bigquery/v2 library
BigQuery API - v2
A data platform for customers to create, manage, share and query data.
For more information, see
Create an instance of BigqueryApi to access these resources:
- AggregateClassificationMetrics
- Aggregate metrics for classification/classifier models.
- AggregationThresholdPolicy
- Represents privacy policy associated with "aggregation threshold" method.
- Argument
- Input/output argument of a function or a stored procedure.
- ArimaCoefficients
- Arima coefficients.
- ArimaFittingMetrics
- ARIMA model fitting metrics.
- ArimaForecastingMetrics
- Model evaluation metrics for ARIMA forecasting models.
- ArimaModelInfo
- Arima model information.
- ArimaOrder
- Arima order, can be used for both non-seasonal and seasonal parts.
- ArimaResult
- (Auto-)arima fitting result.
- ArimaSingleModelForecastingMetrics
- Model evaluation metrics for a single ARIMA forecasting model.
- AuditConfig
- Specifies the audit configuration for a service.
- AvroOptions
- Options for external data sources.
- BatchDeleteRowAccessPoliciesRequest
- Request message for the BatchDeleteRowAccessPoliciesRequest method.
- BiEngineReason
- Reason why BI Engine didn't accelerate the query (or sub-query).
- BiEngineStatistics
- Statistics for a BI Engine specific query.
- BigLakeConfiguration
- Configuration for BigLake managed tables.
- BigqueryApi
- A data platform for customers to create, manage, share and query data.
- BigQueryModelTraining
- BigtableColumn
- Information related to a Bigtable column.
- BigtableColumnFamily
- Information related to a Bigtable column family.
- BigtableOptions
- Options specific to Google Cloud Bigtable data sources.
- BinaryClassificationMetrics
- Evaluation metrics for binary classification/classifier models.
- BinaryConfusionMatrix
- Confusion matrix for binary classification models.
- Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - BqmlIterationResult
- BqmlTrainingRun
- BqmlTrainingRunTrainingOptions
- Deprecated.
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- CategoricalValue
- Representative value of a categorical feature.
- CategoryCount
- Represents the count of a single category within the cluster.
- CloneDefinition
- Information about base table and clone time of a table clone.
- Cluster
- Message containing the information about one cluster.
- ClusterInfo
- Information about a single cluster for clustering model.
- Clustering
- Configures table clustering.
- ClusteringMetrics
- Evaluation metrics for clustering models.
- ConfusionMatrix
- Confusion matrix for multi-class classification models.
- ConnectionProperty
- A connection-level property to customize query behavior.
- CsvOptions
- Information related to a CSV data source.
- DataFormatOptions
- Options for data format adjustments.
- DataMaskingStatistics
- Statistics for data-masking.
- DataPolicyOption
- Data policy option proto, it currently supports name only, will support precedence later.
- Dataset
- Represents a BigQuery dataset.
- DatasetAccess
- An object that defines dataset access for an entity.
- DatasetAccessEntry
- Grants all resources of particular types in a particular dataset read access to the current dataset.
- DatasetList
- Response format for a page of results when listing datasets.
- DatasetListDatasets
- A dataset resource with only a subset of fields, to be returned in a list of datasets.
- DatasetReference
- Identifier for a dataset.
- DatasetsResource
- DatasetTags
- A global tag managed by Resource Manager.
- DataSplitResult
- Data split result.
- DestinationTableProperties
- Properties for the destination table.
- DifferentialPrivacyPolicy
- Represents privacy policy associated with "differential privacy" method.
- DimensionalityReductionMetrics
- Model evaluation metrics for dimensionality reduction models.
- DmlStatistics
- Detailed statistics for DML statements
- DoubleCandidates
- Discrete candidates of a double hyperparameter.
- DoubleHparamSearchSpace
- Search space for a double hyperparameter.
- DoubleRange
- Range of a double hyperparameter.
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- EncryptionConfiguration
- Configuration for Cloud KMS encryption settings.
- Entry
- A single entry in the confusion matrix.
- ErrorProto
- Error details.
- EvaluationMetrics
- Evaluation metrics of a model.
- ExplainQueryStage
- A single stage of query execution.
- ExplainQueryStep
- An operation within a stage.
- Explanation
- Explanation for a single feature.
- ExportDataStatistics
- Statistics for the EXPORT DATA statement as part of Query Job.
- ExternalCatalogDatasetOptions
- Options defining open source compatible datasets living in the BigQuery catalog.
- ExternalCatalogTableOptions
- Metadata about open source compatible table.
- ExternalDataConfiguration
- ExternalDatasetReference
- Configures the access a dataset defined in an external metadata storage.
- ExternalServiceCost
- The external service cost is a portion of the total cost, these costs are not additive with total_bytes_billed.
- FeatureValue
- Representative value of a single feature within the cluster.
- ForeignTypeInfo
- Metadata about the foreign data type definition such as the system in which the type is defined.
