aiplatform/v1 library
Vertex AI API - v1
Train high-quality custom machine learning models with minimal machine learning expertise and effort.
For more information, see
Create an instance of AiplatformApi to access these resources:
- DatasetsResource
- EndpointsResource
- MediaResource
- ProjectsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDataItemsAnnotationsOperationsResource - ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDataItemsOperationsResource - ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDatasetVersionsResource - ProjectsLocationsDatasetsOperationsResource - ProjectsLocationsDatasetsSavedQueriesResource - ProjectsLocationsDatasetsSavedQueriesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresFeatureViewsFeatureViewSyncsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresFeatureViewsOperationsResource - ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresEntityTypesFeaturesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresEntityTypesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsHyperparameterTuningJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIndexEndpointsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIndexesResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresResource
- ProjectsLocationsMigratableResourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNasJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookExecutionJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookRuntimeTemplatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookRuntimesResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPersistentResourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsPipelineJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPublishersResource
- ProjectsLocationsRagCorporaResource
- ProjectsLocationsReasoningEnginesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSchedulesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSpecialistPoolsResource
- ProjectsLocationsStudiesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsTimeSeriesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsTimeSeriesOperationsResource - ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsOperationsResource
- PublishersResource
- AiplatformApi
- Train high-quality custom machine learning models with minimal machine learning expertise and effort.
- ByteRange
- Specifies a range of media.
- DatasetsDatasetVersionsResource
- DatasetsResource
- DownloadOptions
- Represents options for downloading media.
- EndpointsResource
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ActiveLearningConfig
- Parameters that configure the active learning pipeline.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddContextArtifactsAndExecutionsRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.AddContextArtifactsAndExecutions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddExecutionEventsRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.AddExecutionEvents.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddTrialMeasurementRequest
- Request message for VizierService.AddTrialMeasurement.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Annotation
- Used to assign specific AnnotationSpec to a particular area of a DataItem or the whole part of the DataItem.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AnnotationSpec
- Identifies a concept with which DataItems may be annotated with.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ApiAuth
- The generic reusable api auth config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ApiAuthApiKeyConfig
- The API secret.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Artifact
- Instance of a general artifact.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AssignNotebookRuntimeRequest
- Request message for NotebookService.AssignNotebookRuntime.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Attribution
- Attribution that explains a particular prediction output.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AugmentPromptRequest
- Request message for AugmentPrompt.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AugmentPromptRequestModel
- Metadata of the backend deployed model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AugmentPromptResponse
- Response message for AugmentPrompt.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AutomaticResources
- A description of resources that to large degree are decided by Vertex AI, and require only a modest additional configuration.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AutoraterConfig
- The configs for autorater.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AutoscalingMetricSpec
- The metric specification that defines the target resource utilization (CPU utilization, accelerator's duty cycle, and so on) for calculating the desired replica count.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AvroSource
- The storage details for Avro input content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchCancelPipelineJobsRequest
- Request message for PipelineService.BatchCancelPipelineJobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchCreateFeaturesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreService.BatchCreateFeatures.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchCreateTensorboardRunsRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.BatchCreateTensorboardRuns.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchCreateTensorboardRunsResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.BatchCreateTensorboardRuns.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchCreateTensorboardTimeSeriesRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.BatchCreateTensorboardTimeSeries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchCreateTensorboardTimeSeriesResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.BatchCreateTensorboardTimeSeries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchDedicatedResources
- A description of resources that are used for performing batch operations, are dedicated to a Model, and need manual configuration.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchDeletePipelineJobsRequest
- Request message for PipelineService.BatchDeletePipelineJobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotationsRequest
- Request message for ModelService.BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotations
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotationsResponse
- Response message for ModelService.BatchImportEvaluatedAnnotations
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchMigrateResourcesRequest
- Request message for MigrationService.BatchMigrateResources.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchPredictionJob
- A job that uses a Model to produce predictions on multiple input instances.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchPredictionJobInputConfig
- Configures the input to BatchPredictionJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchPredictionJobInstanceConfig
- Configuration defining how to transform batch prediction input instances to the instances that the Model accepts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchPredictionJobOutputConfig
- Configures the output of BatchPredictionJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchPredictionJobOutputInfo
- Further describes this job's output.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchReadFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreService.BatchReadFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchReadFeatureValuesRequestEntityTypeSpec
- Selects Features of an EntityType to read values of and specifies read settings.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchReadFeatureValuesRequestPassThroughField
- Describe pass-through fields in read_instance source.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BatchReadTensorboardTimeSeriesDataResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.BatchReadTensorboardTimeSeriesData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BigQueryDestination
- The BigQuery location for the output content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BigQuerySource
- The BigQuery location for the input content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BleuInput
- Input for bleu metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BleuMetricValue
- Bleu metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BleuResults
- Results for bleu metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BleuSpec
- Spec for bleu score metric - calculates the precision of n-grams in the prediction as compared to reference - returns a score ranging between 0 to 1.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Blob
- Content blob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BlurBaselineConfig
- Config for blur baseline.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BoolArray
- A list of boolean values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CacheConfig
- Config of GenAI caching features.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CachedContent
- A resource used in LLM queries for users to explicitly specify what to cache and how to cache.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CachedContentUsageMetadata
- Metadata on the usage of the cached content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Candidate
- A response candidate generated from the model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Citation
- Source attributions for content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CitationMetadata
- A collection of source attributions for a piece of content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Claim
- Claim that is extracted from the input text and facts that support it.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ClientConnectionConfig
- Configurations (e.g. inference timeout) that are applied on your endpoints.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CodeExecutionResult
- Result of executing the [ExecutableCode].
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CoherenceInput
- Input for coherence metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CoherenceResult
- Spec for coherence result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CometInput
- Input for Comet metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CometResult
- Spec for Comet result - calculates the comet score for the given instance using the version specified in the spec.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CometSpec
- Spec for Comet metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CompleteTrialRequest
- Request message for VizierService.CompleteTrial.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CompletionStats
- Success and error statistics of processing multiple entities (for example, DataItems or structured data rows) in batch.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ComputeTokensRequest
- Request message for ComputeTokens RPC call.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ComputeTokensResponse
- Response message for ComputeTokens RPC call.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ContainerRegistryDestination
- The Container Registry location for the container image.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ContainerSpec
- The spec of a Container.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Content
- The base structured datatype containing multi-part content of a message.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Context
- Instance of a general context.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CopyModelRequest
- Request message for ModelService.CopyModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CorpusStatus
- RagCorpus status.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CorroborateContentRequest
- Request message for CorroborateContent.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CorroborateContentRequestParameters
- Parameters that can be overrided per request.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CorroborateContentResponse
- Response message for CorroborateContent.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CountTokensRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.CountTokens.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CountTokensResponse
- Response message for PredictionService.CountTokens.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CreateDeploymentResourcePoolRequest
- Request message for CreateDeploymentResourcePool method.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CreateFeatureRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreService.CreateFeature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CreateNotebookExecutionJobRequest
- Request message for [NotebookService.CreateNotebookExecutionJob]
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CreatePipelineJobRequest
- Request message for PipelineService.CreatePipelineJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CreateTensorboardRunRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.CreateTensorboardRun.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CreateTensorboardTimeSeriesRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.CreateTensorboardTimeSeries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CsvDestination
- The storage details for CSV output content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CsvSource
- The storage details for CSV input content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CustomJob
- Represents a job that runs custom workloads such as a Docker container or a Python package.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CustomJobSpec
- Represents the spec of a CustomJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DataItem
- A piece of data in a Dataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DataItemView
- A container for a single DataItem and Annotations on it.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DataLabelingJob
- DataLabelingJob is used to trigger a human labeling job on unlabeled data from the following Dataset:
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Dataset
- A collection of DataItems and Annotations on them.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DatasetVersion
- Describes the dataset version.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DedicatedResources
- A description of resources that are dedicated to a DeployedModel or DeployedIndex, and that need a higher degree of manual configuration.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeleteFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreService.DeleteFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeleteFeatureValuesRequestSelectEntity
- Message to select entity.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeleteFeatureValuesRequestSelectTimeRangeAndFeature
- Message to select time range and feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedIndex
- A deployment of an Index.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedIndexAuthConfig
- Used to set up the auth on the DeployedIndex's private endpoint.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedIndexAuthConfigAuthProvider
- Configuration for an authentication provider, including support for [JSON Web Token (JWT)](
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedIndexRef
- Points to a DeployedIndex.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedModel
- A deployment of a Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedModelRef
- Points to a DeployedModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployedModelStatus
- Runtime status of the deployed model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployIndexRequest
- Request message for IndexEndpointService.DeployIndex.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeploymentResourcePool
- A description of resources that can be shared by multiple DeployedModels, whose underlying specification consists of a DedicatedResources.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DeployModelRequest
- Request message for EndpointService.DeployModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DestinationFeatureSetting
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DirectPredictRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.DirectPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DirectPredictResponse
- Response message for PredictionService.DirectPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DirectRawPredictRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.DirectRawPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DirectRawPredictResponse
- Response message for PredictionService.DirectRawPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DoubleArray
- A list of double values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DynamicRetrievalConfig
- Describes the options to customize dynamic retrieval.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EncryptionSpec
- Represents a customer-managed encryption key spec that can be applied to a top-level resource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Endpoint
- Models are deployed into it, and afterwards Endpoint is called to obtain predictions and explanations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EntityIdSelector
- Selector for entityId.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EntityType
- An entity type is a type of object in a system that needs to be modeled and have stored information about.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EnvVar
- Represents an environment variable present in a Container or Python Module.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ErrorAnalysisAnnotation
- Model error analysis for each annotation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ErrorAnalysisAnnotationAttributedItem
- Attributed items for a given annotation, typically representing neighbors from the training sets constrained by the query type.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EvaluatedAnnotation
- True positive, false positive, or false negative.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EvaluatedAnnotationExplanation
- Explanation result of the prediction produced by the Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EvaluateDatasetRequest
- Request message for EvaluationService.EvaluateDataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EvaluateInstancesRequest
- Request message for EvaluationService.EvaluateInstances.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EvaluateInstancesResponse
- Response message for EvaluationService.EvaluateInstances.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EvaluationDataset
- The dataset used for evaluation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Event
- An edge describing the relationship between an Artifact and an Execution in a lineage graph.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExactMatchInput
- Input for exact match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExactMatchMetricValue
- Exact match metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExactMatchResults
- Results for exact match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Examples
- Example-based explainability that returns the nearest neighbors from the provided dataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExamplesExampleGcsSource
- The Cloud Storage input instances.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExamplesOverride
- Overrides for example-based explanations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExamplesRestrictionsNamespace
- Restrictions namespace for example-based explanations overrides.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExecutableCode
- Code generated by the model that is meant to be executed, and the result returned to the model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Execution
- Instance of a general execution.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplainRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.Explain.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplainResponse
- Response message for PredictionService.Explain.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Explanation
- Explanation of a prediction (provided in PredictResponse.predictions) produced by the Model on a given instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadata
- Metadata describing the Model's input and output for explanation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadataInputMetadata
- Metadata of the input of a feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadataInputMetadataFeatureValueDomain
- Domain details of the input feature value.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadataInputMetadataVisualization
- Visualization configurations for image explanation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadataOutputMetadata
- Metadata of the prediction output to be explained.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadataOverride
- The ExplanationMetadata entries that can be overridden at online explanation time.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationMetadataOverrideInputMetadataOverride
- The input metadata entries to be overridden.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationParameters
- Parameters to configure explaining for Model's predictions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationSpec
- Specification of Model explanation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExplanationSpecOverride
- The ExplanationSpec entries that can be overridden at online explanation time.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportDataConfig
- Describes what part of the Dataset is to be exported, the destination of the export and how to export.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportDataRequest
- Request message for DatasetService.ExportData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreService.ExportFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportFeatureValuesRequestFullExport
- Describes exporting all historical Feature values of all entities of the EntityType between [start_time, end_time].
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportFeatureValuesRequestSnapshotExport
- Describes exporting the latest Feature values of all entities of the EntityType between [start_time, snapshot_time].
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportModelRequest
- Request message for ModelService.ExportModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportModelRequestOutputConfig
- Output configuration for the Model export.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportTensorboardTimeSeriesDataRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.ExportTensorboardTimeSeriesData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportTensorboardTimeSeriesDataResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ExportTensorboardTimeSeriesData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Fact
- The fact used in grounding.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FasterDeploymentConfig
- Configuration for faster model deployment.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Feature
- Feature Metadata information.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureGroup
- Vertex AI Feature Group.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureGroupBigQuery
- Input source type for BigQuery Tables and Views.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureGroupBigQueryTimeSeries
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureMonitoringStatsAnomaly
- A list of historical SnapshotAnalysis or ImportFeaturesAnalysis stats requested by user, sorted by FeatureStatsAnomaly.start_time descending.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureNoiseSigma
- Noise sigma by features.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureNoiseSigmaNoiseSigmaForFeature
- Noise sigma for a single feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureOnlineStore
- Vertex AI Feature Online Store provides a centralized repository for serving ML features and embedding indexes at low latency.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureOnlineStoreBigtable
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureOnlineStoreBigtableAutoScaling
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureOnlineStoreDedicatedServingEndpoint
- The dedicated serving endpoint for this FeatureOnlineStore.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureSelector
- Selector for Features of an EntityType.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureStatsAnomaly
- Stats and Anomaly generated at specific timestamp for specific Feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Featurestore
- Vertex AI Feature Store provides a centralized repository for organizing, storing, and serving ML features.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeaturestoreMonitoringConfig
- Configuration of how features in Featurestore are monitored.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeaturestoreMonitoringConfigImportFeaturesAnalysis
- Configuration of the Featurestore's ImportFeature Analysis Based Monitoring.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeaturestoreMonitoringConfigSnapshotAnalysis
- Configuration of the Featurestore's Snapshot Analysis Based Monitoring.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeaturestoreMonitoringConfigThresholdConfig
- The config for Featurestore Monitoring threshold.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeaturestoreOnlineServingConfig
- OnlineServingConfig specifies the details for provisioning online serving resources.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeaturestoreOnlineServingConfigScaling
- Online serving scaling configuration.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureValue
- Value for a feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureValueDestination
- A destination location for Feature values and format.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureValueList
- Container for list of values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureValueMetadata
- Metadata of feature value.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureView
- FeatureView is representation of values that the FeatureOnlineStore will serve based on its syncConfig.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewBigQuerySource
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewDataKey
- Lookup key for a feature view.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewDataKeyCompositeKey
- ID that is comprised from several parts (columns).
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewFeatureRegistrySource
- A Feature Registry source for features that need to be synced to Online Store.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewFeatureRegistrySourceFeatureGroup
- Features belonging to a single feature group that will be synced to Online Store.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewIndexConfig
- Configuration for vector indexing.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewIndexConfigTreeAHConfig
- Configuration options for the tree-AH algorithm.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewOptimizedConfig
- Configuration for FeatureViews created in Optimized FeatureOnlineStore.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewSync
- FeatureViewSync is a representation of sync operation which copies data from data source to Feature View in Online Store.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewSyncConfig
- Configuration for Sync.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewSyncSyncSummary
- Summary from the Sync job.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewVertexRagSource
- A Vertex Rag source for features that need to be synced to Online Store.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FetchFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeatureOnlineStoreService.FetchFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FetchFeatureValuesResponse
- Response message for FeatureOnlineStoreService.FetchFeatureValues
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FetchFeatureValuesResponseFeatureNameValuePairList
- Response structure in the format of key (feature name) and (feature) value pair.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FetchFeatureValuesResponseFeatureNameValuePairListFeatureNameValuePair
- Feature name & value pair.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FetchPredictOperationRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.FetchPredictOperation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FileData
- URI based data.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FileStatus
- RagFile status.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FindNeighborsRequest
- The request message for MatchService.FindNeighbors.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FindNeighborsRequestQuery
- A query to find a number of the nearest neighbors (most similar vectors) of a vector.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FindNeighborsRequestQueryRRF
- Parameters for RRF algorithm that combines search results.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FindNeighborsResponse
- The response message for MatchService.FindNeighbors.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FindNeighborsResponseNearestNeighbors
- Nearest neighbors for one query.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FindNeighborsResponseNeighbor
- A neighbor of the query vector.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FluencyInput
- Input for fluency metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FluencyResult
- Spec for fluency result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FulfillmentInput
- Input for fulfillment metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FulfillmentInstance
- Spec for fulfillment instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FulfillmentResult
- Spec for fulfillment result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FunctionCall
- A predicted [FunctionCall] returned from the model that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing the parameters and their values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FunctionCallingConfig
- Function calling config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FunctionDeclaration
- Structured representation of a function declaration as defined by the OpenAPI 3.0 specification.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FunctionResponse
- The result output from a [FunctionCall] that contains a string representing the [] and a structured JSON object containing any output from the function is used as context to the model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GcsDestination
- The Google Cloud Storage location where the output is to be written to.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GcsSource
- The Google Cloud Storage location for the input content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenAiAdvancedFeaturesConfig
- Configuration for GenAiAdvancedFeatures.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenAiAdvancedFeaturesConfigRagConfig
- Configuration for Retrieval Augmented Generation feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerateContentRequest
- Request message for [PredictionService.GenerateContent].
