compute/v1 library
Compute Engine API - v1
Creates and runs virtual machines on Google Cloud Platform.
For more information, see
Create an instance of ComputeApi to access these resources:
- AcceleratorTypesResource
- AddressesResource
- AutoscalersResource
- BackendBucketsResource
- BackendServicesResource
- DiskTypesResource
- DisksResource
- ExternalVpnGatewaysResource
- FirewallPoliciesResource
- FirewallsResource
- ForwardingRulesResource
- GlobalAddressesResource
- GlobalForwardingRulesResource
- GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsResource
- GlobalOperationsResource
- GlobalOrganizationOperationsResource
- GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesResource
- HealthChecksResource
- HttpHealthChecksResource
- HttpsHealthChecksResource
- ImageFamilyViewsResource
- ImagesResource
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestsResource
- InstanceGroupManagersResource
- InstanceGroupsResource
- InstanceSettingsResource
- InstanceTemplatesResource
- InstancesResource
- InstantSnapshotsResource
- InterconnectAttachmentsResource
- InterconnectLocationsResource
- InterconnectRemoteLocationsResource
- InterconnectsResource
- LicenseCodesResource
- LicensesResource
- MachineImagesResource
- MachineTypesResource
- NetworkAttachmentsResource
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesResource
- NetworkEndpointGroupsResource
- NetworkFirewallPoliciesResource
- NetworkProfilesResource
- NetworksResource
- NodeGroupsResource
- NodeTemplatesResource
- NodeTypesResource
- PacketMirroringsResource
- ProjectsResource
- PublicAdvertisedPrefixesResource
- PublicDelegatedPrefixesResource
- RegionAutoscalersResource
- RegionBackendServicesResource
- RegionCommitmentsResource
- RegionDiskTypesResource
- RegionDisksResource
- RegionHealthCheckServicesResource
- RegionHealthChecksResource
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource
- RegionInstanceGroupsResource
- RegionInstanceTemplatesResource
- RegionInstancesResource
- RegionInstantSnapshotsResource
- RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsResource
- RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesResource
- RegionNotificationEndpointsResource
- RegionOperationsResource
- RegionSecurityPoliciesResource
- RegionSslCertificatesResource
- RegionSslPoliciesResource
- RegionTargetHttpProxiesResource
- RegionTargetHttpsProxiesResource
- RegionTargetTcpProxiesResource
- RegionUrlMapsResource
- RegionZonesResource
- RegionsResource
- ReservationsResource
- ResourcePoliciesResource
- RoutersResource
- RoutesResource
- SecurityPoliciesResource
- ServiceAttachmentsResource
- SnapshotSettingsResource
- SnapshotsResource
- SslCertificatesResource
- SslPoliciesResource
- StoragePoolTypesResource
- StoragePoolsResource
- SubnetworksResource
- TargetGrpcProxiesResource
- TargetHttpProxiesResource
- TargetHttpsProxiesResource
- TargetInstancesResource
- TargetPoolsResource
- TargetSslProxiesResource
- TargetTcpProxiesResource
- TargetVpnGatewaysResource
- UrlMapsResource
- VpnGatewaysResource
- VpnTunnelsResource
- ZoneOperationsResource
- ZonesResource
- AcceleratorConfig
- A specification of the type and number of accelerator cards attached to the instance.
- AcceleratorType
- Represents an Accelerator Type resource.
- AcceleratorTypeAggregatedList
- AcceleratorTypeAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- AcceleratorTypeAggregatedListWarningData
- AcceleratorTypeList
- Contains a list of accelerator types.
- AcceleratorTypeListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- AcceleratorTypeListWarningData
- AcceleratorTypesResource
- AcceleratorTypesScopedList
- AcceleratorTypesScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that appears when the accelerator types list is empty.
- AcceleratorTypesScopedListWarningData
- AccessConfig
- An access configuration attached to an instance's network interface.
- Address
- Represents an IP Address resource.
- AddressAggregatedList
- AddressAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- AddressAggregatedListWarningData
- AddressesResource
- AddressesScopedList
- AddressesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- AddressesScopedListWarningData
- AddressList
- Contains a list of addresses.
- AddressListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- AddressListWarningData
- AdvancedMachineFeatures
- Specifies options for controlling advanced machine features.
- AliasIpRange
- An alias IP range attached to an instance's network interface.
- AllocationAggregateReservation
- This reservation type is specified by total resource amounts (e.g. total count of CPUs) and can account for multiple instance SKUs.
- AllocationAggregateReservationReservedResourceInfo
- AllocationAggregateReservationReservedResourceInfoAccelerator
- AllocationReservationSharingPolicy
- AllocationResourceStatus
- Contains output only fields.
- AllocationResourceStatusSpecificSKUAllocation
- Contains Properties set for the reservation.
- AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationAllocatedInstancePropertiesReservedDisk
- AllocationSpecificSKUAllocationReservedInstanceProperties
- Properties of the SKU instances being reserved.
- AllocationSpecificSKUReservation
- This reservation type allows to pre allocate specific instance configuration.
- AttachedDisk
- An instance-attached disk resource.
- AttachedDiskInitializeParams
- [Input Only] Specifies the parameters for a new disk that will be created alongside the new instance.
- AuditConfig
- Specifies the audit configuration for a service.
- AuditLogConfig
- Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions.
- Autoscaler
- Represents an Autoscaler resource.
- AutoscalerAggregatedList
- AutoscalerAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- AutoscalerAggregatedListWarningData
- AutoscalerList
- Contains a list of Autoscaler resources.
- AutoscalerListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- AutoscalerListWarningData
- AutoscalersResource
- AutoscalersScopedList
- AutoscalersScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of autoscalers when the list is empty.
- AutoscalersScopedListWarningData
- AutoscalerStatusDetails
- AutoscalingPolicy
- Cloud Autoscaler policy.
- AutoscalingPolicyCpuUtilization
- CPU utilization policy.
- AutoscalingPolicyCustomMetricUtilization
- Custom utilization metric policy.
- AutoscalingPolicyLoadBalancingUtilization
- Configuration parameters of autoscaling based on load balancing.
- AutoscalingPolicyScaleInControl
- Configuration that allows for slower scale in so that even if Autoscaler recommends an abrupt scale in of a MIG, it will be throttled as specified by the parameters below.
- AutoscalingPolicyScalingSchedule
- Scaling based on user-defined schedule.
- AWSV4Signature
- Contains the configurations necessary to generate a signature for access to private storage buckets that support Signature Version 4 for authentication.
- Backend
- Message containing information of one individual backend.
- BackendBucket
- Represents a Cloud Storage Bucket resource.
- BackendBucketCdnPolicy
- Message containing Cloud CDN configuration for a backend bucket.
- BackendBucketCdnPolicyCacheKeyPolicy
- Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN.
- BackendBucketList
- Contains a list of BackendBucket resources.
- BackendBucketListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- BackendBucketListWarningData
- BackendBucketsResource
- BackendBucketUsedBy
- BackendCustomMetric
- Custom Metrics are used for CUSTOM_METRICS balancing_mode.
- BackendService
- Represents a Backend Service resource.
- BackendServiceAggregatedList
- Contains a list of BackendServicesScopedList.
- BackendServiceAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- BackendServiceAggregatedListWarningData
- BackendServiceCdnPolicy
- Message containing Cloud CDN configuration for a backend service.
- BackendServiceConnectionTrackingPolicy
- Connection Tracking configuration for this BackendService.
- BackendServiceCustomMetric
- Custom Metrics are used for WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN locality_lb_policy.
- BackendServiceFailoverPolicy
- For load balancers that have configurable failover: Internal passthrough Network Load Balancers and external passthrough Network Load Balancers.
- BackendServiceGroupHealth
- BackendServiceHttpCookie
- The HTTP cookie used for stateful session affinity.
- BackendServiceIAP
- Identity-Aware Proxy
- BackendServiceList
- Contains a list of BackendService resources.
- BackendServiceListUsable
- Contains a list of usable BackendService resources.
