponse
- Advertiser List Response
- AdvertisersResource
- AudienceSegment
- Audience Segment.
- AudienceSegmentGroup
- Audience Segment Group.
- BillingAssignment
- List account, subaccount, advertiser, and campaign associated with a given Billing Profile.
- BillingAssignmentsListResponse
- Billing assignment List Response
- BillingAssignmentsResource
- BillingProfile
- Contains properties of a Campaign Manager Billing Profile.
- BillingProfilesListResponse
- Billing profile List Response
- BillingProfilesResource
- BillingRate
- BillingRatesListResponse
- Billing Rate List Response
- BillingRatesResource
- BillingRateTieredRate
- Browser
- Contains information about a browser that can be targeted by ads.
- BrowsersListResponse
- Browser List Response
- BrowsersResource
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- Campaign
- Contains properties of a Campaign Manager campaign.
- CampaignCreativeAssociation
- Identifies a creative which has been associated with a given campaign.
- CampaignCreativeAssociationsListResponse
- Campaign Creative Association List Response
- CampaignCreativeAssociationsResource
- CampaignsListResponse
- Campaign List Response
- CampaignsResource
- CampaignSummary
- Represents a summarized campaign information associated with this invoice.
- CartData
- Contains additional information about cart data.
- CartDataItem
- Contains data of the items purchased.
- ChangeLog
- Describes a change that a user has made to a resource.
- ChangeLogsListResponse
- Change Log List Response
- ChangeLogsResource
- CitiesListResponse
- City List Response
- CitiesResource
- City
- Contains information about a city that can be targeted by ads.
- ClickTag
- Creative Click Tag.
- ClickThroughUrl
- Click-through URL
- ClickThroughUrlSuffixProperties
- Click Through URL Suffix settings.
- CompanionClickThroughOverride
- Companion Click-through override.
- CompanionSetting
- Companion Settings
- CompatibleFields
- Represents a response to the queryCompatibleFields method.
- ConnectionType
- Contains information about an internet connection type that can be targeted by ads.
- ConnectionTypesListResponse
- Connection Type List Response
- ConnectionTypesResource
- ContentCategoriesListResponse
- Content Category List Response
- ContentCategoriesResource
- ContentCategory
- Conversion
- A Conversion represents when a user successfully performs a desired action after seeing an ad.
- ConversionError
- The error code and description for a conversion that failed to insert or update.
- ConversionsBatchInsertRequest
- Insert Conversions Request.
- ConversionsBatchInsertResponse
- Insert Conversions Response.
- ConversionsBatchUpdateRequest
- Update Conversions Request.
- ConversionsBatchUpdateResponse
- Update Conversions Response.
- ConversionsResource
- ConversionStatus
- The original conversion that was inserted or updated and whether there were any errors.
- CountriesListResponse
- Country List Response
- CountriesResource
- Country
- Contains information about a country that can be targeted by ads.
- Creative
- Contains properties of a Creative.
- CreativeAsset
- Creative Asset.
- CreativeAssetMetadata
- CreativeAssets contains properties of a creative asset file which will be uploaded or has already been uploaded.
- CreativeAssetSelection
- Encapsulates the list of rules for asset selection and a default asset in case none of the rules match.
- CreativeAssetsResource
- CreativeAssignment
- Creative Assignment.
- CreativeCustomEvent
- Creative Custom Event.
- CreativeField
- Contains properties of a creative field.
- CreativeFieldAssignment
- Creative Field Assignment.
- CreativeFieldsListResponse
- Creative Field List Response
- CreativeFieldsResource
- CreativeFieldValue
- Contains properties of a creative field value.
- CreativeFieldValuesListResponse
- Creative Field Value List Response
- CreativeFieldValuesResource
- CreativeGroup
- Contains properties of a creative group.
- CreativeGroupAssignment
- Creative Group Assignment.
- CreativeGroupsListResponse
- Creative Group List Response
- CreativeGroupsResource
- CreativeOptimizationConfiguration
- Creative optimization settings.
- CreativeRotation
- Creative Rotation.
