localservices/v1 library
Local Services API - v1
For more information, see ads.google.com/local-services-ads/
Create an instance of LocalservicesApi to access these resources:
- AccountReportsResource
- DetailedLeadReportsResource
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1AccountReport
- An Account Report of a GLS account identified by their account id containing aggregate data gathered from a particular date range.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1AggregatorInfo
- Conatiner for aggregator specific information if lead is for an aggregator GLS account.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1BookingLead
- Container for booking lead specific information.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1DetailedLeadReport
- A Detailed Lead Report of a lead identified by their lead id and contains consumer, account, monetization, and lead data.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1MessageLead
- Container for message lead specific information.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1PhoneLead
- Container for phone lead specific information.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1SearchAccountReportsResponse
- A page of the response received from the SearchAccountReports method.
- GoogleAdsHomeservicesLocalservicesV1SearchDetailedLeadReportsResponse
- A page of the response received from the SearchDetailedLeadReports method.
- LocalservicesApi
- GoogleTypeTimeZone = $TimeZone
- Represents a time zone from the IANA Time Zone Database.
Exceptions / Errors
- ApiRequestError
- Represents a general error reported by the API endpoint.
- DetailedApiRequestError
- Represents a specific error reported by the API endpoint.