- BackendServiceListUsableWarning
- Informational warning message.
- BackendServiceListUsableWarningData
- BackendServiceListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- BackendServiceListWarningData
- BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfig
- Container for either a built-in LB policy supported by gRPC or Envoy or a custom one implemented by the end user.
- BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigCustomPolicy
- The configuration for a custom policy implemented by the user and deployed with the client.
- BackendServiceLocalityLoadBalancingPolicyConfigPolicy
- The configuration for a built-in load balancing policy.
- BackendServiceLogConfig
- The available logging options for the load balancer traffic served by this backend service.
- BackendServiceReference
- BackendServicesResource
- BackendServicesScopedList
- BackendServicesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- BackendServicesScopedListWarningData
- BackendServiceUsedBy
- BfdPacket
- BfdStatus
- Next free: 15
- BfdStatusPacketCounts
- BgpRoute
- BgpRouteAsPath
- BgpRouteNetworkLayerReachabilityInformation
- Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) for a route.
- Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - BulkInsertDiskResource
- A transient resource used in compute.disks.bulkInsert and compute.regionDisks.bulkInsert.
- BulkInsertInstanceResource
- A transient resource used in compute.instances.bulkInsert and compute.regionInstances.bulkInsert .
- BulkInsertInstanceResourcePerInstanceProperties
- Per-instance properties to be set on individual instances.
- BulkInsertOperationStatus
- CacheInvalidationRule
- CacheKeyPolicy
- Message containing what to include in the cache key for a request for Cloud CDN.
- CircuitBreakers
- Settings controlling the volume of requests, connections and retries to this backend service.
- Commitment
- Represents a regional resource-based commitment resource.
- CommitmentAggregatedList
- CommitmentAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- CommitmentAggregatedListWarningData
- CommitmentList
- Contains a list of Commitment resources.
- CommitmentListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- CommitmentListWarningData
- CommitmentResourceStatus
- Contains output only fields.
- CommitmentsScopedList
- CommitmentsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of commitments when the list is empty.
- CommitmentsScopedListWarningData
- ComputeApi
- Creates and runs virtual machines on Google Cloud Platform.
- ConfidentialInstanceConfig
- A set of Confidential Instance options.
- ConnectionDraining
- Message containing connection draining configuration.
- ConsistentHashLoadBalancerSettings
- This message defines settings for a consistent hash style load balancer.
- ConsistentHashLoadBalancerSettingsHttpCookie
- The information about the HTTP Cookie on which the hash function is based for load balancing policies that use a consistent hash.
- CorsPolicy
- The specification for allowing client-side cross-origin requests.
- CustomerEncryptionKey
- CustomerEncryptionKeyProtectedDisk
- CustomErrorResponsePolicy
- Specifies the custom error response policy that must be applied when the backend service or backend bucket responds with an error.
- CustomErrorResponsePolicyCustomErrorResponseRule
- Specifies the mapping between the response code that will be returned along with the custom error content and the response code returned by the backend service.
- DeprecationStatus
- Deprecation status for a public resource.
- Disk
- Represents a Persistent Disk resource.
- DiskAggregatedList
- DiskAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- DiskAggregatedListWarningData
- DiskAsyncReplication
- DiskAsyncReplicationList
- DiskInstantiationConfig
- A specification of the desired way to instantiate a disk in the instance template when its created from a source instance.
- DiskList
- A list of Disk resources.
- DiskListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- DiskListWarningData
- DiskMoveRequest
- DiskParams
- Additional disk params.
- DiskResourceStatus
- DiskResourceStatusAsyncReplicationStatus
- DisksAddResourcePoliciesRequest
- DisksResizeRequest
- DisksResource
- DisksScopedList
- DisksScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of disks when the list is empty.
- DisksScopedListWarningData
- DisksStopGroupAsyncReplicationResource
- A transient resource used in compute.disks.stopGroupAsyncReplication and compute.regionDisks.stopGroupAsyncReplication.
- DiskType
- Represents a Disk Type resource.
- DiskTypeAggregatedList
- DiskTypeAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- DiskTypeAggregatedListWarningData
- DiskTypeList
- Contains a list of disk types.
- DiskTypeListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- DiskTypeListWarningData
- DiskTypesResource
- DiskTypesScopedList
- DiskTypesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of disk types when the list is empty.
- DiskTypesScopedListWarningData
- DisplayDevice
- A set of Display Device options
- DistributionPolicy
- DistributionPolicyZoneConfiguration
- Duration
- A Duration represents a fixed-length span of time represented as a count of seconds and fractions of seconds at nanosecond resolution.
- ExchangedPeeringRoute
- ExchangedPeeringRoutesList
- ExchangedPeeringRoutesListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ExchangedPeeringRoutesListWarningData
- ExternalVpnGateway
- Represents an external VPN gateway.
- ExternalVpnGatewayInterface
- The interface for the external VPN gateway.
- ExternalVpnGatewayList
- Response to the list request, and contains a list of externalVpnGateways.
- ExternalVpnGatewayListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ExternalVpnGatewayListWarningData
- ExternalVpnGatewaysResource
- FileContentBuffer
- Firewall
- Represents a Firewall Rule resource.
- FirewallAllowed
- FirewallDenied
- FirewallList
- Contains a list of firewalls.
- FirewallListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- FirewallListWarningData
- FirewallLogConfig
- The available logging options for a firewall rule.
- FirewallPoliciesListAssociationsResponse
- FirewallPoliciesResource
- FirewallPoliciesScopedList
- FirewallPoliciesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of firewall policies when the list is empty.
- FirewallPoliciesScopedListWarningData
- FirewallPolicy
- Represents a Firewall Policy resource.
- FirewallPolicyAssociation
- FirewallPolicyList
- FirewallPolicyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- FirewallPolicyListWarningData
- FirewallPolicyRule
- Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
- FirewallPolicyRuleMatcher
- Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against.
- FirewallPolicyRuleMatcherLayer4Config
- FirewallPolicyRuleSecureTag
- FirewallsResource
- FixedOrPercent
- Encapsulates numeric value that can be either absolute or relative.
- ForwardingRule
- Represents a Forwarding Rule resource.
- ForwardingRuleAggregatedList
- ForwardingRuleAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ForwardingRuleAggregatedListWarningData
- ForwardingRuleList
- Contains a list of ForwardingRule resources.
- ForwardingRuleListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ForwardingRuleListWarningData
- ForwardingRuleReference
- ForwardingRuleServiceDirectoryRegistration
- Describes the auto-registration of the forwarding rule to Service Directory.
- ForwardingRulesResource
- ForwardingRulesScopedList
- ForwardingRulesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of forwarding rules when the list is empty.
- ForwardingRulesScopedListWarningData
- GlobalAddressesMoveRequest
- GlobalAddressesResource
- GlobalForwardingRulesResource
- GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest
- GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest
- GlobalNetworkEndpointGroupsResource
- GlobalOperationsResource
- GlobalOrganizationOperationsResource
- GlobalOrganizationSetPolicyRequest
- GlobalPublicDelegatedPrefixesResource
- GlobalSetLabelsRequest
- GlobalSetPolicyRequest
- GRPCHealthCheck
- GuestAttributes
- A guest attributes entry.
- GuestAttributesValue
- Array of guest attribute namespace/key/value tuples.
- GuestOsFeature
- Guest OS features.
- HealthCheck
- Represents a health check resource.
- HealthCheckList
- Contains a list of HealthCheck resources.
- HealthCheckListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- HealthCheckListWarningData
- HealthCheckLogConfig
- Configuration of logging on a health check.
- HealthCheckReference
- A full or valid partial URL to a health check.
- HealthChecksAggregatedList
- HealthChecksAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- HealthChecksAggregatedListWarningData
- HealthCheckService
- Represents a Health-Check as a Service resource.
- HealthCheckServiceReference
- A full or valid partial URL to a health check service.