- CreativesListResponse
- Creative List Response
- CreativesResource
- CrossDimensionReachReportCompatibleFields
- Represents fields that are compatible to be selected for a report of type "CROSS_DIMENSION_REACH".
- CrossMediaReachReportCompatibleFields
- Represents fields that are compatible to be selected for a report of type "CROSS_MEDIA_REACH".
- CustomFloodlightVariable
- A custom floodlight variable.
- CustomRichMediaEvents
- Represents a Custom Rich Media Events group.
- CustomViewabilityMetric
- Custom Viewability Metric
- CustomViewabilityMetricConfiguration
- The attributes, like playtime and percent onscreen, that define the Custom Viewability Metric.
- DateRange
- Represents a date range.
- DayPartTargeting
- Day Part Targeting.
- DeepLink
- Contains information about a landing page deep link.
- DefaultClickThroughEventTagProperties
- Properties of inheriting and overriding the default click-through event tag.
- DeliverySchedule
- Delivery Schedule.
- DfareportingApi
- Build applications to efficiently manage large or complex trafficking, reporting, and attribution workflows for Campaign Manager 360.
- DfpSettings
- Google Ad Manager Settings
- Dimension
- Represents a dimension.
- DimensionFilter
- Represents a dimension filter.
- DimensionValueList
- Represents the list of DimensionValue resources.
- DimensionValueRequest
- Represents a DimensionValuesRequest.
- DimensionValuesResource
- DirectorySite
- DirectorySites contains properties of a website from the Site Directory.
- DirectorySiteSettings
- Directory Site Settings
- DirectorySitesListResponse
- Directory Site List Response
- DirectorySitesResource
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- DynamicTargetingKey
- Contains properties of a dynamic targeting key.
- DynamicTargetingKeysListResponse
- Dynamic Targeting Key List Response
- DynamicTargetingKeysResource
- EncryptionInfo
- A description of how user IDs are encrypted.
- EventTag
- Contains properties of an event tag.
- EventTagOverride
- Event tag override information.
- EventTagsListResponse
- Event Tag List Response
- EventTagsResource
- File
- Represents a File resource.
- FileList
- List of files for a report.
- FilesResource
- FileUrls
- The URLs where the completed report file can be downloaded.
- Flight
- Flight
- FloodlightActivitiesGenerateTagResponse
- Floodlight Activity GenerateTag Response
- FloodlightActivitiesListResponse
- Floodlight Activity List Response
- FloodlightActivitiesResource
- FloodlightActivity
- Contains properties of a Floodlight activity.
- FloodlightActivityDynamicTag
- Dynamic Tag
- FloodlightActivityGroup
- Contains properties of a Floodlight activity group.
- FloodlightActivityGroupsListResponse
- Floodlight Activity Group List Response
- FloodlightActivityGroupsResource
- FloodlightActivityPublisherDynamicTag
- Publisher Dynamic Tag
- FloodlightConfiguration
- Contains properties of a Floodlight configuration.
- FloodlightConfigurationsListResponse
- Floodlight Configuration List Response
- FloodlightConfigurationsResource
- FloodlightReportCompatibleFields
- Represents fields that are compatible to be selected for a report of type "FlOODLIGHT".
- FrequencyCap
- Frequency Cap.
- FsCommand
- FsCommand.
- GeoTargeting
- Geographical Targeting.
- InventoryItem
- Represents a buy from the Planning inventory store.
- InventoryItemsListResponse
- Inventory item List Response
- InventoryItemsResource
- Invoice
- Contains information about a single invoice
- KeyValueTargetingExpression
- Key Value Targeting Expression.
- LandingPage
- Contains information about where a user's browser is taken after the user clicks an ad.
- Language
- Contains information about a language that can be targeted by ads.
- LanguagesListResponse
- Language List Response
- LanguagesResource
- LanguageTargeting
- Language Targeting.
- LastModifiedInfo
- Modification timestamp.
- ListPopulationClause
- A group clause made up of list population terms representing constraints joined by ORs.
- ListPopulationRule
- Remarketing List Population Rule.
- ListPopulationTerm
- Remarketing List Population Rule Term.