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerateContentResponse
- Response message for [PredictionService.GenerateContent].
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerateContentResponsePromptFeedback
- Content filter results for a prompt sent in the request.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerateContentResponseUsageMetadata
- Usage metadata about response(s).
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerationConfig
- Generation config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerationConfigRoutingConfig
- The configuration for routing the request to a specific model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerationConfigRoutingConfigAutoRoutingMode
- When automated routing is specified, the routing will be determined by the pretrained routing model and customer provided model routing preference.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenerationConfigRoutingConfigManualRoutingMode
- When manual routing is set, the specified model will be used directly.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GenieSource
- Contains information about the source of the models generated from Generative AI Studio.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GoogleDriveSource
- The Google Drive location for the input content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GoogleDriveSourceResourceId
- The type and ID of the Google Drive resource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GoogleSearchRetrieval
- Tool to retrieve public web data for grounding, powered by Google.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundednessInput
- Input for groundedness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundednessInstance
- Spec for groundedness instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundednessResult
- Spec for groundedness result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundingChunk
- Grounding chunk.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundingChunkRetrievedContext
- Chunk from context retrieved by the retrieval tools.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundingChunkWeb
- Chunk from the web.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundingMetadata
- Metadata returned to client when grounding is enabled.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundingSupport
- Grounding support.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1HyperparameterTuningJob
- Represents a HyperparameterTuningJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IdMatcher
- Matcher for Features of an EntityType by Feature ID.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportDataConfig
- Describes the location from where we import data into a Dataset, together with the labels that will be applied to the DataItems and the Annotations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportDataRequest
- Request message for DatasetService.ImportData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreService.ImportFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportFeatureValuesRequestFeatureSpec
- Defines the Feature value(s) to import.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportModelEvaluationRequest
- Request message for ModelService.ImportModelEvaluation
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportRagFilesConfig
- Config for importing RagFiles.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ImportRagFilesRequest
- Request message for VertexRagDataService.ImportRagFiles.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Index
- A representation of a collection of database items organized in a way that allows for approximate nearest neighbor (a.k.a ANN) algorithms search.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexDatapoint
- A datapoint of Index.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexDatapointCrowdingTag
- Crowding tag is a constraint on a neighbor list produced by nearest neighbor search requiring that no more than some value k' of the k neighbors returned have the same value of crowding_attribute.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexDatapointNumericRestriction
- This field allows restricts to be based on numeric comparisons rather than categorical tokens.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexDatapointRestriction
- Restriction of a datapoint which describe its attributes(tokens) from each of several attribute categories(namespaces).
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexDatapointSparseEmbedding
- Feature embedding vector for sparse index.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexEndpoint
- Indexes are deployed into it.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexPrivateEndpoints
- IndexPrivateEndpoints proto is used to provide paths for users to send requests via private endpoints (e.g. private service access, private service connect).
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IndexStats
- Stats of the Index.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1InputDataConfig
- Specifies Vertex AI owned input data to be used for training, and possibly evaluating, the Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Int64Array
- A list of int64 values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1IntegratedGradientsAttribution
- An attribution method that computes the Aumann-Shapley value taking advantage of the model's fully differentiable structure.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1JiraSource
- The Jira source for the ImportRagFilesRequest.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1JiraSourceJiraQueries
- JiraQueries contains the Jira queries and corresponding authentication.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1LargeModelReference
- Contains information about the Large Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1LineageSubgraph
- A subgraph of the overall lineage graph.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListAnnotationsResponse
- Response message for DatasetService.ListAnnotations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListArtifactsResponse
- Response message for MetadataService.ListArtifacts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListBatchPredictionJobsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListBatchPredictionJobs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListCachedContentsResponse
- Response with a list of CachedContents.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListContextsResponse
- Response message for MetadataService.ListContexts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListCustomJobsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListCustomJobs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListDataItemsResponse
- Response message for DatasetService.ListDataItems.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListDataLabelingJobsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListDataLabelingJobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListDatasetsResponse
- Response message for DatasetService.ListDatasets.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListDatasetVersionsResponse
- Response message for DatasetService.ListDatasetVersions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListDeploymentResourcePoolsResponse
- Response message for ListDeploymentResourcePools method.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListEndpointsResponse
- Response message for EndpointService.ListEndpoints.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListEntityTypesResponse
- Response message for FeaturestoreService.ListEntityTypes.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListExecutionsResponse
- Response message for MetadataService.ListExecutions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListFeatureGroupsResponse
- Response message for FeatureRegistryService.ListFeatureGroups.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListFeatureOnlineStoresResponse
- Response message for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminService.ListFeatureOnlineStores.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListFeaturesResponse
- Response message for FeaturestoreService.ListFeatures.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListFeaturestoresResponse
- Response message for FeaturestoreService.ListFeaturestores.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListFeatureViewsResponse
- Response message for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminService.ListFeatureViews.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListFeatureViewSyncsResponse
- Response message for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminService.ListFeatureViewSyncs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListHyperparameterTuningJobsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListHyperparameterTuningJobs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListIndexEndpointsResponse
- Response message for IndexEndpointService.ListIndexEndpoints.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListIndexesResponse
- Response message for IndexService.ListIndexes.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListMetadataSchemasResponse
- Response message for MetadataService.ListMetadataSchemas.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListMetadataStoresResponse
- Response message for MetadataService.ListMetadataStores.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListModelDeploymentMonitoringJobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListModelEvaluationSlicesResponse
- Response message for ModelService.ListModelEvaluationSlices.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListModelEvaluationsResponse
- Response message for ModelService.ListModelEvaluations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListModelsResponse
- Response message for ModelService.ListModels
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListModelVersionCheckpointsResponse
- Response message for ModelService.ListModelVersionCheckpoints
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListModelVersionsResponse
- Response message for ModelService.ListModelVersions
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListNasJobsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListNasJobs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListNasTrialDetailsResponse
- Response message for JobService.ListNasTrialDetails
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListNotebookExecutionJobsResponse
- Response message for [NotebookService.CreateNotebookExecutionJob]
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListNotebookRuntimesResponse
- Response message for NotebookService.ListNotebookRuntimes.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListNotebookRuntimeTemplatesResponse
- Response message for NotebookService.ListNotebookRuntimeTemplates.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListOptimalTrialsResponse
- Response message for VizierService.ListOptimalTrials.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListPersistentResourcesResponse
- Response message for PersistentResourceService.ListPersistentResources
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListPipelineJobsResponse
- Response message for PipelineService.ListPipelineJobs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListRagCorporaResponse
- Response message for VertexRagDataService.ListRagCorpora.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListRagFilesResponse
- Response message for VertexRagDataService.ListRagFiles.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListReasoningEnginesResponse
- Response message for ReasoningEngineService.ListReasoningEngines
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListSavedQueriesResponse
- Response message for DatasetService.ListSavedQueries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListSchedulesResponse
- Response message for ScheduleService.ListSchedules
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListSpecialistPoolsResponse
- Response message for SpecialistPoolService.ListSpecialistPools.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListStudiesResponse
- Response message for VizierService.ListStudies.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTensorboardExperimentsResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ListTensorboardExperiments.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTensorboardRunsResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ListTensorboardRuns.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTensorboardsResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ListTensorboards.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTensorboardTimeSeriesResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ListTensorboardTimeSeries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTrainingPipelinesResponse
- Response message for PipelineService.ListTrainingPipelines
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTrialsResponse
- Response message for VizierService.ListTrials.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListTuningJobsResponse
- Response message for GenAiTuningService.ListTuningJobs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1LogprobsResult
- Logprobs Result
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1LogprobsResultCandidate
- Candidate for the logprobs token and score.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1LogprobsResultTopCandidates
- Candidates with top log probabilities at each decoding step.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1LookupStudyRequest
- Request message for VizierService.LookupStudy.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MachineSpec
- Specification of a single machine.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ManualBatchTuningParameters
- Manual batch tuning parameters.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Measurement
- A message representing a Measurement of a Trial.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MeasurementMetric
- A message representing a metric in the measurement.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MergeVersionAliasesRequest