- HealthCheckServicesList
- HealthCheckServicesListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- HealthCheckServicesListWarningData
- HealthChecksResource
- HealthChecksScopedList
- HealthChecksScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- HealthChecksScopedListWarningData
- HealthStatus
- HealthStatusForNetworkEndpoint
- Help
- Provides links to documentation or for performing an out of band action.
- HostRule
- UrlMaps A host-matching rule for a URL.
- HTTP2HealthCheck
- HttpFaultAbort
- Specification for how requests are aborted as part of fault injection.
- HttpFaultDelay
- Specifies the delay introduced by the load balancer before forwarding the request to the backend service as part of fault injection.
- HttpFaultInjection
- The specification for fault injection introduced into traffic to test the resiliency of clients to backend service failure.
- HttpHeaderAction
- The request and response header transformations that take effect before the request is passed along to the selected backendService.
- HttpHeaderMatch
- matchRule criteria for request header matches.
- HttpHeaderOption
- Specification determining how headers are added to requests or responses.
- HTTPHealthCheck
- HttpHealthCheck
- Represents a legacy HTTP Health Check resource.
- HttpHealthCheckList
- Contains a list of HttpHealthCheck resources.
- HttpHealthCheckListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- HttpHealthCheckListWarningData
- HttpHealthChecksResource
- HttpQueryParameterMatch
- HttpRouteRuleMatch criteria for a request's query parameter.
- HttpRedirectAction
- Specifies settings for an HTTP redirect.
- HttpRetryPolicy
- The retry policy associates with HttpRouteRule
- HttpRouteAction
- HttpRouteRule
- The HttpRouteRule setting specifies how to match an HTTP request and the corresponding routing action that load balancing proxies perform.
- HttpRouteRuleMatch
- HttpRouteRuleMatch specifies a set of criteria for matching requests to an HttpRouteRule.
- HTTPSHealthCheck
- HttpsHealthCheck
- Represents a legacy HTTPS Health Check resource.
- HttpsHealthCheckList
- Contains a list of HttpsHealthCheck resources.
- HttpsHealthCheckListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- HttpsHealthCheckListWarningData
- HttpsHealthChecksResource
- Image
- Represents an Image resource.
- ImageFamilyView
- ImageFamilyViewsResource
- ImageList
- Contains a list of images.
- ImageListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ImageListWarningData
- ImageRawDisk
- The parameters of the raw disk image.
- ImagesResource
- InitialStateConfig
- Initial State for shielded instance, these are public keys which are safe to store in public
- Instance
- Represents an Instance resource.
- InstanceAggregatedList
- InstanceAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceAggregatedListWarningData
- InstanceConsumptionData
- InstanceConsumptionInfo
- InstanceGroup
- Represents an Instance Group resource.
- InstanceGroupAggregatedList
- InstanceGroupAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupAggregatedListWarningData
- InstanceGroupList
- A list of InstanceGroup resources.
- InstanceGroupListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupListWarningData
- InstanceGroupManager
- Represents a Managed Instance Group resource.
- InstanceGroupManagerActionsSummary
- InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedList
- InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupManagerAggregatedListWarningData
- InstanceGroupManagerAllInstancesConfig
- InstanceGroupManagerAutoHealingPolicy
- InstanceGroupManagerInstanceFlexibilityPolicy
- InstanceGroupManagerInstanceFlexibilityPolicyInstanceSelection
- InstanceGroupManagerInstanceLifecyclePolicy
- InstanceGroupManagerList
- A list of managed instance groups.
- InstanceGroupManagerListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupManagerListWarningData
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequest
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequest represents a request to create a number of VMs: either immediately or by queuing the request for the specified time.
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestsListResponse
- A list of resize requests.
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestsListResponseWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestsListResponseWarningData
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestsResource
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatus
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusError
- Fatal errors encountered during the queueing or provisioning phases of the ResizeRequest that caused the transition to the FAILED state.
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusErrorErrors
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusErrorErrorsErrorDetails
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusLastAttempt
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusLastAttemptError
- Errors that prevented the ResizeRequest to be fulfilled.
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusLastAttemptErrorErrors
- InstanceGroupManagerResizeRequestStatusLastAttemptErrorErrorsErrorDetails
- InstanceGroupManagerResourcePolicies
- InstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagers.createInstances
- InstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse
- InstanceGroupManagersListManagedInstancesResponse
- InstanceGroupManagersListPerInstanceConfigsResp
- InstanceGroupManagersListPerInstanceConfigsRespWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupManagersListPerInstanceConfigsRespWarningData
- InstanceGroupManagersPatchPerInstanceConfigsReq
- InstanceGroupManagers.patchPerInstanceConfigs
- InstanceGroupManagersResource
- InstanceGroupManagersScopedList
- InstanceGroupManagersScopedListWarning
- The warning that replaces the list of managed instance groups when the list is empty.
- InstanceGroupManagersScopedListWarningData
- InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest
- InstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest
- InstanceGroupManagerStandbyPolicy
- InstanceGroupManagerStatus
- InstanceGroupManagerStatusAllInstancesConfig
- InstanceGroupManagerStatusStateful
- InstanceGroupManagerStatusStatefulPerInstanceConfigs
- InstanceGroupManagerStatusVersionTarget
- InstanceGroupManagersUpdatePerInstanceConfigsReq
- InstanceGroupManagers.updatePerInstanceConfigs
- InstanceGroupManagerUpdatePolicy
- InstanceGroupManagerVersion
- InstanceGroupsAddInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupsListInstances
- InstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupsListInstancesWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceGroupsListInstancesWarningData
- InstanceGroupsRemoveInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupsResource
- InstanceGroupsScopedList
- InstanceGroupsScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that replaces the list of instance groups when the list is empty.
- InstanceGroupsScopedListWarningData
- InstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest
- InstanceList
- Contains a list of instances.
- InstanceListReferrers
- Contains a list of instance referrers.
- InstanceListReferrersWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceListReferrersWarningData
- InstanceListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceListWarningData
- InstanceManagedByIgmError
- InstanceManagedByIgmErrorInstanceActionDetails
- InstanceManagedByIgmErrorManagedInstanceError
- InstanceMoveRequest
- InstanceParams
- Additional instance params.
- InstanceProperties
- InstancePropertiesPatch
- Represents the change that you want to make to the instance properties.
- InstanceReference
- InstancesAddResourcePoliciesRequest
- InstancesBulkInsertOperationMetadata
- InstanceSettings
- Represents a Instance Settings resource.
- InstanceSettingsMetadata
- InstanceSettingsResource
- InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse
- InstancesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy
- InstancesRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest
- InstancesReportHostAsFaultyRequest
- InstancesReportHostAsFaultyRequestFaultReason
- InstancesResource
- InstancesScopedList
- InstancesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of instances when the list is empty.
- InstancesScopedListWarningData
- InstancesSetLabelsRequest
- InstancesSetMachineResourcesRequest
- InstancesSetMachineTypeRequest
- InstancesSetMinCpuPlatformRequest
- InstancesSetNameRequest
- InstancesSetSecurityPolicyRequest
- InstancesStartWithEncryptionKeyRequest
- InstanceTemplate
- Represents an Instance Template resource.
- InstanceTemplateAggregatedList
- Contains a list of InstanceTemplatesScopedList.
- InstanceTemplateAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceTemplateAggregatedListWarningData
- InstanceTemplateList
- A list of instance templates.
- InstanceTemplateListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstanceTemplateListWarningData
- InstanceTemplatesResource
- InstanceTemplatesScopedList
- InstanceTemplatesScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that replaces the list of instance templates when the list is empty.
- InstanceTemplatesScopedListWarningData
- InstanceWithNamedPorts
- InstantSnapshot
- Represents a InstantSnapshot resource.
- InstantSnapshotAggregatedList
- InstantSnapshotAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstantSnapshotAggregatedListWarningData
- InstantSnapshotList
- Contains a list of InstantSnapshot resources.
- InstantSnapshotListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InstantSnapshotListWarningData
- InstantSnapshotResourceStatus
- InstantSnapshotsResource
- InstantSnapshotsScopedList
- InstantSnapshotsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of instantSnapshots when the list is empty.