- ListTargetingExpression
- Remarketing List Targeting Expression.
- LookbackConfiguration
- Lookback configuration settings.
- MeasurementPartnerAdvertiserLink
- MeasurementPartnerCampaignLink
- MeasurementPartnerWrappingData
- Placement tag wrapping
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- Metric
- Represents a metric.
- Metro
- Contains information about a metro region that can be targeted by ads.
- MetrosListResponse
- Metro List Response
- MetrosResource
- MobileApp
- Contains information about a mobile app.
- MobileAppsListResponse
- Mobile app List Response
- MobileAppsResource
- MobileCarrier
- Contains information about a mobile carrier that can be targeted by ads.
- MobileCarriersListResponse
- Mobile Carrier List Response
- MobileCarriersResource
- ObaIcon
- Online Behavioral Advertiser icon.
- ObjectFilter
- Object Filter.
- OfflineUserAddressInfo
- Identify a user by name and address.
- OmnitureSettings
- Omniture Integration Settings.
- OperatingSystem
- Contains information about an operating system that can be targeted by ads.
- OperatingSystemsListResponse
- Operating System List Response
- OperatingSystemsResource
- OperatingSystemVersion
- Contains information about a particular version of an operating system that can be targeted by ads.
- OperatingSystemVersionsListResponse
- Operating System Version List Response
- OperatingSystemVersionsResource
- OptimizationActivity
- Creative optimization activity.
- Order
- Describes properties of a Planning order.
- OrderContact
- Contact of an order.
- OrdersListResponse
- Order List Response
- OrdersResource
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- PathToConversionReportCompatibleFields
- Represents fields that are compatible to be selected for a report of type "PATH_TO_CONVERSION".
- Placement
- Contains properties of a placement.
- PlacementAssignment
- Placement Assignment.
- PlacementConversionDomainOverride
- PlacementGroup
- Contains properties of a package or roadblock.
- PlacementGroupsListResponse
- Placement Group List Response
- PlacementGroupsResource
- PlacementsGenerateTagsResponse
- Placement GenerateTags Response
- PlacementSingleConversionDomain
- PlacementsListResponse
- Placement List Response
- PlacementsResource
- PlacementStrategiesListResponse
- Placement Strategy List Response
- PlacementStrategiesResource
- PlacementStrategy
- Contains properties of a placement strategy.
- PlacementTag
- Placement Tag
- PlatformType
- Contains information about a platform type that can be targeted by ads.
- PlatformTypesListResponse
- Platform Type List Response
- PlatformTypesResource
- PopupWindowProperties
- Popup Window Properties.
- PostalCode
- Contains information about a postal code that can be targeted by ads.
- PostalCodesListResponse
- Postal Code List Response
- PostalCodesResource
- Pricing
- PricingSchedule
- Pricing Schedule
- PricingSchedulePricingPeriod
- Pricing Period
- Project
- Contains properties of a Planning project.
- ProjectsListResponse
- Project List Response
- ProjectsResource
- ReachReportCompatibleFields
- Represents fields that are compatible to be selected for a report of type "REACH".
- Recipient
- Represents a recipient.
- Region
- Contains information about a region that can be targeted by ads.
- RegionsListResponse
- Region List Response
- RegionsResource
- RemarketingList
- Contains properties of a remarketing list.
- Contains properties of a remarketing list's sharing information.
- RemarketingListsListResponse
- Remarketing list response
- RemarketingListsResource
- Report
- Represents a Report resource.
- ReportCompatibleFields
- Represents fields that are compatible to be selected for a report of type "STANDARD".
- ReportCriteria
- The report criteria for a report of type "STANDARD".
- ReportCrossDimensionReachCriteria
- The report criteria for a report of type "CROSS_DIMENSION_REACH".
- ReportCrossMediaReachCriteria
- The report criteria for a report of type "CROSS_MEDIA_REACH".
- ReportDelivery
- The report's email delivery settings.
- ReportFloodlightCriteria
- The report criteria for a report of type "FLOODLIGHT".
- ReportFloodlightCriteriaReportProperties
- The properties of the report.
