cloudasset/v1 library
Cloud Asset API - v1
The Cloud Asset API manages the history and inventory of Google Cloud resources.
For more information, see
Create an instance of CloudAssetApi to access these resources:
- AccessSelector
- Specifies roles and/or permissions to analyze, to determine both the identities possessing them and the resources they control.
- AnalyzeIamPolicyLongrunningRequest
- A request message for AssetService.AnalyzeIamPolicyLongrunning.
- AnalyzeIamPolicyResponse
- A response message for AssetService.AnalyzeIamPolicy.
- AnalyzeMoveResponse
- The response message for resource move analysis.
- AnalyzeOrgPoliciesResponse
- The response message for AssetService.AnalyzeOrgPolicies.
- AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsResponse
- The response message for AssetService.AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssets.
- AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedContainersResponse
- The response message for AssetService.AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedContainers.
- AnalyzerOrgPolicy
- This organization policy message is a modified version of the one defined in the Organization Policy system.
- AnalyzerOrgPolicyConstraint
- The organization policy constraint definition.
- Asset
- An asset in Google Cloud.
- AssetEnrichment
- The enhanced metadata information for a resource.
- AssetsResource
- AttachedResource
- Attached resource representation, which is defined by the corresponding service provider.
- AuditConfig
- Specifies the audit configuration for a service.
- BatchGetAssetsHistoryResponse
- Batch get assets history response.
- BatchGetEffectiveIamPoliciesResponse
- A response message for AssetService.BatchGetEffectiveIamPolicies.
- BigQueryDestination
- A BigQuery destination for exporting assets to.
- Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - CloudAssetApi
- The Cloud Asset API manages the history and inventory of Google Cloud resources.
- ConditionContext
- The IAM conditions context.
- ConditionEvaluation
- The condition evaluation.
- CreateFeedRequest
- Create asset feed request.
- EffectiveIamPoliciesResource
- EffectiveIamPolicy
- The effective IAM policies on one resource.
- EffectiveTagDetails
- The effective tags and the ancestor resources from which they were inherited.
- Explanation
- Explanation about the IAM policy search result.
- ExportAssetsRequest
- Export asset request.
- Feed
- An asset feed used to export asset updates to a destinations.
- FeedOutputConfig
- Output configuration for asset feed destination.
- FeedsResource
- GcsDestination
- A Cloud Storage location.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1Access
- An IAM role or permission under analysis.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1AccessControlList
- An access control list, derived from the above IAM policy binding, which contains a set of resources and accesses.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsResponseGovernedAsset
- Represents a Google Cloud asset(resource or IAM policy) governed by the organization policies of the AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsRequest.constraint.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsResponseGovernedIamPolicy
- The IAM policies governed by the organization policies of the AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsRequest.constraint.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsResponseGovernedResource
- The Google Cloud resources governed by the organization policies of the AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedAssetsRequest.constraint.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1BigQueryDestination
- A BigQuery destination.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1Constraint
- The definition of a constraint.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1CustomConstraint
- The definition of a custom constraint.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1Edge
- A directional edge.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1GcsDestination
- A Cloud Storage location.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1GovernedContainer
- The organization/folder/project resource governed by organization policies of AnalyzeOrgPolicyGovernedContainersRequest.constraint.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1Identity
- An identity under analysis.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1IdentityList
- The identities and group edges.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1ListConstraint
that allows or disallows a list of string values, which are configured by an organization's policy administrator with aPolicy
. - GoogleCloudAssetV1QueryAssetsOutputConfigBigQueryDestination
- BigQuery destination.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1Resource
- A Google Cloud resource under analysis.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1Rule
- This rule message is a customized version of the one defined in the Organization Policy system.
- GoogleCloudOrgpolicyV1Policy
Defines a Cloud Organization
which is used to specifyConstraints
for configurations of Cloud Platform resources. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1AccessLevel
is a label that can be applied to requests to Google Cloud services, along with a list of requirements necessary for the label to be applied. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1ApiOperation
- Identification for an API Operation.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1BasicLevel
is anAccessLevel
using a set of recommended features. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1Condition
A condition necessary for an
to be granted. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1CustomLevel
is anAccessLevel
using the Cloud Common Expression Language to represent the necessary conditions for the level to apply to a request. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1DevicePolicy
specifies device specific restrictions necessary to acquire a given access level. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1EgressFrom
- Defines the conditions under which an EgressPolicy matches a request.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1EgressPolicy
- Policy for egress from perimeter.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1EgressTo
- Defines the conditions under which an EgressPolicy matches a request.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1IngressFrom
- Defines the conditions under which an IngressPolicy matches a request.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1IngressPolicy
- Policy for ingress into ServicePerimeter.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1IngressTo
- Defines the conditions under which an IngressPolicy matches a request.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1ServicePerimeter
describes a set of Google Cloud resources which can freely import and export data amongst themselves, but not export outside of theServicePerimeter
. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1ServicePerimeterConfig
specifies a set of Google Cloud resources that describe specific Service Perimeter configuration. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1VpcNetworkSource
- The originating network source in Google Cloud.
- IamPolicyAnalysis
- An analysis message to group the query and results.
- IamPolicyAnalysisOutputConfig
- Output configuration for export IAM policy analysis destination.
- IamPolicyAnalysisQuery
- IAM policy analysis query message.