- InstantSnapshotsScopedListWarningData
- Int64RangeMatch
- HttpRouteRuleMatch criteria for field values that must stay within the specified integer range.
- Interconnect
- Represents an Interconnect resource.
- InterconnectAttachment
- Represents an Interconnect Attachment (VLAN) resource.
- InterconnectAttachmentAggregatedList
- InterconnectAttachmentAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InterconnectAttachmentAggregatedListWarningData
- InterconnectAttachmentConfigurationConstraints
- InterconnectAttachmentConfigurationConstraintsBgpPeerASNRange
- InterconnectAttachmentList
- Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnect attachments.
- InterconnectAttachmentListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InterconnectAttachmentListWarningData
- InterconnectAttachmentPartnerMetadata
- Informational metadata about Partner attachments from Partners to display to customers.
- InterconnectAttachmentPrivateInfo
- Information for an interconnect attachment when this belongs to an interconnect of type DEDICATED.
- InterconnectAttachmentsResource
- InterconnectAttachmentsScopedList
- InterconnectAttachmentsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- InterconnectAttachmentsScopedListWarningData
- InterconnectCircuitInfo
- Describes a single physical circuit between the Customer and Google.
- InterconnectDiagnostics
- Diagnostics information about the Interconnect connection, which contains detailed and current technical information about Google's side of the connection.
- InterconnectDiagnosticsARPEntry
- Describing the ARP neighbor entries seen on this link
- InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkLACPStatus
- InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkOpticalPower
- InterconnectDiagnosticsLinkStatus
- InterconnectDiagnosticsMacsecStatus
- Describes the status of MACsec encryption on the link.
- InterconnectList
- Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnects.
- InterconnectListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InterconnectListWarningData
- InterconnectLocation
- Represents an Interconnect Attachment (VLAN) Location resource.
- InterconnectLocationList
- Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnect locations.
- InterconnectLocationListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InterconnectLocationListWarningData
- InterconnectLocationRegionInfo
- Information about any potential InterconnectAttachments between an Interconnect at a specific InterconnectLocation, and a specific Cloud Region.
- InterconnectLocationsResource
- InterconnectMacsec
- Configuration information for enabling Media Access Control security (MACsec) on this Cloud Interconnect connection between Google and your on-premises router.
- InterconnectMacsecConfig
- MACsec configuration information for the Interconnect connection.
- Describes a pre-shared key used to setup MACsec in static connectivity association key (CAK) mode.
- Describes a pre-shared key used to setup MACsec in static connectivity association key (CAK) mode.
- InterconnectOutageNotification
- Description of a planned outage on this Interconnect.
- InterconnectRemoteLocation
- Represents a Cross-Cloud Interconnect Remote Location resource.
- InterconnectRemoteLocationConstraints
- InterconnectRemoteLocationConstraintsSubnetLengthRange
- InterconnectRemoteLocationList
- Response to the list request, and contains a list of interconnect remote locations.
- InterconnectRemoteLocationListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- InterconnectRemoteLocationListWarningData
- InterconnectRemoteLocationPermittedConnections
- InterconnectRemoteLocationsResource
- InterconnectsGetDiagnosticsResponse
- Response for the InterconnectsGetDiagnosticsRequest.
- InterconnectsGetMacsecConfigResponse
- Response for the InterconnectsGetMacsecConfigRequest.
- InterconnectsResource
- License
- Represents a License resource.
- LicenseCode
- Represents a License Code resource.
- LicenseCodeLicenseAlias
- LicenseCodesResource
- LicenseResourceCommitment
- Commitment for a particular license resource.
- LicenseResourceRequirements
- LicensesListResponse
- LicensesListResponseWarning
- Informational warning message.
- LicensesListResponseWarningData
- LicensesResource
- LocalDisk
- LocationPolicy
- Configuration for location policy among multiple possible locations (e.g. preferences for zone selection among zones in a single region).
- LocationPolicyLocation
- LocationPolicyLocationConstraints
- Per-zone constraints on location policy for this zone.
- MachineImage
- Represents a machine image resource.
- MachineImageList
- A list of machine images.
- MachineImageListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- MachineImageListWarningData
- MachineImagesResource
- MachineType
- Represents a Machine Type resource.
- MachineTypeAccelerators
- MachineTypeAggregatedList
- MachineTypeAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- MachineTypeAggregatedListWarningData
- MachineTypeList
- Contains a list of machine types.
- MachineTypeListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- MachineTypeListWarningData
- MachineTypeScratchDisks
- MachineTypesResource
- MachineTypesScopedList
- MachineTypesScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that appears when the machine types list is empty.
- MachineTypesScopedListWarningData
- ManagedInstance
- A Managed Instance resource.
- ManagedInstanceInstanceHealth
- ManagedInstanceLastAttempt
- ManagedInstanceLastAttemptErrors
- Encountered errors during the last attempt to create or delete the instance.
- ManagedInstanceLastAttemptErrorsErrors
- ManagedInstanceLastAttemptErrorsErrorsErrorDetails
- ManagedInstancePropertiesFromFlexibilityPolicy
- ManagedInstanceVersion
- Metadata
- A metadata key/value entry.
- MetadataFilter
- Opaque filter criteria used by load balancers to restrict routing configuration to a limited set of load balancing proxies.
- MetadataFilterLabelMatch
- MetadataFilter label name value pairs that are expected to match corresponding labels presented as metadata to the load balancer.
- MetadataItems
- Metadata
- NamedPort
- The named port.
- NatIpInfo
- Contains NAT IP information of a NAT config (i.e. usage status, mode).
- NatIpInfoNatIpInfoMapping
- Contains information of a NAT IP.
- NatIpInfoResponse
- Network
- Represents a VPC Network resource.
- NetworkAttachment
- NetworkAttachments A network attachment resource ...
- NetworkAttachmentAggregatedList
- Contains a list of NetworkAttachmentsScopedList.
- NetworkAttachmentAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkAttachmentAggregatedListWarningData
- NetworkAttachmentConnectedEndpoint
- A connection connected to this network attachment.
- NetworkAttachmentList
- NetworkAttachmentListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkAttachmentListWarningData
- NetworkAttachmentsResource
- NetworkAttachmentsScopedList
- NetworkAttachmentsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of network attachments when the list is empty.
- NetworkAttachmentsScopedListWarningData
- NetworkEdgeSecurityService
- Represents a Google Cloud Armor network edge security service resource.
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServiceAggregatedList
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServiceAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServiceAggregatedListWarningData
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesResource
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesScopedList
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of security policies when the list is empty.
- NetworkEdgeSecurityServicesScopedListWarningData
- NetworkEndpoint
- The network endpoint.
- NetworkEndpointGroup
- Represents a collection of network endpoints.
- NetworkEndpointGroupAggregatedList
- NetworkEndpointGroupAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkEndpointGroupAggregatedListWarningData
- NetworkEndpointGroupAppEngine
- Configuration for an App Engine network endpoint group (NEG).
- NetworkEndpointGroupCloudFunction
- Configuration for a Cloud Function network endpoint group (NEG).
- NetworkEndpointGroupCloudRun
- Configuration for a Cloud Run network endpoint group (NEG).
- NetworkEndpointGroupList
- NetworkEndpointGroupListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkEndpointGroupListWarningData
- NetworkEndpointGroupPscData
- All data that is specifically relevant to only network endpoint groups of type PRIVATE_SERVICE_CONNECT.
- NetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest
- NetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest
- NetworkEndpointGroupsListEndpointsRequest
- NetworkEndpointGroupsListNetworkEndpoints
- NetworkEndpointGroupsListNetworkEndpointsWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkEndpointGroupsListNetworkEndpointsWarningData
- NetworkEndpointGroupsResource
- NetworkEndpointGroupsScopedList
- NetworkEndpointGroupsScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that replaces the list of network endpoint groups when the list is empty.
