admin/directory_v1 library
Admin SDK API - directory_v1
Admin SDK lets administrators of enterprise domains to view and manage resources like user, groups etc. It also provides audit and usage reports of domain.
For more information, see
Create an instance of DirectoryApi to access these resources:
- AspsResource
- ChannelsResource
- ChromeosdevicesResource
- CustomerResource
- CustomersResource
- DomainAliasesResource
- DomainsResource
- GroupsResource
- MembersResource
- MobiledevicesResource
- OrgunitsResource
- PrivilegesResource
- ResourcesResource
- RoleAssignmentsResource
- RolesResource
- SchemasResource
- TokensResource
- TwoStepVerificationResource
- UsersResource
- VerificationCodesResource
- Alias
- JSON template for Alias object in Directory API.
- Aliases
- JSON response template to list aliases in Directory API.
- Asp
- An application-specific password (ASP) is used with applications that do not accept a verification code when logging into the application on certain devices.
- Asps
- AspsResource
- AuxiliaryMessage
- Auxiliary message about issues with printers or settings.
- BacklightInfo
- Information about the device's backlights.
- BatchChangeChromeOsDeviceStatusRequest
- A request for changing the status of a batch of ChromeOS devices.
- BatchChangeChromeOsDeviceStatusResponse
- The response of changing the status of a batch of ChromeOS devices.
- BatchCreatePrintersRequest
- Request for adding new printers in batch.
- BatchCreatePrintersResponse
- Response for adding new printers in batch.
- BatchCreatePrintServersRequest
- Request to add multiple new print servers in a batch.
- BatchCreatePrintServersResponse
- BatchDeletePrintersRequest
- Request for deleting existing printers in batch.
- BatchDeletePrintersResponse
- Response for deleting existing printers in batch.
- BatchDeletePrintServersRequest
- Request to delete multiple existing print servers in a batch.
- BatchDeletePrintServersResponse
- Building
- Public API: Resources.buildings
- BuildingAddress
- Public API: Resources.buildings
- BuildingCoordinates
- Public API: Resources.buildings
- Buildings
- Public API: Resources.buildings
- ByteUsage
- Represents a data capacity with some amount of current usage in bytes.
- CalendarResource
- Public API: Resources.calendars
- CalendarResources
- Public API: Resources.calendars
- ChangeChromeOsDeviceStatusResult
- The result of a single ChromeOS device for a Change state operation.
- Channel
- An notification channel used to watch for resource changes.
- ChannelsResource
- ChromeOsDevice
- Google Chrome devices run on the Chrome OS.
- ChromeOsDeviceAction
- Data about an update to the status of a Chrome OS device.
- ChromeOsDeviceActiveTimeRanges
- ChromeOsDeviceCpuInfo
- CPU specs for a CPU.
- ChromeOsDeviceCpuInfoLogicalCpus
- Status of a single logical CPU.
- ChromeOsDeviceCpuInfoLogicalCpusCStates
- Status of a single C-state.
- ChromeOsDeviceCpuStatusReports
- ChromeOsDeviceCpuStatusReportsCpuTemperatureInfo
- ChromeOsDeviceDeviceFiles
- ChromeOsDeviceDiskVolumeReports
- ChromeOsDeviceDiskVolumeReportsVolumeInfo
- ChromeOsDeviceLastKnownNetwork
- Information for an ip address.
- ChromeOsDeviceRecentUsers
- A list of recent device users, in descending order, by last login time.
- ChromeOsDevices
- ChromeOsDeviceScreenshotFiles
- ChromeosdevicesResource
- ChromeOsDeviceSystemRamFreeReports
- ChromeOsDeviceTpmVersionInfo
- Trusted Platform Module (TPM) (Read-only)
- ChromeOsMoveDevicesToOu
- CreatePrinterRequest
- Request for adding a new printer.
- CreatePrintServerRequest
- Request for adding a new print server.
- Customer
- CustomerDevicesChromeosCommandsResource
- CustomerDevicesChromeosResource
- CustomerDevicesResource
- CustomerPostalAddress
- CustomerResource
- CustomersChromePrintersResource
- CustomersChromePrintServersResource
- CustomersChromeResource
- CustomersResource
- DirectoryApi
- Admin SDK lets administrators of enterprise domains to view and manage resources like user, groups etc.
- DirectoryChromeosdevicesCommand
- Information regarding a command that was issued to a device.
- DirectoryChromeosdevicesCommandResult
- The result of executing a command.
- DirectoryChromeosdevicesIssueCommandRequest
- A request for issuing a command.
- DirectoryChromeosdevicesIssueCommandResponse
- A response for issuing a command.
- DomainAlias
- DomainAliases
- DomainAliasesResource
- Domains
- Domains2
- DomainsResource
- FailureInfo
- Info about failures
- FanInfo
- Information about the device's fan.
- Feature
- JSON template for Feature object in Directory API.
- FeatureRename
- Features
- Public API: Resources.features
- Group
- Google Groups provide your users the ability to send messages to groups of people using the group's email address.
- Groups
- GroupsAliasesResource
- GroupsResource
- ListPrinterModelsResponse
- Response for listing allowed printer models.
- ListPrintersResponse
- Response for listing printers.
- ListPrintServersResponse
- Member
- A Google Groups member can be a user or another group.
- Members
- MembersHasMember
- JSON template for Has Member response in Directory API.
- MembersResource
- MobileDevice
- Google Workspace Mobile Management includes Android, Google Sync, and iOS devices.
- MobileDeviceAction
- MobileDeviceApplications
- MobileDevices
- MobiledevicesResource
- OrgUnit
- Managing your account's organizational units allows you to configure your users' access to services and custom settings.
- OrgUnits
- OrgunitsResource
- OsUpdateStatus
- Contains information regarding the current OS update status.
- Printer
- Printer configuration.
- PrinterModel
- Printer manufacturer and model
- PrintServer
- Configuration for a print server.
- PrintServerFailureInfo
- Info about failures
- Privilege
- Privileges
- PrivilegesResource
- ResourcesBuildingsResource
- ResourcesCalendarsResource
- ResourcesFeaturesResource
- ResourcesResource
- Role
- RoleAssignment
- Defines an assignment of a role.
- RoleAssignments
- RoleAssignmentsResource
- RoleRolePrivileges
- Roles
- RolesResource
- Schema
- The type of API resource.
- SchemaFieldSpec
- You can use schemas to add custom fields to user profiles.
- SchemaFieldSpecNumericIndexingSpec
- Indexing spec for a numeric field.
- Schemas
- JSON response template for List Schema operation in Directory API.
- SchemasResource
- Token
- JSON template for token resource in Directory API.
- Tokens
- JSON response template for List tokens operation in Directory API.
- TokensResource
- TwoStepVerificationResource
- User
- The Directory API allows you to create and manage your account's users, user aliases, and user Google profile photos.
- UserMakeAdmin
- UserName
- UserPhoto
- Users
- UsersAliasesResource
- UsersPhotosResource
- UsersResource
- UserUndelete
- VerificationCode
- The Directory API allows you to view, generate, and invalidate backup verification codes for a user.
- VerificationCodes
- JSON response template for list verification codes operation in Directory API.
- VerificationCodesResource
- ChangeChromeOsDeviceStatusSucceeded = $Empty
- Response for a successful ChromeOS device status change.
- Empty = $Empty
- A generic empty message that you can re-use to avoid defining duplicated empty messages in your APIs.
- Status = $Status00
type defines a logical error model that is suitable for different programming environments, including REST APIs and RPC APIs. -
= Map<
String, Object?> - JSON template for a set of custom properties (i.e. all fields in a particular schema)
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.