cloudchannel/v1 library
Cloud Channel API - v1
The Cloud Channel API enables Google Cloud partners to have a single unified resale platform and APIs across all of Google Cloud including GCP, Workspace, Maps and Chrome.
For more information, see
Create an instance of CloudchannelApi to access these resources:
- AccountsChannelPartnerLinksChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsResource
- AccountsChannelPartnerLinksCustomersResource
- AccountsChannelPartnerLinksResource
- AccountsCustomersCustomerRepricingConfigsResource
- AccountsCustomersEntitlementsResource
- AccountsCustomersResource
- AccountsOffersResource
- AccountsReportJobsResource
- AccountsReportsResource
- AccountsResource
- AccountsSkuGroupsBillableSkusResource
- AccountsSkuGroupsResource
- CloudchannelApi
- The Cloud Channel API enables Google Cloud partners to have a single unified resale platform and APIs across all of Google Cloud including GCP, Workspace, Maps and Chrome.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1AdminUser
- Information needed to create an Admin User for Google Workspace.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1AssociationInfo
- Association links that an entitlement has to other entitlements.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1BillableSku
- Represents the Billable SKU information.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1BillingAccount
- Represents a billing account.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1BillingAccountPurchaseInfo
- Represents a billing account that can be used to make a purchase.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ChangeOfferRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ChangeOffer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ChangeParametersRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ChangeParameters.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ChangeRenewalSettingsRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ChangeRenewalSettings.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ChannelPartnerLink
- Entity representing a link between distributors and their indirect resellers in an n-tier resale channel.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ChannelPartnerRepricingConfig
- Configuration for how a distributor will rebill a channel partner (also known as a distributor-authorized reseller).
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExistResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.CheckCloudIdentityAccountsExist.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CloudIdentityCustomerAccount
- Entity representing a Cloud Identity account that may be associated with a Channel Services API partner.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CloudIdentityInfo
- Cloud Identity information for the Cloud Channel Customer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Column
- The definition of a report column.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CommitmentSettings
- Commitment settings for commitment-based offers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ConditionalOverride
- Specifies the override to conditionally apply.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Constraints
- Represents the constraints for buying the Offer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ContactInfo
- Contact information for a customer account.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CreateEntitlementRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.CreateEntitlement
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Customer
- Entity representing a customer of a reseller or distributor.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CustomerConstraints
- Represents constraints required to purchase the Offer for a customer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CustomerRepricingConfig
- Configuration for how a reseller will reprice a Customer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1DateRange
- A representation of usage or invoice date ranges.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1EduData
- Required Edu Attributes
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Entitlement
- An entitlement is a representation of a customer's ability to use a service.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1EntitlementChange
- Change event entry for Entitlement order history
- GoogleCloudChannelV1FetchReportResultsRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelReportsService.FetchReportResults.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1FetchReportResultsResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelReportsService.FetchReportResults.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ImportCustomerRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ImportCustomer
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListChannelPartnerLinksResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListChannelPartnerLinks.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigsResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListChannelPartnerRepricingConfigs.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListCustomerRepricingConfigsResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListCustomerRepricingConfigs.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListCustomersResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListCustomers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListEntitlementChangesResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListEntitlementChanges
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListEntitlementsResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListEntitlements.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListOffersResponse
- Response message for ListOffers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListProductsResponse
- Response message for ListProducts.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListPurchasableOffersResponse
- Response message for ListPurchasableOffers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListPurchasableSkusResponse
- Response message for ListPurchasableSkus.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListReportsResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelReportsService.ListReports.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListSkuGroupBillableSkusResponse
- Response message for ListSkuGroupBillableSkus.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListSkuGroupsResponse
- Response message for ListSkuGroups.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListSkusResponse
- Response message for ListSkus.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListSubscribersResponse
- Response Message for ListSubscribers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListTransferableOffersRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ListTransferableOffers