- NetworkEndpointGroupsScopedListWarningData
- NetworkEndpointWithHealthStatus
- NetworkFirewallPoliciesResource
- NetworkFirewallPolicyAggregatedList
- NetworkFirewallPolicyAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkFirewallPolicyAggregatedListWarningData
- NetworkInterface
- A network interface resource attached to an instance.
- NetworkList
- Contains a list of networks.
- NetworkListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkListWarningData
- NetworkPeering
- A network peering attached to a network resource.
- NetworkPerformanceConfig
- NetworkProfile
- NetworkProfile represents a Google managed network profile resource.
- NetworkProfileLocation
- NetworkProfileNetworkFeatures
- NetworkProfilesListResponse
- Contains a list of network profiles.
- NetworkProfilesListResponseWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NetworkProfilesListResponseWarningData
- NetworkProfilesResource
- NetworkRoutingConfig
- A routing configuration attached to a network resource.
- NetworksAddPeeringRequest
- NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse
- NetworksGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy
- NetworksRemovePeeringRequest
- NetworksResource
- NetworksUpdatePeeringRequest
- NodeGroup
- Represents a sole-tenant Node Group resource.
- NodeGroupAggregatedList
- NodeGroupAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeGroupAggregatedListWarningData
- NodeGroupAutoscalingPolicy
- NodeGroupList
- Contains a list of nodeGroups.
- NodeGroupListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeGroupListWarningData
- NodeGroupMaintenanceWindow
- Time window specified for daily maintenance operations.
- NodeGroupNode
- NodeGroupsAddNodesRequest
- NodeGroupsDeleteNodesRequest
- NodeGroupsListNodes
- NodeGroupsListNodesWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeGroupsListNodesWarningData
- NodeGroupsPerformMaintenanceRequest
- NodeGroupsResource
- NodeGroupsScopedList
- NodeGroupsScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that appears when the nodeGroup list is empty.
- NodeGroupsScopedListWarningData
- NodeGroupsSetNodeTemplateRequest
- NodeGroupsSimulateMaintenanceEventRequest
- NodeTemplate
- Represent a sole-tenant Node Template resource.
- NodeTemplateAggregatedList
- NodeTemplateAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeTemplateAggregatedListWarningData
- NodeTemplateList
- Contains a list of node templates.
- NodeTemplateListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeTemplateListWarningData
- NodeTemplateNodeTypeFlexibility
- NodeTemplatesResource
- NodeTemplatesScopedList
- NodeTemplatesScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that appears when the node templates list is empty.
- NodeTemplatesScopedListWarningData
- NodeType
- Represent a sole-tenant Node Type resource.
- NodeTypeAggregatedList
- NodeTypeAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeTypeAggregatedListWarningData
- NodeTypeList
- Contains a list of node types.
- NodeTypeListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NodeTypeListWarningData
- NodeTypesResource
- NodeTypesScopedList
- NodeTypesScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that appears when the node types list is empty.
- NodeTypesScopedListWarningData
- NotificationEndpoint
- Represents a notification endpoint.
- NotificationEndpointGrpcSettings
- Represents a gRPC setting that describes one gRPC notification endpoint and the retry duration attempting to send notification to this endpoint.
- NotificationEndpointList
- NotificationEndpointListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- NotificationEndpointListWarningData
- Operation
- Represents an Operation resource.
- OperationAggregatedList
- OperationAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- OperationAggregatedListWarningData
- OperationError
- If errors are generated during processing of the operation, this field will be populated.
- OperationErrorErrors
- OperationErrorErrorsErrorDetails
- OperationList
- Contains a list of Operation resources.
- OperationListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- OperationListWarningData
- OperationsScopedList
- OperationsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of operations when the list is empty.
- OperationsScopedListWarningData
- OperationWarnings
- OperationWarningsData
- OutlierDetection
- Settings controlling the eviction of unhealthy hosts from the load balancing pool for the backend service.
- PacketIntervals
- Next free: 7
- PacketMirroring
- Represents a Packet Mirroring resource.
- PacketMirroringAggregatedList
- Contains a list of packetMirrorings.
- PacketMirroringAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- PacketMirroringAggregatedListWarningData
- PacketMirroringFilter
- PacketMirroringForwardingRuleInfo
- PacketMirroringList
- Contains a list of PacketMirroring resources.
- PacketMirroringListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- PacketMirroringListWarningData
- PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfo
- PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfoInstanceInfo
- PacketMirroringMirroredResourceInfoSubnetInfo
- PacketMirroringNetworkInfo
- PacketMirroringsResource
- PacketMirroringsScopedList
- PacketMirroringsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of packetMirrorings when the list is empty.
- PacketMirroringsScopedListWarningData
- PathMatcher
- A matcher for the path portion of the URL.
- PathRule
- A path-matching rule for a URL.
- PerInstanceConfig
- Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- PreconfiguredWafSet
- PreservedState
- Preserved state for a given instance.
- PreservedStatePreservedDisk
- PreservedStatePreservedNetworkIp
- PreservedStatePreservedNetworkIpIpAddress
- Project
- Represents a Project resource.
- ProjectsDisableXpnResourceRequest
- ProjectsEnableXpnResourceRequest
- ProjectsGetXpnResources
- ProjectsListXpnHostsRequest
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsSetCloudArmorTierRequest
- ProjectsSetDefaultNetworkTierRequest
- PublicAdvertisedPrefix
- A public advertised prefix represents an aggregated IP prefix or netblock which customers bring to cloud.
- PublicAdvertisedPrefixesResource
- PublicAdvertisedPrefixList
- PublicAdvertisedPrefixListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- PublicAdvertisedPrefixListWarningData
- PublicAdvertisedPrefixPublicDelegatedPrefix
- Represents a CIDR range which can be used to assign addresses.
- PublicDelegatedPrefix
- A PublicDelegatedPrefix resource represents an IP block within a PublicAdvertisedPrefix that is configured within a single cloud scope (global or region).
- PublicDelegatedPrefixAggregatedList
- PublicDelegatedPrefixAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- PublicDelegatedPrefixAggregatedListWarningData
- PublicDelegatedPrefixesResource
- PublicDelegatedPrefixesScopedList
- PublicDelegatedPrefixesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of public delegated prefixes when the list is empty.
- PublicDelegatedPrefixesScopedListWarningData
- PublicDelegatedPrefixList
- PublicDelegatedPrefixListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- PublicDelegatedPrefixListWarningData
- PublicDelegatedPrefixPublicDelegatedSubPrefix
- Represents a sub PublicDelegatedPrefix.
- Quota
- A quotas entry.
- QuotaExceededInfo
- Additional details for quota exceeded error for resource quota.
- Reference
- Represents a reference to a resource.
- Region
- Represents a Region resource.
- RegionAddressesMoveRequest
- RegionAutoscalerList
- Contains a list of autoscalers.
- RegionAutoscalerListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionAutoscalerListWarningData
- RegionAutoscalersResource
- RegionBackendServicesResource
- RegionCommitmentsResource
- RegionDisksAddResourcePoliciesRequest
- RegionDisksResizeRequest
- RegionDisksResource
- RegionDiskTypeList
- RegionDiskTypeListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionDiskTypeListWarningData
- RegionDiskTypesResource
- RegionHealthCheckServicesResource
- RegionHealthChecksResource
- RegionInstanceGroupList
- Contains a list of InstanceGroup resources.
- RegionInstanceGroupListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionInstanceGroupListWarningData
- RegionInstanceGroupManagerList
- Contains a list of managed instance groups.
- RegionInstanceGroupManagerListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionInstanceGroupManagerListWarningData
- RegionInstanceGroupManagerPatchInstanceConfigReq
- RegionInstanceGroupManagers.patchPerInstanceConfigs
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersCreateInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagers.createInstances
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersDeleteInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersListErrorsResponse
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsResp
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsRespWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstanceConfigsRespWarningData
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersListInstancesResponse
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersResource
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTargetPoolsRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersSetTemplateRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagerUpdateInstanceConfigReq
- RegionInstanceGroupManagers.updatePerInstanceConfigs
- RegionInstanceGroupsListInstances
- RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionInstanceGroupsListInstancesWarningData
- RegionInstanceGroupsResource
- RegionInstanceGroupsSetNamedPortsRequest
- RegionInstancesResource
- RegionInstanceTemplatesResource
- RegionInstantSnapshotsResource
- RegionList
- Contains a list of region resources.
- RegionListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RegionListWarningData
- RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsAttachEndpointsRequest
- RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsDetachEndpointsRequest
- RegionNetworkEndpointGroupsResource
- RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponse
- RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesGetEffectiveFirewallsResponseEffectiveFirewallPolicy
- RegionNetworkFirewallPoliciesResource
- RegionNotificationEndpointsResource
- RegionOperationsResource
- RegionQuotaStatusWarning
Warning of fetching the
field for this region. - RegionQuotaStatusWarningData
- RegionSecurityPoliciesResource
- RegionSetPolicyRequest
- RegionsResource
- RegionSslCertificatesResource
- RegionSslPoliciesResource
- RegionTargetHttpProxiesResource
- RegionTargetHttpsProxiesResource
- RegionTargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest
- RegionTargetTcpProxiesResource
- RegionUrlMapsResource
- RegionUrlMapsValidateRequest
- RegionZonesResource
- RequestMirrorPolicy
- A policy that specifies how requests intended for the route's backends are shadowed to a separate mirrored backend service.
- Reservation
- Represents a reservation resource.
- ReservationAffinity
- Specifies the reservations that this instance can consume from.
- ReservationAggregatedList
- Contains a list of reservations.
- ReservationAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ReservationAggregatedListWarningData
- ReservationList
- ReservationListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ReservationListWarningData
- ReservationsResizeRequest
- ReservationsResource
- ReservationsScopedList
- ReservationsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of reservations when the list is empty.
- ReservationsScopedListWarningData
- ResourceCommitment
- Commitment for a particular hardware resource (a commitment is composed of one or more of these).
- ResourceGroupReference
- ResourcePoliciesResource
- ResourcePoliciesScopedList
- ResourcePoliciesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of resourcePolicies when the list is empty.
- ResourcePoliciesScopedListWarningData
- ResourcePolicy
- Represents a Resource Policy resource.
- ResourcePolicyAggregatedList
- Contains a list of resourcePolicies.
- ResourcePolicyAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ResourcePolicyAggregatedListWarningData
- ResourcePolicyDailyCycle
- Time window specified for daily operations.
- ResourcePolicyGroupPlacementPolicy
- A GroupPlacementPolicy specifies resource placement configuration.
- ResourcePolicyHourlyCycle
- Time window specified for hourly operations.
- ResourcePolicyInstanceSchedulePolicy
- An InstanceSchedulePolicy specifies when and how frequent certain operations are performed on the instance.
- ResourcePolicyInstanceSchedulePolicySchedule
- Schedule for an instance operation.
- ResourcePolicyList
- ResourcePolicyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ResourcePolicyListWarningData
- ResourcePolicyResourceStatus
- Contains output only fields.
- ResourcePolicyResourceStatusInstanceSchedulePolicyStatus
- ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicy
- A snapshot schedule policy specifies when and how frequently snapshots are to be created for the target disk.
- ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicyRetentionPolicy
- Policy for retention of scheduled snapshots.
- ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySchedule
- A schedule for disks where the schedueled operations are performed.
- ResourcePolicySnapshotSchedulePolicySnapshotProperties
- Specified snapshot properties for scheduled snapshots created by this policy.
- ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycle
- Time window specified for weekly operations.
- ResourcePolicyWeeklyCycleDayOfWeek
- ResourceStatus
- Contains output only fields.
- ResourceStatusScheduling
- Route
- Represents a Route resource.
- RouteAsPath
- RouteList
- Contains a list of Route resources.
- RouteListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RouteListWarningData
- RoutePolicy
- RoutePolicyPolicyTerm
- Router
- Represents a Cloud Router resource.
- RouterAdvertisedIpRange
- Description-tagged IP ranges for the router to advertise.
- RouterAggregatedList
- Contains a list of routers.
- RouterAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RouterAggregatedListWarningData
- RouterBgp
- RouterBgpPeer
- RouterBgpPeerBfd
- RouterBgpPeerCustomLearnedIpRange
- RouterInterface
- RouterList
- Contains a list of Router resources.
- RouterListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RouterListWarningData
- RouterMd5AuthenticationKey
- RouterNat
- Represents a Nat resource.
- RouterNatLogConfig
- Configuration of logging on a NAT.
- RouterNatRule
- RouterNatRuleAction
- RouterNatSubnetworkToNat
- Defines the IP ranges that want to use NAT for a subnetwork.
- RoutersGetRoutePolicyResponse
- RoutersListBgpRoutes
- RoutersListBgpRoutesWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RoutersListBgpRoutesWarningData
- RoutersListRoutePolicies
- RoutersListRoutePoliciesWarning
- Informational warning message.
- RoutersListRoutePoliciesWarningData
- RoutersPreviewResponse
- RoutersResource
- RoutersScopedList
- RoutersScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of routers when the list is empty.
- RoutersScopedListWarningData
- RouterStatus
- RouterStatusBgpPeerStatus
- RouterStatusNatStatus
- Status of a NAT contained in this router.
- RouterStatusNatStatusNatRuleStatus
- Status of a NAT Rule contained in this NAT.
- RouterStatusResponse
- RoutesResource
- RouteWarnings
- RouteWarningsData
- SavedAttachedDisk
- DEPRECATED: Please use compute#savedDisk instead.
- SavedDisk
- An instance-attached disk resource.
- ScalingScheduleStatus
- Scheduling
- Sets the scheduling options for an Instance.
- SchedulingNodeAffinity
- Node Affinity: the configuration of desired nodes onto which this Instance could be scheduled.
- SchedulingOnInstanceStopAction
- Defines the behaviour for instances with the instance_termination_action STOP.
- Screenshot
- An instance's screenshot.
- SecurityPoliciesAggregatedList
- SecurityPoliciesAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SecurityPoliciesAggregatedListWarningData
- SecurityPoliciesListPreconfiguredExpressionSetsResponse
- SecurityPoliciesResource
- SecurityPoliciesScopedList
- SecurityPoliciesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of security policies when the list is empty.
- SecurityPoliciesScopedListWarningData
- SecurityPoliciesWafConfig
- SecurityPolicy
- Represents a Google Cloud Armor security policy resource.
- SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfig
- Configuration options for Cloud Armor Adaptive Protection (CAAP).
- SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfig
- Configuration options for L7 DDoS detection.
- SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfigThresholdConfig
- SecurityPolicyAdaptiveProtectionConfigLayer7DdosDefenseConfigThresholdConfigTrafficGranularityConfig
- Configurations to specifc granular traffic units processed by Adaptive Protection.
- SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfig
- SecurityPolicyAdvancedOptionsConfigJsonCustomConfig
- SecurityPolicyDdosProtectionConfig
- SecurityPolicyList
- SecurityPolicyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SecurityPolicyListWarningData
- SecurityPolicyRecaptchaOptionsConfig
- SecurityPolicyReference
- SecurityPolicyRule
- Represents a rule that describes one or more match conditions along with the action to be taken when traffic matches this condition (allow or deny).
- SecurityPolicyRuleHttpHeaderAction
- SecurityPolicyRuleHttpHeaderActionHttpHeaderOption
- SecurityPolicyRuleMatcher
- Represents a match condition that incoming traffic is evaluated against.
- SecurityPolicyRuleMatcherConfig
- SecurityPolicyRuleMatcherExprOptions
- SecurityPolicyRuleMatcherExprOptionsRecaptchaOptions
- SecurityPolicyRuleNetworkMatcher
- Represents a match condition that incoming network traffic is evaluated against.
