VerifyAssertionResponse class
Response of verifying the IDP assertion.
-{String? action, String? appInstallationUrl, String? appScheme, String? context, String? dateOfBirth, String? displayName, String? email, bool? emailRecycled, bool? emailVerified, String? errorMessage, String? expiresIn, String? federatedId, String? firstName, String? fullName, String? idToken, String? inputEmail, bool? isNewUser, String? kind, String? language, String? lastName, String? localId, bool? needConfirmation, bool? needEmail, String? nickName, String? oauthAccessToken, String? oauthAuthorizationCode, int? oauthExpireIn, String? oauthIdToken, String? oauthRequestToken, String? oauthScope, String? oauthTokenSecret, String? originalEmail, String? photoUrl, String? providerId, String? rawUserInfo, String? refreshToken, String? screenName, String? timeZone, List<
String> ? verifiedProvider}) - VerifyAssertionResponse.fromJson(Map json_)
- action ↔ String?
The action code.
getter/setter pair
- appInstallationUrl ↔ String?
URL for OTA app installation.
getter/setter pair
- appScheme ↔ String?
The custom scheme used by mobile app.
getter/setter pair
- context ↔ String?
The opaque value used by the client to maintain context info between the
authentication request and the IDP callback.
getter/setter pair
- dateOfBirth ↔ String?
The birth date of the IdP account.
getter/setter pair
- displayName ↔ String?
The display name of the user.
getter/setter pair
- email ↔ String?
The email returned by the IdP.
getter/setter pair
- emailRecycled ↔ bool?
It's true if the email is recycled.
getter/setter pair
- emailVerified ↔ bool?
The value is true if the IDP is also the email provider.
getter/setter pair
- errorMessage ↔ String?
Client error code.
getter/setter pair
- expiresIn ↔ String?
If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be expiration time of STS
id token in seconds.
getter/setter pair
- federatedId ↔ String?
The unique ID identifies the IdP account.
getter/setter pair
- firstName ↔ String?
The first name of the user.
getter/setter pair
- fullName ↔ String?
The full name of the user.
getter/setter pair
- hashCode → int
The hash code for this object.
no setterinherited
- idToken ↔ String?
The ID token.
getter/setter pair
- inputEmail ↔ String?
It's the identifier param in the createAuthUri request if the identifier
is an email.
getter/setter pair
- isNewUser ↔ bool?
True if it's a new user sign-in, false if it's a returning user.
getter/setter pair
- kind ↔ String?
The fixed string "identitytoolkit#VerifyAssertionResponse".
getter/setter pair
- language ↔ String?
The language preference of the user.
getter/setter pair
- lastName ↔ String?
The last name of the user.
getter/setter pair
- localId ↔ String?
The RP local ID if it's already been mapped to the IdP account identified
by the federated ID.
getter/setter pair
- needConfirmation ↔ bool?
Whether the assertion is from a non-trusted IDP and need account linking
getter/setter pair
- needEmail ↔ bool?
Whether need client to supply email to complete the federated login flow.
getter/setter pair
- nickName ↔ String?
The nick name of the user.
getter/setter pair
- oauthAccessToken ↔ String?
The OAuth2 access token.
getter/setter pair
- oauthAuthorizationCode ↔ String?
The OAuth2 authorization code.
getter/setter pair
- oauthExpireIn ↔ int?
The lifetime in seconds of the OAuth2 access token.
getter/setter pair
- oauthIdToken ↔ String?
The OIDC id token.
getter/setter pair
- oauthRequestToken ↔ String?
The user approved request token for the OpenID OAuth extension.
getter/setter pair
- oauthScope ↔ String?
The scope for the OpenID OAuth extension.
getter/setter pair
- oauthTokenSecret ↔ String?
The OAuth1 access token secret.
getter/setter pair
- originalEmail ↔ String?
The original email stored in the mapping storage.
getter/setter pair
- photoUrl ↔ String?
The URI of the public accessible profiel picture.
getter/setter pair
- providerId ↔ String?
The IdP ID.
getter/setter pair
- rawUserInfo ↔ String?
Raw IDP-returned user info.
getter/setter pair
- refreshToken ↔ String?
If idToken is STS id token, then this field will be refresh token.
getter/setter pair
- runtimeType → Type
A representation of the runtime type of the object.
no setterinherited
- screenName ↔ String?
The screen_name of a Twitter user or the login name at Github.
getter/setter pair
- timeZone ↔ String?
The timezone of the user.
getter/setter pair
↔ List<
String> ? -
When action is 'map', contains the idps which can be used for
getter/setter pair
Invocation invocation) → dynamic -
Invoked when a nonexistent method or property is accessed.
) → Map< String, dynamic> -
) → String -
A string representation of this object.
operator ==(
Object other) → bool -
The equality operator.