minimalAction property

String? minimalAction
getter/setter pair

The minimal action that you want to perform on each instance during the update: - REPLACE: At minimum, delete the instance and create it again.

  • RESTART: Stop the instance and start it again. - REFRESH: Do not stop the instance and limit disruption as much as possible. - NONE: Do not disrupt the instance at all. By default, the minimum action is NONE. If your update requires a more disruptive action than you set with this flag, the necessary action is performed to execute the update. Possible string values are:
  • "NONE" : Do not perform any action.
  • "REFRESH" : Do not stop the instance.
  • "REPLACE" : (Default.) Replace the instance according to the replacement method option.
  • "RESTART" : Stop the instance and start it again.


core.String? minimalAction;