- SecurityPolicyRuleNetworkMatcherUserDefinedFieldMatch
- SecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfig
- SecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusion
- SecurityPolicyRulePreconfiguredWafConfigExclusionFieldParams
- SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptions
- SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionsEnforceOnKeyConfig
- SecurityPolicyRuleRateLimitOptionsThreshold
- SecurityPolicyRuleRedirectOptions
- SecurityPolicyUserDefinedField
- SecuritySettings
- The authentication and authorization settings for a BackendService.
- SerialPortOutput
- An instance serial console output.
- ServerBinding
- ServiceAttachment
- Represents a ServiceAttachment resource.
- ServiceAttachmentAggregatedList
- Contains a list of ServiceAttachmentsScopedList.
- ServiceAttachmentAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ServiceAttachmentAggregatedListWarningData
- ServiceAttachmentConnectedEndpoint
- A connection connected to this service attachment.
- ServiceAttachmentConsumerProjectLimit
- ServiceAttachmentList
- ServiceAttachmentListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ServiceAttachmentListWarningData
- ServiceAttachmentsResource
- ServiceAttachmentsScopedList
- ServiceAttachmentsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of service attachments when the list is empty.
- ServiceAttachmentsScopedListWarningData
- SetCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadata
- SetCommonInstanceMetadataOperationMetadataPerLocationOperationInfo
- The share setting for reservations and sole tenancy node groups.
- Config for each project in the share settings.
- ShieldedInstanceConfig
- A set of Shielded Instance options.
- ShieldedInstanceIdentity
- A Shielded Instance Identity.
- ShieldedInstanceIdentityEntry
- A Shielded Instance Identity Entry.
- ShieldedInstanceIntegrityPolicy
- The policy describes the baseline against which Instance boot integrity is measured.
- SignedUrlKey
- Represents a customer-supplied Signing Key used by Cloud CDN Signed URLs
- Snapshot
- Represents a Persistent Disk Snapshot resource.
- SnapshotList
- Contains a list of Snapshot resources.
- SnapshotListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SnapshotListWarningData
- SnapshotSettings
- SnapshotSettingsResource
- SnapshotSettingsStorageLocationSettings
- SnapshotSettingsStorageLocationSettingsStorageLocationPreference
- A structure for specifying storage locations.
- SnapshotsResource
- SourceDiskEncryptionKey
- SourceInstanceParams
- A specification of the parameters to use when creating the instance template from a source instance.
- SourceInstanceProperties
- DEPRECATED: Please use compute#instanceProperties instead.
- SslCertificate
- Represents an SSL certificate resource.
- SslCertificateAggregatedList
- SslCertificateAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SslCertificateAggregatedListWarningData
- SslCertificateList
- Contains a list of SslCertificate resources.
- SslCertificateListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SslCertificateListWarningData
- SslCertificateManagedSslCertificate
- Configuration and status of a managed SSL certificate.
- SslCertificateSelfManagedSslCertificate
- Configuration and status of a self-managed SSL certificate.
- SslCertificatesResource
- SslCertificatesScopedList
- SslCertificatesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- SslCertificatesScopedListWarningData
- SSLHealthCheck
- SslPoliciesAggregatedList
- SslPoliciesAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SslPoliciesAggregatedListWarningData
- SslPoliciesList
- SslPoliciesListAvailableFeaturesResponse
- SslPoliciesListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SslPoliciesListWarningData
- SslPoliciesResource
- SslPoliciesScopedList
- SslPoliciesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of SSL policies when the list is empty.
- SslPoliciesScopedListWarningData
- SslPolicy
- Represents an SSL Policy resource.
- SslPolicyReference
- SslPolicyWarnings
- SslPolicyWarningsData
- StatefulPolicy
- StatefulPolicyPreservedState
- Configuration of preserved resources.
- StatefulPolicyPreservedStateDiskDevice
- StatefulPolicyPreservedStateNetworkIp
- StoragePool
- Represents a zonal storage pool resource.
- StoragePoolAggregatedList
- StoragePoolAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- StoragePoolAggregatedListWarningData
- StoragePoolDisk
- StoragePoolList
- A list of StoragePool resources.
- StoragePoolListDisks
- StoragePoolListDisksWarning
- Informational warning message.
- StoragePoolListDisksWarningData
- StoragePoolListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- StoragePoolListWarningData
- StoragePoolResourceStatus
- Contains output only fields.
- StoragePoolsResource
- StoragePoolsScopedList
- StoragePoolsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of storage pool when the list is empty.
- StoragePoolsScopedListWarningData
- StoragePoolType
- StoragePoolTypeAggregatedList
- StoragePoolTypeAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- StoragePoolTypeAggregatedListWarningData
- StoragePoolTypeList
- Contains a list of storage pool types.
- StoragePoolTypeListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- StoragePoolTypeListWarningData
- StoragePoolTypesResource
- StoragePoolTypesScopedList
- StoragePoolTypesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of storage pool types when the list is empty.
- StoragePoolTypesScopedListWarningData
- Subnetwork
- Represents a Subnetwork resource.
- SubnetworkAggregatedList
- SubnetworkAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SubnetworkAggregatedListWarningData
- SubnetworkList
- Contains a list of Subnetwork resources.
- SubnetworkListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- SubnetworkListWarningData
- SubnetworkLogConfig
- The available logging options for this subnetwork.
- SubnetworkSecondaryRange
- Represents a secondary IP range of a subnetwork.
- SubnetworksExpandIpCidrRangeRequest
- SubnetworksResource
- SubnetworksScopedList
- SubnetworksScopedListWarning
- An informational warning that appears when the list of addresses is empty.
- SubnetworksScopedListWarningData
- SubnetworksSetPrivateIpGoogleAccessRequest
- Subsetting
- Subsetting configuration for this BackendService.
- Tags
- A set of instance tags.
- TargetGrpcProxiesResource
- TargetGrpcProxy
- Represents a Target gRPC Proxy resource.
- TargetGrpcProxyList
- TargetGrpcProxyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetGrpcProxyListWarningData
- TargetHttpProxiesResource
- TargetHttpProxiesScopedList
- TargetHttpProxiesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- TargetHttpProxiesScopedListWarningData
- TargetHttpProxy
- Represents a Target HTTP Proxy resource.
- TargetHttpProxyAggregatedList
- TargetHttpProxyList
- A list of TargetHttpProxy resources.
- TargetHttpProxyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetHttpProxyListWarningData
- TargetHttpsProxiesResource
- TargetHttpsProxiesScopedList
- TargetHttpsProxiesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- TargetHttpsProxiesScopedListWarningData
- TargetHttpsProxiesSetCertificateMapRequest
- TargetHttpsProxiesSetQuicOverrideRequest
- TargetHttpsProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest
- TargetHttpsProxy
- Represents a Target HTTPS Proxy resource.
- TargetHttpsProxyAggregatedList
- TargetHttpsProxyAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetHttpsProxyAggregatedListWarningData
- TargetHttpsProxyList
- Contains a list of TargetHttpsProxy resources.
- TargetHttpsProxyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetHttpsProxyListWarningData
- TargetInstance
- Represents a Target Instance resource.
- TargetInstanceAggregatedList
- TargetInstanceAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetInstanceAggregatedListWarningData
- TargetInstanceList
- Contains a list of TargetInstance resources.
- TargetInstanceListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetInstanceListWarningData
- TargetInstancesResource
- TargetInstancesScopedList
- TargetInstancesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- TargetInstancesScopedListWarningData
- TargetPool
- Represents a Target Pool resource.
- TargetPoolAggregatedList
- TargetPoolAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetPoolAggregatedListWarningData
- TargetPoolInstanceHealth
- TargetPoolList
- Contains a list of TargetPool resources.
- TargetPoolListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetPoolListWarningData
- TargetPoolsAddHealthCheckRequest
- TargetPoolsAddInstanceRequest
- TargetPoolsRemoveHealthCheckRequest
- TargetPoolsRemoveInstanceRequest
- TargetPoolsResource
- TargetPoolsScopedList
- TargetPoolsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- TargetPoolsScopedListWarningData
- TargetReference
- TargetSslProxiesResource
- TargetSslProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest
- TargetSslProxiesSetCertificateMapRequest
- TargetSslProxiesSetSslCertificatesRequest
- TargetSslProxy
- Represents a Target SSL Proxy resource.
