cause property
Causes that the analysis is aborted. Possible string values are:
- "CAUSE_UNSPECIFIED" : Cause is unspecified.
- "UNKNOWN_NETWORK" : Aborted due to unknown network. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "UNKNOWN_PROJECT" : Aborted because no project information can be derived from the test input. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "NO_EXTERNAL_IP" : Aborted because traffic is sent from a public IP to an instance without an external IP. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "UNINTENDED_DESTINATION" : Aborted because none of the traces matches destination information specified in the input test request. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "SOURCE_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because the source endpoint could not be found. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "MISMATCHED_SOURCE_NETWORK" : Aborted because the source network does not match the source endpoint. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "DESTINATION_ENDPOINT_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because the destination endpoint could not be found. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "MISMATCHED_DESTINATION_NETWORK" : Aborted because the destination network does not match the destination endpoint. Deprecated, not used in the new tests.
- "UNKNOWN_IP" : Aborted because no endpoint with the packet's destination IP address is found.
- "GOOGLE_MANAGED_SERVICE_UNKNOWN_IP" : Aborted because no endpoint with the packet's destination IP is found in the Google-managed project.
- "SOURCE_IP_ADDRESS_NOT_IN_SOURCE_NETWORK" : Aborted because the source IP address doesn't belong to any of the subnets of the source VPC network.
- "PERMISSION_DENIED" : Aborted because user lacks permission to access all or part of the network configurations required to run the test.
- "PERMISSION_DENIED_NO_CLOUD_NAT_CONFIGS" : Aborted because user lacks permission to access Cloud NAT configs required to run the test.
- "PERMISSION_DENIED_NO_NEG_ENDPOINT_CONFIGS" : Aborted because user lacks permission to access Network endpoint group endpoint configs required to run the test.
- "NO_SOURCE_LOCATION" : Aborted because no valid source or destination endpoint is derived from the input test request.
- "INVALID_ARGUMENT" : Aborted because the source or destination endpoint specified in the request is invalid. Some examples: - The request might contain malformed resource URI, project ID, or IP address. - The request might contain inconsistent information (for example, the request might include both the instance and the network, but the instance might not have a NIC in that network).
- "TRACE_TOO_LONG" : Aborted because the number of steps in the trace exceeds a certain limit. It might be caused by a routing loop.
- "INTERNAL_ERROR" : Aborted due to internal server error.
- "UNSUPPORTED" : Aborted because the test scenario is not supported.
- "MISMATCHED_IP_VERSION" : Aborted because the source and destination resources have no common IP version.
- "GKE_KONNECTIVITY_PROXY_UNSUPPORTED" : Aborted because the connection between the control plane and the node of the source cluster is initiated by the node and managed by the Konnectivity proxy.
- "RESOURCE_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because expected resource configuration was missing.
- "VM_INSTANCE_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because expected VM instance configuration was missing.
- "NETWORK_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because expected network configuration was missing.
- "FIREWALL_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because expected firewall configuration was missing.
- "ROUTE_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND" : Aborted because expected route configuration was missing.
- "GOOGLE_MANAGED_SERVICE_AMBIGUOUS_PSC_ENDPOINT" : Aborted because a PSC endpoint selection for the Google-managed service is ambiguous (several PSC endpoints satisfy test input).
- "SOURCE_PSC_CLOUD_SQL_UNSUPPORTED" : Aborted because tests with a PSC-based Cloud SQL instance as a source are not supported.
- "SOURCE_FORWARDING_RULE_UNSUPPORTED" : Aborted because tests with a forwarding rule as a source are not supported.
- "NON_ROUTABLE_IP_ADDRESS" : Aborted because one of the endpoints is a non-routable IP address (loopback, link-local, etc).
- "UNKNOWN_ISSUE_IN_GOOGLE_MANAGED_PROJECT" : Aborted due to an unknown issue in the Google-managed project.
- "UNSUPPORTED_GOOGLE_MANAGED_PROJECT_CONFIG" : Aborted due to an unsupported configuration of the Google-managed project.
core.String? cause;