valueExtractor property
A value_extractor is required when using a distribution logs-based metric to extract the values to record from a log entry.
Two functions are supported for value extraction: EXTRACT(field) or REGEXP_EXTRACT(field, regex). The arguments are: field: The name of the log entry field from which the value is to be extracted. regex: A regular expression using the Google RE2 syntax ( with a single capture group to extract data from the specified log entry field. The value of the field is converted to a string before applying the regex. It is an error to specify a regex that does not include exactly one capture group.The result of the extraction must be convertible to a double type, as the distribution always records double values. If either the extraction or the conversion to double fails, then those values are not recorded in the distribution.Example: REGEXP_EXTRACT(jsonPayload.request, ".quantity=(\d+).")
core.String? valueExtractor;