retrievableFields property

  1. @Deprecated('Not supported. Member documentation may have more information.')
String? retrievableFields
getter/setter pair

Indicates which fields in the Products are returned in SearchResponse.

Supported fields for all types: * audience * availability * brands * color_info * conditions * gtin * materials * name * patterns * price_info

  • rating * sizes * title * uri Supported fields only for Type.PRIMARY and Type.COLLECTION: * categories * description * images Supported fields only for Type.VARIANT: * Only the first image in images To mark attributes as retrievable, include paths of the form "attributes.key" where "key" is the key of a custom attribute, as specified in attributes. For Type.PRIMARY and Type.COLLECTION, the following fields are always returned in SearchResponse by default: * name For Type.VARIANT, the following fields are always returned in by default: * name * color_info The maximum number of paths is 30. Otherwise, an INVALID_ARGUMENT error is returned. Note: Returning more fields in SearchResponse can increase response payload size and serving latency. This field is deprecated. Use the retrievable site-wide control instead.


  'Not supported. Member documentation may have more information.',
core.String? retrievableFields;