subjectToken property

String? subjectToken
getter/setter pair

The input token.

This token is either an external credential issued by a workload identity pool provider, or a short-lived access token issued by Google. If the token is an OIDC JWT, it must use the JWT format defined in RFC 7523, and the subject_token_type must be either urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:jwt or urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token. The following headers are required: - kid: The identifier of the signing key securing the JWT. - alg: The cryptographic algorithm securing the JWT. Must be RS256 or ES256. The following payload fields are required. For more information, see RFC 7523, Section 3:

  • iss: The issuer of the token. The issuer must provide a discovery document at the URL /.well-known/openid-configuration, where `` is the value of this field. The document must be formatted according to section 4.2 of the OIDC 1.0 Discovery specification.
  • iat: The issue time, in seconds, since the Unix epoch. Must be in the past. - exp: The expiration time, in seconds, since the Unix epoch. Must be less than 48 hours after iat. Shorter expiration times are more secure. If possible, we recommend setting an expiration time less than 6 hours. - sub: The identity asserted in the JWT. - aud: For workload identity pools, this must be a value specified in the allowed audiences for the workload identity pool provider, or one of the audiences allowed by default if no audiences were specified. See For workforce pools, this must match the client ID specified in the provider configuration. See Example header: { "alg": "RS256", "kid": "us-east-11" } Example payload: { "iss": "", "iat": 1517963104, "exp": 1517966704, "aud": "//", "sub": "113475438248934895348", "my_claims": { "additional_claim": "value" } } If subject_token is for AWS, it must be a serialized GetCallerIdentity token. This token contains the same information as a request to the AWS [GetCallerIdentity()]( method, as well as the AWS signature for the request information. Use Signature Version 4. Format the request as URL-encoded JSON, and set the subject_token_type parameter to urn:ietf:params:aws:token-type:aws4_request. The following parameters are required: - url: The URL of the AWS STS endpoint for GetCallerIdentity(), such as Regional endpoints are also supported. - method: The HTTP request method: POST. - headers: The HTTP request headers, which must include:
  • Authorization: The request signature. - x-amz-date: The time you will send the request, formatted as an ISO8601 Basic string. This value is typically set to the current time and is used to help prevent replay attacks. - host: The hostname of the url field; for example, - x-goog-cloud-target-resource: The full, canonical resource name of the workload identity pool provider, with or without an https: prefix. To help ensure data integrity, we recommend including this header in the SignedHeaders field of the signed request. For example: // If you are using temporary security credentials provided by AWS, you must also include the header x-amz-security-token, with the value set to the session token. The following example shows a GetCallerIdentity token:
{"key": "Authorization", "value":
{"key": "x-goog-cloud-target-resource", "value":
{"key": "host", "value": ""} . ], "method": "POST",
"" }
``` If the token is a SAML 2.0 assertion, it must use the format defined
[the SAML 2.0 spec](,
and the `subject_token_type` must be
`urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:saml2`. See
[Verification of external credentials](
for details on how SAML 2.0 assertions are validated during token
exchanges. You can also use a Google-issued OAuth 2.0 access token with
this field to obtain an access token with new security attributes applied,
such as a Credential Access Boundary. In this case, set
`subject_token_type` to `urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token`.
If an access token already contains security attributes, you cannot apply
additional security attributes.



core.String? subjectToken;