connectors/v2 library
Connectors API - v2
Enables users to create and manage connections to Google Cloud services and third-party business applications using the Connectors interface.
For more information, see
Create an instance of ConnectorsApi to access these resources:
- AccessCredentials
- AccessCredentials includes the OAuth access token, and the other fields returned along with it.
- Action
- Action message contains metadata information about a single action present in the external system.
- AuthCodeData
- AuthCodeData contains the data the runtime plane will give the connector backend in exchange for access and refresh tokens.
- CheckReadinessResponse
- Response containing status of the connector for readiness prober.
- CheckStatusResponse
- The status of the connector.
- ConnectorsApi
- Enables users to create and manage connections to Google Cloud services and third-party business applications using the Connectors interface.
- Entity
- 'Entity row'/ 'Entity' refers to a single row of an entity type.
- EntityType
- EntityType message contains metadata information about a single entity type present in the external system.
- ExchangeAuthCodeRequest
- ExchangeAuthCodeRequest currently includes the auth code data.
- ExchangeAuthCodeResponse
- ExchangeAuthCodeResponse includes the returned access token and its associated credentials.
- ExecuteActionRequest
- Request message for ActionService.ExecuteAction
- ExecuteActionResponse
- Response message for ActionService.ExecuteAction
- ExecuteSqlQueryRequest
- An execute sql query request containing the query and the connection to execute it on.
- ExecuteSqlQueryResponse
- A response returned by the connection after executing the sql query.
- Field
- Message contains EntityType's Field metadata.
- InputParameter
- Input Parameter message contains metadata about the parameters required for executing an Action.
- JsonSchema
- JsonSchema representation of schema metadata
- ListActionsResponse
- Response message for ActionService.ListActions
- ListEntitiesResponse
- Response message for EntityService.ListEntities
- ListEntityTypesResponse
- Response message for EntityService.ListEntityTypes
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsActionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsEntityTypesEntitiesResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsEntityTypesResource
- ProjectsLocationsConnectionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsResource
- Query
- A wrapper around the SQL query statement.
- QueryParameter
- Query parameter definition
- Reference
- RefreshAccessTokenRequest
- RefreshAccessTokenRequest includes the refresh token.
- RefreshAccessTokenResponse
- RefreshAccessTokenResponse includes the returned access token and its associated credentials.
- ResultMetadata
- Result Metadata message contains metadata about the result returned after executing an Action.
- UpdateEntitiesWithConditionsResponse
- Response message for EntityService.UpdateEntitiesWithConditions
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.