- ReportList
- Represents the list of reports.
- ReportPathToConversionCriteria
- The report criteria for a report of type "PATH_TO_CONVERSION".
- ReportPathToConversionCriteriaReportProperties
- The properties of the report.
- ReportReachCriteria
- The report criteria for a report of type "REACH".
- ReportSchedule
- The report's schedule.
- ReportsCompatibleFieldsResource
- ReportsConfiguration
- Reporting Configuration
- ReportsFilesResource
- ReportsResource
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- RichMediaExitOverride
- Rich Media Exit Override.
- Rule
- A rule associates an asset with a targeting template for asset-level targeting.
- Site
- Contains properties of a site.
- SiteCompanionSetting
- Companion Settings
- SiteContact
- Site Contact
- SiteSettings
- Site Settings
- SiteSkippableSetting
- Skippable Settings
- SitesListResponse
- Site List Response
- SitesResource
- SiteTranscodeSetting
- Transcode Settings
- SiteVideoSettings
- Video Settings
- SizesListResponse
- Size List Response
- SizesResource
- SkippableSetting
- Skippable Settings
- SortedDimension
- Represents a sorted dimension.
- Subaccount
- Contains properties of a Campaign Manager subaccount.
- SubaccountsListResponse
- Subaccount List Response
- SubaccountsResource
- TagData
- Placement Tag Data
- TagSetting
- Tag Settings
- TagSettings
- Dynamic and Image Tag Settings.
- TargetableRemarketingList
- Contains properties of a targetable remarketing list.
- TargetableRemarketingListsListResponse
- Targetable remarketing list response
- TargetableRemarketingListsResource
- TargetingTemplate
- Contains properties of a targeting template.
- TargetingTemplatesListResponse
- Targeting Template List Response
- TargetingTemplatesResource
- TargetWindow
- Target Window.
- TechnologyTargeting
- Technology Targeting.
- ThirdPartyAuthenticationToken
- Third Party Authentication Token
- ThirdPartyTrackingUrl
- Third-party Tracking URL.
- TranscodeSetting
- Transcode Settings
- TvCampaignDetail
- TvCampaignDetail contains data from a TV campaign for specific start dates and date windows.
- TvCampaignDetailsResource
- TvCampaignSummariesListResponse
- Response message for TvCampaignSummariesService.List.
- TvCampaignSummariesResource
- TvCampaignSummary
- TvCampaignSummary contains aggregate data from a TV campaign.
- TvCampaignTimepoint
- A single data point for TvCampaignDetail, which holds information about the TV campaign for a specific start date and date window.
- UniversalAdId
- A Universal Ad ID as per the VAST 4.0 spec.
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- UserDefinedVariableConfiguration
- User Defined Variable configuration.
- UserIdentifier
- User identifying information.
- UserProfile
- A UserProfile resource lets you list all DFA user profiles that are associated with a Google user account.
- UserProfileList
- Represents the list of user profiles.
- UserProfilesResource
- UserRole
- Contains properties of auser role, which is used to manage user access.
- UserRolePermission
- Contains properties of a user role permission.
- UserRolePermissionGroup
- Represents a grouping of related user role permissions.
- UserRolePermissionGroupsListResponse
- User Role Permission Group List Response
- UserRolePermissionGroupsResource
- UserRolePermissionsListResponse
- User Role Permission List Response
- UserRolePermissionsResource
- UserRolesListResponse
- User Role List Response
- UserRolesResource
- VideoFormat
- Contains information about supported video formats.
- VideoFormatsListResponse
- Video Format List Response
- VideoFormatsResource
- VideoOffset
- Video Offset
- VideoSettings
- Video Settings
- CreativeAssetId = $CreativeAssetId
- Creative Asset ID.
- CreativeClickThroughUrl = $CreativeClickThroughUrl
- Click-through URL
- DimensionValue = $DimensionValue
- Represents a DimensionValue resource.
- OffsetPosition = $OffsetPosition
- Offset Position.
- Size = $Size
- Represents the dimensions of ads, placements, creatives, or creative assets.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.