Step class

A simulated forwarding path is composed of multiple steps.

Each step has a well-defined state and an associated configuration.


Step({AbortInfo? abort, AppEngineVersionInfo? appEngineVersion, bool? causesDrop, CloudFunctionInfo? cloudFunction, CloudRunRevisionInfo? cloudRunRevision, CloudSQLInstanceInfo? cloudSqlInstance, DeliverInfo? deliver, String? description, DropInfo? drop, EndpointInfo? endpoint, FirewallInfo? firewall, ForwardInfo? forward, ForwardingRuleInfo? forwardingRule, GKEMasterInfo? gkeMaster, GoogleServiceInfo? googleService, InstanceInfo? instance, LoadBalancerInfo? loadBalancer, LoadBalancerBackendInfo? loadBalancerBackendInfo, NatInfo? nat, NetworkInfo? network, String? projectId, ProxyConnectionInfo? proxyConnection, RouteInfo? route, ServerlessNegInfo? serverlessNeg, String? state, StorageBucketInfo? storageBucket, VpcConnectorInfo? vpcConnector, VpnGatewayInfo? vpnGateway, VpnTunnelInfo? vpnTunnel})
Step.fromJson(Map json_)


abort AbortInfo?
Display information of the final state "abort" and reason.
getter/setter pair
appEngineVersion AppEngineVersionInfo?
Display information of an App Engine service version.
getter/setter pair
causesDrop bool?
This is a step that leads to the final state Drop.
getter/setter pair
cloudFunction CloudFunctionInfo?
Display information of a Cloud Function.
getter/setter pair
cloudRunRevision CloudRunRevisionInfo?
Display information of a Cloud Run revision.
getter/setter pair
cloudSqlInstance CloudSQLInstanceInfo?
Display information of a Cloud SQL instance.
getter/setter pair
deliver DeliverInfo?
Display information of the final state "deliver" and reason.
getter/setter pair
description String?
A description of the step.
getter/setter pair
drop DropInfo?
Display information of the final state "drop" and reason.
getter/setter pair
endpoint EndpointInfo?
Display information of the source and destination under analysis.
getter/setter pair
firewall FirewallInfo?
Display information of a Compute Engine firewall rule.
getter/setter pair
forward ForwardInfo?
Display information of the final state "forward" and reason.
getter/setter pair
forwardingRule ForwardingRuleInfo?
Display information of a Compute Engine forwarding rule.
getter/setter pair
gkeMaster GKEMasterInfo?
Display information of a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster master.
getter/setter pair
googleService GoogleServiceInfo?
Display information of a Google service
getter/setter pair
hashCode int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
instance InstanceInfo?
Display information of a Compute Engine instance.
getter/setter pair
loadBalancer LoadBalancerInfo?
Display information of the load balancers.
getter/setter pair
loadBalancerBackendInfo LoadBalancerBackendInfo?
Display information of a specific load balancer backend.
getter/setter pair
nat NatInfo?
Display information of a NAT.
getter/setter pair
network NetworkInfo?
Display information of a Google Cloud network.
getter/setter pair
projectId String?
Project ID that contains the configuration this step is validating.
getter/setter pair
proxyConnection ProxyConnectionInfo?
Display information of a ProxyConnection.
getter/setter pair
route RouteInfo?
Display information of a Compute Engine route.
getter/setter pair
runtimeType Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
serverlessNeg ServerlessNegInfo?
Display information of a Serverless network endpoint group backend.
getter/setter pair
state String?
Each step is in one of the pre-defined states. Possible string values are:
getter/setter pair
storageBucket StorageBucketInfo?
Display information of a Storage Bucket.
getter/setter pair
vpcConnector VpcConnectorInfo?
Display information of a VPC connector.
getter/setter pair
vpnGateway VpnGatewayInfo?
Display information of a Compute Engine VPN gateway.
getter/setter pair
vpnTunnel VpnTunnelInfo?
Display information of a Compute Engine VPN tunnel.
getter/setter pair


noSuchMethod(Invocation invocation) → dynamic
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
toJson() Map<String, dynamic>
toString() String
A string representation of this object.


operator ==(Object other) bool
The equality operator.