- Request message for ModelService.MergeVersionAliases.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetadataSchema
- Instance of a general MetadataSchema.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetadataStore
- Instance of a metadata store.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetadataStoreDataplexConfig
- Represents Dataplex integration settings.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetadataStoreMetadataStoreState
- Represents state information for a MetadataStore.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Metric
- The metric used for dataset level evaluation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetricxInput
- Input for MetricX metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetricxResult
- Spec for MetricX result - calculates the MetricX score for the given instance using the version specified in the spec.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetricxSpec
- Spec for MetricX metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigratableResource
- Represents one resource that exists in, or
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigratableResourceAutomlDataset
- Represents one Dataset in
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigratableResourceAutomlModel
- Represents one Model in
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigratableResourceDataLabelingDataset
- Represents one Dataset in
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigratableResourceDataLabelingDatasetDataLabelingAnnotatedDataset
- Represents one AnnotatedDataset in
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigratableResourceMlEngineModelVersion
- Represents one model Version in
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigrateResourceRequest
- Config of migrating one resource from, and to Vertex AI.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigrateResourceRequestMigrateAutomlDatasetConfig
- Config for migrating Dataset in to Vertex AI's Dataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigrateResourceRequestMigrateAutomlModelConfig
- Config for migrating Model in to Vertex AI's Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigrateResourceRequestMigrateDataLabelingDatasetConfig
- Config for migrating Dataset in to Vertex AI's Dataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigrateResourceRequestMigrateDataLabelingDatasetConfigMigrateDataLabelingAnnotatedDatasetConfig
- Config for migrating AnnotatedDataset in to Vertex AI's SavedQuery.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MigrateResourceRequestMigrateMlEngineModelVersionConfig
- Config for migrating version in to Vertex AI's Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModalityTokenCount
- Represents token counting info for a single modality.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Model
- A trained machine learning Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelBaseModelSource
- User input field to specify the base model source.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelContainerSpec
- Specification of a container for serving predictions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelDataStats
- Stats of data used for train or evaluate the Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelDeploymentMonitoringBigQueryTable
- ModelDeploymentMonitoringBigQueryTable specifies the BigQuery table name as well as some information of the logs stored in this table.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelDeploymentMonitoringJob
- Represents a job that runs periodically to monitor the deployed models in an endpoint.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelDeploymentMonitoringJobLatestMonitoringPipelineMetadata
- All metadata of most recent monitoring pipelines.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelDeploymentMonitoringObjectiveConfig
- ModelDeploymentMonitoringObjectiveConfig contains the pair of deployed_model_id to ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfig.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelDeploymentMonitoringScheduleConfig
- The config for scheduling monitoring job.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluation
- A collection of metrics calculated by comparing Model's predictions on all of the test data against annotations from the test data.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationModelEvaluationExplanationSpec
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationSlice
- A collection of metrics calculated by comparing Model's predictions on a slice of the test data against ground truth annotations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationSliceSlice
- Definition of a slice.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationSliceSliceSliceSpec
- Specification for how the data should be sliced.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationSliceSliceSliceSpecRange
- A range of values for slice(s).
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationSliceSliceSliceSpecSliceConfig
- Specification message containing the config for this SliceSpec.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelEvaluationSliceSliceSliceSpecValue
- Single value that supports strings and floats.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelExplanation
- Aggregated explanation metrics for a Model over a set of instances.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelExportFormat
- Represents export format supported by the Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelGardenSource
- Contains information about the source of the models generated from Model Garden.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringAlertConfig
- The alert config for model monitoring.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringAlertConfigEmailAlertConfig
- The config for email alert.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfig
- The objective configuration for model monitoring, including the information needed to detect anomalies for one particular model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfigExplanationConfig
- The config for integrating with Vertex Explainable AI.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfigExplanationConfigExplanationBaseline
- Output from BatchPredictionJob for Model Monitoring baseline dataset, which can be used to generate baseline attribution scores.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfigPredictionDriftDetectionConfig
- The config for Prediction data drift detection.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfigTrainingDataset
- Training Dataset information.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringObjectiveConfigTrainingPredictionSkewDetectionConfig
- The config for Training & Prediction data skew detection.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringStatsAnomalies
- Statistics and anomalies generated by Model Monitoring.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelMonitoringStatsAnomaliesFeatureHistoricStatsAnomalies
- Historical Stats (and Anomalies) for a specific Feature.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelOriginalModelInfo
- Contains information about the original Model if this Model is a copy.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelVersionCheckpoint
- Describes the machine learning model version checkpoint.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MutateDeployedModelRequest
- Request message for EndpointService.MutateDeployedModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJob
- Represents a Neural Architecture Search (NAS) job.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobOutput
- Represents a uCAIP NasJob output.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobOutputMultiTrialJobOutput
- The output of a multi-trial Neural Architecture Search (NAS) jobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobSpec
- Represents the spec of a NasJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobSpecMultiTrialAlgorithmSpec
- The spec of multi-trial Neural Architecture Search (NAS).
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobSpecMultiTrialAlgorithmSpecMetricSpec
- Represents a metric to optimize.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobSpecMultiTrialAlgorithmSpecSearchTrialSpec
- Represent spec for search trials.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasJobSpecMultiTrialAlgorithmSpecTrainTrialSpec
- Represent spec for train trials.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasTrial
- Represents a uCAIP NasJob trial.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NasTrialDetail
- Represents a NasTrial details along with its parameters.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighborQuery
- A query to find a number of similar entities.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighborQueryEmbedding
- The embedding vector.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighborQueryNumericFilter
- Numeric filter is used to search a subset of the entities by using boolean rules on numeric columns.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighborQueryParameters
- Parameters that can be overrided in each query to tune query latency and recall.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighborQueryStringFilter
- String filter is used to search a subset of the entities by using boolean rules on string columns.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighbors
- Nearest neighbors for one query.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NearestNeighborsNeighbor
- A neighbor of the query vector.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Neighbor
- Neighbors for example-based explanations.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NetworkSpec
- Network spec.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NfsMount
- Represents a mount configuration for Network File System (NFS) to mount.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookEucConfig
- The euc configuration of NotebookRuntimeTemplate.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookExecutionJob
- NotebookExecutionJob represents an instance of a notebook execution.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookExecutionJobCustomEnvironmentSpec
- Compute configuration to use for an execution job.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookExecutionJobDataformRepositorySource
- The Dataform Repository containing the input notebook.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookExecutionJobDirectNotebookSource
- The content of the input notebook in ipynb format.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookExecutionJobGcsNotebookSource
- The Cloud Storage uri for the input notebook.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookIdleShutdownConfig
- The idle shutdown configuration of NotebookRuntimeTemplate, which contains the idle_timeout as required field.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookRuntime
- A runtime is a virtual machine allocated to a particular user for a particular Notebook file on temporary basis with lifetime limited to 24 hours.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookRuntimeTemplate
- A template that specifies runtime configurations such as machine type, runtime version, network configurations, etc.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookRuntimeTemplateRef
- Points to a NotebookRuntimeTemplateRef.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookSoftwareConfig
- Notebook Software Config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1OutputConfig
- Config for evaluation output.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseMetricInput
- Input for pairwise metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseMetricInstance
- Pairwise metric instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseMetricResult
- Spec for pairwise metric result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseMetricSpec
- Spec for pairwise metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseQuestionAnsweringQualityInput
- Input for pairwise question answering quality metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseQuestionAnsweringQualityInstance
- Spec for pairwise question answering quality instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseQuestionAnsweringQualityResult
- Spec for pairwise question answering quality result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseSummarizationQualityInput
- Input for pairwise summarization quality metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseSummarizationQualityInstance
- Spec for pairwise summarization quality instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseSummarizationQualityResult
- Spec for pairwise summarization quality result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseSummarizationQualitySpec
- Spec for pairwise summarization quality score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Part
A datatype containing media that is part of a multi-part
message. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PersistentDiskSpec
- Represents the spec of persistent disk options.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PersistentResource
- Represents long-lasting resources that are dedicated to users to runs custom workloads.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineJob
- An instance of a machine learning PipelineJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineJobDetail
- The runtime detail of PipelineJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineJobRuntimeConfig
- The runtime config of a PipelineJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineJobRuntimeConfigInputArtifact
- The type of an input artifact.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTaskDetail
- The runtime detail of a task execution.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTaskDetailArtifactList
- A list of artifact metadata.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTaskDetailPipelineTaskStatus
- A single record of the task status.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTaskExecutorDetail
- The runtime detail of a pipeline executor.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTaskExecutorDetailContainerDetail
