androidmanagement/v1 library
Android Management API - v1
The Android Management API provides remote enterprise management of Android devices and apps.
For more information, see
Create an instance of AndroidManagementApi to access these resources:
- AdvancedSecurityOverrides
- Advanced security settings.
- AlwaysOnVpnPackage
- Configuration for an always-on VPN connection.
- AndroidManagementApi
- The Android Management API provides remote enterprise management of Android devices and apps.
- ApiLevelCondition
- A compliance rule condition which is satisfied if the Android Framework API level on the device doesn't meet a minimum requirement.
- Application
- Information about an app.
- ApplicationEvent
- An app-related event.
- ApplicationPermission
- A permission required by the app.
- ApplicationPolicy
- Policy for an individual app.
- ApplicationReport
- Information reported about an installed app.
- ApplicationReportingSettings
- Settings controlling the behavior of application reports.
- AppTrackInfo
- Id to name association of a app track.
- AppVersion
- This represents a single version of the app.
- BlockAction
- An action to block access to apps and data on a fully managed device or in a work profile.
- ChoosePrivateKeyRule
- Controls apps' access to private keys.
- ClearAppsDataParams
- Parameters associated with the CLEAR_APP_DATA command to clear the data of specified apps from the device.
- ClearAppsDataStatus
- Status of the CLEAR_APP_DATA command to clear the data of specified apps from the device.
- Command
- A command.
- CommonCriteriaModeInfo
- Information about Common Criteria Mode—security standards defined in the Common Criteria for Information Technology Security Evaluation ( (CC).This information is only available if statusReportingSettings.commonCriteriaModeEnabled is true in the device's policy.
- ComplianceRule
- A rule declaring which mitigating actions to take when a device is not compliant with its policy.
- ContactInfo
- Contact details for managed Google Play enterprises.
- ContentProviderEndpoint
- This feature is not generally available.
- CrossProfilePolicies
- Controls the data from the work profile that can be accessed from the personal profile and vice versa.
- Device
- A device owned by an enterprise.
- DeviceConnectivityManagement
- Covers controls for device connectivity such as Wi-Fi, USB data access, keyboard/mouse connections, and more.
- DeviceRadioState
- Controls for device radio settings.
- DeviceSettings
- Information about security related device settings on device.
- Display
- Device display information.
- DisplaySettings
- Controls for the display settings.
- DpcMigrationInfo
- Information related to whether this device was migrated from being managed by another Device Policy Controller (DPC).
- EnrollmentToken
- An enrollment token.
- Enterprise
- The configuration applied to an enterprise.
- EnterprisesApplicationsResource
- EnterprisesDevicesOperationsResource
- EnterprisesDevicesResource
- EnterprisesEnrollmentTokensResource
- EnterprisesMigrationTokensResource
- EnterprisesPoliciesResource
- EnterprisesResource
- EnterprisesWebAppsResource
- EnterprisesWebTokensResource
- ExtensionConfig
- Configuration to enable an app as an extension app, with the capability of interacting with Android Device Policy offline.
- ExternalData
- Data hosted at an external location.
- FreezePeriod
- A system freeze period.
- GenerateEnterpriseUpgradeUrlRequest
- Request message for generating a URL to upgrade an existing managed Google Play Accounts enterprise to a managed Google domain.Note: This feature is not generally available.
- GoogleAuthenticationSettings
- Contains settings for Google-provided user authentication.
- HardwareInfo
- Information about device hardware.
- HardwareStatus
- Hardware status.
- InstallConstraint
- Amongst apps with InstallType set to: FORCE_INSTALLED PREINSTALLEDthis defines a set of restrictions for the app installation.
- KeyedAppState
- Keyed app state reported by the app.
- KioskCustomization
- Settings controlling the behavior of a device in kiosk mode.
- LaunchAppAction
- An action to launch an app.
- ListDevicesResponse
- Response to a request to list devices for a given enterprise.
- ListEnrollmentTokensResponse
- Response to a request to list enrollment tokens for a given enterprise.
- ListEnterprisesResponse
- Response to a request to list enterprises.
- ListMigrationTokensResponse
- Response to a request to list migration tokens for a given enterprise.
- ListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- ListPoliciesResponse
- Response to a request to list policies for a given enterprise.
- ListWebAppsResponse
- Response to a request to list web apps for a given enterprise.
- ManagedConfigurationTemplate
- The managed configurations template for the app, saved from the managed configurations iframe.