- ForeignViewDefinition
- A view can be represented in multiple ways.
- GetIamPolicyRequest
Request message for
method. - GetQueryResultsResponse
- Response object of GetQueryResults.
- GetServiceAccountResponse
- Response object of GetServiceAccount
- GlobalExplanation
- Global explanations containing the top most important features after training.
- GoogleSheetsOptions
- Options specific to Google Sheets data sources.
- HighCardinalityJoin
- High cardinality join detailed information.
- HivePartitioningOptions
- Options for configuring hive partitioning detect.
- HparamSearchSpaces
- Hyperparameter search spaces.
- HparamTuningTrial
- Training info of a trial in hyperparameter tuning models.
- IndexUnusedReason
- Reason about why no search index was used in the search query (or sub-query).
- InputDataChange
- Details about the input data change insight.
- IntArray
- An array of int.
- IntArrayHparamSearchSpace
- Search space for int array.
- IntCandidates
- Discrete candidates of an int hyperparameter.
- IntHparamSearchSpace
- Search space for an int hyperparameter.
- IntRange
- Range of an int hyperparameter.
- IterationResult
- Information about a single iteration of the training run.
- Job
- JobCancelResponse
- Describes format of a jobs cancellation response.
- JobConfiguration
- JobConfigurationExtract
- JobConfigurationExtract configures a job that exports data from a BigQuery table into Google Cloud Storage.
- JobConfigurationLoad
- JobConfigurationLoad contains the configuration properties for loading data into a destination table.
- JobConfigurationQuery
- JobConfigurationQuery configures a BigQuery query job.
- JobConfigurationTableCopy
- JobConfigurationTableCopy configures a job that copies data from one table to another.
- JobCreationReason
Reason about why a Job was created from a
]( method when used withJOB_CREATION_OPTIONAL
Job creation mode. - JobList
- JobList is the response format for a jobs.list call.
- JobListJobs
- ListFormatJob is a partial projection of job information returned as part of a jobs.list response.
- JobReference
- A job reference is a fully qualified identifier for referring to a job.
- JobsResource
- JobStatistics
- Statistics for a single job execution.
- JobStatistics2
- Statistics for a query job.
- JobStatistics2ReservationUsage
- Job resource usage breakdown by reservation.
- JobStatistics3
- Statistics for a load job.
- JobStatistics4
- Statistics for an extract job.
- JobStatistics5
- Statistics for a copy job.
- JobStatisticsReservationUsage
- Job resource usage breakdown by reservation.
- JobStatus
- JoinRestrictionPolicy
- Represents privacy policy associated with "join restrictions".
- JsonOptions
- Json Options for load and make external tables.
- LinkedDatasetMetadata
- Metadata about the Linked Dataset.
- LinkedDatasetSource
- A dataset source type which refers to another BigQuery dataset.
- ListModelsResponse
- Response format for a single page when listing BigQuery ML models.
- ListRoutinesResponse
- Describes the format of a single result page when listing routines.
- ListRowAccessPoliciesResponse
- Response message for the ListRowAccessPolicies method.
- LoadQueryStatistics
- Statistics for a LOAD query.
- MaterializedView
- A materialized view considered for a query job.
- MaterializedViewDefinition
- Definition and configuration of a materialized view.
- MaterializedViewStatistics
- Statistics of materialized views considered in a query job.
- MaterializedViewStatus
- Status of a materialized view.
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- MetadataCacheStatistics
- Statistics for metadata caching in queried tables.
- MlStatistics
- Job statistics specific to a BigQuery ML training job.
- Model
- ModelDefinition
- ModelDefinitionModelOptions
- Deprecated.
- ModelExtractOptions
- Options related to model extraction.
- ModelReference
- Id path of a model.
- ModelsResource
- MultiClassClassificationMetrics
- Evaluation metrics for multi-class classification/classifier models.
- ParquetOptions
- Parquet Options for load and make external tables.
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- PartitionedColumn
- The partitioning column information.
- PartitioningDefinition
- The partitioning information, which includes managed table, external table and metastore partitioned table partition information.
- PartitionSkew
- Partition skew detailed information.
- PerformanceInsights
- Performance insights for the job.
- Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- PrincipalComponentInfo
- Principal component infos, used only for eigen decomposition based models, e.g., PCA.
- PrivacyPolicy
- Represents privacy policy that contains the privacy requirements specified by the data owner.
- ProjectList
- Response object of ListProjects
- ProjectListProjects
- Information about a single project.
- ProjectReference
- A unique reference to a project.
- ProjectsResource
- QueryInfo
- Query optimization information for a QUERY job.
- QueryParameter
- A parameter given to a query.
- QueryParameterType
- The type of a query parameter.
- QueryParameterTypeStructTypes
- The type of a struct parameter.
- QueryParameterValue
- The value of a query parameter.
- QueryRequest
- Describes the format of the jobs.query request.