- The detail of a container execution.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTaskExecutorDetailCustomJobDetail
- The detailed info for a custom job executor.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PipelineTemplateMetadata
- Pipeline template metadata if PipelineJob.template_uri is from supported template registry.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PointwiseMetricInput
- Input for pointwise metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PointwiseMetricInstance
- Pointwise metric instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PointwiseMetricResult
- Spec for pointwise metric result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PointwiseMetricSpec
- Spec for pointwise metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Port
- Represents a network port in a container.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PostStartupScriptConfig
- Post startup script config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PrebuiltVoiceConfig
- The configuration for the prebuilt speaker to use.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PredefinedSplit
- Assigns input data to training, validation, and test sets based on the value of a provided key.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PredictLongRunningRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.PredictLongRunning.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PredictRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.Predict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PredictRequestResponseLoggingConfig
- Configuration for logging request-response to a BigQuery table.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PredictResponse
- Response message for PredictionService.Predict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PredictSchemata
- Contains the schemata used in Model's predictions and explanations via PredictionService.Predict, PredictionService.Explain and BatchPredictionJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Presets
- Preset configuration for example-based explanations
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PrivateEndpoints
- PrivateEndpoints proto is used to provide paths for users to send requests privately.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PrivateServiceConnectConfig
- Represents configuration for private service connect.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Probe
- Probe describes a health check to be performed against a container to determine whether it is alive or ready to receive traffic.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ProbeGrpcAction
- GrpcAction checks the health of a container using a gRPC service.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ProbeHttpGetAction
- HttpGetAction describes an action based on HTTP Get requests.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ProbeHttpHeader
- HttpHeader describes a custom header to be used in HTTP probes
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ProbeTcpSocketAction
- TcpSocketAction probes the health of a container by opening a TCP socket connection.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PscAutomatedEndpoints
- PscAutomatedEndpoints defines the output of the forwarding rule automatically created by each PscAutomationConfig.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PSCAutomationConfig
- PSC config that is used to automatically create forwarding rule via ServiceConnectionMap.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModel
- A Model Garden Publisher Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToAction
- Actions could take on this Publisher Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionDeploy
- Model metadata that is needed for UploadModel or DeployModel/CreateEndpoint requests.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionDeployDeployMetadata
- Metadata information about the deployment for managing deployment config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionDeployGke
- Configurations for PublisherModel GKE deployment
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionDeployVertex
- Multiple setups to deploy the PublisherModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionOpenFineTuningPipelines
- Open fine tuning pipelines.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionOpenNotebooks
- Open notebooks.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionRegionalResourceReferences
- The regional resource name or the URI.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelCallToActionViewRestApi
- Rest API docs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelDocumentation
- A named piece of documentation.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PublisherModelResourceReference
- Reference to a resource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PurgeArtifactsRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.PurgeArtifacts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PurgeContextsRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.PurgeContexts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PurgeExecutionsRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.PurgeExecutions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PythonPackageSpec
- The spec of a Python packaged code.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QueryDeployedModelsResponse
- Response message for QueryDeployedModels method.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QueryReasoningEngineRequest
- Request message for ReasoningEngineExecutionService.Query.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QueryReasoningEngineResponse
- Response message for ReasoningEngineExecutionService.Query
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringCorrectnessInput
- Input for question answering correctness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringCorrectnessResult
- Spec for question answering correctness result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringCorrectnessSpec
- Spec for question answering correctness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringHelpfulnessInput
- Input for question answering helpfulness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringHelpfulnessResult
- Spec for question answering helpfulness result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringHelpfulnessSpec
- Spec for question answering helpfulness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringQualityInput
- Input for question answering quality metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringQualityInstance
- Spec for question answering quality instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringQualityResult
- Spec for question answering quality result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringRelevanceInput
- Input for question answering relevance metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringRelevanceResult
- Spec for question answering relevance result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringRelevanceSpec
- Spec for question answering relevance metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagContexts
- Relevant contexts for one query.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagContextsContext
- A context of the query.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagCorpus
- A RagCorpus is a RagFile container and a project can have multiple RagCorpora.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagEmbeddingModelConfig
- Config for the embedding model to use for RAG.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagEmbeddingModelConfigVertexPredictionEndpoint
- Config representing a model hosted on Vertex Prediction Endpoint.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagFile
- A RagFile contains user data for chunking, embedding and indexing.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagFileChunkingConfig
- Specifies the size and overlap of chunks for RagFiles.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagFileChunkingConfigFixedLengthChunking
- Specifies the fixed length chunking config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagFileTransformationConfig
- Specifies the transformation config for RagFiles.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagQuery
- A query to retrieve relevant contexts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagRetrievalConfig
- Specifies the context retrieval config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagRetrievalConfigFilter
- Config for filters.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagVectorDbConfig
- Config for the Vector DB to use for RAG.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagVectorDbConfigPinecone
- The config for the Pinecone.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagVectorDbConfigVertexVectorSearch
- The config for the Vertex Vector Search.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RawPredictRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.RawPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RayLogsSpec
- Configuration for the Ray OSS Logs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RayMetricSpec
- Configuration for the Ray metrics.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RaySpec
- Configuration information for the Ray cluster.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.ReadFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadFeatureValuesResponse
- Response message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.ReadFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadFeatureValuesResponseEntityView
- Entity view with Feature values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadFeatureValuesResponseEntityViewData
- Container to hold value(s), successive in time, for one Feature from the request.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadFeatureValuesResponseFeatureDescriptor
- Metadata for requested Features.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadFeatureValuesResponseHeader
- Response header with metadata for the requested ReadFeatureValuesRequest.entity_type and Features.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadIndexDatapointsRequest
- The request message for MatchService.ReadIndexDatapoints.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadIndexDatapointsResponse
- The response message for MatchService.ReadIndexDatapoints.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadTensorboardBlobDataResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ReadTensorboardBlobData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadTensorboardSizeResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ReadTensorboardSize.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadTensorboardTimeSeriesDataResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ReadTensorboardTimeSeriesData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadTensorboardUsageResponse
- Response message for TensorboardService.ReadTensorboardUsage.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadTensorboardUsageResponsePerMonthUsageData
- Per month usage data
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReadTensorboardUsageResponsePerUserUsageData
- Per user usage data.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReasoningEngine
- ReasoningEngine provides a customizable runtime for models to determine which actions to take and in which order.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReasoningEngineSpec
- ReasoningEngine configurations
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReasoningEngineSpecDeploymentSpec
- The specification of a Reasoning Engine deployment.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReasoningEngineSpecPackageSpec
- User provided package spec like pickled object and package requirements.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RebaseTunedModelRequest
- Request message for GenAiTuningService.RebaseTunedModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RemoveDatapointsRequest
- Request message for IndexService.RemoveDatapoints
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ReservationAffinity
- A ReservationAffinity can be used to configure a Vertex AI resource (e.g., a DeployedModel) to draw its Compute Engine resources from a Shared Reservation, or exclusively from on-demand capacity.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResourcePool
- Represents the spec of a group of resources of the same type, for example machine type, disk, and accelerators, in a PersistentResource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResourcePoolAutoscalingSpec
- The min/max number of replicas allowed if enabling autoscaling
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResourceRuntime
- Persistent Cluster runtime information as output
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResourceRuntimeSpec
- Configuration for the runtime on a PersistentResource instance, including but not limited to: * Service accounts used to run the workloads.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResourcesConsumed
- Statistics information about resource consumption.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResumeScheduleRequest
- Request message for ScheduleService.ResumeSchedule.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Retrieval
- Defines a retrieval tool that model can call to access external knowledge.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RetrievalConfig
- Retrieval config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RetrievalMetadata
- Metadata related to retrieval in the grounding flow.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RetrieveContextsRequest
- Request message for VertexRagService.RetrieveContexts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RetrieveContextsRequestVertexRagStore
- The data source for Vertex RagStore.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RetrieveContextsResponse
- Response message for VertexRagService.RetrieveContexts.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RougeInput
- Input for rouge metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RougeMetricValue
