variantRollupValues property

Map<String, Object?>? variantRollupValues
getter/setter pair

The rollup matching variant Product attributes.

The key is one of the SearchRequest.variant_rollup_keys. The values are the merged and de-duplicated Product attributes. Notice that the rollup values are respect filter. For example, when filtering by "colorFamilies:ANY("red")" and rollup "colorFamilies", only "red" is returned. For textual and numerical attributes, the rollup values is a list of string or double values with type google.protobuf.ListValue. For example, if there are two variants with colors "red" and "blue", the rollup values are { key: "colorFamilies" value { list_value { values { string_value: "red" } values { string_value: "blue" } } } } For FulfillmentInfo, the rollup values is a double value with type google.protobuf.Value. For example, {key: "pickupInStore.store1" value { number_value: 10 }} means a there are 10 variants in this product are available in the store "store1".

The values for Object must be JSON objects. It can consist of num, String, bool and null as well as Map and List values.


core.Map<core.String, core.Object?>? variantRollupValues;