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListTransferableOffersResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListTransferableOffers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListTransferableSkusRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ListTransferableSkus
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ListTransferableSkusResponse
- Response message for CloudChannelService.ListTransferableSkus.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1MarketingInfo
- Represents the marketing information for a Product, SKU or Offer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Media
- Represents media information.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Offer
- Represents an offer made to resellers for purchase.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Parameter
- Definition for extended entitlement parameters.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ParameterDefinition
- Parameter's definition.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1PercentageAdjustment
- An adjustment that applies a flat markup or markdown to an entire bill.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Period
- Represents period in days/months/years.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Plan
- The payment plan for the Offer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Price
- Represents the price of the Offer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1PriceByResource
- Represents price by resource type.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1PricePhase
- Specifies the price by the duration of months.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1PriceTier
- Defines price at resource tier level.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Product
- A Product is the entity a customer uses when placing an order.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ProvisionCloudIdentityRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ProvisionCloudIdentity
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ProvisionedService
- Service provisioned for an entitlement.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1PurchasableOffer
- Offer that you can purchase for a customer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1PurchasableSku
- SKU that you can purchase.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1QueryEligibleBillingAccountsResponse
- Response message for QueryEligibleBillingAccounts.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RegisterSubscriberRequest
- Request Message for RegisterSubscriber.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RegisterSubscriberResponse
- Response Message for RegisterSubscriber.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RenewalSettings
- Renewal settings for renewable Offers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Report
- The ID and description of a report that was used to generate report data.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ReportResultsMetadata
- The features describing the data.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ReportValue
- A single report value.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RepricingAdjustment
- A type that represents the various adjustments you can apply to a bill.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RepricingCondition
- Represents the various repricing conditions you can use for a conditional override.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RepricingConfig
- Configuration for repricing a Google bill over a period of time.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RepricingConfigEntitlementGranularity
- Applies the repricing configuration at the entitlement level.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Row
- A row of report values.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RunReportJobRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelReportsService.RunReportJob.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Sku
- Represents a product's purchasable Stock Keeping Unit (SKU).
- GoogleCloudChannelV1SkuGroup
- Represents the SKU group information.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1SkuGroupCondition
- A condition that applies the override if a line item SKU is found in the SKU group.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1SkuPurchaseGroup
- Represents a set of SKUs that must be purchased using the same billing account.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferableOffer
- TransferableOffer represents an Offer that can be used in Transfer.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferableSku
- TransferableSku represents information a reseller needs to view existing provisioned services for a customer that they do not own.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferEligibility
- Specifies transfer eligibility of a SKU.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferEntitlementsRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.TransferEntitlements.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1TransferEntitlementsToGoogleRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.TransferEntitlementsToGoogle.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1TrialSettings
- Settings for trial offers.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1UnregisterSubscriberRequest
- Request Message for UnregisterSubscriber.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1UnregisterSubscriberResponse
- Response Message for UnregisterSubscriber.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1UpdateChannelPartnerLinkRequest
- Request message for CloudChannelService.UpdateChannelPartnerLink
- GoogleCloudChannelV1Value
- Data type and value of a parameter.
- GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- GoogleTypeDateTime
- Represents civil time (or occasionally physical time).
- GoogleTypeDecimal
- A representation of a decimal value, such as 2.5.
- IntegratorsResource
- OperationsResource
- ProductsResource
- ProductsSkusResource
- GoogleCloudChannelV1ActivateEntitlementRequest = $Request02
- Request message for CloudChannelService.ActivateEntitlement.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1CancelEntitlementRequest = $Request02
- Request message for CloudChannelService.CancelEntitlement.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1RepricingConfigChannelPartnerGranularity = $Shared01
- Applies the repricing configuration at the channel partner level.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1StartPaidServiceRequest = $Request02
- Request message for CloudChannelService.StartPaidService.
- GoogleCloudChannelV1SuspendEntitlementRequest = $Request02
- Request message for CloudChannelService.SuspendEntitlement.
- GoogleLongrunningCancelOperationRequest = $Empty
- The request message for Operations.CancelOperation.
- GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- GoogleTypeMoney = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
- GoogleTypePostalAddress = $PostalAddress
- Represents a postal address.
- GoogleTypeTimeZone = $TimeZone
- Represents a time zone from the IANA Time Zone Database.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.