- Rouge metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RougeResults
- Results for rouge metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RougeSpec
- Spec for rouge score metric - calculates the recall of n-grams in prediction as compared to reference - returns a score ranging between 0 and 1.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SafetyInput
- Input for safety metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SafetyRating
- Safety rating corresponding to the generated content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SafetyResult
- Spec for safety result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SafetySetting
- Safety settings.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SampleConfig
- Active learning data sampling config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SampledShapleyAttribution
- An attribution method that approximates Shapley values for features that contribute to the label being predicted.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SamplingStrategy
- Sampling Strategy for logging, can be for both training and prediction dataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SamplingStrategyRandomSampleConfig
- Requests are randomly selected.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SavedQuery
- A SavedQuery is a view of the dataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Scalar
- One point viewable on a scalar metric plot.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schedule
- An instance of a Schedule periodically schedules runs to make API calls based on user specified time specification and API request type.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ScheduleRunResponse
- Status of a scheduled run.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Scheduling
- All parameters related to queuing and scheduling of custom jobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Schema
- Schema is used to define the format of input/output data.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchDataItemsResponse
- Response message for DatasetService.SearchDataItems.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchEntryPoint
- Google search entry point.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchFeaturesResponse
- Response message for FeaturestoreService.SearchFeatures.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchMigratableResourcesRequest
- Request message for MigrationService.SearchMigratableResources.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchMigratableResourcesResponse
- Response message for MigrationService.SearchMigratableResources.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesRequest
- Request message for JobService.SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomalies.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesRequestStatsAnomaliesObjective
- Stats requested for specific objective.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomaliesResponse
- Response message for JobService.SearchModelDeploymentMonitoringStatsAnomalies.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchNearestEntitiesRequest
- The request message for FeatureOnlineStoreService.SearchNearestEntities.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SearchNearestEntitiesResponse
- Response message for FeatureOnlineStoreService.SearchNearestEntities
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SecretEnvVar
- Represents an environment variable where the value is a secret in Cloud Secret Manager.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Segment
- Segment of the content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ServiceAccountSpec
- Configuration for the use of custom service account to run the workloads.
- The SharePointSources to pass to ImportRagFiles.
- An individual SharePointSource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ShieldedVmConfig
- A set of Shielded Instance options.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SlackSource
- The Slack source for the ImportRagFilesRequest.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SlackSourceSlackChannels
- SlackChannels contains the Slack channels and corresponding access token.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SlackSourceSlackChannelsSlackChannel
- SlackChannel contains the Slack channel ID and the time range to import.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SmoothGradConfig
- Config for SmoothGrad approximation of gradients.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SpecialistPool
- SpecialistPool represents customers' own workforce to work on their data labeling jobs.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SpeculativeDecodingSpec
- Configuration for Speculative Decoding.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SpeculativeDecodingSpecDraftModelSpeculation
- Draft model speculation works by using the smaller model to generate candidate tokens for speculative decoding.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SpeculativeDecodingSpecNgramSpeculation
- N-Gram speculation works by trying to find matching tokens in the previous prompt sequence and use those as speculation for generating new tokens.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SpeechConfig
- The speech generation config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StratifiedSplit
Assigns input data to the training, validation, and test sets so that the
distribution of values found in the categorical column (as specified by the
field) is mirrored within each split. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StreamingPredictRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.StreamingPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StreamingPredictResponse
- Response message for PredictionService.StreamingPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StreamingReadFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.StreamingReadFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StreamQueryReasoningEngineRequest
- Request message for ReasoningEngineExecutionService.StreamQuery.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StreamRawPredictRequest
- Request message for PredictionService.StreamRawPredict.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StringArray
- A list of string values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StructFieldValue
- One field of a Struct (or object) type feature value.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StructValue
- Struct (or object) type feature value.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Study
- A message representing a Study.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpec
- Represents specification of a Study.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecConvexAutomatedStoppingSpec
- Configuration for ConvexAutomatedStoppingSpec.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecDecayCurveAutomatedStoppingSpec
- The decay curve automated stopping rule builds a Gaussian Process Regressor to predict the final objective value of a Trial based on the already completed Trials and the intermediate measurements of the current Trial.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecMedianAutomatedStoppingSpec
- The median automated stopping rule stops a pending Trial if the Trial's best objective_value is strictly below the median 'performance' of all completed Trials reported up to the Trial's last measurement.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecMetricSpec
- Represents a metric to optimize.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecMetricSpecSafetyMetricConfig
- Used in safe optimization to specify threshold levels and risk tolerance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpec
- Represents a single parameter to optimize.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecCategoricalValueSpec
Value specification for a parameter in
type. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecConditionalParameterSpec
- Represents a parameter spec with condition from its parent parameter.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecConditionalParameterSpecCategoricalValueCondition
- Represents the spec to match categorical values from parent parameter.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecConditionalParameterSpecDiscreteValueCondition
- Represents the spec to match discrete values from parent parameter.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecConditionalParameterSpecIntValueCondition
- Represents the spec to match integer values from parent parameter.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecDiscreteValueSpec
Value specification for a parameter in
type. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecDoubleValueSpec
Value specification for a parameter in
type. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecParameterSpecIntegerValueSpec
Value specification for a parameter in
type. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudySpecStudyStoppingConfig
- The configuration (stopping conditions) for automated stopping of a Study.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StudyTimeConstraint
- Time-based Constraint for Study
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SuggestTrialsRequest
- Request message for VizierService.SuggestTrials.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationHelpfulnessInput
- Input for summarization helpfulness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationHelpfulnessResult
- Spec for summarization helpfulness result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationHelpfulnessSpec
- Spec for summarization helpfulness score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationQualityInput
- Input for summarization quality metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationQualityInstance
- Spec for summarization quality instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationQualityResult
- Spec for summarization quality result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationQualitySpec
- Spec for summarization quality score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationVerbosityInput
- Input for summarization verbosity metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationVerbosityResult
- Spec for summarization verbosity result.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationVerbositySpec
- Spec for summarization verbosity score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SupervisedHyperParameters
- Hyperparameters for SFT.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SupervisedTuningDatasetDistribution
- Dataset distribution for Supervised Tuning.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SupervisedTuningDatasetDistributionDatasetBucket
- Dataset bucket used to create a histogram for the distribution given a population of values.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SupervisedTuningDataStats
- Tuning data statistics for Supervised Tuning.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SupervisedTuningSpec
- Tuning Spec for Supervised Tuning for first party models.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SyncFeatureViewResponse
- Response message for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminService.SyncFeatureView.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Tensor
- A tensor value type.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Tensorboard
- Tensorboard is a physical database that stores users' training metrics.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardBlob
- One blob (e.g, image, graph) viewable on a blob metric plot.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardBlobSequence
One point viewable on a blob metric plot, but mostly just a wrapper message
to work around repeated fields can't be used directly within
fields. - GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardExperiment
- A TensorboardExperiment is a group of TensorboardRuns, that are typically the results of a training job run, in a Tensorboard.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardRun
- TensorboardRun maps to a specific execution of a training job with a given set of hyperparameter values, model definition, dataset, etc
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardTensor
- One point viewable on a tensor metric plot.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardTimeSeries
- TensorboardTimeSeries maps to times series produced in training runs
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TensorboardTimeSeriesMetadata
- Describes metadata for a TensorboardTimeSeries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TFRecordDestination
- The storage details for TFRecord output content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ThresholdConfig
- The config for feature monitoring threshold.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TimeSeriesData
- All the data stored in a TensorboardTimeSeries.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TimeSeriesDataPoint
- A TensorboardTimeSeries data point.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TimestampSplit
- Assigns input data to training, validation, and test sets based on a provided timestamps.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TokensInfo
- Tokens info with a list of tokens and the corresponding list of token ids.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Tool
- Tool details that the model may use to generate response.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCall
- Spec for tool call.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCallValidInput
- Input for tool call valid metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCallValidMetricValue
- Tool call valid metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCallValidResults
- Results for tool call valid metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolConfig
- Tool config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolNameMatchInput
- Input for tool name match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolNameMatchMetricValue
- Tool name match metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolNameMatchResults
- Results for tool name match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKeyMatchInput
- Input for tool parameter key match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKeyMatchMetricValue
- Tool parameter key match metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKeyMatchResults
- Results for tool parameter key match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKVMatchInput
- Input for tool parameter key value match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKVMatchMetricValue
- Tool parameter key value match metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKVMatchResults
- Results for tool parameter key value match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKVMatchSpec
- Spec for tool parameter key value match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrainingConfig
- CMLE training config.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrainingPipeline
- The TrainingPipeline orchestrates tasks associated with training a Model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Trajectory
- Spec for trajectory.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryAnyOrderMatchInput
- Instances and metric spec for TrajectoryAnyOrderMatch metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryAnyOrderMatchInstance
- Spec for TrajectoryAnyOrderMatch instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryAnyOrderMatchMetricValue
- TrajectoryAnyOrderMatch metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryAnyOrderMatchResults
- Results for TrajectoryAnyOrderMatch metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryExactMatchInput
- Instances and metric spec for TrajectoryExactMatch metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryExactMatchInstance
- Spec for TrajectoryExactMatch instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryExactMatchMetricValue
- TrajectoryExactMatch metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryExactMatchResults
- Results for TrajectoryExactMatch metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryInOrderMatchInput
- Instances and metric spec for TrajectoryInOrderMatch metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryInOrderMatchInstance
- Spec for TrajectoryInOrderMatch instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryInOrderMatchMetricValue
- TrajectoryInOrderMatch metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryInOrderMatchResults
- Results for TrajectoryInOrderMatch metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryPrecisionInput
- Instances and metric spec for TrajectoryPrecision metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryPrecisionInstance
- Spec for TrajectoryPrecision instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryPrecisionMetricValue
- TrajectoryPrecision metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryPrecisionResults
- Results for TrajectoryPrecision metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryRecallInput
- Instances and metric spec for TrajectoryRecall metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryRecallInstance
- Spec for TrajectoryRecall instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryRecallMetricValue
- TrajectoryRecall metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryRecallResults
- Results for TrajectoryRecall metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectorySingleToolUseInput
- Instances and metric spec for TrajectorySingleToolUse metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectorySingleToolUseInstance
- Spec for TrajectorySingleToolUse instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectorySingleToolUseMetricValue
- TrajectorySingleToolUse metric value for an instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectorySingleToolUseResults
- Results for TrajectorySingleToolUse metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectorySingleToolUseSpec
- Spec for TrajectorySingleToolUse metric - returns 1 if tool is present in the predicted trajectory, else 0.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Trial
- A message representing a Trial.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrialContext
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrialParameter
- A message representing a parameter to be tuned.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TunedModel
- The Model Registry Model and Online Prediction Endpoint associated with this TuningJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TunedModelRef
- TunedModel Reference for legacy model migration.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TuningDataStats
- The tuning data statistic values for TuningJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TuningJob
- Represents a TuningJob that runs with Google owned models.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UndeployIndexRequest
- Request message for IndexEndpointService.UndeployIndex.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UndeployModelRequest
- Request message for EndpointService.UndeployModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UnmanagedContainerModel
- Contains model information necessary to perform batch prediction without requiring a full model import.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UpdateEndpointLongRunningRequest
- Request message for EndpointService.UpdateEndpointLongRunning.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UpdateExplanationDatasetRequest
- Request message for ModelService.UpdateExplanationDataset.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UploadModelRequest
- Request message for ModelService.UploadModel.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UploadRagFileConfig
- Config for uploading RagFile.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UploadRagFileRequest
- Request message for VertexRagDataService.UploadRagFile.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UploadRagFileResponse
- Response message for VertexRagDataService.UploadRagFile.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UpsertDatapointsRequest
- Request message for IndexService.UpsertDatapoints
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UserActionReference
- References an API call.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1Value
- Value is the value of the field.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1VertexAISearch
- Retrieve from Vertex AI Search datastore or engine for grounding.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1VertexRagStore
- Retrieve from Vertex RAG Store for grounding.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1VideoMetadata
- Metadata describes the input video content.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1VoiceConfig
- The configuration for the voice to use.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WorkerPoolSpec
- Represents the spec of a worker pool in a job.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteFeatureValuesPayload
- Contains Feature values to be written for a specific entity.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteFeatureValuesRequest
- Request message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.WriteFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteTensorboardExperimentDataRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.WriteTensorboardExperimentData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteTensorboardRunDataRequest
- Request message for TensorboardService.WriteTensorboardRunData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1XraiAttribution
- An explanation method that redistributes Integrated Gradients attributions to segmented regions, taking advantage of the model's fully differentiable structure.
- GoogleCloudLocationListLocationsResponse
- The response message for Locations.ListLocations.
- GoogleIamV1Binding
, or principals, with arole
. - GoogleIamV1Policy
- An Identity and Access Management (IAM) policy, which specifies access controls for Google Cloud resources.
- GoogleIamV1SetIamPolicyRequest
Request message for
method. - GoogleLongrunningListOperationsResponse
- The response message for Operations.ListOperations.
- GoogleLongrunningOperation
- This resource represents a long-running operation that is the result of a network API call.
- Media
- Represents a media consisting of a stream of bytes, a content type and a length.
- MediaResource
- PartialDownloadOptions
- Options for downloading a Media.
- ProjectsLocationsBatchPredictionJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCachedContentsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCustomJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsCustomJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDataLabelingJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDataLabelingJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsAnnotationSpecsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsAnnotationSpecsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDataItemsAnnotationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDataItemsAnnotationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDataItemsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDataItemsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsDatasetVersionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsSavedQueriesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDatasetsSavedQueriesResource
- ProjectsLocationsDeploymentResourcePoolsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsDeploymentResourcePoolsResource
- ProjectsLocationsEndpointsChatResource
- ProjectsLocationsEndpointsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsEndpointsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureGroupsFeaturesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureGroupsFeaturesResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureGroupsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureGroupsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresFeatureViewsFeatureViewSyncsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresFeatureViewsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresFeatureViewsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeatureOnlineStoresResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresEntityTypesFeaturesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresEntityTypesFeaturesResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresEntityTypesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresEntityTypesResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsFeaturestoresResource
- ProjectsLocationsHyperparameterTuningJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsHyperparameterTuningJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIndexEndpointsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIndexEndpointsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIndexesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsIndexesResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresArtifactsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresArtifactsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresContextsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresContextsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresExecutionsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresExecutionsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresMetadataSchemasResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMetadataStoresResource
- ProjectsLocationsMigratableResourcesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsMigratableResourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelDeploymentMonitoringJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelsEvaluationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelsEvaluationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelsEvaluationsSlicesResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsModelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNasJobsNasTrialDetailsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNasJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookExecutionJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookExecutionJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookRuntimesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookRuntimesResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookRuntimeTemplatesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsNotebookRuntimeTemplatesResource
- ProjectsLocationsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPersistentResourcesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPersistentResourcesResource
- ProjectsLocationsPipelineJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPipelineJobsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPublishersModelsResource
- ProjectsLocationsPublishersResource
- ProjectsLocationsRagCorporaOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsRagCorporaRagFilesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsRagCorporaRagFilesResource
- ProjectsLocationsRagCorporaResource
- ProjectsLocationsReasoningEnginesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsReasoningEnginesResource
- ProjectsLocationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSchedulesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSchedulesResource
- ProjectsLocationsSpecialistPoolsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsSpecialistPoolsResource
- ProjectsLocationsStudiesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsStudiesResource
- ProjectsLocationsStudiesTrialsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsStudiesTrialsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsTimeSeriesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsExperimentsRunsTimeSeriesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTensorboardsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTrainingPipelinesOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTrainingPipelinesResource
- ProjectsLocationsTuningJobsOperationsResource
- ProjectsLocationsTuningJobsResource
- ProjectsResource
- PublishersModelsResource
- PublishersResource
- ResumableUploadOptions
- Specifies options for resumable uploads.
- UploadOptions
- Represents options for uploading a Media.