- IamPolicyAnalysisResult
- IAM Policy analysis result, consisting of one IAM policy binding and derived access control lists.
- IamPolicyAnalysisState
- Represents the detailed state of an entity under analysis, such as a resource, an identity or an access.
- IamPolicySearchResult
- A result of IAM Policy search, containing information of an IAM policy.
- IdentitySelector
- Specifies an identity for which to determine resource access, based on roles assigned either directly to them or to the groups they belong to, directly or indirectly.
- Inventory
- This API resource represents the available inventory data for a Compute Engine virtual machine (VM) instance at a given point in time.
- Item
- A single piece of inventory on a VM.
- ListAssetsResponse
- ListAssets response.
- ListFeedsResponse
- ListSavedQueriesResponse
- Response of listing saved queries.
- MoveAnalysis
- A message to group the analysis information.
- MoveAnalysisResult
- An analysis result including blockers and warnings.
- MoveImpact
- A message to group impacts of moving the target resource.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- OperationsResource
- Options
- Contains query options.
- OrgPolicyResult
- The organization policy result to the query.
- OutputConfig
- Output configuration for export assets destination.
- PartitionSpec
- Specifications of BigQuery partitioned table as export destination.
- Permissions
- IAM permissions
- Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- PolicyInfo
- The IAM policy and its attached resource.
- PubsubDestination
- A Pub/Sub destination.
- QueryAssetsOutputConfig
- Output configuration query assets.
- QueryAssetsRequest
- QueryAssets request.
- QueryAssetsResponse
- QueryAssets response.
- QueryContent
- The query content.
- QueryResult
- Execution results of the query.
- RelatedAsset
- An asset identifier in Google Cloud which contains its name, type and ancestors.
- RelatedAssets
- This message only presents for the purpose of backward-compatibility.
- RelatedResource
- The detailed related resource.
- RelatedResources
- The related resources of the primary resource.
- RelationshipAttributes
- This message only presents for the purpose of backward-compatibility.
- Resource
- A representation of a Google Cloud resource.
- ResourceOwners
- The resource owners information.
- ResourceSearchResult
- A result of Resource Search, containing information of a cloud resource.
- ResourceSelector
- Specifies the resource to analyze for access policies, which may be set directly on the resource, or on ancestors such as organizations, folders or projects.
- SavedQueriesResource
- SavedQuery
- A saved query which can be shared with others or used later.
- SearchAllIamPoliciesResponse
- Search all IAM policies response.
- SearchAllResourcesResponse
- Search all resources response.
- SoftwarePackage
- Software package information of the operating system.
- TableFieldSchema
- A field in TableSchema.
- TableSchema
- BigQuery Compatible table schema.
- Tag
- The key and value for a tag.
- TemporalAsset
- An asset in Google Cloud and its temporal metadata, including the time window when it was observed and its status during that window.
- TimeWindow
A time window specified by its
. - UpdateFeedRequest
- Update asset feed request.
- V1Resource
- VersionedResource
- Resource representation as defined by the corresponding service providing the resource for a given API version.
- WindowsApplication
- Contains information about a Windows application that is retrieved from the Windows Registry.
- WindowsUpdatePackage
- Details related to a Windows Update package.
- AuditLogConfig = $AuditLogConfig
- Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions.
- Date = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- Expr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- GoogleCloudAssetV1BooleanConstraint = $Empty
that is either enforced or not. - GoogleCloudAssetV1StringValues = $StringValues
- The string values for the list constraints.
- GoogleCloudOrgpolicyV1BooleanPolicy = $BooleanPolicy
Used in
to specify howboolean_policy
will behave at this resource. - GoogleCloudOrgpolicyV1ListPolicy = $ListPolicy
Used in
to specify howlist_policy
behaves at this resource. - GoogleCloudOrgpolicyV1RestoreDefault = $Empty
Ignores policies set above this resource and restores the
enforcement behavior of the specificConstraint
at this resource. - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1AccessPolicy = $AccessPolicy
is a container forAccessLevels
(which define the necessary attributes to use Google Cloud services) andServicePerimeters
(which define regions of services able to freely pass data within a perimeter). - GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1EgressSource = $EgressSource
- The source that EgressPolicy authorizes access from inside the ServicePerimeter to somewhere outside the ServicePerimeter boundaries.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1IngressSource = $IngressSource
- The source that IngressPolicy authorizes access from.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1MethodSelector = $MethodSelector
- An allowed method or permission of a service specified in ApiOperation.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1OsConstraint = $OsConstraint
- A restriction on the OS type and version of devices making requests.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1VpcAccessibleServices = $VpcAccessibleServices
- Specifies how APIs are allowed to communicate within the Service Perimeter.
- GoogleIdentityAccesscontextmanagerV1VpcSubNetwork = $VpcSubNetwork
- Sub-segment ranges inside of a VPC Network.
- OsInfo = $OsInfo
- Operating system information for the VM.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - VersionedPackage = $VersionedPackage
- Information related to the a standard versioned package.
- WindowsQuickFixEngineeringPackage = $WindowsQuickFixEngineeringPackage
- Information related to a Quick Fix Engineering package.
- WindowsUpdateCategory = $WindowsUpdateCategory
- Categories specified by the Windows Update.
- ZypperPatch = $ZypperPatch
- Details related to a Zypper Patch.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.