- QueryResponse
- QueryTimelineSample
- Summary of the state of query execution at a given time.
- RangePartitioning
- RangePartitioningRange
- [Experimental] Defines the ranges for range partitioning.
- RangeValue
- Represents the value of a range.
- RankingMetrics
- Evaluation metrics used by weighted-ALS models specified by feedback_type=implicit.
- RegressionMetrics
- Evaluation metrics for regression and explicit feedback type matrix factorization models.
- RemoteFunctionOptions
- Options for a remote user-defined function.
- RemoteModelInfo
- Remote Model Info
- RestrictionConfig
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- Routine
- A user-defined function or a stored procedure.
- RoutineReference
- Id path of a routine.
- RoutinesResource
- Row
- A single row in the confusion matrix.
- RowAccessPoliciesResource
- RowAccessPolicy
- Represents access on a subset of rows on the specified table, defined by its filter predicate.
- RowAccessPolicyReference
- Id path of a row access policy.
- RowLevelSecurityStatistics
- Statistics for row-level security.
- ScriptOptions
- Options related to script execution.
- ScriptStackFrame
- Represents the location of the statement/expression being evaluated.
- ScriptStatistics
- Job statistics specific to the child job of a script.
- SearchStatistics
- Statistics for a search query.
- SerDeInfo
- Serializer and deserializer information.
- SessionInfo
- [Preview] Information related to sessions.
- SetIamPolicyRequest
Request message for
method. - SkewSource
- Details about source stages which produce skewed data.
- SnapshotDefinition
- Information about base table and snapshot time of the snapshot.
- SparkLoggingInfo
- Spark job logs can be filtered by these fields in Cloud Logging.
- SparkOptions
- Options for a user-defined Spark routine.
- SparkStatistics
- Statistics for a BigSpark query.
- StagePerformanceChangeInsight
- Performance insights compared to the previous executions for a specific stage.
- StagePerformanceStandaloneInsight
- Standalone performance insights for a specific stage.
- StandardSqlDataType
- The data type of a variable such as a function argument.
- StandardSqlField
- A field or a column.
- StandardSqlStructType
- The representation of a SQL STRUCT type.
- StandardSqlTableType
- A table type
- StorageDescriptor
- Contains information about how a table's data is stored and accessed by open source query engines.
- StoredColumnsUnusedReason
- If the stored column was not used, explain why.
- StoredColumnsUsage
- Indicates the stored columns usage in the query.
- Streamingbuffer
- StringHparamSearchSpace
- Search space for string and enum.
- SystemVariables
- System variables given to a query.
- Table
- TableCell
- TableConstraints
- The TableConstraints defines the primary key and foreign key.
- TableConstraintsForeignKeys
- Represents a foreign key constraint on a table's columns.
- TableConstraintsForeignKeysColumnReferences
- The pair of the foreign key column and primary key column.
- TableConstraintsForeignKeysReferencedTable
- TableConstraintsPrimaryKey
- Represents the primary key constraint on a table's columns.
- TableDataInsertAllRequest
- Request for sending a single streaming insert.
- TableDataInsertAllRequestRows
- Data for a single insertion row.
- TableDataInsertAllResponse
- Describes the format of a streaming insert response.
- TableDataInsertAllResponseInsertErrors
- Error details about a single row's insertion.
- TableDataList
- TabledataResource
- TableFieldSchema
- A field in TableSchema
- TableFieldSchemaCategories
- Deprecated.
- TableFieldSchemaPolicyTags
- The policy tags attached to this field, used for field-level access control.
- TableFieldSchemaRangeElementType
- Represents the type of a field element.
- TableList
- Partial projection of the metadata for a given table in a list response.
- TableListTables
- TableListTablesView
- Information about a logical view.
- TableMetadataCacheUsage
- Table level detail on the usage of metadata caching.
- TableReference
- TableReplicationInfo
Replication info of a table created using
- TableRow
- TableSchema
- Schema of a table
- TablesResource
- TimePartitioning
- TrainingOptions
- Options used in model training.
- TrainingRun
- Information about a single training query run for the model.
- TransactionInfo
- [Alpha] Information of a multi-statement transaction.
- TransformColumn
- Information about a single transform column.
- UndeleteDatasetRequest
- Request format for undeleting a dataset.
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- UserDefinedFunctionResource
- This is used for defining User Defined Function (UDF) resources only when using legacy SQL.
- VectorSearchStatistics
- Statistics for a vector search query.
- ViewDefinition
- Describes the definition of a logical view.
- AuditLogConfig = $AuditLogConfig
- Provides the configuration for logging a type of permissions.
- Expr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- GetPolicyOptions = $GetPolicyOptions00
- Encapsulates settings provided to GetIamPolicy.
= Map<
String, Object?> - Represents a single JSON object.
- TestIamPermissionsRequest = $TestIamPermissionsRequest00
Request message for
method. - TestIamPermissionsResponse = $PermissionsResponse
Response message for
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.