- TargetSslProxyList
- Contains a list of TargetSslProxy resources.
- TargetSslProxyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetSslProxyListWarningData
- TargetTcpProxiesResource
- TargetTcpProxiesScopedList
- TargetTcpProxiesScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- TargetTcpProxiesScopedListWarningData
- TargetTcpProxiesSetBackendServiceRequest
- TargetTcpProxy
- Represents a Target TCP Proxy resource.
- TargetTcpProxyAggregatedList
- TargetTcpProxyAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetTcpProxyAggregatedListWarningData
- TargetTcpProxyList
- Contains a list of TargetTcpProxy resources.
- TargetTcpProxyListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetTcpProxyListWarningData
- TargetVpnGateway
- Represents a Target VPN Gateway resource.
- TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedList
- TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetVpnGatewayAggregatedListWarningData
- TargetVpnGatewayList
- Contains a list of TargetVpnGateway resources.
- TargetVpnGatewayListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- TargetVpnGatewayListWarningData
- TargetVpnGatewaysResource
- TargetVpnGatewaysScopedList
- TargetVpnGatewaysScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- TargetVpnGatewaysScopedListWarningData
- TCPHealthCheck
- TestFailure
- Uint128
- UpcomingMaintenance
- Upcoming Maintenance notification information.
- UrlMap
- Represents a URL Map resource.
- UrlMapList
- Contains a list of UrlMap resources.
- UrlMapListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- UrlMapListWarningData
- UrlMapReference
- UrlMapsAggregatedList
- UrlMapsAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- UrlMapsAggregatedListWarningData
- UrlMapsResource
- UrlMapsScopedList
- UrlMapsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of backend services when the list is empty.
- UrlMapsScopedListWarningData
- UrlMapsValidateRequest
- UrlMapsValidateResponse
- UrlMapTest
- Message for the expected URL mappings.
- UrlMapValidationResult
- Message representing the validation result for a UrlMap.
- UrlRewrite
- The spec for modifying the path before sending the request to the matched backend service.
- UsableSubnetwork
- Subnetwork which the current user has compute.subnetworks.use permission on.
- UsableSubnetworksAggregatedList
- UsableSubnetworksAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- UsableSubnetworksAggregatedListWarningData
- UsableSubnetworkSecondaryRange
- Secondary IP range of a usable subnetwork.
- UsageExportLocation
- The location in Cloud Storage and naming method of the daily usage report.
- VmEndpointNatMappings
- Contain information of Nat mapping for a VM endpoint (i.e., NIC).
- VmEndpointNatMappingsInterfaceNatMappings
- Contain information of Nat mapping for an interface of this endpoint.
- VmEndpointNatMappingsInterfaceNatMappingsNatRuleMappings
- Contains information of NAT Mappings provided by a NAT Rule.
- VmEndpointNatMappingsList
- Contains a list of VmEndpointNatMappings.
- VmEndpointNatMappingsListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- VmEndpointNatMappingsListWarningData
- VpnGateway
- Represents a HA VPN gateway.
- VpnGatewayAggregatedList
- VpnGatewayAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- VpnGatewayAggregatedListWarningData
- VpnGatewayList
- Contains a list of VpnGateway resources.
- VpnGatewayListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- VpnGatewayListWarningData
- VpnGatewaysGetStatusResponse
- VpnGatewaysResource
- VpnGatewaysScopedList
- VpnGatewaysScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- VpnGatewaysScopedListWarningData
- VpnGatewayStatus
- VpnGatewayStatusHighAvailabilityRequirementState
- Describes the high availability requirement state for the VPN connection between this Cloud VPN gateway and a peer gateway.
- VpnGatewayStatusTunnel
- Contains some information about a VPN tunnel.
- VpnGatewayStatusVpnConnection
- A VPN connection contains all VPN tunnels connected from this VpnGateway to the same peer gateway.
- VpnGatewayVpnGatewayInterface
- A VPN gateway interface.
- VpnTunnel
- Represents a Cloud VPN Tunnel resource.
- VpnTunnelAggregatedList
- VpnTunnelAggregatedListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- VpnTunnelAggregatedListWarningData
- VpnTunnelList
- Contains a list of VpnTunnel resources.
- VpnTunnelListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- VpnTunnelListWarningData
- VpnTunnelsResource
- VpnTunnelsScopedList
- VpnTunnelsScopedListWarning
- Informational warning which replaces the list of addresses when the list is empty.
- VpnTunnelsScopedListWarningData
- WafExpressionSet
- WafExpressionSetExpression
- WeightedBackendService
- In contrast to a single BackendService in HttpRouteAction to which all matching traffic is directed to, WeightedBackendService allows traffic to be split across multiple backend services.
- XpnHostList
- XpnHostListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- XpnHostListWarningData
- XpnResourceId
- Service resource (a.k.a service project) ID.
- Zone
- Represents a Zone resource.
- ZoneList
- Contains a list of zone resources.
- ZoneListWarning
- Informational warning message.
- ZoneListWarningData
- ZoneOperationsResource
- ZoneSetPolicyRequest
- ZonesResource
- BackendBucketCdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader = $CdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader
- Bypass the cache when the specified request headers are present, e.g. Pragma or Authorization headers.
- BackendBucketCdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy = $CdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy
- Specify CDN TTLs for response error codes.
- BackendServiceCdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader = $CdnPolicyBypassCacheOnRequestHeader
- Bypass the cache when the specified request headers are present, e.g. Pragma or Authorization headers.
- BackendServiceCdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy = $CdnPolicyNegativeCachingPolicy
- Specify CDN TTLs for response error codes.
- DisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest = $DisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest
- DisksStartAsyncReplicationRequest = $DisksStartAsyncReplicationRequest
- ErrorInfo = $ErrorInfo
- Describes the cause of the error with structured details.
- Expr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- GuestAttributesEntry = $GuestAttributesEntry
- A guest attributes namespace/key/value entry.
- HelpLink = $Link
- Describes a URL link.
- InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagers.applyUpdatesToInstances
- InstanceGroupManagersDeletePerInstanceConfigsReq = $Req
- InstanceGroupManagers.deletePerInstanceConfigs
- InstanceGroupManagersRecreateInstancesRequest = $Request08
- InstanceGroupManagersResumeInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersResumeInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagersStartInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersStartInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagersStopInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersStopInstancesRequest
- InstanceGroupManagersSuspendInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersSuspendInstancesRequest
- InstancesSetServiceAccountRequest = $Shared09
- LocalizedMessage = $LocalizedMessage
- Provides a localized error message that is safe to return to the user which can be attached to an RPC error.
- RegionDisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest = $DisksRemoveResourcePoliciesRequest
- RegionDisksStartAsyncReplicationRequest = $DisksStartAsyncReplicationRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagerDeleteInstanceConfigReq = $Req
- RegionInstanceGroupManagers.deletePerInstanceConfigs
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersAbandonInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersApplyUpdatesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagers.applyUpdatesToInstances
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersRecreateRequest = $Request08
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersResumeInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersResumeInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersStartInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersStartInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersStopInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersStopInstancesRequest
- RegionInstanceGroupManagersSuspendInstancesRequest = $InstanceGroupManagersSuspendInstancesRequest
- RegionSetLabelsRequest = $SetLabelsRequest
- ResourcePolicyDiskConsistencyGroupPolicy = $Empty
- Resource policy for disk consistency groups.
- ServiceAccount = $Shared09
- A service account.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - TargetSslProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest = $ProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest
- TargetTcpProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest = $ProxiesSetProxyHeaderRequest
- TestPermissionsRequest = $TestPermissionsRequest
- TestPermissionsResponse = $PermissionsResponse
- UrlMapTestHeader = $Header
- HTTP headers used in UrlMapTests.
- ZoneSetLabelsRequest = $SetLabelsRequest
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.