- ManagedProperty
- Managed property.
- ManagedPropertyEntry
- An entry of a managed property.
- MemoryEvent
- An event related to memory and storage measurements.To distinguish between new and old events, we recommend using the createTime field.
- MemoryInfo
- Information about device memory and storage.
- MigrationToken
- A token to initiate the migration of a device from being managed by a third-party DPC to being managed by Android Management API.
- NetworkInfo
- Device network info.
- NonComplianceDetail
- Provides detail about non-compliance with a policy setting.
- NonComplianceDetailCondition
- A compliance rule condition which is satisfied if there exists any matching NonComplianceDetail for the device.
- OncCertificateProvider
- This feature is not generally available.
- OncWifiContext
- Additional context for non-compliance related to Wi-Fi configuration.
- Operation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- PackageNameList
- A list of package names.
- PasswordPoliciesContext
- Additional context for non-compliance related to password policies.
- PasswordRequirements
- Requirements for the password used to unlock a device.
- PerAppResult
- The result of an attempt to clear the data of a single app.
- PermissionGrant
- Configuration for an Android permission and its grant state.
- PersistentPreferredActivity
- A default activity for handling intents that match a particular intent filter.
- PersonalApplicationPolicy
- Policies for apps in the personal profile of a company-owned device with a work profile.
- PersonalUsagePolicies
- Policies controlling personal usage on a company-owned device with a work profile.
- Policy
- A policy resource represents a group of settings that govern the behavior of a managed device and the apps installed on it.
- PolicyEnforcementRule
- A rule that defines the actions to take if a device or work profile is not compliant with the policy specified in settingName.
- PostureDetail
- Additional details regarding the security posture of the device.
- PowerManagementEvent
- A power management event.
- ProvisioningInfo
- Information about a device that is available during setup.
- ProvisioningInfoResource
- ProxyInfo
- Configuration info for an HTTP proxy.
- ScreenBrightnessSettings
- Controls for the screen brightness settings.
- ScreenTimeoutSettings
- Controls the screen timeout settings.
- SecurityPosture
- The security posture of the device, as determined by the current device state and the policies applied.
- SetupAction
- An action executed during setup.
- SigninDetail
- A resource containing sign in details for an enterprise.
- SignupUrl
- An enterprise signup URL.
- SignupUrlsResource
- SoftwareInfo
- Information about device software.
- SpecificNonComplianceContext
- Additional context for SpecificNonComplianceReason.
- StartLostModeParams
- Parameters associated with the START_LOST_MODE command to put the device into lost mode.
- StartLostModeStatus
- Status of the START_LOST_MODE command to put the device into lost mode.
- StatusReportingSettings
- Settings controlling the behavior of status reports.
- StopLostModeStatus
- Status of the STOP_LOST_MODE command to take the device out of lost mode.
- SystemUpdate
- Configuration for managing system updatesNote: Google Play system updates ( (also called Mainline updates) are automatically downloaded but require a device reboot to be installed.
- SystemUpdateInfo
- Information about a potential pending system update.
- TelephonyInfo
- Telephony information associated with a given SIM card on the device.
- TermsAndConditions
- A terms and conditions page to be accepted during provisioning.
- UsageLog
- Controls types of device activity logs collected from the device and reported via Pub/Sub notification (
- User
- A user belonging to an enterprise.
- UserFacingMessage
- Provides a user-facing message with locale info.
- WebApp
- A web app.
- WebToken
- A web token used to access the managed Google Play iframe.
- WifiRoamingPolicy
- Wi-Fi roaming policy.
- WifiRoamingSetting
- Wi-Fi roaming setting.
- WifiSsid
- Represents a Wi-Fi SSID.
- WifiSsidPolicy
- Restrictions on which Wi-Fi SSIDs the device can connect to.
- WipeAction
- An action to reset a company owned device or delete a work profile.
- Date = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GenerateEnterpriseUpgradeUrlResponse = $GenerateEnterpriseUpgradeUrlResponse
- Response message for generating a URL to upgrade an existing managed Google Play Accounts enterprise to a managed Google domain.Note: This feature is not generally available.
- Status = $Status00
- The Status type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs.
- StopLostModeParams = $Empty
- Parameters associated with the STOP_LOST_MODE command to take the device out of lost mode.
- WebAppIcon = $WebAppIcon
- An icon for a web app.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.