expression property

String? expression
getter/setter pair

Raw string CEL expression.

Must return a list of attributes. A maximum of 45 attributes can be selected. Expressions can select different attribute types from attributes: attributes.saml_attributes, attributes.iap_attributes. The following functions are supported: - filter .filter(, ): Returns a subset of where is true for every item. - in in: Returns true if contains. - selectByName .selectByName(): Returns the attribute in with the given name, otherwise returns empty. - emitAs .emitAs(): Sets the name field to the given for propagation in selected output credentials. - strict .strict(): Ignores the x-goog-iap-attr- prefix for the provided when propagating with the `HEADER` output credential, such as request headers. - append `.append()` OR `.append()`: Appends the provided or to the end of. Example expression: attributes.saml_attributes.filter(x, in ['test']).append(attributes.iap_attributes.selectByName('exact').emitAs('custom').strict())



core.String? expression;