contentwarehouse/v1 library
Document AI Warehouse API - v1
For more information, see
Create an instance of ContentwarehouseApi to access these resources:
- ContentwarehouseApi
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1AccessControlAction
- Represents the action responsible for access control list management operations.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1Action
- Represents the action triggered by Rule Engine when the rule is true.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ActionExecutorOutput
- Represents the output of the Action Executor.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ActionOutput
- Represents the result of executing an action.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1AddToFolderAction
- Represents the action responsible for adding document under a folder.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1CloudAIDocumentOption
- Request Option for processing Cloud AI Document in CW Document.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1CreateDocumentLinkRequest
- Request message for DocumentLinkService.CreateDocumentLink.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1CreateDocumentRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.CreateDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1CreateDocumentResponse
- Response message for DocumentService.CreateDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1CustomWeightsMetadata
- To support the custom weighting across document schemas.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DataUpdateAction
- Represents the action responsible for properties update operations.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DataValidationAction
- Represents the action responsible for data validation operations.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DateTimeArray
- DateTime values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DeleteDocumentAction
- Represents the action responsible for deleting the document.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DeleteDocumentLinkRequest
- Request message for DocumentLinkService.DeleteDocumentLink.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DeleteDocumentRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.DeleteDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1Document
- Defines the structure for content warehouse document proto.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DocumentLink
- A document-link between source and target document.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DocumentQuery
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DocumentReference
- References to the documents.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DocumentSchema
- A document schema used to define document structure.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1EnumArray
- Enum values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1EnumTypeOptions
- Configurations for an enum/categorical property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1EnumValue
- Represents the string value of the enum field.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ExportToCdwPipeline
- The configuration of exporting documents from the Document Warehouse to CDW pipeline.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1FetchAclRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.FetchAcl
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1FetchAclResponse
- Response message for DocumentService.FetchAcl.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1FileTypeFilter
- Filter for the specific types of documents returned.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1FloatArray
- Float values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1GcsIngestPipeline
- The configuration of the Cloud Storage Ingestion pipeline.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1GcsIngestWithDocAiProcessorsPipeline
- The configuration of the Cloud Storage Ingestion with DocAI Processors pipeline.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1GetDocumentRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.GetDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1HistogramQuery
- The histogram request.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1HistogramQueryPropertyNameFilter
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1HistogramQueryResult
- Histogram result that matches HistogramQuery specified in searches.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1IngestPipelineConfig
- The ingestion pipeline config.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1InitializeProjectRequest
- Request message for projectService.InitializeProject
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1IntegerArray
- Integer values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1InvalidRule
- A triggered rule that failed the validation check(s) after parsing.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListDocumentSchemasResponse
- Response message for DocumentSchemaService.ListDocumentSchemas.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListLinkedSourcesRequest
- Response message for DocumentLinkService.ListLinkedSources.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListLinkedSourcesResponse
- Response message for DocumentLinkService.ListLinkedSources.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListLinkedTargetsRequest
- Request message for DocumentLinkService.ListLinkedTargets.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListLinkedTargetsResponse
- Response message for DocumentLinkService.ListLinkedTargets.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListRuleSetsResponse
- Response message for RuleSetService.ListRuleSets.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ListSynonymSetsResponse
- Response message for SynonymSetService.ListSynonymSets.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1LockDocumentRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.LockDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1MapProperty
- Map property value.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1MergeFieldsOptions
- Options for merging updated fields.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ProcessorInfo
- The DocAI processor information.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ProcessWithDocAiPipeline
- The configuration of processing documents in Document Warehouse with DocAi processors pipeline.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ProjectStatus
- Status of a project, including the project state, dbType, aclMode and etc.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1Property
- Property of a document.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1PropertyArray
- Property values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1PropertyDefinition
- Defines the metadata for a schema property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1PropertyDefinitionSchemaSource
- The schema source information.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1PropertyFilter
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1PropertyTypeOptions
- Configurations for a nested structured data property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1PublishAction
- Represents the action responsible for publishing messages to a Pub/Sub topic.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1QAResult
- Additional result info for the question-answering feature.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1QAResultHighlight
- A text span in the search text snippet that represents a highlighted section (answer context, highly relevant sentence, etc.).
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RemoveFromFolderAction
- Represents the action responsible for remove a document from a specific folder.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RequestMetadata
- Meta information is used to improve the performance of the service.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1ResponseMetadata
- Additional information returned to client, such as debugging information.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1Rule
- Represents the rule for a content warehouse trigger.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RuleActionsPair
- Represents a rule and outputs of associated actions.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RuleEngineOutput
- Records the output of Rule Engine including rule evaluation and actions result.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RuleEvaluatorOutput
- Represents the output of the Rule Evaluator.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RuleSet
- Represents a set of rules from a single customer.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1RunPipelineRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.RunPipeline.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SearchDocumentsRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.SearchDocuments.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SearchDocumentsResponse
- Response message for DocumentService.SearchDocuments.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SearchDocumentsResponseMatchingDocument
- Document entry with metadata inside SearchDocumentsResponse
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SetAclRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.SetAcl.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SetAclResponse
- Response message for DocumentService.SetAcl.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SynonymSet
- Represents a list of synonyms for a given context.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1SynonymSetSynonym
- Represents a list of words given by the customer All these words are synonyms of each other.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1TextArray
- String/text values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1TimeFilter
- Filter on create timestamp or update timestamp of documents.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1TimestampArray
- Timestamp values.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1TimestampValue
- Timestamp value type.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1UpdateDocumentRequest
- Request message for DocumentService.UpdateDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1UpdateDocumentResponse
- Response message for DocumentService.UpdateDocument.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1UpdateDocumentSchemaRequest
- Request message for DocumentSchemaService.UpdateDocumentSchema.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1UpdateOptions
- Options for Update operations.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1UpdateRuleSetRequest
- Request message for RuleSetService.UpdateRuleSet.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1UserInfo
- The user information.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1Value
represents a dynamically typed value which can be either be a float, a integer, a string, or a datetime value. - GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1WeightedSchemaProperty
- Specifies the schema property name.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1BoundingPoly
- A bounding polygon for the detected image annotation.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Document
- Document represents the canonical document resource in Document AI.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocument
- Represents the chunks that the document is divided into.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunk
- Represents a chunk.
