datastore/v1 library
Cloud Datastore API - v1
Accesses the schemaless NoSQL database to provide fully managed, robust, scalable storage for your application.
For more information, see
Create an instance of DatastoreApi to access these resources:
- Aggregation
- Defines an aggregation that produces a single result.
- AggregationQuery
- Datastore query for running an aggregation over a Query.
- AggregationResult
- The result of a single bucket from a Datastore aggregation query.
- AggregationResultBatch
- A batch of aggregation results produced by an aggregation query.
- AllocateIdsRequest
- The request for Datastore.AllocateIds.
- AllocateIdsResponse
- The response for Datastore.AllocateIds.
- ArrayValue
- An array value.
- Avg
- Average of the values of the requested property.
- BeginTransactionRequest
- The request for Datastore.BeginTransaction.
- BeginTransactionResponse
- The response for Datastore.BeginTransaction.
- CommitRequest
- The request for Datastore.Commit.
- CommitResponse
- The response for Datastore.Commit.
- CompositeFilter
- A filter that merges multiple other filters using the given operator.
- Count
- Count of entities that match the query.
- DatastoreApi
- Accesses the schemaless NoSQL database to provide fully managed, robust, scalable storage for your application.
- Entity
- A Datastore data object.
- EntityResult
- The result of fetching an entity from Datastore.
- ExplainMetrics
- Explain metrics for the query.
- Filter
- A holder for any type of filter.
- FindNearest
- Nearest Neighbors search config.
- GoogleDatastoreAdminV1EntityFilter
- Identifies a subset of entities in a project.
- GoogleDatastoreAdminV1ExportEntitiesRequest
- The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ExportEntities.
- GoogleDatastoreAdminV1ImportEntitiesRequest
- The request for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ImportEntities.
- GoogleDatastoreAdminV1Index
- Datastore composite index definition.
- GoogleDatastoreAdminV1IndexedProperty
- A property of an index.
- GoogleDatastoreAdminV1ListIndexesResponse
- The response for google.datastore.admin.v1.DatastoreAdmin.ListIndexes.
- GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- GqlQuery
- A GQL query.
- GqlQueryParameter
- A binding parameter for a GQL query.
- Key
- A unique identifier for an entity.
- LookupRequest
- The request for Datastore.Lookup.
- LookupResponse
- The response for Datastore.Lookup.
- Mutation
- A mutation to apply to an entity.
- MutationResult
- The result of applying a mutation.
- PartitionId
- A partition ID identifies a grouping of entities.
- PathElement
- A (kind, ID/name) pair used to construct a key path.
- Projection
- A representation of a property in a projection.
- ProjectsIndexesResource
- ProjectsOperationsResource
- ProjectsResource
- PropertyFilter
- A filter on a specific property.
- PropertyMask
- The set of arbitrarily nested property paths used to restrict an operation to only a subset of properties in an entity.
- PropertyOrder
- The desired order for a specific property.
- PropertyReference
- A reference to a property relative to the kind expressions.
- PropertyTransform
- A transformation of an entity property.
- Query
- A query for entities.
- QueryResultBatch
- A batch of results produced by a query.
- ReadOnly
- Options specific to read-only transactions.
- ReadOptions
- The options shared by read requests.
- ReadWrite
- Options specific to read / write transactions.
- ReserveIdsRequest
- The request for Datastore.ReserveIds.
- RollbackRequest
- The request for Datastore.Rollback.
- RunAggregationQueryRequest
- The request for Datastore.RunAggregationQuery.
- RunAggregationQueryResponse
- The response for Datastore.RunAggregationQuery.
- RunQueryRequest
- The request for Datastore.RunQuery.
- RunQueryResponse
- The response for Datastore.RunQuery.
- Sum
- Sum of the values of the requested property.
- TransactionOptions
- Options for beginning a new transaction.
- Value
- A message that can hold any of the supported value types and associated metadata.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- ExecutionStats = $ExecutionStats
- Execution statistics for the query.
- ExplainOptions = $ExplainOptions
- Explain options for the query.
- KindExpression = $KindExpression
- A representation of a kind.
- LatLng = $LatLng
- An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair.
- PlanSummary = $PlanSummary
- Planning phase information for the query.
- ReserveIdsResponse = $Empty
- The response for Datastore.ReserveIds.
- RollbackResponse = $Empty
- The response for Datastore.Rollback.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.