code property
Error code. Possible string values are:
- "UNSPECIFIED" : This is never used.
- "RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED" : Quota allocation failed. Same as google.rpc.Code.RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED.
- "OUT_OF_RANGE" : Quota release failed. This error is ONLY returned on a NORMAL release. More formally: if a user requests a release of 10 tokens, but only 5 tokens were previously allocated, in a BEST_EFFORT release, this will be considered a success, 5 tokens will be released, and the result will be "Ok". If this is done in NORMAL mode, no tokens will be released, and an OUT_OF_RANGE error will be returned. Same as google.rpc.Code.OUT_OF_RANGE.
- "BILLING_NOT_ACTIVE" : Consumer cannot access the service because the service requires active billing.
- "PROJECT_DELETED" : Consumer's project has been marked as deleted (soft deletion).
- "API_KEY_INVALID" : Specified API key is invalid.
- "API_KEY_EXPIRED" : Specified API Key has expired.
- "SPATULA_HEADER_INVALID" : Consumer's spatula header is invalid.
- "LOAS_ROLE_INVALID" : The consumer's LOAS role is invalid.
- "NO_LOAS_PROJECT" : The consumer's LOAS role has no associated project.
- "PROJECT_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE" : The backend server for looking up project id/number is unavailable.
- "SERVICE_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE" : The backend server for checking service status is unavailable.
- "BILLING_STATUS_UNAVAILABLE" : The backend server for checking billing status is unavailable.
- "QUOTA_SYSTEM_UNAVAILABLE" : The backend server for checking quota limits is unavailable.
core.String? code;