color property
The color of the button.
If set, the button type
is set to FILLED
and the color of text
fields are set to a contrasting color for readability. For example,
if the button color is set to blue, any text or icons in the button are
set to white. To set the button color, specify a value for the red
, and blue
fields. The value must be a float number between 0 and
1 based on the RGB color value, where 0
(0/255) represents the absence
of color and 1
(255/255) represents the maximum intensity of the color.
For example, the following sets the color to red at its maximum intensity:
"color": { "red": 1, "green": 0, "blue": 0, }
The alpha
field is
unavailable for button color. If specified, this field is ignored.
Color? color;