- Represents the page footer associated with the chunk.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunkChunkPageHeader
- Represents the page header associated with the chunk.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayout
- Represents the parsed layout of a document as a collection of blocks that the document is divided into.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlock
- Represents a block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutListBlock
- Represents a list type block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutListEntry
- Represents an entry in the list.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTableBlock
- Represents a table type block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTableCell
- Represents a cell in a table row.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTableRow
- Represents a row in a table.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutTextBlock
- Represents a text type block.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntity
- An entity that could be a phrase in the text or a property that belongs to the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntityNormalizedValue
- Parsed and normalized entity value.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPage
- A page in a Document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageAnchor
- Referencing the visual context of the entity in the Document.pages.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageAnchorPageRef
- Represents a weak reference to a page element within a document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageBlock
- A block has a set of lines (collected into paragraphs) that have a common line-spacing and orientation.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDetectedBarcode
- A detected barcode.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageFormField
- A form field detected on the page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImageQualityScores
- Image quality scores for the page image.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageLayout
- Visual element describing a layout unit on a page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageLine
- A collection of tokens that a human would perceive as a line.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageParagraph
- A collection of lines that a human would perceive as a paragraph.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageSymbol
- A detected symbol.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTable
- A table representation similar to HTML table structure.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTableTableCell
- A cell representation inside the table.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTableTableRow
- A row of table cells.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageToken
- A detected token.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTokenStyleInfo
- Font and other text style attributes.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageVisualElement
- Detected non-text visual elements e.g. checkbox, signature etc.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentProvenance
- Structure to identify provenance relationships between annotations in different revisions.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentRevision
- Contains past or forward revisions of this document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentStyle
- Annotation for common text style attributes.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextAnchor
- Text reference indexing into the Document.text.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextChange
- This message is used for text changes aka.
- GoogleIamV1AuditConfig
- Specifies the audit configuration for a service.
- GoogleIamV1Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - GoogleIamV1Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- GoogleTypeDateTime
- Represents civil time (or occasionally physical time).
- ProjectsLocationsDocumentSchemasResource
- ProjectsLocationsDocumentsDocumentLinksResource
- ProjectsLocationsDocumentsReferenceIdResource
- ProjectsLocationsDocumentsResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsRuleSetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSynonymSetsResource
- ProjectsResource
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1DateTimeTypeOptions = $Empty
- Configurations for a date time property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1FloatTypeOptions = $Empty
- Configurations for a float property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1IntegerTypeOptions = $Empty
- Configurations for an integer property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1MapTypeOptions = $Empty
- Configurations for a Map property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1TextTypeOptions = $Empty
- Configurations for a text property.
- GoogleCloudContentwarehouseV1TimestampTypeOptions = $Empty
- Configurations for a timestamp property.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Barcode = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Barcode
- Encodes the detailed information of a barcode.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunkChunkPageSpan = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentChunkedDocumentChunkChunkPageSpan
- Represents where the chunk starts and ends in the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutPageSpan = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentDocumentLayoutDocumentLayoutBlockLayoutPageSpan
- Represents where the block starts and ends in the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntityRelation = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentEntityRelation
- Relationship between Entities.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDetectedLanguage = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDetectedLanguage
- Detected language for a structural component.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDimension = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageDimension
- Dimension for the page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImage = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImage
- Rendered image contents for this page.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImageQualityScoresDetectedDefect = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageImageQualityScoresDetectedDefect
- Image Quality Defects
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageMatrix = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageMatrix
- Representation for transformation matrix, intended to be compatible and used with OpenCV format for image manipulation.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTokenDetectedBreak = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentPageTokenDetectedBreak
- Detected break at the end of a Token.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentProvenanceParent = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentProvenanceParent
- The parent element the current element is based on.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentRevisionHumanReview = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentRevisionHumanReview
- Human Review information of the document.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentShardInfo = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentShardInfo
- For a large document, sharding may be performed to produce several document shards.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentStyleFontSize = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentStyleFontSize
- Font size with unit.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextAnchorTextSegment = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1DocumentTextAnchorTextSegment
- A text segment in the Document.text.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1NormalizedVertex = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1NormalizedVertex
- A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.
- GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Vertex = $GoogleCloudDocumentaiV1Vertex
- A vertex represents a 2D point in the image.
- GoogleIamV1AuditLogConfig = $AuditLogConfig
- Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeColor = $Color
- Represents a color in the RGBA color space.
- GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- GoogleTypeExpr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- GoogleTypeInterval = $Interval
- Represents a time interval, encoded as a Timestamp start (inclusive) and a Timestamp end (exclusive).
- GoogleTypeMoney = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- GoogleTypePostalAddress = $PostalAddress
- Represents a postal address.
- GoogleTypeTimeZone = $TimeZone
- Represents a time zone from the IANA Time Zone Database.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.