- GoogleApiHttpBody = $HttpBody
- Message that represents an arbitrary HTTP body.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddContextArtifactsAndExecutionsResponse = $Empty
- Response message for MetadataService.AddContextArtifactsAndExecutions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddContextChildrenRequest = $ContextChildrenRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.AddContextChildren.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddContextChildrenResponse = $Empty
- Response message for MetadataService.AddContextChildren.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1AddExecutionEventsResponse = $Empty
- Response message for MetadataService.AddExecutionEvents.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1BleuInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for bleu instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelBatchPredictionJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.CancelBatchPredictionJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelCustomJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.CancelCustomJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelDataLabelingJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.CancelDataLabelingJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelHyperparameterTuningJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.CancelHyperparameterTuningJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelNasJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.CancelNasJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelPipelineJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for PipelineService.CancelPipelineJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelTrainingPipelineRequest = $Empty
- Request message for PipelineService.CancelTrainingPipeline.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CancelTuningJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for GenAiTuningService.CancelTuningJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CheckTrialEarlyStoppingStateRequest = $Empty
- Request message for VizierService.CheckTrialEarlyStoppingState.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CoherenceInstance = $Instance01
- Spec for coherence instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CoherenceSpec = $Spec
- Spec for coherence score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1CometInstance = $Instance03
- Spec for Comet instance - The fields used for evaluation are dependent on the comet version.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DirectUploadSource = $Empty
- The input content is encapsulated and uploaded in the request.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1DiskSpec = $Shared04
- Represents the spec of disk options.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1EnterpriseWebSearch = $Empty
- Tool to search public web data, powered by Vertex AI Search and Sec4 compliance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExactMatchInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for exact match instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExactMatchSpec = $Empty
- Spec for exact match metric - returns 1 if prediction and reference exactly matches, otherwise 0.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportFilterSplit = $FilterSplit
- Assigns input data to training, validation, and test sets based on the given filters, data pieces not matched by any filter are ignored.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ExportFractionSplit = $FractionSplit
- Assigns the input data to training, validation, and test sets as per the given fractions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureOnlineStoreOptimized = $Empty
- Optimized storage type
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FeatureViewIndexConfigBruteForceConfig = $Empty
- Configuration options for using brute force search.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FilterSplit = $FilterSplit
- Assigns input data to training, validation, and test sets based on the given filters, data pieces not matched by any filter are ignored.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FluencyInstance = $Instance01
- Spec for fluency instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FluencySpec = $Spec
- Spec for fluency score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FractionSplit = $FractionSplit
- Assigns the input data to training, validation, and test sets as per the given fractions.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1FulfillmentSpec = $Spec
- Spec for fulfillment metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1GroundednessSpec = $Spec
- Spec for groundedness metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ListOptimalTrialsRequest = $Empty
- Request message for VizierService.ListOptimalTrials.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1MetricxInstance = $Instance03
- Spec for MetricX instance - The fields used for evaluation are dependent on the MetricX version.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ModelSourceInfo = $ModelSourceInfo
- Detail description of the source information of the model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1NotebookExecutionJobWorkbenchRuntime = $Empty
- Configuration for a Workbench Instances-based environment.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PairwiseQuestionAnsweringQualitySpec = $QuestionAnsweringQualitySpec
- Spec for pairwise question answering quality score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PauseModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.PauseModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1PauseScheduleRequest = $Empty
- Request message for ScheduleService.PauseSchedule.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ProbeExecAction = $ExecAction
- ExecAction specifies a command to execute.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringCorrectnessInstance = $Instance02
- Spec for question answering correctness instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringHelpfulnessInstance = $Instance02
- Spec for question answering helpfulness instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringQualitySpec = $QuestionAnsweringQualitySpec
- Spec for question answering quality score metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1QuestionAnsweringRelevanceInstance = $Instance02
- Spec for question answering relevance instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RagVectorDbConfigRagManagedDb = $Empty
- The config for the default RAG-managed Vector DB.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RebootPersistentResourceRequest = $Empty
- Request message for PersistentResourceService.RebootPersistentResource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RemoveContextChildrenRequest = $ContextChildrenRequest
- Request message for MetadataService.DeleteContextChildrenRequest.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RemoveContextChildrenResponse = $Empty
- Response message for MetadataService.RemoveContextChildren.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RemoveDatapointsResponse = $Empty
- Response message for IndexService.RemoveDatapoints
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ResumeModelDeploymentMonitoringJobRequest = $Empty
- Request message for JobService.ResumeModelDeploymentMonitoringJob.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RetrieveContextsRequestVertexRagStoreRagResource = $VertexRagStoreRagResource
- The definition of the Rag resource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1RougeInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for rouge instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SafetyInstance = $Instance01
- Spec for safety instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SafetySpec = $Spec
- Spec for safety metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SecretRef = $Shared05
- Reference to a secret stored in the Cloud Secret Manager that will provide the value for this environment variable.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StartNotebookRuntimeRequest = $Empty
- Request message for NotebookService.StartNotebookRuntime.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StopNotebookRuntimeRequest = $Empty
- Request message for NotebookService.StopNotebookRuntime.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1StopTrialRequest = $Empty
- Request message for VizierService.StopTrial.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationHelpfulnessInstance = $Instance04
- Spec for summarization helpfulness instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SummarizationVerbosityInstance = $Instance04
- Spec for summarization verbosity instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1SyncFeatureViewRequest = $Empty
- Request message for FeatureOnlineStoreAdminService.SyncFeatureView.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCallValidInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for tool call valid instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCallValidSpec = $Empty
- Spec for tool call valid metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolCodeExecution = $Empty
- Tool that executes code generated by the model, and automatically returns the result to the model.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolGoogleSearch = $Empty
- GoogleSearch tool type.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolNameMatchInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for tool name match instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolNameMatchSpec = $Empty
- Spec for tool name match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKeyMatchInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for tool parameter key match instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKeyMatchSpec = $Empty
- Spec for tool parameter key match metric.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1ToolParameterKVMatchInstance = $Instance00
- Spec for tool parameter key value match instance.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryAnyOrderMatchSpec = $Empty
- Spec for TrajectoryAnyOrderMatch metric - returns 1 if all tool calls in the reference trajectory appear in the predicted trajectory in any order, else 0.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryExactMatchSpec = $Empty
- Spec for TrajectoryExactMatch metric - returns 1 if tool calls in the reference trajectory exactly match the predicted trajectory, else 0.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryInOrderMatchSpec = $Empty
- Spec for TrajectoryInOrderMatch metric - returns 1 if tool calls in the reference trajectory appear in the predicted trajectory in the same order, else 0.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryPrecisionSpec = $Empty
- Spec for TrajectoryPrecision metric - returns a float score based on average precision of individual tool calls.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1TrajectoryRecallSpec = $Empty
- Spec for TrajectoryRecall metric - returns a float score based on average recall of individual tool calls.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UpgradeNotebookRuntimeRequest = $Empty
- Request message for NotebookService.UpgradeNotebookRuntime.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1UpsertDatapointsResponse = $Empty
- Response message for IndexService.UpsertDatapoints
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1VertexRagStoreRagResource = $VertexRagStoreRagResource
- The definition of the Rag resource.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteFeatureValuesResponse = $Empty
- Response message for FeaturestoreOnlineServingService.WriteFeatureValues.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteTensorboardExperimentDataResponse = $Empty
- Response message for TensorboardService.WriteTensorboardExperimentData.
- GoogleCloudAiplatformV1WriteTensorboardRunDataResponse = $Empty
- Response message for TensorboardService.WriteTensorboardRunData.
- GoogleCloudLocationLocation = $Location00
- A resource that represents a Google Cloud location.
- GoogleIamV1TestIamPermissionsResponse = $PermissionsResponse
Response message for
method. - GoogleProtobufEmpty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- GoogleRpcStatus = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. - GoogleTypeDate = $Date
- Represents a whole or partial calendar date, such as a birthday.
- GoogleTypeExpr = $Expr
- Represents a textual expression in the Common Expression Language (CEL) syntax.
- GoogleTypeInterval = $Interval
- Represents a time interval, encoded as a Timestamp start (inclusive) and a Timestamp end (exclusive).
- GoogleTypeLatLng = $LatLng
- An object that represents a latitude/longitude pair.
- GoogleTypeMoney = $Money
- Represents an amount of money with its currency type.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.