DataPortabilityApi class

The Data Portability API lets you build applications that request authorization from a user to move a copy of data from Google services into your application.

This enables data portability and facilitates switching services.

Constructors client, {String rootUrl = '', String servicePath = ''})


accessType AccessTypeResource
no setter
archiveJobs ArchiveJobsResource
no setter
authorization AuthorizationResource
no setter
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
portabilityArchive PortabilityArchiveResource
no setter
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.


dataportabilityAlertsSubscriptionsScope → const String
Move a copy of the Google Alerts subscriptions you created
dataportabilityBusinessmessagingConversationsScope → const String
Move a copy of messages between you and the businesses you have conversations with across Google services
dataportabilityChromeAutofillScope → const String
Move a copy of the information you entered into online forms in Chrome
dataportabilityChromeBookmarksScope → const String
Move a copy of pages you bookmarked in Chrome
dataportabilityChromeDictionaryScope → const String
Move a copy of words you added to Chrome's dictionary
dataportabilityChromeExtensionsScope → const String
Move a copy of extensions you installed from the Chrome Web Store
dataportabilityChromeHistoryScope → const String
Move a copy of sites you visited in Chrome
dataportabilityChromeReadingListScope → const String
Move a copy of pages you added to your reading list in Chrome
dataportabilityChromeSettingsScope → const String
Move a copy of your settings in Chrome
dataportabilityDiscoverFollowsScope → const String
Move a copy of searches and sites you follow, saved by Discover
dataportabilityDiscoverLikesScope → const String
Move a copy of links to your liked documents, saved by Discover
dataportabilityDiscoverNotInterestedScope → const String
Move a copy of content you marked as not interested, saved by Discover
dataportabilityMapsAliasedPlacesScope → const String
Move a copy of the places you labeled on Maps
dataportabilityMapsCommuteRoutesScope → const String
Move a copy of your pinned trips on Maps
dataportabilityMapsCommuteSettingsScope → const String
Move a copy of your commute settings on Maps
dataportabilityMapsEvProfileScope → const String
Move a copy of your electric vehicle profile on Maps
dataportabilityMapsFactualContributionsScope → const String
Move a copy of the corrections you made to places or map information on Maps
dataportabilityMapsOfferingContributionsScope → const String
Move a copy of your updates to places on Maps
dataportabilityMapsPhotosVideosScope → const String
Move a copy of the photos and videos you posted on Maps
dataportabilityMapsQuestionsAnswersScope → const String
Move a copy of the questions and answers you posted on Maps
dataportabilityMapsReviewsScope → const String
Move a copy of your reviews and posts on Maps
dataportabilityMapsStarredPlacesScope → const String
Move a copy of your Starred places list on Maps
dataportabilityMyactivityMapsScope → const String
Move a copy of your Maps activity
dataportabilityMyactivityMyadcenterScope → const String
Move a copy of your My Ad Center activity
dataportabilityMyactivityPlayScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play activity
dataportabilityMyactivitySearchScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Search activity
dataportabilityMyactivityShoppingScope → const String
Move a copy of your Shopping activity
dataportabilityMyactivityYoutubeScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube activity
dataportabilityMymapsMapsScope → const String
Move a copy of the maps you created in My Maps
dataportabilityOrderReservePurchasesReservationsScope → const String
Move a copy of your food purchase and reservation activity
dataportabilityPlayDevicesScope → const String
Move a copy of information about your devices with Google Play Store installed
dataportabilityPlayGroupingScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store Grouping tags created by app developers
dataportabilityPlayInstallsScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store app installations
dataportabilityPlayLibraryScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store downloads, including books, games, and apps
dataportabilityPlayPlaypointsScope → const String
Move a copy of information about your Google Play Store Points
dataportabilityPlayPromotionsScope → const String
Move a copy of information about your Google Play Store promotions
dataportabilityPlayPurchasesScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store purchases
dataportabilityPlayRedemptionsScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store redemption activities
dataportabilityPlaySubscriptionsScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store subscriptions
dataportabilityPlayUsersettingsScope → const String
Move a copy of your Google Play Store user settings and preferences
dataportabilitySavedCollectionsScope → const String
Move a copy of your saved links, images, places, and collections from your use of Google services
dataportabilitySearchnotificationsSettingsScope → const String
Move a copy of your notification settings on the Google Search app
dataportabilitySearchnotificationsSubscriptionsScope → const String
Move a copy of your notification subscriptions on Google Search app
dataportabilitySearchUgcCommentsScope → const String
Move a copy of your comments on Google Search
dataportabilitySearchUgcMediaReviewsAndStarsScope → const String
Move a copy of your media reviews on Google Search
dataportabilitySearchUgcMediaStreamingVideoProvidersScope → const String
Move a copy of your self-reported video streaming provider preferences from Google Search and Google TV
dataportabilitySearchUgcMediaThumbsScope → const String
Move a copy of your indicated thumbs up and thumbs down on media in Google Search and Google TV
dataportabilitySearchUgcMediaWatchedScope → const String
Move a copy of information about the movies and TV shows you marked as watched on Google Search and Google TV
dataportabilityShoppingAddressesScope → const String
Move a copy of your shipping information on Shopping
dataportabilityShoppingReviewsScope → const String
Move a copy of reviews you wrote about products or online stores on Google Search
dataportabilityStreetviewImageryScope → const String
Move a copy of the images and videos you uploaded to Street View
dataportabilityYoutubeChannelScope → const String
Move a copy of information about your YouTube channel
dataportabilityYoutubeClipsScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube clips metadata
dataportabilityYoutubeCommentsScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube comments
dataportabilityYoutubeLiveChatScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube messages in live chat
dataportabilityYoutubeMusicScope → const String
Move a copy of your uploaded YouTube music tracks and your YouTube music library
dataportabilityYoutubePlayableScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube playables saved game progress files
dataportabilityYoutubePostsScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube posts
dataportabilityYoutubePrivatePlaylistsScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube private playlists
dataportabilityYoutubePrivateVideosScope → const String
Move a copy of your private YouTube videos and information about them
dataportabilityYoutubePublicPlaylistsScope → const String
Move a copy of your public YouTube playlists
dataportabilityYoutubePublicVideosScope → const String
Move a copy of your public YouTube videos and information about them
dataportabilityYoutubeShoppingScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube shopping wishlists, and wishlist items
dataportabilityYoutubeSubscriptionsScope → const String
Move a copy of your YouTube channel subscriptions, even if they're private
dataportabilityYoutubeUnlistedPlaylistsScope → const String
Move a copy of your unlisted YouTube playlists
dataportabilityYoutubeUnlistedVideosScope → const String
Move a copy of your unlisted YouTube videos and information about them